Volta’s translation bounties

2 min readJun 28, 2019


Volta is getting bounties to translate our sources. If you want to learn our reasoning behind this and to find out how you can make use of these bounties we recommend you to read this article.

Why translation bounties

If you’ve ever been invested in a project and you want to help you may understand why it can take a lot of work to translate some official source or help in other ways. This is why we believe we should compensate people to help us out.

We believe it’s very important for technology like ours to be used and understood. Something may claim to be decentralized but if there’s no one to check the authenticity of this claim it’s as good as useless.

To help more people understand what Volta is about we believe it’s important to translate as much of our official sources as we can as it permits people to read how we work in the language they’re must comfortable with. This makes it easier to understand the complex systems in place to make Volta work.

How can you use them

If you’re interested in helping us by translating one of our sources please first contact us on discord. Give us the link of what source you want to translate and in what language, so we can prevent a lot of duplicate translations to be made. After you’ve contacted us we’ll get into contact if it takes a long time to translate to prevent people from claiming translations and not doing them.

The definition of sources are things like our ann, articles and whitepaper.

We will be paying 2k XVT per translation. We are paying these translations from our donation funds, if you’re interested in donating please read about it here

Other bounties may be released in the future. If you have any suggestions contact us on one of the following:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/VoltaCrypto
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/eyWdsvK
Website: https://Volta.im

