Over the past 6 months, we have dedicated ourselves to acquiring some of the best Block Producers in the world to launch on the WORBLI network. After months of forging bonds and working together with key EOS communities and many Block Producer candidates, we proudly present to the world our fine list of 21 Block Producers who will launch our network to the public, come November 2018!

3 min readOct 24, 2018


Additional to the 21 Block Producers launching the network, we have a number of Reserve Block Producers who we are confirming agreements with over the coming fortnight. We will provide further updates on this in due course!

From the very beginning, WORBLI wanted diverse and vibrant skill sets that could be combined and utilised to advance technology as we see and use today. We wanted our ecosystem to consist of governance experts, front and back-end developers, smart contract specialists, strong communities, commitment to continuous product development, philanthropic mindsets, and most importantly WORBLI want the ecosystem to be transparent, secure and community/end-user focused.

We’ve worked tirelessly to acquire a great mixture of Block Producers both in and outside of the top 21 on the EOS mainnet. We set out to recruit teams from all over the world in order to expand our reach and benefit as many end users as possible. We have accomplished this.

Take a look at this list and you’ll see why WORBLI has a very exciting future ahead.

Above you will see our BP’s on a global map. Below you can see our 21 Block Producers (in no particular order):

EOS DAC | EOS New York | EOS Cannon | EOS BP.Fish | EOSphere
GenerEOS | EOS Dublin | EOS Rio | EOS Tribe | EOS Blocksmith
EOS Cafe Block | HKEOS | EOS Detroit | EOS Sw/eden | Dune
EOS Real | EOS Metal | Beyond Bitcoin | WORBLI Foundation
EOSIO.SG | Infinitybloc

We are very proud to have all of these teams on board, their expertise in all areas of the distributed ledger space will allow WORBLI to fulfil what we had planned when we started — a fairer and more distributed global economy. Thank you.

Together we have formed mutual partnerships that will far exceed merely producing blocks on the WORBLI network. Going forward we will work tirelessly to bring meaningful products to the WORBLI network from personal banking, to insurance, to payment processing. These solutions will be accessible to all corners of the globe, and will bring about the financial services change that the entire world needs and wants.

To learn more about WORBLI, visit www.worbli.io

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WORBLI is the infrastructure for an efficient, honest, and accessible financial system for enterprises and individuals to unlock the potential of blockchain.