
You Are Not Your Personality!

Does it make you wonder what’s the point of my IntrovertWorld newsletter, then? Read on.

Wambui Njuguna


The previous four posts on IntrovertWorld highlight this one statement: You are not your personality.

The goal of my newsletter, even though it hasn’t been directly revealed, has been to break this news to you.

Every article and story I have shared on substack or Twitter, from the definition of introversion to my awkward experiences, has secretly been throwing out this message.

You may be an introvert, but that makes up a very insignificant part of your life and you.

Why then, do we feel the need to categorize ourselves based on our sociability, or any other aspect?

As an introvert, ambivert, or extrovert. As a man or a woman. As a child or an adult.

Realizing where we fall in any category that ever existed plays only one role in our lives; knowing ourselves.

That you are introverted does not matter at all, hell it does not make you, you.

It is only one building block toward our personal development.

It is what you do with that information that matters. What you do with the information can lead to two opposite outcomes; a fulfilling or mediocre life.

Knowing you are an introvert opens you up to your strengths, weaknesses, and limits.

I am an ISFJ-T (Defender) by the Myers-Briggs test, 3% extroverted and 97% introverted. (going by the first test)

A screenshot of my 16 personalities results
Photo: Author’s screenshot
A screenshot of my 16 personalities result
Photo: Author’s screenshot
A screenshot of my 16 personalities results
Photo: Author’s screenshot

What does that mean for me?

Among other things, it means I get drained easily by engaging in social interactions as is the case with many introverts, and prefer taking my time with things as compared to just diving in.

For so long, I misinterpreted this information.

I used it as an excuse not to socialize, and a chain of events formed that robbed me of a great life.

Further categorizations of our personalities do not tell us who we are or what we are capable of but what tools we are working with.

Those tools can be tweaked to nurture our growth.

So often we use our identities, particularly our personalities as an excuse not to venture where our fears exist.

Do you hide behind your identity?

Do you choose to not take part in certain activities because you are ‘not suited’ for them?

Are there things you reject because you are not good for them?

Do you shrug your shoulders and go; ‘I’m an introvert, I’d shit my pants if I were to engage in public speaking, write online, share my thoughts, express myself.’

‘ I’m an introvert I’m just not cut out for that and there’s no way it’d go right.’

Hi, Meet your Ego!

In a different article, I illustrate how your ego limits you.

The ego is a defensive part of you that creates beliefs and ideas about your identity and rejects anything outside of the self you create.

From a psychoanalysis perspective, the ego mediates between the conscious and the unconscious.

Being a self you create, the ego rejects exploration. There’s a question of who you become when you are trying out new things and that is uncomfortable. The ego shields you from fear of the unknown.

You are not your personality!

Knowing where you fall in any category helps you figure out who you are.(The repetition is not a mistake)

Your introversion helps you know your natural strengths and weaknesses. It does not determine what you’re good at or guarantee what you’ll fail at.

Choosing to hide behind your weaknesses is a feeble move that will lead to a life of mediocrity.

I launched a new community on YouTube aimed at helping you break free from all limiting beliefs that hold you back from living a fulfilling life of limitless potential.

Join BreakFree by liking my intro video and subscribing.

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Wambui Njuguna

Compiling my first book, How to develop a healthy relationship with your environment, in my newsletter. Get access: