
Way It Was
2 min readJul 14, 2016


Some of the memories I’m trying to purge with this project are short and simple. These are the memories that come out of left field, making me reminisce for almost no reason and leaving me to wonder why my own mind would sucker punch me that way. They also have no beginning and no end, so writing them down takes some guesswork. I have to hold on to the middle and assume the plot in either direction.

“There’s no such thing as a ‘Spanish’ letter,” I assure her.

We must be talking about the Spanish alphabet. We’re lying down in her bed and making jokes, but somehow that must have led to one of us mentioning the letter ñ, or how “ch”, “ll”, and “rr” are considered to be unique characters with distinct sounds in Spanish. If that’s the case then my point might be that those letters aren’t unique to the Spanish language. Or, I’m being facetious and contrarian. Either way I tell her that, no, there is no such thing as a “Spanish” letter. She perks up.


At first I wonder why she just asked “what” in Spanish. Then I recognize the pun and am astounded. She laughs and says it again.


I hang my head, or whatever the equivalent is while lying down. We hold each other in this way and laugh. When I look back up at her she seems to perk up again.

“I could have also said, C!”

. Yes, she could have. We laugh harder.

Way It Was is a writing project and ongoing attempt to work through a lot of relationship related shit. Find out more about it here.



Way It Was

A writing project to deconstruct a relationship that kind of fucked me up.