What if kids presented your ideas?

2 min readMar 13, 2016

Hello Medium,

Forgive us, we are late to the party much like we were to Twitter and Dribbble, but here we are, ready to jump into the deep end. Hopefully the water is warm.

Here we go…

It was probably one of the most awesome presentations we have done. The client was Google/YouTube, it was early 2014 and they challenged us to provide ideas around a brand and a UX strategy for their new Google product; YouTube Kids.

Branding is not a core part of our offering at Fantasy however we have had a long fruitful relationship with Google and a lot of ideas. We had also just released the Nickelodeon iPad app which was #1 on the Apple App Store and an Emmy in hand. So let’s go!

It was the Sunday before the presentation was due on Monday morning. Our Chief Creative Officer & CEO, David Martin, was attending a neighbors Easter brunch and noticed the neighbors kids might be up for something more focused. Impulsively, David and three young charismatic madmen grabbed the laptop with the presentation keynote on it, and narrated the deck while the screen recorded. It was done in one quick take for each slide.

The idea of having kids present seemed right to us rather than just sending in a pdf deck.

Here is what the client saw on Monday morning:

So what happened?

Our branding work didn't hit the sweet spot. The YouTube Team certainly admired the UX ideation and concepts but their focus was on the branding at this time. They continued to work with another terrific Google agency partner, Hello Monday, on that exercise and the results we feel are awesome!

Our presentation was something we are very proud of and it traveled throughout Google giving new clients a taste for our creativity. If you ever have to present work to a client why not use your own or neighbors kids. At the very least, they have something to put in their portfolio before they even make it to their teens.

Here is how the takes were done:


It took the amazingly talented Claudio Guglieri whom had recently become a Dad and David Martin, 2 weeks to pull of the work from start to completion.

Thank you Hailey (11), Birdie (10) and Sammy (5) for your excellent acting and awesome voices. And to Google as always for giving us opportunities to push above and beyond.

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On Linkedin, Dribbble and off course Medium. We are currently hiring.

Fantasy is a human centered UX / UI company based in San Francisco and New York City. Clients include Twitter, Google, Facebook, Huawei to Spotify.




We are Fantasy: A global, award-winning, human-centered design firm.