Useful links for React developers or people who wants to learn it #1

Liberty Global WebDev
3 min readSep 11, 2016


React (both JS and Native) are the most trendy frameworks today. But getting full-speed with it still may cause some troubles because of the lack of best practices and many different libraries around it. This post starts the series of articles about useful links for React developers and people who are just starting with ReactJS and React Native.

Angular JS vs React by Example

Thus it would appear that asking a question like “which is better — Angular or React?” is akin to asking which of the two happens to be more popular, which is not always the best gauge. So what about new developers who have to decide? The fact that one product is more popular than the other is not proof that it’s better, and we can see examples of this with many products.

How To Scale React Applications

Max Stoiber from Thinkmill shows how to use React Boilerplate 3 and scale applications based on it.

Embracing dark code magic: JSX and why it’s not all that evil

Article is explaining what JSX is actually doing and hopefully convince you that not only is it not such a bad thing.

Isomorphic React Application for E-Commerce Storefronts

NICI Store is a big open-source project for E-Commerce applications. It’s based on React, it’s isomorphic, it does almost everything.

Building a Facebook Paper-like UI with React Native

How to built a working copy of the open-close cards carousel from the original Facebook Paper app. It uses the Animated library and React Native.

Diverse Test-Automation Frameworks For React Native Apps

The bar is set high for today’s mobile apps. First, apps must meet the standard of quality that app markets expect. Secondly, mobile app users are very demanding. Plenty of alternatives are available to download, so users will not tolerate a buggy app. Because mobile apps have become such a crucial part of people’s lives, users won’t be shy about sharing their love or hate for an app — and that feedback gets in front of millions of users in seconds.


If you liked our React links collection, check out our next release.



Liberty Global WebDev

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