RECIPE: Almond Meal Pizza Crust

2 min readAug 27, 2014


I am Pizza. Bow down to me.

So, yet another one of my weaknesses is pizza (whose isn’t?). About 6 months into my “weight loss journey”, I discovered that there might just be a way to make a healthier version of this sexy little beast. Because after all, I just couldn’t convince myself that this (below) was truly “close enough”.

After much trial and error, I first discovered how to make cauliflower crust pizza (original RECIPE HERE — although I’ve simplified it since then!).

However, as much as I love cauliflower crust pizza, my husband wasn’t as excited about it. Plus, I wanted another, easier way to make a pizza that would align with what I follow diet-wise (once again, “The Power of Your Metabolism” by Frank Suarez, my uncle).

So, I created… the ALMOND CRUST PIZZA *insert dramatic music*.



1 cup almond meal or flour

1 cup shredded cheese (I use mozzarella usually)

1/2 tsp garlic powder (optional)

1/2 tsp dried basil (optional)

1/4 teaspoon of salt (optional)

1 egg

1 tbsp of olive oil, coconut oil or butter


0. Preheat oven to 400 degrees (F)

1. Combine all dry ingredients (almond meal/flour, cheese, seasonings) in a large bowl until well mixed. TIP: Helps to use a whisk, although a fork does the job.

2. Add egg and oil. Mix well (with a fork).

3. Roll into a ball and place on parchment paper….not wax paper. Not foil. Not directly onto the pan. TRUST ME, it will end in a failed pizza… and that makes everyone sad.

4. Add another sheet of parchment paper on top and roll dough out with a rolling pin (easier) so that it’s about 1/4th of inch thick, or less. You can also flatten it out with your hands if you want to get down and dirty. Obviously, the thinner it is, the crunchier it will be.

Note: When done, remove top parchment paper prior to cooking.

5. Place on a baking sheet and cook for about 15 minutes. Depending on the thickness, it could take more or less time. Just poke at it and make sure it’s not wet (that sounds bad). It should also brown a bit, but NOT burn.

6. Add toppings.

7. Cook for another 10 minutes or until cheese is melted and delicious and you just can’t quite control yourself…

8. Eat it. Eat all of it.




Height: 5'3 SW: 176 lbs CW: 136 lbs Looking to motivate and be motivated! :D