Earth Day: 10 small changes to protect the Earth

Pledging to make small changes from this day forwards

Wendy Scott MPharm
2 min readApr 22, 2022
Person holding a globe inside a plastic bag. The bag is held by gloved fingertips, as if to throw away the contents of the bag.
Photo by Mikhail Nilov via Pexels

Following on from my recent article last month on Earth hour; today, 22nd April, is Earth Day and I am highlighting 10 small changes that I will be making every day to make a difference to our planet. And possibly save me some money along the way.

I was invited to this writing challenge by Jason Edmunds who raised a community writing project for Earth Day. Pop along if you want to join the project; you have until 24th April to join in.

These are the changes I have made, or pledge to make:

  1. Growing some vegetables from seeds
  2. Reducing food miles by examining packaging and shopping locally
  3. Using solar-powered lights in my garden and eco-bulbs in the house
  4. Reducing my meat consumption to twice per week (sorry, I can’t give it up completely yet, but hope to in the future)
  5. Upcycling my old clothes and buying second hand where possible
  6. Drinking water rather than packaged drinks
  7. Reducing plastic waste by buying in bulk, buying loose, or bringing my own reusable containers to the store
  8. Considering changing my car to a hybrid or…



Wendy Scott MPharm

Mental health pharmacist (UK), trauma informed mindfulness, healthcare writer. Subjects: health, self-help, current affairs, money-saving, content writer.