Yatta Profiles 1.3.11 now available

Share your Eclipse workbench layout

2 min readJul 11, 2017

The configuration of your Eclipse user interface is one of the major aspects to have your Eclipse ready for highly efficient work. It is important to have the relevant information and the frequently used actions in the right places. This is to avoid unnecessary perspective switches and space wasted by information that you do not need.

Besides, we should not forget that opening your Eclipse IDE, which is quite familiar to you, feels a bit like coming home, too.

The new release 1.3.11 of Profiles for Eclipse now allows you to share your customized workbench layout and to do the following:

  • Share the positioning of your views
  • Share the positioning of your opened editors
  • Share your currently chosen perspective

Share your Profile’s workbench layout

To share your current workbench layout, you need to perform the following steps:

1. Open the menu of your Yatta Plug-In in the main toolbar inside Eclipse.

2. Choose “Save current workbench layout”.

3. Wait for Profiles to inform you by notification that your workbench layout has been attached to your Profile.

Your Profile is now enriched by your workbench layout just like it was when you clicked on “Save current workbench”. Changes to your layout will not be automatically reflected in your Profile.

Delete the workbench layout attached to your Profile

After you have saved your current workbench layout, the menu of your Yatta Plug-In allows you to “Delete [the] saved workbench layout” from your Profile.

Updating your Profile’s workbench layout

To update the workbench layout that is exported with your Profile, just delete and save the current workbench layout again.

Release 1.3.11 introduces further notable changes:

  • The Settings Tab allows you in the Profiles Hub and the Launcher to review the eclipse.ini settings attached to a Profile and have a look whether a workbench layout is attached to your Profile or not.
  • The Profile Tags will no longer send duplicate emails for tags that are waiting to be whitelisted.

Try it out at https://www.yatta.de/profiles/ or have a look at the latest releases: 1.3.10 and 1.3.9.




Yatta is a software engineering company. We believe software is changing the world. And we help people build great software. http://www.yatta.de/imprint/