4 Simple Steps to Getting Successful at Any Skill

Zaki Ahmed
4 min readMay 21, 2023


A bullseye with a dart symbolizing getting successful at any skill
Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

I know this sounds similar to what we had last week. But last week was done last week and we’re a step ahead now.

Last week’s blog, 4 Simple Tips to Find Your Niche and Get Better at It, was quite heavy on key principles, so I kept the bonuses for this week. And today’s piece is more about the best ways to optimize your skill and be successful at it!

So, Ready for it?

Alright, now that you’ve toggled your focus switch on and assuming that you have skimmed through the 4 bolded headings (considering our short attention span), Let’s dive into the details!

First things first, yes, it can be any skill. If you wonder why and how, we’ve already talked about this in the closing section of The Secret to Success I Wish I Knew Earlier.

Considering both — new and pre-equipped skills, let’s get going with the steps of polishing and monetizing them.

Step 1: Set Goals

The first step to becoming successful at any skill is to know,

What do you want to achieve with this skill?

Once you know what you want, it’s only then that you can start setting goals and creating plans to get there.

Now, note that your goals should be SMART. SMART as for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

For example, instead of saying “I want to learn how to play the guitar,” you could say “I want to be able to play the guitar at a beginner level within 6 months.”

Or maybe “I want to earn $10,000 per month by the end of six months from now using my expertise in copywriting” rather than a vague “I want to earn a lot of money.”

Once you have your goals set, you can then create an organized plan to achieve them.

Organized planning using SMART goals for getting successful at any skill
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

This plan should include things like how much time you will allocate for it each day, what resources you will need, and what obstacles you may face.

You may not have an exact idea of it at the beginning, but once you start, trust me, you will figure it out.

Step 2: Find a Mentor

Be it a new skill or one that you have delved into for some time, the solution never comes easy. There’s trial and error. A learning curve. And undenied hard work. But there definitely is a way to bypass it.

One of the best ways to learn a new skill is to find a mentor. They have already achieved what you want to achieve. That means they can offer guidance and support, and help you avoid making the same mistakes that they made.

It’s been ages since I’ve been hearing this, but thinking of the practicality of using tried, tested, and verified techniques in achieving your goals, whilst saving tons of time and money, always leaves me with goosebumps!

How do you find a mentor?

Network! Find people who are one step ahead of you. I bet they’ll be willing to help you, despite your overthinking brain’s assumption that they wouldn’t care.

Step 3: Practice, Take Feedback, and Practice More

The more you practice, the better you will become at any skill. Yes, sure, but be a little smart and take clear and actionable feedback before every subsequent round of practice.

You could be laboring the whole day, only to find out later that all your effort was in the wrong direction! And when this happens, it’s painful, I MEAN IT!

When you are practicing, focus on one thing at a time. Don’t try to learn everything all at once. Take the feedback and break it down into smaller steps and focus on mastering each step, one at a time.

So keep up the practice, take feedback, practice more, and don’t be afraid to experiment with new things.

Step 4: Look Back and Celebrate Your Progress

Mastering any skill takes time and effort. There will be times when you feel like giving up, but does success come so easily?

Majority of the time, it won’t. Yet, we need to keep going. And in such times, it’s necessary to look back at where you started, and appreciate the progress you’ve made, be it even baby steps!

Remember, everyone starts somewhere. Don’t compare yourself to the top 1% you aspire to be. You’ll get there. They took their time, invested themselves, and are today, where they are.

Focus on your own progress and celebrate your accomplishments along the way. Soon, you’ll share the stage with them if you’re consistent and brave enough to embrace success along with all the problems that come with it.

All of it may sound like fluff, too easy to say, and probably too challenging to implement.

But also remember that success is easy to attain when consistent, and a very rewarding experience in the long run. So gear up and get working, hustlers!

Until next week, with new skills and plans brewing!



Zaki Ahmed

Your friendly neighborhood copywriter writing catchy stories for Brands, Emails, and Portfolios that hook you up. Being a little quirky is what makes me, Me.