What People-related KPIs did we decide to measure at Onfido?

ZeShaan Shamsi
4 min readJan 19, 2018


What was I trying to find out?

In my last blog I talked about the many things that’d been reported on historically, and said I was keen to find out what People metrics really matter. More importantly, I wanted to know why they mattered, and what behaviours or process improvements had changed off the back of the data.

Thank you to everyone that took the time to contribute. I was planning to do some deep data reporting in this follow up blog, but now, that seems like overkill. Essentially, there was one key takeaway: People team reporting is legacy-based (‘someone once asked for it so we still just churn it out’) and rarely does it lead to real behaviour or process improvements.

What’s happened since?

At Onfido we have four Groups: Technology, Growth, Service Delivery and Business Operations. Next tier from Groups are Functions, like Engineering (Technology), Sales (Growth), Verify (Service Delivery) and People (Business Operations). Over the last few months each Function has been working to distil its vision, key objectives and metrics, and this piece of work has been part of that wider strategic project.

As a People Team, our vision is to:

‘help build and scale a high performing team by creating a cohesive environment that respects people as whole humans.’

That means that our key objectives are to:

  1. Drive business performance
  2. Recruit top talent
  3. Build an engaging work environment to unlock potential

Naturally, we aimed to align to these objectives when setting our KPIs.

1. Drive business performance

Key performance indicator (KPI): Performance

Not reinventing the wheel here. We look at our Performance data to identify those that are high performers, those that need more support, and how to personalise approaches to help both flourish.

2. Recruit top talent

Key performance indicator (KPI): Hires-to-Goal (HTG) %

The objective is to ensure we only recruit top talent. The key performance indicator measures overall how well we meet hiring objectives.

Unsurprisingly, the challenge here is setting the goal in the first place. We have finalised our hire plans for 2018, but naturally plans evolve. So we’ve decided to use a moving average that encompasses the hire plan and considers any new roles that are added.

Performance Indicators (PI):

  1. Qualified Candidates (QC).

A QC is one that Talent Acquisition (TA) thinks meets all the requirements of the role (based on competency framework + career ladder profile + intrinsic/extrinsic motivations). Based on this, the Hiring Manager believes they are also qualified enough to move to their screening stage.

It’s Recruitment’s version of a Marketing Qualified Lead or a Sales Accepted Lead — an indicator that the funnel is filling up with potential hires, or that there is more concentrated effort needed to attract candidates.

We measure by counting the number of candidates who make it past the first screen, with a target of 5 QCs per role. We’re using Workable to create this report for us.

2. Candidate NPS (C-NPS)

‘Quality in a service is not what you put into it, it is what the client or customers get out of it #TakePride’. It’s a quote we live by at Onfido and is apt here.

TA has two main clients: candidates and hiring managers. Measuring their feedback score is a sensible indicator of the effectiveness of the team, and gives a basis for iteration.

We’re working on which questions to capture here, but know they need to be qualitative.

3. Hiring Manager NPS (HM-NPS)

As above, but based on Hiring Manager feedback.

Workable doesn’t currently capture feedback from candidates or hiring managers in an effective and efficient way, so I’m working on a solution to capture this.

4. Days-to-offer (DTO)

This tracks how quickly candidates move through our process and measures its efficiency. It measures the number of days that pass between when someone applies and when they ultimately accept or reject their offer. We can average this across all roles and get a sense of the true average speed of our interview process, from which we can iterate.

5. Offer Accepted Rate (OAR)

The percentage of extended offers that are accepted. A strong OAR usually indicates that the team has successfully filled a pipeline with candidates, created an efficient and thorough interview process, poured thought into the candidate experience, and, finally, helped the hiring manager extend the right offer to the right candidate for their team. The OAR highlights the team’s ability to draw out the candidate’s priorities, needs, and deal-breakers before an offer is extended, and to land on the offer that finds the sweet spot for both the candidate and the business’ needs.

We’re using Workable again here to create this report for us.

3. Build an engaging work environment to unlock potential

Key performance indicator (KPI): Engagement %

We’re big fans of Peakon and use bi-monthly surveys to measure a range of PI drivers to form an overall KPI percentage.

Performance Indicators (PI):

  1. Autonomy
  2. Management support
  3. Organisational fit
  4. Freedom of opinions
  5. Goal setting
  6. Peer relationship
  7. Accomplishment
  8. Meaningful work
  9. Growth
  10. Recognition
  11. Strategy
  12. Workload
  13. Reward

What next?

We’ve created a simple dashboard where we can now easily see this data.

As these are our core metrics as a People team, all our work will now be focused on improving these metrics. We will be able to see the impact of our effort on KPIs as well as being able to challenge ourselves to ask ‘is what I’m working on going to help improve our KPI directly or indirectly?’

The Talent Acquisition KPI and PIs still require some development to build the functionality and porting capability — I’m working closely with Workable, and other potential solutions, to make this a reality.

One of our values at Onfido is to ‘Find a Better Way’, so we’ll naturally look to iterate on this to allow us to make better, data-enabled decisions.

