Introducing the Sophisticated Central Processing Unit (SCPU): A ‘goto’ Revolution

Archil Otar Bolkvadze
3 min readJun 17, 2024


We have a new beginning.

We discovered the mechanism of how to implement multitasking correctly.

We discovered how to lift the CPU’s machinery to the next level.

We have designed a Sophisticated Central Processing Unit (SCPU) with its software instructions.

We have elevated all aspects of its hardware, including memory, and can define sophisticated instruction set architecture (SISA).

These instructions all end with the same code, which can be extended to include task switching, interrupt handling, and more.

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.”

The C code below demonstrates “Goto Multitasking” implemented as a sophisticated instruction fork.

// clang-format off
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wint-conversion"
#define S(argo) void argo(long *ο, long β, long α, long τ, long σ, long ρ, long δ)
#define aContext ο, β, α, τ, σ, ρ, δ
typedef S((*n_t));
extern int printf (const char *, ...);
enum Names { ret, call, halt, print, fork };
S(goTo );
S(ret_nar ) { τ = ο[β++], goTo(aContext); }
S(call_nar ) { ο[--β] = τ, τ += ο[τ + 5], goTo(aContext); }
S(print_nar ) { printf("%ld %ld\n", ο[0], ο[τ + 5]), goTo(aContext); }
S(halt_nar ) { }
static void*h[2]; // multitasking queue, double linked list, "(h)ead"
static long pid = 0; // process id
S(fork_nar ) { long a;
long*s = (long[5 * 1024]) {};
for(a = 0; a < 5 * 1024; a++) s[a] = ο[a];
s[0] = pid++;
// save aContext within omicrons alfa stack
a = α, ο[a++] = ο, ο[a++] = β, ο[a++] = α, ο[a++] = τ,
ο[a++] = σ, ο[a++] = ρ, ο[a++] = δ;
// queue omicron
ο[a+0] = h, ο[a+1] = h[1], ((void**)h[1])[0] = &ο[a], h[1] = &ο[a];
ο = s, goTo(aContext); }
static n_t nars[] = {ret_nar, call_nar, halt_nar, print_nar, fork_nar};
S(goTo ) { long a;
// save aContext within omicrons alfa stack
a = α, ο[a++] = ο, ο[a++] = β, ο[a++] = α, ο[a++] = τ,
ο[a++] = σ, ο[a++] = ρ, ο[a++] = δ;
// queue omicron (last in)
ο[a+0] = h, ο[a+1] = h[1], ((void**)h[1])[0] = &ο[a], h[1] = &ο[a];
// dequeue omicron (first out)
ο = h[0], ((void**)ο[0])[1] = ο[1], ((void**)ο[1])[0] = ο[0];
// restore aContext from alfa stack
a = 0, δ = ο[--a], ρ = ο[--a], σ = ο[--a], τ = ο[--a],
α = ο[--a], β = ο[--a], ο = ο[--a];
τ += 11, nars[ο[τ]](aContext); }
int main( ) {
long β = 1024; // back stack (i.e. call stack)
long ο[β * 5] = {}; // omicron (base pointer)
long α = 0; // alfa stack
long τ = β; // text index (i.e. program counter)
long σ = τ; // text space
long ρ = 3; // reserved
long δ = 1; // reserved
h[0] = h[1] = h; // init multitasking queue
ο[α++] = pid++; // set main process id
// Below we are using CPU's language to write
// SCPU's text members, i.e., program in SCPU's language.
// Each SCPU's text member is 11*8 ("sizeof(long)") bytes
// in width and contains only binary data.
// There is an extra parameter along with the call sOpcode
// indicating the relative offset, in longs, of the
// procedure to call.
ο[σ] = fork, σ += 11;
ο[σ] = call, ο[σ + 5] = 44, σ += 11;
ο[σ] = call, ο[σ + 5] = 55, σ += 11;
ο[σ] = call, ο[σ + 5] = 66, σ += 11;
ο[σ] = print, ο[σ + 5] = 5, σ += 11;
ο[σ] = halt, σ += 11;
ο[σ] = print, ο[σ + 5] = 1, σ += 11;
ο[σ] = ret, σ += 11;
ο[σ] = print, ο[σ + 5] = 2, σ += 11;
ο[σ] = ret, σ += 11;
ο[σ] = print, ο[σ + 5] = 3, σ += 11;
ο[σ] = ret, σ += 11;
τ -= 11, goTo(aContext);
return 0;

