🧬Introducing the Cyberhuahua & Cyberhuahua Zombie Collections

AAA MetaHuahua
5 min readMar 20, 2024


The AAA Metahuahua community and brand stands as a testament of sustainability and transparency. At the heart of this movement are the Cyberhuahua and Cyberhuahua Zombie collections, each embodying the spirit of creativity, community, and forward-thinking economic models.

🦸 The Cyberhuahua Premium Collection: Where it All Began 👑

The Cyberhuahua Premium collection marks the genesis of the AAA Metahuahua community committed to support the various ecosystems we build on. Comprising 49 pieces, this collection was not just about digital art; it was a tribute to the Chihuahua Chain and the heroes of modern Pop Culture.

What set the Cyberhuahua Premium collection apart was its unique economic model. From its inception in August 2022 on Stargaze, with a modest mint price of 26,66$ USD , the collection has seen remarkable growth. This growth is not merely speculative but is backed by tangible assets, with the collection now boasting assets in the millions of $HUAHUA and growing.

🪙 The Cyberhuahua Economic Model:

Central to the success of the Cyberhuahua Original Premium collection is its economic model, designed to empower and reward the community. With millions $HUAHUA staked and generating monthly rewards, holders benefit from a sustainable reward stream.

Each month,
- 50% of the staking rewards are compounded back into the Premium wallet, enhancing the value for all holders.
- 50% of the staking rewards fuels the Cyberhuahua draws, where three lucky winners split the rewards in a 70–20–10% ratio.
- Odds of winning monthly draw are 3/69 (49 Cyberhuahuas Premium and 20 Extremely Rare Cyberhuahua Zombies)
- Royalties (10%) are 100% compounded back into the Premium Wallet.
- The draws take place every 25th of the month adding an element of excitement and engagement for holders.

🛒 Buy here to join our exclusive club!

🧟 The Rise of the Cyberhuahua Zombies: A Tale of Expansion 🧟‍♀️

Inspired by the success of the Cyberhuahua Premium collection, the Cyberhuahua Zombies emerged in October 2022, infecting Stargaze with their contagious model. This collection of 200 pieces introduced a thrilling twist, with 20 extremely rare zombies joining the ranks of the Cyberhuahua Original collection (Premium).

With an economic model of its own, the Cyberhuahua Zombies collection adds a new dimension to the AAA Metahuahua ecosystem. With assets staked in $TORI and generating monthly rewards, holders benefit from a similar compounding mechanism, with 60% of rewards reinvested into the Zombie Wallet and 40% fueling the Cyberhuahua Zombie draw.

🪙 The Cyberhuahua Zombies Economic Model:

Each month,
- 60% of the staking rewards are compounded back into the Zombie Wallet, enhancing the value for all holders.
- 40% of the staking rewards fuels the Cyberhuahua Zombie draw, where one lucky winner receives that months rewards.
- Odds of winning monthly draw is 1/200. 20 Extremely Rare Zombies get to participate in the Premium draw as well as the Zombie draw as an added perk. This makes these very valuable on the secondary market.
- Royalties (10%) are split 50/50 between Zombie Wallet and Team managing wallets.
- The draws take place every 25th of the month adding an element of excitement and engagement for holders.

🛒 Buy here to join our flesh eating zombie club!

⚠️ Extra Perks for holding any Cyberhuahua NFT⚠️

The benefits of holding a Cyberhuahua Premium or Zombie extends beyond the monthly draws.


The Cyberhuahua’s have recently joined the SEZ (Shitmos Economic Zone, and will now generate passive income via SHITDRIBBLES 💩. For each Cyberhuahua owned either Premium or Zombie will make you eligible for a share of reward in $SHITMOS 🪰

See SEZ medium for full details 👇 https://medium.com/@aaa.metahuahua/the-aaasez-aaas-shitmos-economic-zone-a-poop-tastic-journey-into-the-sez-d0b528ee6f43

👉 Holders get exclusive whitelist spots.
👉 NFT giveaways.
👉 Voting rights for The Cyberhuahua DAOs
Getting holders directly involved in decision making


🚨 Cyberhuahua Incubator Program starting soon ⌛

Introducing an exciting new feature to the Cyberhuahua collection! As per the community’s vote, we’re transforming into an incubator for emerging artists and creators seeking support to launch their products. Based on the needs of the projects the Cyberhuahua DAO will negotiate terms for each specific launch.

🏆 Benefits for Cyberhuahua holders:

👉 Revenue generated from program going to Cyberhuahua DAOs ✅
👉 Whitelist guaranteed on each launch ✅
👉 Diversification of the community wallets ✅
👉 Governance of incubator launches ✅
👉 Community growth ✅


In summary, the Cyberhuahua and Cyberhuahua Zombie collections exemplify the spirit of innovation, community, and sustainability. From their humble beginnings in 2022, the Cyberhuahuas have a stood the test of time and showcased that our economic models work.

As we look towards the future, the AAA Metahuahua community remains committed to pushing boundaries, fostering inclusivity, and empowering our members. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or new to the world of NFTs, there’s never been a better time to join the Cyberhuahua revolution.

