Things ChatGPT can do for an Average Person!

Aadityaseal - thedoublea
4 min readDec 23, 2022


Now, what exactly is ChatGPT?

If you are not living under a rock, you must have heard the intense hype about ChatGPT.

Not only it is being called the next big thing, an actual tech breakthrough after iPhone, but also it has brought in a massive number of users in just a week of its announcement.

You will understand the hype when you see the numbers. The signups are more than that of Instagram, Twitter, and stuff, in their initial days.
That’s how big it is.
Twitter has been showing this to be one of the trending topics and the engagement is massive!

My friend, it is so big that it might just have the potential to take a chunk of Google’s share.
Just imagine.

And there are reasons indeed.
Let me tell you this, with ChatGPT, the possibilities are just endless.

Now, here I am not going to tell you how to use it, since that is the first step towards the future.

Just to make things simpler, ChatGPT, is simply where you can make queries(questions/requests) and will get system-generated results or outputs.

But the “system” is AI in this case.

So, ChatGPT helps you ask an AI about all that you want and the magic happens when this AI will try to answer all your queries in a human-like manner.
That makes it new, and powerful!

Can you think about the ocean of possibilities……..
It is Huge.

Now, let's talk about some of the useful things that ChatGPT can do for an Average Human Being.

Write you Code

You heard it right.

It makes a non-techy individual a coder.

It will generate you all the codes you need if you ever need them. Let’s say you wish to see what actual code is like and what can it do. May be just out of curiosity or make you need it to fix something, maybe for your website.

So, it can generate a good level of code, and that is way more than enough that you might need ever.

Making you a coder is a matter of a few seconds! Magic.

Write a script or blog post

The catch is to add more details.
The more you provide this AI, the more it will write an awesome piece of content for you.

The keywords are the key. And I have personally tried this one too, it writes pretty soundly. And the facts are actually on point.

Also, you can ask it to make things in a certain way.
Let’s say, you need a 900-words content piece.

What are you gonna do?

Just ask it to make content that has around 900 words, and that’s it.
ChatGPT is at your service.

That’s kind of awesome.

Make you great Emails

Let’s say you have to send an awesome cold email where you are talking about the services you provide and how they can be beneficial to that person.

Now, as you know, email is great, but a lot of emails are just not being opened by the intended receiver.
And this is mainly because of the subject line. It fails to catch the instant attention of the user.

This is exactly where ChatGPT can help.

Try this one.

If you give this AI about the thing you wish to include in your email and to whom you wish to write, it can generate or rather write great emails for you.
And I actually mean great emails.

Not only that.

Once it has given you the initial draft.
Then you can ask it for revision! How cool is that?
And it can go on until you are satisfied.

That’s how it makes an email stand out. And you get your email read.


Calculate your Stuff

Let’s say you wish to make a DIY piece for your desk and you have no idea what you have to do.

Just have Zero ideas.

Don’t worry my friend, ChatGPT is there for your rescue.

All you have to do is to give it some basic information and the kind of dimension you wish it to be, or the kind of material you wish to use.

It will give you the exact process of how to start and go on with it.

Not only that, it gives you the things you will need and even the exact measurements for your work.


You can become a DIY genius in just a few minutes!

Look, there are way more things you can do. We are not even scratching the surface and the more you experiment the more you get amazed.

Since it is free right now, you can start using it immediately.
Just give it a try. You will like it.

Anyways, Thanks a lot for reading the content piece and if you wish to support my work, then you can here — BuyMeACoffee



Aadityaseal - thedoublea

I generally write about anything and everything that gets me curious!