Best Practices for Laravel Package Development

Aaron Reddix
13 min readApr 23, 2024


best practices for laravel package development

The Laravel framework empowers developers to create robust and feature-rich web applications. However, as project requirements evolve, the need for extending core functionalities often arises. This is where Laravel packages come into play. Packages act as reusable code libraries that extend Laravel’s capabilities, allowing developers to incorporate pre-built functionalities into their applications without reinventing the wheel.

While creating a Laravel package offers numerous advantages, adhering to best practices is crucial for ensuring its maintainability, usability, and ultimately, its adoption by the Laravel community. This article explores key best practices for developing well-structured, well-documented, and user-friendly Laravel packages that empower other developers to leverage your creations effectively.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Laying a solid foundation is essential for any development project, and creating Laravel packages is no exception. Here, we’ll delve into setting up your development environment to streamline the package development process.

A. Choosing a Package Development Tool:

While you can technically build a Laravel package from scratch, leveraging dedicated package development tools can significantly improve your workflow and enforce best practices. Here are a couple of popular options:

  • Laravel Package Boilerplate: This open-source tool provides a pre-configured directory structure and essential files to kickstart your package development. It enforces a clean structure and includes helpful starting points for components like service providers, tests, and documentation.
  • Tighten: This commercial package development tool offers a more comprehensive solution, including features like code scaffolding, automatic documentation generation, and testing utilities. It streamlines the development process and enforces a high standard of code quality.

Regardless of your chosen tool, using a dedicated package development solution offers several advantages:

  • Consistent Structure: These tools enforce a well-defined directory structure, promoting maintainability and making it easier for other developers to navigate your package’s codebase.
  • Essential Files: They typically include pre-built files for service providers, tests, and documentation, saving you time and ensuring you don’t miss crucial components.
  • Best Practices Integration: These tools often integrate best practices like semantic versioning and code quality checks, fostering a well-structured and reliable package.

B. Project Structure and Naming Conventions:

A clean and consistent project structure is paramount for maintaining a well-organized and understandable codebase. Here’s a general breakdown of the recommended structure for your Laravel package:

project structure

Following consistent naming conventions for classes, files, and folders further enhances code readability and maintainability. For instance, using PascalCase for class names and snake_case for file and folder names is a widely adopted practice within Laravel development.

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Core Functionalities of a Laravel Package

A well-designed Laravel package offers functionalities that extend the capabilities of your Laravel application. Here, we’ll explore some key components that form the core of a Laravel package:

A. Service Providers:

Service providers play a crucial role in registering various aspects of your package with the Laravel application. They typically reside in the src/ServiceProviders directory of your package structure. Here’s a breakdown of their key functionalities:

  1. Registering Services: If your package offers reusable services (like helper classes or custom logic), the service provider will register these services with the Laravel service container. This makes them accessible throughout your application using dependency injection.
  2. Registering Configurations: If your package requires configuration options, the service provider can be used to publish configuration files to the application’s config directory. This allows developers using your package to customize its behavior through configuration settings.
  3. Registering Aliases: For convenience, service providers can register aliases (shorter names) for your package’s facades or other frequently used classes. This can improve code readability and developer experience.

Here’s a simplified example of a basic service provider registration within your YourPackageServiceProvider.php class:

service providers

B. Facades

While service providers offer a robust way to register functionalities within your Laravel package, facades can provide a more convenient way for developers to interact with your package’s core functionalities. Facades act as static proxies for underlying classes within your package. Here’s a closer look at facades and how they can be used:

  • Simpler Interface: Facades provide a static interface for commonly used functionalities within your package. This can simplify code by eliminating the need for dependency injection every time you want to use a service from your package. Instead, developers can call methods directly on the facade class.
  • Improved Readability: For functionalities with descriptive method names, using facades can sometimes enhance code readability by making the calls more self-explanatory.

Here’s a basic example of a facade for a service called YourService defined in your package:

Inside src/Facades/YourPackageFacade.php:


Usage Example (assuming the facade is aliased as ‘YourPackage’ in your service provider):

package development facade

Important Considerations for Facades:

  • Overuse can Reduce Testability: While facades offer convenience, overuse can make unit testing your package logic more challenging. It’s generally recommended to use facades sparingly and favor dependency injection for core functionalities within your application logic.
  • Clarity over Convenience: Always prioritize clear and maintainable code over convenience. If using a facade makes the code less understandable, it might be better to use direct service injection.

Facades can be a valuable tool for simplifying usage of your package’s functionalities, but it’s crucial to use them judiciously and prioritize testability and maintainability in your code.

C. Commands

Laravel Artisan provides a powerful command-line interface for interacting with your application. Custom Artisan commands can be a valuable addition to your Laravel package, allowing users to interact with your package functionalities directly from the command line.

Here’s how commands can be integrated into your package:

  • Extending Functionality: Commands can be used to automate tasks related to your package’s functionalities. For instance, if your package provides data management tools, you could create a command to import or export data sets.
  • Improved User Experience: Commands offer a convenient way for users to interact with your package’s features from the command line. This can be particularly useful for repetitive tasks or administrative functions.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of creating a custom Artisan command within your Laravel package:

  1. Command Class: Create a class within the src/Commands directory of your package structure. This class should extend the Illuminate\Console\Command class and implement the required methods like handle to define the command’s logic.
  2. Command Signature: Define the command signature using the signature property within your command class. This signature specifies the command name and any optional arguments or options it accepts.
  3. Command Description: Use the description property within your command class to provide a clear and concise description of what the command does. This helps users understand the purpose of the command.
  4. Command Logic: Implement the handle method within your command class. This method contains the core logic that will be executed when the command is run.

Here’s a basic example structure for a custom Artisan command:

custom Artisan command

Registering the Command: Within your package’s service provider (YourPackageServiceProvider.php), you’ll typically need to register the command using the commands method to make it available through Artisan.

D. Events and Listeners

Laravel’s robust event system offers a powerful mechanism for components within your application to communicate and react to specific events. Your Laravel package can leverage this system to create a more reactive and interactive experience for users.

Here’s a look at how events and listeners can be used within your package:

  • Event Broadcasting: Your package can define custom events that signal specific occurrences within its functionalities. These events can be broadcast using Laravel’s event dispatcher.
  • Listener Registration: Other parts of your application, or your package itself, can register listeners that will be notified and execute specific logic when these custom events are broadcast.

This event-driven approach allows for loose coupling between different parts of your application and your package. Here’s a simplified overview of how events and listeners work together:

  1. Event Class: Create a class within the src/Events directory of your package structure. This class should extend the Illuminate\Foundation\Events\Dispatchable class.
  2. Event Properties: The event class can optionally contain properties to hold relevant data associated with the event. This data can be accessed by listeners when the event is fired.
  3. Firing the Event: Within your package logic, when a relevant event occurs, you can use Laravel’s event dispatcher to fire the custom event you created. This will notify all registered listeners.
  4. Listener Class: Listeners should reside in the src/Listeners directory. These classes typically implement an interface like Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue (for queueing long-running tasks) and have a handle method that defines the actions to be taken when the specific event is received.
  5. Listener Registration: Within your service provider, use the listen method to register your listeners with the corresponding events they should respond to.

Here’s a basic example structure for a custom event and listener:

Event Class (src/Events/YourPackageEvent.php):

custom event and listener

Listener Class (src/Listeners/YourPackageEventListener.php):

Listener Class

Registering Listener in Service Provider (YourPackageServiceProvider.php):

Registering Listener in Service Provider

By leveraging events and listeners effectively, your Laravel package can become more responsive and adaptable to various scenarios within the broader application.

Testing Your Package

Building a well-structured and functional Laravel package is just one aspect of the development process. Rigorous testing is paramount to guaranteeing the quality, reliability, and maintainability of your code.

Here’s why testing is crucial for Laravel packages:

  • Catching Bugs Early:Unit tests allow you to identify potential issues within your package logic at an early stage, preventing them from manifesting in the final application and causing problems for users.
  • Improved Confidence: A comprehensive suite of unit tests provides a level of confidence in your package’s functionality. This is essential for both you, the developer, and users who rely on your package.
  • Maintainability: Well-written unit tests act as living documentation for your code. They explain how your package functionalities are supposed to work and can serve as a valuable reference point for future maintenance and updates.

When it comes to testing Laravel packages, a popular choice is the PHPUnit testing framework. Here’s a general approach to testing your package:

  1. Test Cases: Create separate test case classes (typically ending in Test.php) within your tests directory. These classes will house the individual unit tests for your package functionalities.
  2. Mocking Dependencies: Utilize features like dependency injection and mocking frameworks (like Mockery) to isolate the code you’re testing from external dependencies. This allows you to focus on testing your package’s logic in a controlled environment.
  3. Testing Assertions: Unit test assertions (provided by PHPUnit) allow you to verify the expected behavior of your code. These assertions can check for things like returned values, thrown exceptions, or database modifications.

Here’s a basic example structure for a test case:

test case example laravel package development

Documenting Your Package

A well-documented Laravel package is not only easier for you to maintain but also significantly improves its adoption rate by the Laravel community. Clear and comprehensive documentation empowers users to understand your package’s functionalities, usage instructions, and potential benefits.

Here’s why documentation is crucial for your Laravel package:

  • Reduced Learning Curve: Detailed documentation helps users grasp the concepts behind your package and how to integrate it effectively within their Laravel projects. This reduces the time and effort required for users to get started with your package.
  • Improved User Experience: Clear instructions and code examples within the documentation enhance the user experience by guiding users through the installation, configuration, and usage of your package functionalities.
  • Increased Discoverability: Comprehensive documentation acts as a valuable resource for potential users searching for solutions within the Laravel ecosystem. Well-documented packages are more likely to be discovered and adopted by other developers.

Several tools can streamline the documentation process for your Laravel package. Here are a couple of options to consider:

  • Laravel Docs Generator: This popular package leverages annotations within your code to automatically generate API documentation. This can significantly reduce the manual effort required to document your package’s functionalities.
  • Manual Documentation: While automated tools can be helpful, some aspects might require manual documentation. This includes explaining the overall purpose of your package, providing usage examples, and outlining potential use cases.

Here’s a breakdown of key elements to include in your Laravel package documentation:

  • Installation Instructions: Provide clear and concise steps on how to install your package through Composer and configure it within a Laravel project.
  • Configuration Options: If your package requires configuration, document the available configuration options and their impact on the package’s behavior.
  • API Reference: Document the functionalities offered by your package, including classes, methods, and their parameters and return values. Consider using tools like Laravel Docs Generator for automated API reference generation.
  • Usage Examples: Provide concrete code examples that demonstrate how to use your package’s functionalities within a Laravel application. This is particularly helpful for users who are new to your package.
  • Troubleshooting Guide: Include a troubleshooting guide outlining common issues users might encounter and potential solutions.

By investing time and effort into creating clear and informative documentation, you significantly enhance the value proposition of your Laravel package and make it more user-friendly for the Laravel development community.

Versioning and Distribution

Once you’ve developed, tested, and documented your Laravel package, it’s time to share it with the Laravel community! Here, we’ll delve into two crucial aspects of package distribution: versioning and publishing.

A. Semantic Versioning:

Following semantic versioning (semver) is essential for managing updates to your Laravel package. Semantic versioning dictates a version numbering scheme that clearly communicates the nature of changes within your package updates. Here’s a breakdown of the three-part version format:

  • Major Version: Incremented for backward-incompatible changes to your package’s API or functionalities. Users might need to adapt their code to accommodate these changes.
  • Minor Version: Incremented for new features or functionalities added to your package while maintaining backward compatibility. Users can typically update to minor versions without modifying their existing code.
  • Patch Version: Incremented for bug fixes and other non-functional changes. Patch versions typically maintain backward compatibility.

By adhering to semantic versioning, you provide users with clear expectations regarding the impact of package updates on their applications.

B. Package Distribution:

There are several ways to distribute your Laravel package, but publishing it to a public repository like Packagist is a common and recommended approach. Here’s a general process for publishing your package:

  1. composer.json: Ensure your package has a well-defined composer.json file that specifies the package name, description, dependencies, and other relevant information. This file is essential for users to discover and install your package through Composer.
  2. Version Tagging: When you’re ready to release a new version of your package, use Git tags to mark the specific codebase that represents that version. Semantic versioning conventions are typically used for naming these tags (e.g., v1.2.3).
  3. Publishing to Packagist: Once you’ve created a version tag, you can utilize tools like composer publish to push your package and its associated version to a public repository like Packagist. This makes your package discoverable and installable by other developers through Composer.

Here’s a basic example of a composer.json snippet showcasing some essential properties:

package distribution

By following these practices for versioning and distribution, you ensure your Laravel package is well-managed, discoverable, and easily integrated into other Laravel projects.

Maintaining Your Package

The development journey doesn’t end with the initial release of your Laravel package. To ensure its continued success and adoption, ongoing maintenance is crucial. Here’s how to effectively maintain your Laravel package and keep it valuable for the Laravel community:

A. Addressing Bug Reports and Feature Requests:

  • Responsive Communication: Actively respond to bug reports and feature requests from users. This demonstrates your commitment to maintaining your package and addressing user needs.
  • Issue Tracking: Consider using a platform like GitHub Issues to track bug reports and feature requests. This allows you to organize user feedback, prioritize fixes, and keep users informed about the progress.
  • Prioritization: Weigh the severity of bug reports and the potential value of feature requests when deciding on what to address first. Focus on critical bug fixes to maintain package stability and consider implementing high-demand features to enhance its functionality.

B. Updating Documentation and Compatibility:

  • Documentation Updates: As your package evolves, keep the documentation up-to-date with any changes to functionalities, configuration options, or usage instructions. This ensures users have access to accurate information for all versions of your package.
  • Maintaining Compatibility: Laravel undergoes regular updates. Strive to maintain compatibility with the latest stable Laravel versions to ensure your package remains usable for a wider range of projects. Clearly communicate supported Laravel versions within your documentation.
  • Version Control: Utilize version control systems like Git to manage code changes and track the evolution of your package. This allows you to revert to previous versions if necessary and maintain a clear history of modifications.

By actively addressing user feedback, keeping your documentation updated, and maintaining compatibility with evolving Laravel versions, you demonstrate your commitment to your creation and foster a sense of trust within the Laravel community.


Developing well-structured, well-documented, and user-friendly Laravel packages empowers you to extend the functionality of Laravel applications and contribute valuable tools to the Laravel community. By adhering to the best practices outlined in this article, you can create high-quality Laravel packages that are not only powerful but also maintainable, discoverable, and easy for other developers to integrate into their projects.

The Laravel ecosystem thrives on collaboration and continuous improvement. By actively maintaining your package, addressing user feedback, and staying up-to-date with the latest Laravel developments, you can ensure your creation remains a valuable asset for developers within the Laravel community.

Ready to embark on your Laravel package development journey? Leverage the resources and tools mentioned throughout this article, and don’t hesitate to explore the wealth of information available within the Laravel documentation and community forums. Happy packaging!



Aaron Reddix

Web dev here, with a serious case of Flutter fever! Currently, exploring the exciting world of cross-platform development with Flutter.