Worse than Nixon

Abel Cohen
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
5 min readApr 8, 2017
Nixon making a fist.

“It is Nixon himself who represents that dark, venal, and incurably violent side of the American character that almost every country in the world has learned to fear and despise…

“A lot of people refuse to see that to be a freak in Nixon’s America is actually the only honorable way to go.” — HST, 1971

Truer words were never spoken, but are now. Because if you fit in to retard jokes-America, you are a piece of shit and deserve whatever hell befalls you that you doubtless wish upon others. But calling the man who makes those offensive, tasteless jokes worse than the only president forced to resign might be a bit hyperbolic.

After all, the sitting precedent has only fired a few missiles so far.


The accused rapist has yet to launch entire illegal wars. Drop more bombs on Laos than used by all WWII combatants combined. Sell chem weapons to arabs who hate us because we have the nerve to like jews. Sabotage national diplomacy in backroom deals with suicidal south Vietnamese. Or prolong an undeclared war killing millions just to make the democrats look bad.

Nixon making another fist.

Nor is small hands a beneficiary of the Kennedy assassinations. Complicit in covering up the rise of an unelected deep state. Engineer of the neolibercon wrecking crew still laying waste to the middle east and north African arc of instability. On the verge of impeachment or resignation. Or abusing FBI and CIA personnel and resources for personal reasons.

Not so far.

Much potential

But he’s already starting to forget about the promises that opened the doors to the white house. Turn on the alteverything that put him there. And now that he’s surrounded himself with discredited remnants of the neolibercon, forever war bulwark that has infested U.S. foreign policy since Truman and Eisenhower, it can only be a matter of time before he invades everything.

Despite the absurd discrepancies between our military spending and the rest of the world’s, they plan to grow the monster. And why hit the gym all the time or buy new guns but if not to eventually kick someone’s fucking ass! It will be more than missiles soon enough.

International Institute for Strategic Studies

Come to think of it, we might need that big defense budget. Bigger than the next nine national security bigspenders combined. Because they will actually become a threat to us once they all join forces. Out of resentment for years of double standards and the selective application of international law. That allows for south Vietnam and Korea, Kuwait, and Kosovo. But not Crimea or Abkhazia.

Be a freak

You don’t have to pick a side in this bullshit either. All these people are fucking crazy. Team Clinton-Cheney thinks we can democratize everything despite all evidence to the contrary. And the altresistance to this thinks white slavers were ok because everyone else was doing it so why can’t we.

Confronted with these corrosive, unsustainable options, perhaps the galling shock to the system that is the guy who wants to bone his own daughter might actually be a good thing. An orangish, silver lining drawing our attention to the preposterous fucking cloudiness of U.S. political thought.

Barring any candidates to the contrary — like Pocahontas, Bern, or the minority woman veteran from Hawaii — perhaps it’s better to register our displeasure by depriving the system of the fodder upon which it relies. Our votes are the wet, moldy wood that keeps this stinky fire ablaze. Put.it.out.

With looming populist threats like Palin on the horizon, the left should be unable in 2020 to again offer up some unelectable idiocy like Hillary. They better learn their lesson. Backed into a corner forcing them to give us a real candidate who actually motivates nonvoters to take the time to show up.

Who isn’t a symbol of the rotten, corrupt system that gave our fellow countrymen an excuse to vote for a tabloid cover in the first place. And who will also unquestionably be able to emerge from the indecipherable, last-century hell of the electoral college.

Or don’t. And suffer more masochism under President Palin.

Resistance is futile

1969: Panthers exercising their constitutional rights; it’s amazing they weren’t shot for this.
2016: White racists exercising theirs; relentlessly repressed, intimidated, and under duress.
Nixon’s other fist.

Resistance really is futile. Because the left would debase itself to the savage level of the right were we to honestly and authentically appropriate their godfearing, gunclinging ways. Black panthers did, and second amendmenters lost their minds.

Though nor should we. Because why would we ever want to be like these hateful, indignant, old assholes. They represent a world that is never coming back and doesn’t deserve to.

Crude altwhitewing nonsense mainstreamed by talk radio and fox news brought democracy in America to its knees. There is no nobility in adopting their tactics and methodology. Better to let them go gently into that good night. As demographics are wont, soon they’ll be gone.

And the churning bullshit of the current political discourse does democracy a disservice. Perhaps best to just say fuck it until they come up with real candidates instead of must-see tv.

Facing Richard Nixon’s fist most of his life, Timothy Leary in 1966 had the best idea for how to thrive in the creeping fascism that a prescient counterculture sensed just over the horizon:

“Turn on, tune in, drop out.”

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