Nazis Weaponizing our Rights against us

Abel Cohen
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
7 min readMar 21, 2017
1972: Ralph Steadman art for Hunter Thompson’s Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail

One can’t be in the world but not of it. Seven billion people currently encumber this planet. No one is entitled to their own set of rules. Some radical islams try this; we call them terrorists.

To peacefully coexist, we must all get along. Free speech is not an excuse for hate speech. And those whose freedom of speech is cruel and stupid as possible forsake enlightenment human rights traditions.

The very thing they racistly insist makes white western civ so superior to everything and everyone else in the first place.

Since they choose to cavort like pigs in shit amuck their blithe hatred of diversity and the modern world, rightwingers have more in common with radical islams and Russian authoritarians than with the rest of us.

A tough ideological position to hold. But reactionary, low-information, jackass dipshits vow they’ll die trying. To paraphrase one of their alphamale shithead overlords and masters Charlton Heston: we can have their guns when we pry them from their cold dead hands.

They’re literally asking for it.

Whiteman’s burden

With this kind of regressive, devolutionary mindset, they turn their back on both their own values as well as the rest of us fellow earthlings. Mulishly set themselves apart from the closed system we must all share. Built on the very ideals for which they claim sole whiteman responsibility. So proud of this white world they built. On the back of the blacks. In the ashes of the red.

Growing up midwest under the certain impression that liberals are the ones who hate America, imagine my surprise once I learned conservatives hate it even more. Only loving it till it elected a halfblack president. Then it sucked and they all suddenly fucking changed their tune. To make it great again!

That’s weird. Throughout my lifetime since 1983, I distinctly recall that it’s been overwhelmingly old rightwing white guys robotically averring that we’re always number one (or number 14 now). Love it or leave it they used to say. America’s already so great everyone in the world wants to come here!

Godfearers and gunclingers back then awoke to Ronald Reagan’s mourning in America. Eagerly and enthusiastically shaming radicals who dared dispute this sacred wisdom. Dismissive, thoughtless claims that any and all criticism — however warranted or justified — is anti or unamerican. To loosely paraphrase one of the slaveowning aristocrat founding fathers they wetdream about: the tree of liberty can only truly be watered in a complete and utter information vacuum.

These no-questions-asked creatures of pure convenience are free to believe whatever preposterous, contradictory nonsense they like. But not force it down the rest of our throats. As collateral damage during this once-in-a-lifetime chance of theirs to legislate away the last hundred years of social and civil rights.

If they think they can weaponize freedoms they claim once made us great back against us, they should think again.

The left will not be victimized

Because the leftist rest of us aren’t weak. Had the corporate ruling classes of prefascist Germany and Spain not moved the goalposts and changed the rules halfway through the game — suspending constitutions and relying on outside intervention — the spartacists and republicans would have won.

And before those first generation German and Spanish antifas almost pulled off big interwar upsets over the dark forces of fascism, the internationalist proletariat did succeed in Russia. Where brainless fucking rightwing cold warriors did things to bolshevism in the cradle that bear revisiting.

Churchill captured the prevailing wisdom of his age: “Strangling bolshevism at its birth would have been an untold blessing to the human race.” Well, we did our best to correct that oversight in bolshevik infancy and adolescence. By the time it reached adulthood, bolshevism never stood a chance.

Unregulated transnational capital and reactionary rightwing corporatism created the monstrous, coldblooded superpolicestate anodynely known as the Soviet Union. Bitter globalist fruit borne of the bloody struggle Russia’s 1% waged against its recent former slaves.

To repress and exploit them for another 60 years after the czar hesitantly and ruefully abolished serfdom in 1861. But in 1917, the Russian working class triumphantly cast off this yoke in the last in a chain of revolutions.

Shortly thereafter, corporofascist industrialists that the willfully ignorant rightwing still lionizes — Rockefeller, Harriman, Rhodes— allied themselves with czarist Russia’s loathed, deposed landlord class and invaded the nascent communist state. Ever since, it’s been beleaguered by sanctions, blockades, embargoes, and travel restrictions.

Our investor-political class schemed and fever dreamed Russia’s catastrophic meltdown for 100 years. No other country has been so conspicuously sidelined, marginalized, and insulted. Once, slaves in their own nation. Now, excluded from alliances, trading blocs, and international agreements. Sanctioned, blockaded, and embargoed throughout.

Yet today’s dipshit descendants of arch-Russia-haters Nixon, McCarthy, and Cohn have the gall to suddenly look the other way. As their kind’s hated, ancestral archnemesis restyles itself an ally of convenience.

In the doomed culture war against social justice warriors and tomorrow’s rainbow brown world. A backward-looking, counterfuture trend shared by both our failed-revolutionary, reactionary rightwing states.

Demographics don’t lie. Population trends and mortality rates will eventually save us from Trump-Palin-Putin voters. But until that happens, if they want to close the public space to everyone except the white christian bourgeoisie, they should just move to Russia. Like Lee Harvey Oswald.

Russia. Where old whitemen also arbitrarily and selectively restrict liberties when needed or convenient to their nationalist narrative. But surely patriotic conservative diehards would never consider such a thing. They must know that life is indeed measurably better here.

Refugees and migrants overwhelmingly go west, rather than east. And despite all the haters, critics, and newfound, selfloathing, allamerican fellow travelers, the USA remains everyone’s destination of choice. There are few free world migrants to Russia. So it can’t be that great like America again!

To paraphrase army lawyer Joseph Welch when he turned public opinion against nazi senator Joe McCarthy’s 1954 fascist antics: have they no sense of decency? Conservatives’ answer has always been clear and resounding: no.

Because many multifarious conservative hypocrisies abound. Their cup doth runneth over with bullshit. McCarthy and his lead counsel Roy Cohn were both closet homosexuals. Who gleefully reveled in outing others on tv in publicity stunts to shore up dying careers that would never have existed in the first place had it not been for the rightwing’s immeasurable gullibility.

But the right might

Everyone knows rightwingers can’t help but battily vote against their own self-interest. Either out of blind allegiance to exclusionary class, racial, and religious ideals. Simple lack of information because they don’t have time for rigorous research while trying to make ends meet for their family by working three hourly jobs. Or because they just love playing the victim.

They can’t get enough suffering, pain, and martyrdom. They love Reagan, Nixon, Hitler, and Jesus. All, victims in perverse, byzantine ways only discernible to biblical literalists, white nationalists, and the altright. How he-man nonvictims like John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, and Arnold also joined this pantheon of misery and mental health concerns is a mystery.

There are so many more transnational disadvantaged migrant leftists than there are jingoistic power structure establishment defenders. Not only are they younger, leaner, and meaner because they’re half-starved; but they’re also ready to die. As they regularly prove in headlines about migrant boat disasters and cartel collateral.

The world’s tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free will do anything to improve their lives. And the rightwing’s shiteating mirth at their misfortune actually breeds terrorism.

Which has far less to do with religion than white nationalists can fathom. Because rightwingers — like radical islams — are also prisoner to improbable faith in make-believe messiahs and ancient semitic desert magic.

The wretched refuse of all the world’s teeming shore doesn’t hate us because of an eternal grudge between Mohammed and Jesus. They hate us because of all-you-can-eat buffets, paved roads, decent schools, utilities, and planned obsolescence and parenthood. Because our life is so much better than theirs.

Rubbing it in their faces is only going to make that shit worse.

Instrumentalizing intolerance

They peddle their heinous, hateful horseshit and then have the nerve to accuse others of being intolerant. The freedom of speech does not necessarily mean the right to be as cruel and stupid as one likes. The rest of the west can’t stand idly by as reactionaries repurpose our human rights traditions at everyone else’s expense.

Political pluralism provides a broad space for open debate. But if the essence of someone’s political movement or speech seeks to threaten, restrict, or deprive others the same courtesy, that space closes. And it’s easy to determine how a vibrant, diverse civil space differs from menaces to it. Any ideologies that incite violence or assert that history didn’t happen the way everyone else on the planet experienced it qualify for the latter.

Rightwingers who do these things are not standardbearers of white christian western civ. Nor are they for small gubmint anarchopaleolibertariationism. Whatever needlessly complex, mealy-mouthed justification they conjure up is merely an excuse to hide who they really are and obscure what they more simply used to be known as: nazis.

Yes, nazis. The national socialist German workers party. If one agrees with every keyword of Hitler and Drexler’s platform except the socialist bit, one is by logical extension and virtue thereof likely also a nazi. It’s their choice too. Not like they have to be nazis.

Because that’s what you call people who rely on state structures to repress behaviors they selectively dislike. Seek to weaponize state powers against personal business enemies. And call jews parasites representing international banking cartels.

CBS LA took this great pic of a billboard in Phoenix, AZ. Beatrice Moore paid Santa Monica, CA artist Karen Fiorito to make it. Its appearance in Phoenix is inexplicably generating a negative response from the only people who think it’s cool America dropped the bomb.

That’s what you call a government run by a billionaire, managed by favored generals and fellow tycoons, and administered by commandos, stormtroopers, and assassins.

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