2. Deep Dive into your Superstar Code

Abhijit Pradhan
6 min readMay 9, 2023


Explore how to answer “What Makes you TICK”? with AI

Previous links for context :

Intro to the Superstar Code : https://medium.com/@abhijitpradhan/re-launching-the-superstar-code-dbf57dd8004b

Decoding the Superstar Code — the 3 Questions https://medium.com/@abhijitpradhan/deciphering-your-superstar-code-cf29f6000650

To recap the 3 questions to get to our Innate Success formula / Our Superstar Code are :

  1. What makes one TICK? What are your natural strengths, passions, and interests in life? These are the assets that one can always leverage.
  2. What natural assets can I use to CLICK in life? What natural strengths, passions, and interests can I leverage to achieve my goals, overcome barriers and challenges, etc.?
  3. What natural assets can I use to STICK to whatever course I have chosen (naturally sustaining my decisions and not giving up prematurely)?

We are now going deep dive into Question 1

In my earlier post, I had shared the rigour and data points that I used in the Superstar Code workshops that I conducted a decade ago

Self-observation + Feedback from your diverse ecosystem (friends, family, work etc to get a holistic picture) and a psychometric tool called Emergenetics which points out one’s natural preferences on how we like to think and behave. This data would be collected and ready at the workshop’s beginning.

The fundamental blocks for “what makes me tick” were inspired by Jim Collins’ famous Hedgehog principle of identifying your sweet spot- what you are good at ( according to you) + what the world says you are good at ( via feedback), + your passions and interests. The idea is that sometimes we may be good at something (skills), but it may not be a passion or what we love. The sweet spot is having an asset that is both a skill and something we love, which we and the world outside perceive. That is a true building block of your superstar code. The hedgehog concept is also known to many today via the Japanese Ikigai Venn diagram.

The attempt now is to see how the new AI revolution can better the entire process in terms of rigour, speed and depth for each of us.

I saw an example of a PROMPT which could urge a generative AI ChatBot like ChatGPT or Bing to play the role of a Coach and engage you to answer these questions. I copied the prompt ( as is) and presented it to Bing and it immedialely went into coach mode and was ready to ask me questions ( one by one) and at the end of the exchange analyse for patterns and sweet spots !

Left : example of a PROMPT. Right : Inputing that PROMPT into Bing

This can be a game changer for the Superstar Code seeker !

Later, I found another amazing AI driven app/service Home (omnilabs.ai)

Omni- a very interesting AI-driven co-pilot

I asked it for insights on how to go about answering the same question (What Makes Us Tick)

Its answer :

o create an AI-enabled strategy for helping people gain insights into the “what makes you tick” section, we can develop a multi-faceted approach that combines self-observation, feedback from diverse ecosystems, and AI-driven psychometric data analysis. Here’s a step-by-step plan to achieve this:

  1. Self-observation and reflection: Encourage users to engage in self-reflection exercises, such as journaling or guided meditation, to identify their strengths, passions, and interests. An AI-powered chatbot or virtual assistant can guide users through these exercises, asking thought-provoking questions and providing prompts to help them explore their thoughts and feelings.
  2. Collecting feedback from diverse ecosystems: Develop an AI-driven platform that allows users to gather feedback from friends, family, colleagues, and other relevant individuals in their lives. This platform can send customized questionnaires to gather insights on the user’s strengths, areas for improvement, and perceived passions. The AI can then analyze the responses and identify patterns and trends in the feedback.
  3. Integrating psychometric data: Incorporate the Emergenetics psychometric tool or a similar AI-driven assessment into the platform. Users can complete the assessment, and the AI can analyze the results to identify their natural preferences in thinking and behavior.
  4. Analyzing and synthesizing data: The AI can then synthesize the self-observation data, feedback from diverse ecosystems, and psychometric data to create a comprehensive profile of the user’s strengths, passions, and interests. This profile can be visualized using an Ikigai-inspired Venn diagram or a similar representation to help users identify their sweet spot.
  5. Personalized recommendations and action plans: Based on the user’s profile, the AI can generate personalized recommendations to help them develop their skills, pursue their passions, and leverage their strengths. These recommendations can include resources, courses, networking opportunities, and other relevant suggestions tailored to the user’s unique needs and goals.
  6. Ongoing support and progress tracking: The AI-powered platform can provide continuing support and encouragement to users as they work towards their goals. Users can track their progress, set milestones, and receive regular check-ins from the AI to ensure they stay on track and continue to refine their understanding of what makes them tick.

I then asked the follow-up prompt.

“This is very well put together. Do you have any recommended tools/apps to start using immediately? 1) For personality profiles like Emergenetics/Hogans — preferably a sound, scientifically valid tool that is free to use and access with immediate output 2) Any app which could take inputs, visualise them into Venn diagrams and highlight the sweet spots? 3) Any app/service which can very quickly administer the 360-degree feedback and maybe the earlier app can analyse and add to the sweet spot analysis 4) any way to integrate all of the above on one platform — so many coaches could run this for their clients with a consistent framework — also keeping in mind privacy concerns where data is only accessible to the participant and their coach ?”

Its answer :

  • While there may not be a single platform that integrates all of the features you’re looking for, several tools and apps can help you achieve your goals. Here are some recommendations for each of your requirements:
  • Personality profile tools:16Personalities (https://www.16personalities.com/): This free tool is based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and provides a detailed personality profile with insights into strengths, weaknesses, and potential career paths.
  • Truity’s Holland Code Career Test (https://www.truity.com/test/holland-code-career-test): This free test is based on the RIASEC model and helps users identify their interests and potential career paths.
  • Visualization tools for Venn diagrams and sweet spots:
  • Venn Diagram Maker by Canva (https://www.canva.com/graphs/venn-diagrams/): This free online tool allows you to create custom Venn diagrams and visualize the intersections of your strengths, passions, and interests.
  • Lucidchart (https://www.lucidchart.com/): This diagramming tool offers a free version with limited features, allowing you to create Venn diagrams and other visual representations of your data.
  • 360-degree feedback tools:
  • SurveyMonkey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/): SurveyMonkey offers customizable 360-degree feedback templates that you can use to gather input from friends, family, and colleagues. The free version has some limitations but is a good starting point.
  • Google Forms (https://www.google.com/forms/about/): Google Forms is a free tool that allows you to create custom surveys and questionnaires for 360-degree feedback. You can easily share the form with your network and analyze the responses in Google Sheets.
  • Integrating the tools on one platform: While there isn’t a single platform that combines all of these features, you can use a combination of tools and apps to create a cohesive experience for your clients. For example, you can use a project management tool like Trello (https://trello.com/) or Asana (https://asana.com/) to organise the different steps of the process, including links to the personality tests, Venn diagram tools, and 360-degree feedback forms. This way, you can create a consistent framework for coaches and clients while ensuring data privacy by sharing access only with the relevant parties.
  • While some of these tools are free, they may have limitations or require paid upgrades for advanced features or additional usage.

I can’t express the excitement of getting such valuable input and insight. It can be overwhelming, but I think that's where ever-evolving AI will simplify and put everything in one place for us.

We will continue exploring our “Superstar Code” in the next post! Onward and Beyond !!



Abhijit Pradhan

A Curator of PASSION + PERSPECTIVE translating them into INSIGHT for inspirational ACTION