(Re)Launching The Superstar Code

Abhijit Pradhan
3 min readMay 7, 2023


Bing generated Image :-)

A few years ago, I temporarily shelved my attempt to follow the “Superstar Code” (including research, book, workshop, and coaching toolkit development) for reasons I won't go into here. Crucially, the unveiling of Chat-GPT in November 2022 was the impetus I needed to get back on the road. I felt confident that the time had come for me to give my ideas their due and that the appropriate resources were at hand.

So, here’s the first shot at reactivating the journey!

This initial post has been generated with a little help from my friends (Quillbot, Bing etc.)

Activating your Superstar Code

Why is it so crucial to know our inner success formula?

Knowing our own Innate Success Formula, or Superstar Code, is crucial because it helps us understand our unique strengths and talents, allowing us to maximise our potential and achieve greater success. With this self-awareness, we may be able to find fulfilment and may reach our full potential.

Your Superstar Code can be activated by having clarity on the following three questions :

  1. What makes one TICK? What are your natural strengths, passions, and interests in life? These are the assets that one can always leverage.
  2. What natural assets can I use to CLICK in life? What natural strengths, passions, and interests can I leverage to achieve my goals, overcome barriers and challenges, etc.?
  3. What natural assets can I use to STICK to whatever course I have chosen (naturally sustaining my decisions and not giving up prematurely)?

Here are some advantages of activating your innate Superstar Code and disadvantages of not doing so : (courtesy Bing)

Activating your Superstar Code will assist you in discovering your true life purpose and passion. You will feel more connected to your values and goals and experience more joy and fulfilment in your daily activities. -

Activating your Superstar Code will boost your confidence and charisma as well. You can authentically express yourself and attract the right people and opportunities. You will shine brightly in any situation. -

You can realise your full potential and creativity by activating your Superstar Code. You can overcome challenges and obstacles, allowing you to achieve your goals faster and more easily. You will make a positive contribution to the world around you. -

Failure to activate your Superstar Code will keep you mired in mediocrity and dissatisfaction. You will feel lost and confused about your life’s direction and purpose. You will be plagued by self-doubt and insecurity and miss out on many opportunities. -

Failure to activate your Superstar Code will also restrict your growth and development. You will be unable to access your inner resources and talents, forcing you to accept less than you deserve. You will have a negative impact on yourself as well as others.

The plan is to deep dive into the world of exploring, understanding and activating our Own Superstar Code via regular posts, inspiration, et al.

Know You

Do You

Be You

Post no. 1 : To start decoding our own Code, here’s the next post https://medium.com/@abhijitpradhan/deciphering-your-superstar-code-cf29f6000650

Post no. 2 : To deep dive into assembling your Code, the next post is at https://medium.com/@abhijitpradhan/2-deep-dive-into-your-superstar-code-c526f1c057c8



Abhijit Pradhan

A Curator of PASSION + PERSPECTIVE translating them into INSIGHT for inspirational ACTION