3 words for 2016

Abhi Rele
2 min readJan 4, 2016


A year ago I published my 3 words for 2015 (if you’re not familiar with the concept of 3 words, read my post and also this one from Chris Brogan who came up with the idea).

My 3 words for 2016 are similar to those last year, with a few tweaks.

  1. Family: is about spending sufficient quality time with family, friends, and myself. Do it everyday. No ifs, buts, or excuses
  2. Excite: is about doing things that excite me. Its giving myself the freedom to follow my curiosity; to learn and explore without worrying about future outcomes and trusting that it will all add up at some future point. It’s also about living in the moment, and feeling happy by doing what engages my mind and my heart.
  3. Ask: is about asking more questions, and assuming less; living without fear, and discovering new roads.

2015 inspired the tweaks. For example, the Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss certainly helped me refine “Curiosity” to “Excite” — its a subtle change, but excite is a better synonym.

If you need help figuring out your 3 words, read “How will you measure your life” Clayton Christensen, or “The Four Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferriss.

Note: The 3 words is a framework to guide your year. It doesn’t help with implementation. To make sure you implement your plans, I’d suggest you use something like 12in12 to make your resolutions stick (or watch this TED video from Matt Cutts about trying something new for 30 days)

What are your 3 words for 2016? Happy New Year!



Abhi Rele

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