GoHighLevel Review: Unveiling the Platform’s Pros and Cons

Mark Jacobsen
15 min readMay 29, 2024


GoHighLevel Overview

GoHighLevel (GHL) is an all-in-one Software as a Service (SaaS) platform designed to serve the needs of marketing agencies and businesses looking to streamline their operational processes. It incorporates a suite of tools that facilitate lead generation, marketing automation, and customer relationship management.

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The software’s functionality addresses various aspects of digital marketing, including:

  • CRM capabilities: Manage client interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle.
  • Email Campaign Management: Automated campaigns to nurture leads and maintain client engagement.
  • SMS Marketing: Direct engagement with customers through text messaging campaigns.
  • Sales Funnels: Creation and management of custom sales funnels to convert leads into customers.

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Ease of use is a cornerstone of GHL, with intuitive interfaces and comprehensive support intended to minimize the learning curve. The platform’s affordability is frequently highlighted, offering a competitive price point that is attractive to both small and large enterprises alike.

While reviews on GoHighLevel’s performance are mixed, it stands out for providing a unified solution to manage numerous marketing functions under one roof. Customer service plays a pivotal role in user satisfaction, and GoHighLevel places emphasis on prompt and effective support to address user issues.

This software has emerged as a valuable resource for marketing professionals seeking a centralized system to oversee and execute their marketing strategies efficiently. Its integrated nature removes the need for multiple disparate tools, aiming to improve workflow and productivity for its users.

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Core Features

GoHighLevel offers a broad spectrum of features designed to enhance customer engagement and streamline marketing efforts. These tools support a multitude of tasks from managing customer relationships to orchestrating complex marketing campaigns.

CRM Capabilities

GoHighLevel’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is the foundation for tracking and optimizing customer interactions. This platform allows for detailed profiling and segmentation, ensuring that each customer’s information is organized and accessible. The CRM’s core functions include:

  • Lead tracking and management
  • Contact information repository
  • Customer interaction history

Marketing Automation

The Marketing Automation feature simplifies repetitive tasks and creates efficient workflows to nurture leads and guide them through the purchasing journey. Functions encompassed within this feature involve:

  • Automated email campaigns to targeted segments
  • SMS marketing campaigns for direct engagement
  • Customizable triggers and actions based on user behavior

Sales Funnels and Landing Pages

With GoHighLevel’s Funnel Builder, businesses can rapidly create and deploy sales funnels and landing pages optimized for conversion. These pages can be tailored to different segments, enabling personalized visitor experiences. The tool includes:

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop page editor
  • Pre-designed templates for rapid deployment
  • A/B testing capabilities for performance optimization

Email Marketing Integration

Email Marketing is an essential component of GoHighLevel’s suite. Integration with existing email systems and platforms is streamlined, allowing for campaigns to be managed without hassle. The key benefits include:

  • Seamless integration with major email service providers
  • Advanced segmentation and personalization of email content
  • Detailed analytics to track email campaign performance

GoHighLevel focuses on empowering businesses to create meaningful engagements and automate key marketing and sales processes.

Ease of Use

GoHighLevel is renowned for its user-friendly nature, aiming to provide a seamless experience for users who manage online businesses and marketing campaigns. Its design focuses on both the first-time user and the seasoned professional seeking efficient workflow management.

User Interface and Experience

The platform’s user interface (UI) is intuitive, allowing for simple navigation through various features. Users have noted that the dashboard presents a clean layout where important KPIs, tasks, and goals are immediately accessible. This enhances the user experience (UX) as it saves time and reduces the complexity of managing multiple campaign aspects.

Dashboard Overview:

  • Quick access to performance metrics
  • Visible task lists and goal tracking


  • Clearly labeled menus
  • Logical flow between features

Initial Setup and Learning Curve

Setting up GoHighLevel is a straightforward process, designed to minimize downtime. The initial onboarding is structured to guide new users through each step effectively. While GoHighLevel packs a robust set of tools, the learning curve is not steep, with many users finding that they can master the basics without extensive training.

Onboarding Steps:

  • Account creation: Simple and guided
  • Feature introduction: Done progressively to prevent overwhelm

Learning Resources:

  • Comprehensive help documents
  • Video tutorials for visual learners

This approach to initial setup ensures that users from varying technical backgrounds can begin leveraging GoHighLevel’s capabilities with confidence and ease.

Pricing and Value

Understanding the pricing structure and evaluating the value obtained from GoHighLevel’s services are essential when considering this platform as a business solution.

Pricing Plans

GoHighLevel presents two primary pricing plans catering to different levels of user requirements:

Starter Plan: Priced at $97 per month, this plan provides essential features for lead capture and nurturing, including online booking capabilities, pipelines, a social calendar, website builder, and more. It is designed to accommodate unlimited contacts and users and allows for the set up of up to three sub-accounts.

Unlimited Plan: At $297 per month, this plan includes all features of the Starter Plan with no restrictions on usage. This plan is suited for businesses that require more extensive use of the platform’s capabilities.

Both tiers offer a 14-day free trial to test the platform’s features.

Cost-benefit Analysis

When examining the cost versus benefits, users must assess whether the platform’s offerings justify its price point. The Starter Plan stands as an affordable price for small to mid-size businesses looking to consolidate their marketing efforts. Meanwhile, the Unlimited Plan, which may seem more expensive, could offer substantial value to larger agencies requiring extensive use of GoHighLevel’s marketing automation and customer support features. The inclusion of a 14-day free trial allows for a risk-free assessment of the platform. Users should consider their specific business needs and the potential return on investment when choosing between the plans.

Support and Resources

GoHighLevel offers a range of support options designed to assist users with various needs, from general inquiries to technical challenges. Their support infrastructure is set up to provide both customer service and technical assistance.

Customer Support Quality

Users can reach the GoHighLevel customer support team through multiple channels. Reviews suggest that the team is knowledgeable and provides a satisfactory level of service. However, some users have reported that the response time can be slow. They have indicated that Support, in general, is good, but not without delays. Users looking for quick help might need to exercise a bit of patience.

  • Availability: The team is available during business hours.
  • Response Time: Varies, but there can be delays.
  • Channels: Email, phone, and a ticketing system.

Technical Support Personnel

The technical support at GoHighLevel is serviced by a dedicated team equipped to handle more complex issues. Technical problems that might arise from the platform’s all-in-one nature, such as integration complexities and occasional feature sluggishness, are addressed by this team. The technical staff, including support agents such as Haripriya, Stephie, Sauray, Adepu Deekshit, Vijayakumar S Vijay, Abin Abraham, and William W, come across as well-trained and capable of solving technical challenges.

  • Expertise: High level of technical knowledge.
  • Support Type: Technical assistance for platform-related issues.
  • Problem Resolution: Capable of addressing integration and performance issues.

Available Integrations

GoHighLevel serves as a versatile CRM tool designed to optimize marketing strategies by offering multiple integration options. These integrations enhance the platform’s ability to manage customer relationships effectively and streamline workflows.

One crucial integration is Zapier, which allows the marketing platform to connect with over 5,000 third-party applications. This connection facilitates automated workflows and reduces the need for manual data entry, thus improving efficiency. Businesses capitalize on Zapier’s broad app connectivity to tailor GoHighLevel to their unique operational needs.

Popular integrations include various marketing and financial tools. For example, integration with Mailchimp empowers users to execute targeted email campaigns by leveraging the data stored on GoHighLevel. Similarly, users can connect to QuickBooks for financial management, allowing for seamless invoice creation and integration of customer financial data with marketing initiatives.

The platform supports 13 direct integrations, enabling users to connect with other tools without complex workarounds. The range of integrations includes, but is not limited to:

  • Email Marketing Services: To manage campaigns and subscriber lists.
  • Accounting Software: For handling invoices and financial reporting.
  • Automation Tools: To streamline and automate tasks effectively.

While GoHighLevel acts as an all-encompassing CRM and marketing platform, users should note that integrating with some third-party tools may present challenges. Nonetheless, the platform’s integration capability generally provides a robust foundation for lead nurturing and conversion.

Scaling with GoHighLevel

GoHighLevel positions itself as a comprehensive platform aimed at assisting small businesses and entrepreneurs in achieving scale efficiently. It does this by providing a multitude of key marketing features within a single cohesive software environment. This cross-functionality can be a significant asset for businesses looking to consolidate their marketing tools and minimize the complexities typically associated with using multiple disparate systems.

The core functionalities that GoHighLevel offers include:

  • CRM: Centralizing customer relationships and interactions.
  • Email Marketing Automation: Streamlining communication and engagement.
  • SMS Bookings & Appointments: Facilitating easy scheduling.
  • Membership Pages: Hosting and delivering content for course creators.

For entrepreneurs and agencies seeking to scale, the advantage of an all-in-one platform like GoHighLevel is the potential to streamline operations. By automating routine tasks and integrating various aspects of customer engagement and marketing, businesses can focus more on growth strategies rather than administrative overhead.

Despite its promise, some users have reported challenges such as sporadic additional fees and software bugs. However, consistent updates and a seemingly responsive support system may address these concerns over time.

In essence, GoHighLevel offers a suite of tools that can be leveraged by small businesses to scale their operations. Its integrated approach reduces the need for multiple services, which can lead to cost savings and a more unified strategy for growth.

Added Services

GoHighLevel provides comprehensive added services catering to agencies that aim to streamline their operations and offer value to their clients. These include specialized solutions for building and managing a brand presence under a different name and effectively administering access to clients or team members across various sub-accounts.

White-Labeling Options

GoHighLevel’s white-labeling capabilities allow agencies to offer GoHighLevel’s platform as their own product. Agencies can customize dashboards, reports, and URLs to maintain brand consistency. This service includes:

  • Branding: Replace the GoHighLevel logo with the agency’s logo.
  • Custom Domain: Deploy the service on the agency’s own domain.
  • User Interface: Customize the color scheme and overall look to match the agency branding.

White-labeling is integral for reputation management and lead generation as it presents a cohesive brand image to end customers, which is crucial for building trust and credibility.

Membership and Sub-Account Management

GoHighLevel’s membership feature is designed for businesses offering subscription-based services or online courses. Key aspects of this feature include:

  • Content Access Control: Restrict and grant access based on membership levels.
  • Drip Content: Release content to users in scheduled intervals.

Furthermore, the sub-account management system allows agencies to maintain distinct settings and data for each client, including:

  • Tailored appointment scheduling for multiple clients.
  • Unique permissions for users within each sub-account.
  • Segregated data to ensure clear and accurate reporting for each client.

With these services, agencies can enhance their operational efficiency and maintain robust client relationships through organized and controlled distribution of access and management capabilities.

User Feedback and Testimonials

Feedback from users is a vital aspect when evaluating the effectiveness and reliability of GoHighLevel. A spectrum of perspectives is available with users providing various insights.

  • Testimonials: Users like Jen S. have praised GoHighLevel as an all-in-one tool, particularly for marketing agencies that manage multiple clients. According to her, while there’s a learning curve for non-tech-savvy individuals, GoHighLevel remains user-friendly.
  • Reviews:
  • Positive remarks often highlight GoHighLevel’s ability to consolidate multiple functionalities, appreciated for its role as a one-stop marketing solution.
  • On the other hand, certain reviews point out issues with reporting features, stating that they lack functionality and lead to complications when dealing with multiple client accounts through a unified email ID.
  • Customer support receives commendations for its effectiveness, though it is mentioned that the response time can be protracted.

An interesting observation across reviews is the mention of GoHighLevel’s learning curve, indicating that a user might require time to get acquainted with the system. Nevertheless, once familiarized, the platform’s super user-friendly nature is frequently commended.

Input from users who have transitioned from other services such as Calendly, ClickFunnels, Birdeye, and AgencyAnalytics suggests a general preference for GoHighLevel owing to its comprehensive set of tools. Despite the praised functionality, some users express reluctance to resell the platform to their clients, likely due to the reported glitches and email management issues.

GoHighLevel continues to receive diverse reactions from its user base, directing potential clients to a more informed decision-making process regarding its applicability to their marketing strategies.

Limitations and Drawbacks

While GoHighLevel offers a suite of features to support business growth, users may encounter specific limitations and drawbacks, particularly concerning reported bugs and challenges for new users which can impact their overall experience with the platform.

Reported Bugs and Issues

Users have experienced bugs within GoHighLevel’s software that can hinder its effectiveness. Specifically, incidents have been reported where:

  • Functionality: Certain features may not work as intended, leading to user frustration and a need for timely support.
  • Billing: Users have reported sporadic fees that appear as undisclosed charges, affecting transparency and budgeting.

Challenges for New Users

GoHighLevel presents a steep learning curve for new users. Key factors include:

  • Complexity: The extensive range of features can be overwhelming, making initial setup and usage difficult.
  • Onboarding: Adequate onboarding materials are crucial, and a lack of them contributes to a challenging acclimatization period for new users.

Competitive Comparison

When evaluating GoHighLevel against its competitors, it’s important to consider how it stacks up as an all-in-one solution for marketing agencies. HubSpot is renowned for its comprehensive marketing automation platform but often comes with a steeper price, making it less accessible for some marketing clients. GoHighLevel, while competitive in pricing, has faced criticism for additional fees that may arise outside of its base cost.

ClickFunnels is a gamechanger predominantly for building sales and marketing funnels, arguably with a more intuitive interface for funnel building. However, GoHighLevel presents a broader suite of services, including CRM, website building, and chat widgets that appeal to agencies looking for a multifunctional platform.

While GoHighLevel positions itself as an all-in-one platform, users should consider the nuance of pricing and whether all desired features are included. Each service has strengths particular to the needs of a marketing agency; while HubSpot may offer an expansive set of tools, the cost might be prohibitive for some. In contrast, ClickFunnels focuses on funnel creation and might lack in other areas where GoHighLevel provides solutions. Users should carefully evaluate their specific needs against each platform’s offerings to choose the most fitting marketing automation tool.

Product Enhancements and Updates

GoHighLevel has rolled out significant updates and enhancements in its recent feature drop, demonstrating a commitment to advancing its platform’s capabilities. Key updates include a robust Email Builder that simplifies creating compelling email campaigns, along with enhancements to their Prospect Tools designed to optimize lead management and conversions.

A series of new features have been introduced across various functionalities. E-commerce integrations have seen substantial expansion, allowing for streamlined online sales processes. The implementation of SmartLists within the CRM system has greatly improved segmentation and targeting. Meanwhile, communication touchpoints have been unified with consolidated chat features, incorporating SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger, and Instagram DMs, enhancing the user’s ability to engage with contacts.

The platform’s user management has received attention as well, adding Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to the Developer Marketplace. With this, users can fine-tune team permissions and enhance security. Moreover, users have reported occasional performance boosts addressing previous concerns about feature responsiveness.

While there are vast improvements, GoHighLevel maintains transparency about ongoing integration complexities with other tools, ensuring users are aware of potential limitations. These continuous enhancements underscore GoHighLevel’s dedication to providing a comprehensive and effective sales and marketing platform for digital agencies and consultants.

Extended Services and Networking

GoHighLevel offers a rich suite of services extending beyond the basic Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and marketing tools. They provide networking capabilities that are especially beneficial for marketing agencies and affiliates.

The platform’s extended services include a website builder, chat widgets, and a comprehensive sales and marketing funnel creator. These integrated tools work in tandem to deliver a seamless user experience for clients managing their operations and communications from a single interface. Marketing agencies frequently leverage these services to streamline workflows and improve client engagement.

In the context of networking, GoHighLevel excels at fostering connections between affiliates and the platform. By enabling an ecosystem where users can easily become affiliates, GoHighLevel promotes growth and partnership opportunities. This affiliate network creates a symbiotic environment that can enhance visibility and revenue streams for both the company and its users.

Furthermore, the platform’s emphasis on system consolidation means that users can have all their operations, from lead management to client support, centralized. The enhanced networking framework within GoHighLevel not only simplifies communication for multiple accounts but also serves as a hub for agencies to manage client interactions efficiently.

In summary, GoHighLevel’s extended services and networking features are geared towards facilitating business growth and operational cohesion for marketing agencies and affiliates. By integrating various marketing tools and promoting affiliate networks, GoHighLevel positions itself as a comprehensive solution for digital marketing and client management.

Marketing Insights and Analytics

GoHighLevel’s analytics capabilities are designed for businesses to obtain actionable intelligence from their marketing campaigns. The analytics dashboard provides a clear picture of campaign performance, enabling marketers to understand what strategies are effective and which areas need improvement.

Reporting Functionality: GoHighLevel offers robust reporting features that allow users to create custom reports. They can track data across various metrics to gain a comprehensive understanding of their marketing efforts. This visibility is crucial for making data-driven decisions to optimize marketing strategies.

Data Analysis: Through its integration with tools like Google Analytics, it enhances its data analysis offering. Users can delve into customer behavior, gaining insights into user engagement, conversion rates, and other vital analytics that inform marketing tactics.

Insights: Real-time insights give businesses the advantage of responding quickly to market changes or consumer behavior patterns. The platform’s insights are more than just numerical data; they are interpretations that guide strategic decisions.

Automatic Tracking: One of the key strengths is the automated tracking of marketing campaigns. This reduces the need for manual entry, minimizing errors, and saving time. By automating the data collection process, GoHighLevel ensures that the data is not only accurate but also up-to-date.

In summary, GoHighLevel equips businesses with the necessary tools to understand their marketing data intricately. By providing comprehensive insights and analytics, it enables companies to craft more effective marketing strategies.

Community and Social Proof

GoHighLevel garners significant appreciation within the digital marketing community. They have developed a robust community platform where users can obtain support and share insights. Through engaging with the community, members can leverage collective knowledge, facilitating both problem-solving and innovation for their marketing strategies.

Social media plays a crucial role in contributing to the social proof of GoHighLevel’s effectiveness. With a wide array of user testimonials and discussions across networks, new users can gauge the platform’s reputation within the industry. GoHighLevel’s Trustpilot score, for instance, stands strong at 4.8/5, reflecting a high level of user satisfaction.

  • Community Engagement: Strong community with active participation.
  • Help Center: Comprehensive resource with articles and videos.
  • Social Accounts: Testimonials and user stories shared prolifically.
  • Trustpilot Score: High rating indicative of user validation.

The company’s own social accounts often highlight customer success stories, promoting transparency and fostering trust among potential users. Furthermore, the platform’s engagement with users through social media channels and community forums emphasizes their commitment to nurturing a supportive digital environment.

The GoHighLevel community also enjoys access to exclusive content and the opportunity to connect with fellow marketers, creating a space for sharing best practices and fostering collaborative growth. This collective engagement has led to a substantial pool of social proof, a testament to their reliability and efficiency as a marketing tool.

Frequently Asked Questions

Exploring various perspectives on GoHighLevel, this section touches on user complaints, pricing, feedback from Reddit, Better Business Bureau reviews, the platform’s ease of use for newcomers, and the security measures it has in place.

What are common complaints by users about GoHighLevel?

Users have expressed concerns about occasional sluggishness in certain features, and some have found it challenging to integrate GoHighLevel with other tools they frequently use. This integration issue might be significant for those not willing to replace their current software suite.

How does GoHighLevel’s pricing structure compare with similar software platforms?

GoHighLevel’s pricing tiers are positioned at $97, $297, and $497 per month, which places it within a competitive range when compared to other all-in-one platforms. Its structure provides options for businesses of varying sizes and needs.

What are users saying about GoHighLevel on Reddit?

Discussions about GoHighLevel on Reddit reveal that users generally appreciate the platform’s extensive features and its ability to consolidate various marketing tools. However, individual experiences with customer service and specific functionalities vary.

What do reviews on the Better Business Bureau say about GoHighLevel?

The reviews on the Better Business Bureau regarding GoHighLevel are not specifically cited here, but typically, BBB reviews would reflect a broad spectrum of user experiences, ranging from customer service interactions to the efficacy of the product itself.

How user-friendly is GoHighLevel for new customers?

GoHighLevel provides a range of tools designed for user engagement and conversion, such as sales funnels and landing page design. The platform offers a free trial, suggesting confidence in its user-friendliness and an opportunity for newcomers to familiarize themselves with the features before committing financially.

What are the security measures implemented by GoHighLevel?

Discussions about the security of GoHighLevel are not detailed in this excerpt, but as a comprehensive CRM and marketing platform, it can be expected to employ standard security protocols to protect user data and provide a secure environment for its clientele.

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Mark Jacobsen

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