Silver Flows joins InVision

Aby Nimbalkar
3 min readMar 14, 2016

We are beyond excited to announce that the Silver Flows team is joining InVision!

Our immediate task at InVision is to lead the integration of Silver into Craft and the InVision iOS app, to help build a complete design and prototyping solution around Sketch. We love Sketch, and we love InVision, so things literally couldn’t get any better than this. We are also thrilled about the many other exciting projects we will be building together to create the product design platform of the future.

We created Silver to help designers build quick, discardable prototypes to help them test and validate the broader experience that their apps provide. As UX designers ourselves, we experienced the struggle first-hand in finding that perfect workflow, having to deal with mundane synchronization steps involved in other tools. We foresaw the convergence of design and prototyping into a single process from our own experiences and we set out to build the tool that made it possible.

When we announced Silver back in November 2015, we had no idea that so many of you faced the same problems as we did. We were blown away by the positive response from the community, and also a bit overwhelmed. Designers from all over the world got in touch, telling us how badly they’ve been waiting for such a tool and how much time it would save them. Many also had concerns about whether Silver would work for web design, whether prototypes could be viewed on Android devices, and whether it was possible to collect feedback from stakeholders using Silver (to name a few). While all those features have been on our list from day one, in classic startup-style, we chose a smaller target and decided to build a great end-to-end product that works for a relatively small, but passionate, group of people — iOS designers.

As part of InVision, Silver will be more strongly supported than we ever anticipated, and will allow us to bring our ideal workflow to a much larger audience. With support from InVision we can rapidly extend our current functionality to let you prototype Desktop, Android, and TV apps, while adding deeper integration with InVision’s collaborative ecosystem. Just imagine how powerful this will be, and how efficient it will make you!

If you already use Sketch, InVision and Craft, you should expect to greatly speed up your design process in the near future, and that makes us extremely happy. We built Silver as a way to serve the design community, and now we can do so at a much larger scale than we ever expected.

Official timelines on when we plan to launch will come very soon, so stay tuned.

It is safe to say that we would not be here without the tremendous support we received from designers everywhere. We thank all our friends within the community for inspiring, supporting and guiding us, and for helping us test and improve Silver while in private beta.

A shoutout to these amazing people:

As we move into our new roles at InVision, we look forward to your continued support and we hope you will hold us to an even higher standard of excellence than before.

Aby and Andrey

