Request Donations

4 min readSep 14, 2018


What is the Request Network?

Request is a decentralized network that allows anyone to request a payment. It removes the need for trusted third-parties and provides a cheaper and more secure payment solution that works with both crypto and fiat currencies.

Request Donations

What is the Request Donations app?

Request Donations seamlessly allows websites to accept an array of cryptocurrency donations directly on their own website, no technical worries, no expensive overheads, no complex integrations just a simple, easy to implement solution that works.

The landing page can be viewed at 🌐

You can view a live example at here. 👍

You can view a demo on Rinkeby here. ❤️

Documentation can be found here. 📖

The full source code can be found here. 📜

Popup of the donations application

Request Donations in action

The payment flow goes as follows:

  1. The end user clicks a trigger to launch the donations window.
  2. The user then selects the donation amount or enters a custom amount.
  3. The user then selects the currency they want to donate in.
  4. The user pays the donation and then redirected to a confirmation page.

You can see a video of the entire process here:

Example user payment flow of the donation application

Adding Request Donations to your site.

The full documentation can be found here. 📖

Adding cryptocurrency donations has never been easier, in just a few steps you can start receiving donations in several cryptocurrencies powered by the Request Network.

Simply copy and paste the script found on the docs, paste just before the closing <body> tag on your site, add a trigger, set your address and your done. It’s that simple.

Full integration guide can be found here:

Adding Request Donations to your SquareSpace site.

A huge thanks to Franco for creating the following SquareSpace integration guide: Use-case.

You can view a live example at here. 👍

At NeedsList, we have been streamlining the process of getting supplies and cash into the hands of frontline disaster and aid groups through our platform, which allows donors to purchase supplies directly from local businesses to be sent to the field. Since we launched a year ago, donors have directed hundreds of thousands of dollars in resources–including supplies, donations, and volunteer hours–to hundreds of small aid organizations around the world doing effective, often overlooked humanitarian work. For us, the catastrophic disasters of 2017 were a wake up call. We didn’t only want to do more–we needed to do more. The increase in the number of natural disasters calls for new tech-enabled solutions to get money to where it’s needed more quickly than ever, and with more transparency.

Relief center in the Rockaways after Hurricane Sandy (copyright Babita Patel)

Today, we’re excited to launch a blockchain-enabled Disaster Response Campaign in partnership with Project Bifröst, a cryptocurrency payment system that’s making humanitarian aid response cheaper, faster, and more effective. Project Bifröst is the first venture created by ConsenSys Social Impact, a venture that uses Ethereum to create blockchain-based solutions to tackle urgent humanitarian needs.

For the first time, people can donate the Dai stablecoin (created by MakerDAO), a price-stabilized cryptocurrency pegged to the U.S. dollar, towards disaster relief and preparedness efforts in the U.S. and abroad. This means that for the first time, there is a value associated with crypto donations that is stable and not prone to fluctuation, which is the hallmark of other cryptocurrencies.

Request Donations seamlessly allows to accept DAI donations directly on their own website, no technical worries, no expensive overheads, no complex integrations just a simple, easy to implement solution that works. As MakerDAO have said: “Thanks for making this so easy!”.

Have any questions?

The best way to get in touch is via Discord — we have a dedicated #request-donations channel for any queries.

Alternatively, feel free to contact me directly by any of the following methods:

Slack: adm

Telegram: @admREQ

Reddit: /u/admREQ

Discord: AdmReq#4167

