The Path to Buddha-hood P.1

The Four Agreements

Adam T Cummings
6 min readNov 16, 2023
Part 1 of a 3-Part Series on the Lived Path towards Enlightenment

God has graced me with many gifts in this life which I’ve honed. One of those gifts involves people inherently trusting me. This has afforded me many opportunities to learn intimate stories of random peoples lives. How I’ve honed this gift is through practice when striking conversation. I often lead with vulnerable and authentic stories about myself which spurs the other, who already inherently trusts me, to divulge “the good good” as I like to call it — the raw, real, and truthful moments that have and often still define them.

My curiosity about Being Human has led me all over, meeting thousands of different individuals. Through these travels and subsequent immersion into the depths of the human condition, I’ve learned that some people are here to be immersed in all that is to be human and others want nothing more than to transcend it altogether. Some humans want to soak up the physical-material experience for all it’s got. Other humans would rather focus on the world happening between their eyes.

The spice of life is that no two human experiences are the same because we all came here for a different experience. No two experiences are the same because no two human beings are the same. Yet, in a “one-size-fits-all” society, many of us have forgotten who we are, what we war, and why we are here. Too many of us live on the extreme spectrum between materiality and spirituality, leaving many gaps unaddressed, and feelings of disappointment along the way.

Many humans within our “one-size-fits-all” society are unfulfilled due to living in the extremes of duality. Some have everything they could possibly want and are completely devoid inside. Some have everything inside without the capacity to meet basic survival needs. Both sides of the spectrum “think” their way is idyllic, not realizing the value of finding a focal point.

Whenever we exist on the extremes of any spectrum we always run the risk of chaos ensuing. Creating balance and alignment allows for us to have our cake and eat it too. It creates the perfect zero point for us to achieve anything we want, not at the expense of ourselves or others, with plenty of overflow to go around. Whatever we do in life, shit will inevitably hit the fan, and it’ll be our job to clean it up.

When we take on life from the centered focal point, the fallout from these inevitable moments of chaos is dampened. When living on the extremes, it is felt more acutely. This often leads to extreme instances of suffering. As we mature, the desire to face these times of extreme pain lessens greatly. It is in these moments where we begin to seek an understanding of how to find more harmony to live within.

We are spirits in human form, which means, although no two human experiences are the same — there are concepts, methods, and modalities that can help a lost soul along their human path. There are certain tenets that, when applied, strengthen our ability too human in the ways we truly desire while bringing balance and alignment to our experience.


During the beginning of my awakening, I was consuming self-help books like hot cakes. As my chakras opened and all the trauma stored up began to feel out of me, I was direly seeking refuge from the storm of my own misery.

Audio books were my favorite to focus into as I walked around my Floridian neighborhood. The walking kept my body in shape as I began to deeply heal from years of torment and neglect. Being that I was signed up for an “Audible” subscription plan meant I got to download a new book each month. During my monthly scroll through the Audible library I stumbled across a book called, “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.

As I listened to a free excerpt from the book, it talked about this ancient culture called the “Totecs” who pre-dated the Mayan / Incan / Aztec civilizations of South America. This ancient culture based its human philosophies on four agreements in order to live the most balanced human life possible. I didn’t even make it through the entire audio file before I had hit the download button — I had found my next focus piece.

Not being a very long book, I could hardly put it down. I walked for two hours, two days in a row to finish it. What is profound about this book is how simple it was to not only grasp but to truly comprehend. The premise of this culture’s entire perspective is based in these four tenets.

  • Be impeccable with your word
  • Don’t take anything personally
  • Don’t make assumptions
  • Always do your best


Most of my suffering came from the high highs and low lows that I frequently experienced. At this point in time, I desired to get off the emotional roller coaster which I had built for myself. I wanted to find more solace and stability because The human life I had initially desired to live was no longer conducive to the human being I was morphing into.

My path through the dark night of the soul had me turning over every rock and stone in search of what I already had inside of me. As I listened to the ancient wisdom being bestowed upon me in those days, I became more aware of this very premise.

Say what you mean, mean what you say

To be impeccable with your word means to be aware of what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. We cast spells when we speak. Being that we are co-creating our reality through our thoughts, words, and actions means that what we speak — we create and if we want to create a beautifully balanced and aligned human experience than we must be leery of how and what we are saying, especially about ourselves.

It’s not always about YOU

The reason we shouldn’t take anything personally is because another spirit in human form living their experience has nothing to do with our experience unless we agree to it. By allowing what other people say, think, or do to affect the vibration with which we manifest with is guaranteeing we have a less than balanced and aligned experience. Allow others to be who they are, where they are, and how they are. Reaction lowers vibration.

We think we know

We never want to make assumptions because we simply do not know. The biggest issue with humans and suffering is this collective arrogant idea that we know anything at all. By letting go of the belief structures and social programming “making asses out of you and me” allows for unimpeded growth and expansion. By not making assumptions, we leave our mind out of things that do not matter creating a more balanced and aligned experience.

Put your best foot forward

By always doing our best, we leave less room to malign ourselves over. When we sweat the small stuff, we create suffering through unachievable expectations. When we put the necessary effort in, at the divine time, through staying present and aware — we readily find success while attaining our desires. Putting our best foot forward guarantees we have less negative stuff to talk about ourselves which frees up energy for alignment and balance.

It’s been several years since my audiobook-laden jaunts around my neighborhood. Eventually, all the studying I did turned into applying what I had learned. As I continued “walking” this journey of enlightenment, these four agreements have been foundational to my own achievement of a more balanced and aligned human experience.

With Gratitude,

Adam T. Cummings






