pick my mind

5 self-help tips (that are actually harmful.)

The issue I am about to address here will certainly irritate some people. Self-help has developed into a 10 billion dollar business.
Because of unscrupulous actors benefitting from false advice.

4 min readSep 22, 2022

A flood of Internet gurus saying that your future is just one expensive course or conference away.
Many self-help gurus sell a delusion, a pipe dream.

They convince you that you can be a huge success and that all of your desires will come true.
After all, it turned out that way for the book’s author.

They don’t warn you that they’re selling lottery tickets.
There’s simply a slim probability that things will turn out the same way they did for the author.

“Never give up.”

picture of a man standing on top of cliff
Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash

You have to know when to walk away. It’s not a sign of weakness, it’s an act of strength. Never give up is some of the most harmful advice in the world and will lead you down the path of never living.

Everything in life has an opportunity cost, so it’s important to know when it’s worth it for you to give up on something. Whether that be your dream job or your relationship, sometimes we can’t do everything we want to at once.

So if you don’t really care about failing then go ahead and try anything but if you’re too scared to fail then stop right now.

Remember every failure gives us valuable experience for the next time around.

The best way to avoid failure is just by trying new things instead of always doing what feels safe because at one point or another everything feels scary but there are no guarantees unless we take action.

“Think good thoughts only”

2 emojis one is sad ,other one is indifferent
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Some people believe that in order to be successful you need to think positive thoughts

. The reality is that while this may help a little, it’s not what really makes you successful.

To really achieve success, you need to think about the challenges and obstacles you will face so that your mind can come up with creative ways of overcoming them.

This way, when a challenge or obstacle comes along, your brain will already have a solution ready for it. In fact, some research suggests that negative thoughts are more beneficial to performance than positive ones.


In an experiment where golfers had a putting green placed in front of them and were asked either to visualize their putts going in or imagine their putts missing, those who thought about missing actually putted better than those who thought about making their shots! primarily because thinking negatively forced them to be more alert and cautious.

“Don’t make excuses”

self help advice that are actually harmful
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

One of the most common pieces of advice for people who need help changing their lives is to just do it.

This idea, however, can be destructive. As someone who had a lot of trouble getting out of bed in the morning, I was often told to just wake up earlier.

If I just tried harder and made myself go out more, I would make friends.

The problem with this kind of advice is that you’re putting a ton of pressure on yourself to do something that’s not natural for you. Instead of telling yourself you need to find a passion, find something that makes you happy.

“Money Can’t Buy Happiness.”

self help advice that are actually harmful.
Image by Sally Jermain from Pixabay

This one is both incorrect and misses the mark.
Sure, money doesn’t miraculously raise your happiness level.
However, studies demonstrate that, up to a degree, wealth does boost happiness.

It’s challenging to be joyful when you can’t afford to eat or keep the lights on.

To begin with, if you are a pretty happy person, money may make your life even better.
You have the financial means to take more chances, travel, and have new experiences.
You can employ individuals to handle the duties you despise so that you can devote your time to interests and projects that are important to you.

“Reading such articles on internet.”

picture of a dog looking weirdly at you
Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

*Awkward Silence *

There I said it.

Ask your self how much time you have goes in reading such articles and how many times have you implemented the advice in your lifestyle . For the majority of people very less I guess .I am raising my hand too.

Self help books and articles have this ability to make you feel good and motivated for a short while.

So much so that some people get addicted

to reading such articles and experience the euphoria for a short while of having made it.

Now lets get back to work.

Enjoyed the read..here is some more..




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