Homosexuality, Neither a Sin nor Immoral

Gayest Husky
4 min readSep 20, 2019


If you are like me, you have probably been in a church that taught you to believe that homosexuality is a sin, and a serious one. You have probably been taught that you should hate this sin and feel ashamed of yourself, that you are immoral, and unworthy of salvation. You probably have been taught that being gay is wrong.

A lot of us gays have experienced this, some to a harsher degree than others, some to a lesser degree than others. But I was able to learn for a fact that there is nothing immoral about being gay, there is nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to fear. You are not going to hell, period. God is not going to punish you for homosexual behavior, sex, attraction, etc. You are worthy of salvation, but repenting for gay behavior is not needed for gay behavior isn’t a sin. I will show you why such religious doctrines against homosexuality are pure Bullsh!t.

Seek the Truth, Question those who Claim to Have it

The truth can withstand critical thinking, lies cannot. Thus, someone who tells the truth will welcome challenges and critical thinking, and some will even bet ten-thousand dollars of their own money on it.

The people telling lies will prohibit critical thinking, tell you that you will go to hell for not believing, not allow academic freedom at their colleges and schools, misrepresent science for their own gains, demand that you blindly obey and believe instead of trusting in your own critical and independent thinking, demand that you disown those that do not conform such as gays, atheists, and other non-believers. Some flat-out lie [1,2].

Tell me, who do these anti-gay churches and anti-gay hate groups resemble more, the truth-teller or the liar? Examine the behaviors of anti-gay groups and anti-gay churches and see for yourself.

There is no Evidence Whatsoever

Most of the time, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But if homosexuality is really as immoral as anti-gay churches make it out to be, then it should be as obvious as murder or at the very least morally questionable like abortion and the death penalty (morally questionable meaning: having good arguments for and against, not a settled issue).

Instead there is not one single iota of evidence that demonstrates that homosexuality is wrong. Because evidence should be there, this is proof that homosexuality is neither immoral nor a sin, and I am willing to bet ten-grand of my own money on it; a bet that I have never lost.

All anti-gay doctrines and religion are man-made:

It is a fact, meaning an observation that cannot be honestly or rationally disputed, that all religions, faiths, bibles, doctrines, churches, etc. are man-made. Period. If you are anti-LGBTQ and you think your bible is the infallible word of God, take my ten-thousand dollar challenge. I dare you. To this day I have not seen a single verifiable observation of God himself creating a single religion or church, not one.

“The Bible Says so” isn’t a Credible Argument:

The bible isn’t God’s direct creation, that is a fact. If you think it is God’s direct creation, then win ten-thousand dollars. When someone tells me that “your gay behavior is a sin because 2ndCorinthians 6:9–10 says so” all I really hear is this:

Some random shmuck says that an ancient book, which was designed by committee around 400 A.D. (my numbers may be off a bit), said that some scribe from two thousand years ago said that a guy named Paul (who may or not be the said scribe) said that God said that homosexuality is a sin.

Now I am no lawyer but isn’t that what we call hearsay? This is even worse than double hearsay, it’s at least quadruple hearsay. Also, what about the fact that the stories in this book were passed down by word of mouth for years, in some cases centuries, before being written down? Isn’t that the game of telephone? So, an ancient line of hearsay, telephone, and absurdities says that my behavior is a sin? Not buying it. I have also debunked the idea that the bible is god’s word. Click here for a more in-depth look.


So, in conclusion, being gay and homosexuality are neither sins nor immoral, and I am willing to bet ten-thousand dollars of my own money on that. Therefore, you have nothing to be ashamed of, and nothing to be afraid of (just come out when the time is right and only when it is safe for you to do so).

If on the other hand you are part of one of these anti-gay groups, prove me wrong. If you are upset about what I said here and think that your anti-gay religion is so true and worth so damn much, why don’t you prove it? Go ahead, I am so confident that you and your groups are full of crap that I am willing to bet my own money on it. And I want results, not your excuses for why you can’t produce them.

[1] https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/anti-lgbt

[2] https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/american-college-pediatricians



Gayest Husky

Gay Husky | Developer | Trolling and triggering bigoted idiots since the age of reason #ResistanceScum #RebelScum #TransAlly #LGBwiththeT