Top Provider Geico Home Insurance Quotes — You need to see this before buy!

Subesh Gupta
3 min readSep 23, 2019


Whether you’re just buying and insuring your first home or thinking about moving to a new company like Geico for your homeowners insurance quotes. There are some simple and proven tips that you can follow that are guaranteed to reduce your premium so you pay as little as possible. !

Geico Home Insurance Quotes

First, let’s make sure we are on the same page.

We assume a home insurance policy to ensure that we are covered in case of major disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes, serious injuries to a guest and also smaller problems (in comparison) such as theft, property damage, etc.

There are benefits of going with a larger company like Geico, but you need to know some important things that will affect your homeowner insurance policy.

Real-life tragedy: how my best friend lost everything I had in an hour

A close friend recently experienced a strange electric fire in his basement.

You see, a surge protector shortened (for no apparent reason) and caused a fire that spread throughout the house. Fortunately, he and his family were not home at the time, but everything they owned was destroyed! They had no place to live. Without clothes Absolutely nothing.

What are the chances of something like this happening to any of us?

Statistically, the possibilities are slim, but it is almost guaranteed that these things * will * happen to someone and that is why we all need to have adequate coverage!

Fortunately, my friend’s house insurance policy not only covered a complete reconstruction of his home and the replacement of his personal items, but also gave them a temporary place to live while his home was rebuilt! Read Before You Buy Geico Earthquake Insurance Quotes for Home.

Save money by making sure you have the right policy!!

In addition to the “major disasters” of which we all know that we must be protected (such as fire, property damage, etc.) there is an area that 80% of owners neglect and make the wrong decision about … their property coverage!

How to make sure you are not wasting money on property coverage?

The best thing you can do is make a quick list of your possessions along with the price you paid for them. Important: I say “fast” because people get overwhelmed, postpone and never end up doing it. Trust me: taking 30 minutes to do this can really save you money on your Geico home insurance policy!

At first, don’t worry about listing individual items, just group your belongings into categories. (i.e. Furniture — $ 16,000.00, Electronics — $ 4,000.00, Clothing — $ 2,100,000)

You have the idea …

Just make a quick list at the beginning and when you’re not sure of the prices, do your best to estimate.

Next, you must add your figures and compare them with your current vacant home insurance policy. If you lost these possessions today, would your policy be enough to cover them? Most people discover that they are paying too much for the coverage they do not need!

Going through this exercise will give you specific home insurance information that you can take to your Geico representative to make sure you get a better deal.

  • Geico Home Insurance Quotes for Vacant and Builders Risk Houses.

