A Call to the College Board to Restore the Integrity of the AP African American Studies Course
TO: David Coleman, CEO, College Board
We write as over 1000 faculty, administrators and supporters in higher education who teach, write, research and lead in the areas of African American and Black Studies, a rich body of interdisciplinary academic production that incorporates indigenous, gender, queer, ethnic, feminist, and social movement scholarship.
Hundreds of us signed an Open Letter published on January 31, 2023, to express our opposition to Ron DeSantis’ slanderous comments about the draft course. We denounced his threats to hold the new AP offering hostage to Florida’s censorial anti-woke law, and urged the College Board to make revisions to the draft curriculum in their normal customary fashion.
It was our hope that the College Board would stand true to its stated commitments against politically-motivated meddling into the content of its AP courses, but the subsequent release of the pilot course on February 1 revealed that our hope was misplaced. We are gravely disappointed that the College Board’s Revised Framework for the Advanced Placement African American Studies (AP AAS) course effectively aligned the course with Florida’s “anti-woke” specifications, which fundamentally demean, malign and caricature Black life and the study of it. Consequently, it falls significantly short of the College Board’s own stated goal to develop a curricular framework that “reflects the academic rigor of introductory college courses within the discipline.”
As the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) noted in its February 2023 statement, the decision to excise dozens of foundational concepts, scholars, and theories from the course undermines the “College Board’s credibility as a site for knowledge on the experiences of Black folk and the concepts and theories used to analyze their experiences.”
For the College Board to restore its credibility and preserve the integrity of the course, it must reinstate the content, concepts and frameworks from the February 2022 “Course Framework and Exam Overview” preview document that were further elaborated in the Fall 2022 Pilot Course Guide. If the course continues to lack rigor and completeness some faculty will advise our institutions to reject advanced placement credit for the course.
The Excised and Censored Content
The latest curricular framework released on February 1, 2023 reveals that dozens of concepts and topics had been excised from the earlier course framework. They were either eliminated entirely or assigned to a “sample topics” section of the framework that students may never be allowed to engage.
The College Board has now acknowledged that the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) sought to influence the course not because of scholarly concerns or pedagogical standards but because that body was acting as a “political apparatus.” The CB’s admission that it removed the mention of concepts like “systemic marginalization” and “intersectionality” because they had become “politicized” only serves to reward that same political apparatus. The decision and reasoning affirms censorship and disinformation. It does not allow students to decide for themselves how those concepts shed light on the African American experience.
As a result, students may take the course without ever encountering key words and related concepts in the field including intersectionality, Black feminism, racial color blindness, institutional racism, and Black Lives Matter. Students and educators cannot engage these topics and ideas if the terms themselves are censored, as the terms themselves convey critical insights that are central to African American Studies. African American Studies is more than the study of the Black past.
African American Studies is the study of the persistence of anti-Blackness and the connections between historical and contemporary efforts to resist structural racism. It is an interdisciplinary engagement with the ways in which people of African descent remade and re-envisioned the world through ideas, art, politics and social movements despite the enduring character of white supremacy.
Students who take the course without encountering these concepts cannot achieve college-level comprehension of African American Studies. Indeed, they will be ill-equipped to engage in further learning and discussion in upper level African American Studies courses without a robust understanding of these concepts.
In addition, excluding Black Lives Matter and other topics from the post-1965 and contemporary period from the core and consigning them to the optional “sample topics” portion of the framework violates the integrity of the course as a whole.
With regards to other courses, the College Board understands clearly why foundational course concepts cannot be removed from the curriculum. For example, in a recent statement condemning censorship, the College Board explained that “the concepts of evolution are at the heart of college biology and a course that neglects such concepts does not pass muster as AP Biology.”
In the same way, the College Board’s initial interviews with college faculty indicated that “Intersectionality, Cultural Production and Appropriation, and Structural Racism were selected as the most essential themes” within the existing college courses, yet all of these concepts were excluded from the latest framework. As such, the current curricular framework “does not pass muster” as AP African American Studies.
Finally, the censorship of foundational content was not limited to course concepts, themes and scholars alone. Course goals and learning outcomes were also revised to suggest that the course was not intended for students to assess “real world problems,” “systematic marginalization” or to evaluate the “past, present, and future implications” of major social movements, as the chart below reveals.
Allowing students to connect knowledge produced in the classroom to their own questions, experiences, and hopes is foundational to African American studies.
To restore the integrity of the APAAS course, the College Board must:
1. Rescind the “Curricular Framework” published on February 1, 2023 and restore critical concepts, scholarship and frameworks to the AP AAS course.
The College Board should initiate a process guided by faculty and teachers qualified to review the materials that have been removed from the required portion of the curriculum, restore critical concepts, scholarship and frameworks to the document and devise ways to support educators in engaging these concepts with their students.
Put simply, the curriculum must restore the history of Black Studies, Black feminism, Black LGBTQ+ formations, and the conceptual frameworks that have grown out of the post 1960s Black freedom struggle up to Black Lives Matter in order to be called African American Studies.
2. Provide resources to create new platforms (including online and other asynchronous formats) so that Florida students and others confronting censored AP content can take the course and sit for the AP exam.
The College Board should make arrangements for colleges and universities that accept AP credits to accept this online course for Florida students and others in states that may reject the course in the future. Students in these states should not have their learning held hostage by political leaders who demand the censorship of the course in return for their official endorsement. The College Board’s policy on censorship states clearly that “if a school bans required topics from their AP courses, the AP Program removes the AP designation from that course…in the AP course ledger provided to colleges and universities.” To remedy the loss of learning and opportunity that will result for such students, the College Board should develop alternative platforms, at its expense or through its own fundraising capacities, to promote their inclusion and engagement.
3. Cease and desist from making public claims that the censored Curricular Framework is capable of introducing students to the foundational concepts, themes, and commitments of African American Studies. It cannot.
The curriculum was not simply reorganized to make it more streamlined or efficient. It has been scrubbed of much of its critical and contemporary content, and the framework that remains does not fully and accurately reflect the state of the field. This course is not AP African American History. Educators and students cannot be told that the adoption of this emaciated framework represents a “first step” in introducing more people to the field. This claim falsely suggests that the only choices available are a censored curriculum or no course at all. The CB must meet its obligation to stand behind this course as envisioned and designed. To withdraw now would be to sanction the lie that the field is not a valid and important academic discipline and that the students’ quest for this knowledge is illegitimate. This is the very message that FDOE and DeSantis have sought to convey, and to withdraw or cancel the course would be to hand political operatives intent on censoring Black knowledge a total victory.
4. Assume a leadership role in fighting against widespread efforts by states to censor anti-racist thought and expression.
The College Board must make a clear stand against so-called “anti-woke” legislation in every state where it appears. These laws are authoritarian in spirit, a threat to democratic principles and an open society by design, and are eroding academic freedom and national educational standards. The College Board should lend its support to legal efforts against these educational gag orders and memory laws, including filing amicus briefs where appropriate. It must dedicate its significant resources to fight these measures that are antithetical to quality teaching and learning in a mulitracial society. College Board must vigorously protect the academic freedom to teach and to learn.
The College Board’s February 11, 2023 apology acknowledged that it failed to condemn the FDOE’s spurious attacks on the course and individual scholars who were falsely maligned and targeted for political gain. Further, it is evident from the same statement that the Board’s initial comments regarding private exchanges between the CB and FDOE were misleading and incomplete. This allowed FDOE and the DeSantis administration to claim a victory in censoring the course.
The College Board’s ineffectiveness and lack of transparency in dealing with a foreseeable challenge also did a grave disservice to the several hundred scholars in the field who were recruited to design the course, but were neither consulted nor informed about the decisions to eliminate key concepts, ideas and materials.
Kamilah A’Vant | University of Rhode Island
Susan Abraham | New York Law School
Cécile Accilien | Kennesaw State University
Arthur Acevedo | University of Illinois Chicago School of Law
Ashley Adams | Mills College at Northeastern University
Quisquella Addison | Northeastern University School of Law
Tony Affigne | Providence College
Ujju Aggarwal | The New School
Amy Agigian | Suffolk University
Ebenezer Agu | University of Michigan
Hiba Fatima Ahmed | Duke University APSI
Theresa Aiello | New York University (retired)
Alain Akasa | Northeastern University
Faune Albert | Hampshire College
Jaime Aleman | St. Mary’s University School of Law
Leslie Alexander | Rutgers University
Shawn Alexander | University of Kansas
Samer Ali | U of Michigan
Nicole Aljoe | Northeastern University
Jacqueline Allain | Duke
Jafari Sinclaire Allen | Columbia University
K. E. Allen | University of Michigan
Angela Allen-Bell | Southern University Law Center
Maureen Allwood | John Jay College
Kal Alston | Syracuse University
Saladin Ambar | Rutgers University
Aysha Ames | Fordham University School of Law
Lena Ampadu | Towson U
Angele Anderfuren | University of Michigan
Carol Anderson | Emory University
John Anderson | Ball State University
M. Christine Anderson | Xavier University (emeritus)
Tarren Andrews | Yale University
David R Applebaum, Ph.D. | Rowan University (emeritus)
Susan Appleton | Washington University in St. Louis School of Law
Christian Appy | University of Massachusetts, Amherst
John Archer | New York University
Guy Aronoff | Cal Poly Humboldt
Lisa Arrastia | Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Arturo Arrieta | San Francisco State University
Michelle Arsneault | California State University, Fullerton
Miriam Aschkenasy | Harvard Kennedy School
Kenneth Asher | Harvard Graduate School of Education
Renee Ater | Brown University
E. Taylor Atkins | Northern Illinois University
Paula Austin | Boston University
Natalie Avalos | University of Colorado, Boulder
Alex Aviña | Arizona State University
Michael Awkward | University of Michigan
Annessa Babic | SUNY Old Westbury
Gabriela Baeza Ventura | University of Houston
Joseph Bagley | Georgia State University
Mandi Bailey | Valdosta State University
Oluwakemi Balogun | University of Oregon
Simon Balto | University of Wisconsin-Madison
Joy Banks | George Mason University
Edward Baptist | Cornell University
Llana Barber | SUNY Old Westbury
Riché JD Barnes | University of Florida
WaTasha Barnes Griffin | Ball State University
Christine Barrow | Hofstra University
Josef Barton | Northwestern University
Melissa Barton | Yale University
Scott Alves Barton | Notre Dame
Ann Bartow | UNH School of Law
Carol Batker | University of San Francisco
Patrick Baur | University of Rhode Island
Kaylan Baxter | USC
Amber Baylor | Columbia Law School
Herman Beavers | University of Pennsylvania
Erin Beck | University of Oregon
Austin Becker | University of Rhode Island
Michael Becker | Brown University
Maziar Behrooz | San Francisco State University
Colleen Bell | Hamline University
Dr. Shamell Bell | Harvard University
Ella Bell | Dartmouth College
Cristina Beltran | New York University
Jesse Benjamin | Kennesaw State University
Trude Bennett | UNC Chapel Hill
Jane Berger | Moravian University
Angela Berkley | University of Michigan
Déborah Berman Santana | Mills College (emeritus)
Julia Bernier | Washington & Jefferson College
Iver Bernstein | Washington University in St. Louis
Stephen Berrey | University of Michigan
Maya Berry | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Latrica Best | Boston College
Lisa Biggs | Brown University
Cyrus Bina | University of Minnesota
Martha Biondi | Northwestern University
Michael Birenbaum Quintero | Boston University
Debarati Biswas | New College of Florida
Rhonesha Blache | Teachers College, Columbia University
Carmen Black | Yale University
Keisha Blain | Brown University
Cynthia Blair | University of Illinois at Chicago
Allison Blakely | Boston University
Lorraine Blatt | University of Pittsburgh
Rich Blint | The New School
Kimberly Blockett | University of Delaware
A. Lynn Bolles | University of Maryland College Park
Nicky Boothe | UIC Law
Eileen Boris | UC Santa Barbara
Mildred Boveda | Penn State University
Merle Bowen | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Cynthia Bowman | Cornell Law School
Joye Bowman | University of Massachusetts
Carole Boyce Davies | Cornell University
Cory Bradley | Washington University School of Medicine
Ericka Bradley | Texas Southern University, Pensacola University
Rebecca Bratspies | CUNY Law
Lundy Braun | Brown University
Irus Braverman | University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Hannah Brenner Johnson | California Western School of Law
Renate Bridenthal | Brooklyn College, CUNY
Jennifer Brier | University of Illinois Chicago
Laura Briggs | University of Massachusetts Amherst
Robert Britto-Oliveira | University of Rhode Island
Akissi Britton | Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Anne Broadbridge | University of Massachusetts
Jennifer Brody | Stanford
Mark Broomfield | SUNY Geneseo
Karida Brown | Emory University
Kevin Brown | University of South Carolina School of Law
Kirby Brown | University of Oregon
Nadia Brown | Georgetown University
Shan-Estelle Brown | Rollins College
Sheri Brown | Unitarian universalist congregation of Hudson valley
Tashal Brown | University of Rhode Island
Mario Browne | University of Pittsburgh
Kevin Bruyneel | Babson College
John Buckley | University of Michigan
Lolita Buckner Inniss | University of Colorado Law School
Scottie Buehler | Sam Houston State University
Tracy Buenavista | California State University, Northridge
Natalie Bullock Brown | North Carolina State University
Margaret Burnham | Northeastern University
Richard Burroughs | University of Rhode Island
Nicole Burrowes | Rutgers University, NB
Keely Busby | George Washington University
Kim D. Butler | Rutgers University
Paul Butler | Georgetown University Law Center
Sheretta Butler-Barnes | Washington University in St. Louis
Lee Bynum | Columbia University
Tyrone Byrd | Dartmouth College
Wesley C Hogan | Duke University
Umayyah Cable | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Altheria Caldera | American University
Clarence Caldwell | Pepperdine University
Stephen Maynard Caliendo | North Central College
Ann Cammett | CUNY School of Law
Carol Camp Yeakey | Washington University in St. Louis
Colleen Campbell | NYU Law
Jill Campbell | Yale University
Craig Canfield | Yale University
Lucinda Canty | University of Massachusetts Amherst
Mark Canuel | University of Illinois at Chicago
Devon Carbado | UCLA School of Law
Hazel Carby | Yale
Catherine Carpenter | Southwestern Law School
Erin Carr | Seattle University School of Law
Rachel Carrico | University of Florida
John Carson | University of Michigan
Chelsey Carter | Yale
Derrais Carter | University of Arizona
Prudence Carter | Brown University
Judith Casselberry | Bowdoin College
Margaret Cerullo | Hampshire College
Sarah Jane Cervenak | UNC Greensboro
Paula Chakravartty | NYU
Julian Chambliss | Michigan State University
Robert Chang | Seattle University School of Law
Rachel Chapman | University of Washington, Seattle
Rebecca Chapman | University at Buffalo
Matthew Charity | City University of New York School of Law
Katherine Charron | NC State University
Faisal Chaudhry | University of Massachusetts
Amy Chazkel | Columbia University
Henry Chen | University of Michigan
Charise Cheney | University of Oregon
April Cherry | Cleveland State University
Dennis Childs | UCSD
Mary Chinery | Georgian Court University
Sumi Cho | DePaul University College of Law (retired)
Gerard Chouin | William & Mary
Beth Christman | Mount Holyoke College
Louis Chude-Sokei | Boston University
Kandice Chuh | CUNY Graduate Center
Angie Chung | University at Albany
Keith Clark | George Mason University
Rebecca Clark | Eastern Washington University
Kamari Clarke | UCLA
Malcolm Clarke | Northeastern University Law School
Andy Clarno | University of Illinois at Chicago
Rudolph Clay | Washington University in St. Louis
Danielle Clealand | University of Texas
Mary Coffey | Dartmouth College
Cathy Cohen | University of Chicago
Deborah Cohen | University of Missouri-St. Louis
Miriam Cohen | Vassar College
Walter Cohen | University of Michigan
Jesse Cohn | Purdue University Northwest
Juan Cole | University of Michigan
Aaron Coleman | University of Michigan
Ruth Colker | Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University
Lisa Gail Collins | Vassar College
Anna Conley | Alexander Blewett III School of Law University of Montana
N. D. B. Connolly | Johns Hopkins University
Daniella Cook | University of South Carolina
Elizabeth Cooper | Fordham Law School
Sandi Cooper | CUNY (emeritus)
Danielle Copes | St. Mary’s University School of Law
Morris Council | University of West Georgia
Diana Courtney | University of Oregon
Yolanda Covington-Ward | University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Aimee Cox | New York University
Kimberle Crenshaw | Columbia University & UCLA
Emilye Crosby | SUNY Geneseo
Kimberly Crump | NC A&T State University
Elyse Crystall | UNC-CH
Mabel Cuesta | University of Houston
Dr. Bert Maria Cueva | Cal State University-Northridge
Susan Cumings | University at Albany, SUNY
Carolyn Cusick | California State University, Fresno
Suzanne Cusick | NYU
Daniel Czitrom | Mount Holyoke College
Hetal Dalal | Mitchell | Hamline School of Law
Bianca Dang | University of Washington
Julia Dang | Alma College
Kyrah Malika Daniels | Emory University
Amy Dao | Cal Poly Pomona
Anthony Dardis | Hofstra University
Marlo David | Purdue University
Adrienne Davis | Washington University in St. Louis
Amira Rose Davis | University of Texas- Austin
Benjamin Davis | Washington and Lee School of Law
Dana Davis | CUNY
Kara Davis | University at Buffalo
Mark Allan Davis | San Francisco State University
Nakia Davis | North Carolina Central University School of Law
Patricia Davis | Northeastern University
Smaran Dayal | Stevens Institute of Technology
Aparajita De | University of the District of Columbia
Misty De Berry | Dartmouth College
Greta de Jong | University of Nevada, Reno
Mira Debs | Yale University
Michael Denning | Yale University
Sandra McGee Deutsch | University of Texas at El Paso
Scott Dexter | Alma College
Kadidja Diaby | Georgia Southern University
Stephen Dillon | Hampshire College
Tanesha Dixon | NYU, Michigan State University
Jessica Dixon Weaver | SMU Dedman School of Law
Rossen Djagalov | NYU
Mara Dodge | Westfield State University
Stacey Dogan | Boston University
Mary Dollison | Ball State University
Kristin Doughty | University of Rochester
Susan Douglas | The University of Michigan
Pearl Dowe | Emory University
Mary Dudziak | Emory University
Scott Dueker | Ball State University
Lisa Duggan | New York University
Erica Dunbar | Rutgers University
Meredith Duncan | University of Houston Law Center
Stephen Duncombe | NYU
S. Dwyer | Texas A&M University — San Antonio
Maurice Dyson | Suffolk University Law School
Herbert Eagle | University of Michigan
John Eatets | New York University
Ugo Edu | UCLA
Joyce Edwards | Virginia State University
Fatima El-Tayeb | Yale
Sakeenah Elamin | Barnard College
Jesse Engel | UCLA
Susan Englander | San Francisco State University
Hannah Ensor | University of Michigan
Robert Entenmann | St. Olaf College
Adrienne Erby | Kent State University
Jennifer Erickson | Ball State University
Michael Fakhri | University of Oregon School of Law
Sharon Farb | UCLA
Ashley Farmer | University of Texas, Austin
Navid Farnia | Wayne State University
Brittany Farr | NYU Law
Jelani Favors | North Carolina A&T State University
Andrew Feffer | Union College
David Feldman | College of the Atlantic
Max Felker-Kantor | Ball State University
Kevin Fellezs | Columbia University
Lisa Fenn | Tufts University
Roderick Ferguson | Yale University
Iva Ferrell | Widener University Delaware Law School
Ada Ferrer | NYU
Sharla Fett | Occidental College
Eileen Findlay | American University
J Finley | Pomona College
James Finley | Texas A&M University — San Antonio
Sibylle Fischer | NYU
Bailey Flannery | University of Michigan — Ann Arbor
Jonathan Flatley | Wayne State University
Flores Forbes | Columbia University in the City of New York
Donna Y. Ford | The Ohio State University
Jillian Ford | Kennesaw State University
Cindy Forster | Scripps College
Susan Forsyth | California State University, East Bay
Erin Fortunato | Boston University
Kelsie Foster | University of Rhode Island
Elena Foulis | A&M University San Antonio
Cynthia Fowler | Emmanuel College
Heather Fox | University of Louisville
Mary Louise Frampton | UC Davis School of Law
Demetria Frank | University of Memphis
Sekou Franklin | Middle Tennessee State University
George Franks | FCG
Emily Frazier-Rath | Davidson College
Marla Frederick | Emory University
ChaeRan Freeze | Brandeis University
Rebecca Redwood French | University at Buffalo School of Law
Sharon Friedman | New York University
Amanda Frisken | SUNY Old Westbury
Marisa Fuentes | Rutgers University
Lynn Fujiwara | University of Oregon
Karen Gaffney | Raritan Valley Community College
Scott Gage | Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Colette Gaiter | University of Delaware
Nalika Gajaweera | University of Southern California
Allyson Ganster | CUNY Graduate Center
ClaireOberon Garcia | Colorado College
Bernadette Gargano | University at Buffalo
Kyra D Gaunt, Ph.D. | SUNY Albany
Atim George | Antioch University
Larry Gerber | Auburn University
Anne Gere | University of Michigan
Jasmine Getrouw | University of North Carolina-Greensboro
Brenda Gibson | Wake Forest University School of Law
Peyton Gibson | University of Rhode Island
Lori Ginzberg | Penn State (emerita)
Sonia Gipson Rankin | University of New Mexico School of Law
Susan Glenn | University of Washington
Bob Gluck | University at Albany
Joyce Goldberg | University of Texas at Arlington
Kelly Goldberg | University of South Carolina
Margaret Goldman | University of California, Irvine
Arthur Goldschmidt | Penn State
Alyosha Goldstein | University of New Mexico
Teresa Gonzales | Loyola University Chicago
Juan Carlos Gonzalez | University of California, Santa Barbara
Emmett Goods | University of Rhode Island
Angela Google | University of Rhode Island
Gayatri Gopinath | NYU
Ann D. Gordon | Rutgers University (emeritus)
Charity Gordon | Georgia State University
Linda Gordon | NYU
Van Gosse | Franklin & Marshall College
Jessica Graham | UC San Diego
Sandy Grande | University of Connecticut
Andrew Gray | Ball State University
Christina Marie Green | University of California, San Diego
K. Marshall Green | University of Delaware
Julie Greene | University of Maryland at College Park
Paris Griffin | Prescott College
Jennifer Griffiths | New York Institute of Technology
Kali Gross | Emory University
Richard Grossman | Northeastern Illinois University
Matthew Guariglia | UC-Law, SF
Anna Guevarra | University of Illinois Chicago
Jennifer Guglielmo | Smith College
Hannah Gurman | NYU
Matthew Guterl | Brown University
Alicia Gutierrez-Romine | La Sierra University
Steven Hahn | NYU
David Halperin | University of Michigan
Rick Halpern | University of Toronto
Johnnie Hamilton-Mason | Simmons University
Francoise Hamlin | Brown University
Emily Hammond | The George Washington University
Evelynn Hammonds | Harvard University
Bill Harbaugh | University of Oregon
Ayesha Hardaway | Case Western Reserve University
Kate Hardesty | University of Rhode Island
Rachel Harding | University of Colorado Denver
Elizabeth Harkins | William Paterson University
Elizabeth Harlow | University of Michigan
Martin Harries | UC Irvine
Christine Harrington | NYU
Cheryl Harris | UCLA
KD Harris | California State Polytechnic University (Pomona)
Leslie Harris | Northwestern University
Richard Harris | Northeastern University
Thomas Allen Harris | Yale University
Carla Harrison |
Southwest OK State University
Conor Harrison | University of South Carolina
Faye V. Harrison | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
William Hart | Macalester College
Thomasina Hassler | UM-St. Louis
Alexander Haynes | Brown University
April Haynes | University of Wisconsin-Madison
Courtney Heath | Mississippi State University
Walter Heinecke | University of Virginia
Aneeka Ayanna Henderson | Amherst College
Obery Hendricks | Columbia University
Leslie Henry | University of Maryland Carey School of Law
Marie Theresa Hernandez | University of Houston
Scott Herring | Yale University
Laura Herrmann | University of North Florida
Wendy Hess | University of South Dakota
Jennifer Heuer | University of Massachusetts
Leigh-Anna Hidalgo | Yale University
John Higginson | University of Massachusetts Amherst
Marc Lamont Hill | Temple University
Gaby Hinojosa | University of California, Santa Barbara
Elizabeth Hinton | Yale
Steven Hirsch | Washington University
Alexis Hoag-Fordjour | Brooklyn Law School
Sarah Hoagland | Northeastern Illinois University, emeritis
Hiilei Hobart | Yale University
Martha Hodes | New York University
Teirra Holloman | Virginia Tech
Juliet Hooker | Brown University
Cheryl Hopper | Montclair State University
Rodney Hopson | UIUC
Carla Horwitz | Yale University
Daniel HoSang | Yale University
Roberta Hosey | California State University
Caroline Hossein | University of Toronto
Nadine Hubbs | University of Michigan
Elana Hubert | University of California, Santa Barbara
M. Francyne Huckaby | Texas Christian University
Amy Hughes | University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nora Hussey | Wellesley College
Susan Hyatt | Indiana Univ-Purdue Univ, Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Christy Hyman | Mississippi State University
Elizabeth Iglesias | University of Miami
Dr. Gayitri Indar | Molloy University
John Inglish | University of Oregon
Yolanda Ingram | Penn Carey Law
Ylce Irizarry | University of North Carolina
Michael Iyanaga | William and Mary
Vijay Iyer | Harvard University
Darrell Jackson | University of Wyoming College of Law
Kevin Jackson | Montgomery County Public Health
Sarah Jackson | University of Pennsylvania
Veronica Jackson | California College of the Arts
Carol Jacobsen | University of Michigan
Matthew Jacobson | Yale University
Mark James | Molloy University
Christine Japely | Norwalk Community College
Bethany Jay | Salem State University
Regine Michelle Jean-Charles | Northeastern University
Jelani Jefferson Exum | University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Michael Jennings | Furman University
Hilmar Jensen | Bates College, (emeritus)
Daniel Jin | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Daniel Jin | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
E. Patrick Johnson | Northwestern University
Marilynn Johnson | Boston College
Sharon D. Johnson | California State University, Northridge
Valerie Johnson | DePaul University
Zantasia Johnson | Dartmouth
Dianne Johnson-Feelings | University of South Carolina
Adanna Jones | Bowdoin College
Janine Jones | UNC, Greensboro
Jovonna Jones | Boston College
Kelina Jones | Syracuse University
Meta DuEwa Jones | University of Chapel Hill
Trina Jones | Duke University
Amy Jordan | Hampshire College
Julia Jordan Zachery | Wake Forest University
Janet-Louise Joseph | Northeastern University
Roberto Joseph | Hofstra University
Khyati Joshi | Fairleigh Dickinson University
Moon-Ho Jung | University of Washington
Jonathan Kahn | Northeastern University
Loren Kajikawa | George Washington University
Nathan Kalman-Lamb | University of New Brunswick
Ronak Kapadia | University of Illinois Chicago
Erin Kappeler | Tulane University
Rebecca Karl | New York University
Zdravka Katinic | Karlstad University
Eileen Kaufman | Touro Law School
Jack Kaufman-McKivigan | Indiana Univ-Purdue Univ, Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Cathy Kea | North Carolina A&T State University
Trica Keaton | Dartmouth College
Stephanie Keeney Parks | UCLA
Mary Kelley | University of Michigan
Robin D. G. Kelley | UCLA
Kristen Kelly | University at Buffalo School of Law
Lydia Kelow-Bennett | University of Michigan — Ann Arbor
Ericka Kelsaw | Texas Southern University
Randall Kennedy | Harvard Law School
Hila Keren | Southwestern Law School
Arang Keshavarzian | New York University
Tariq Khan | Yale University
Rob Kilgore | University of South Carolina Beaufort
John King | New York University
Shannon King | Fairfield University
Kit Kinports | Penn State Law
Sherryl Kleinman | UNC
Brian Klopotek | University of Oregon
Michaela Kotziers | University of Michigan
J. Morgan Kousser | California Institute of Technology
Enlisa Kravits | Suny Downstate
Chenjerai Kumanyika | New York University
Joshua Kupetz | University of Michigan
Esther Viola Kurtz | Washington University in St. Louis
Sharla Kwarm | Brigham Young University-Idaho
Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes | University of Michigan
Oneka LaBennett | University of Southern California
Karyn Lacy | University of Michigan
Leilani Lafaurie | Cal Poly Pomona
Ted Landsmark | Northeastern University
Sonja Lanehart | University of Arizona
Aja Lans | Harvard University
Natalie Larez | University of California Santa Barbara
Carla Laroche | Washington & Lee University School of Law
Scott Larson | University of Michigan
Inga Laurent | Gonzaga University School of Law
Kathy Lavezzo | University of Iowa
Kiese Laymon | Rice University
Forrester “Woody” Lee | Yale University
Fred Lee | University of Connecticut, Storrs
Elizabeth Leiba | City College
Richard Lemons | Yale University
Theressa Lenear | Goddard College
Justin Leroy | Duke University
Ainsley LeSure | Brown University
Lisa Levenstein | UNC Greensboro
Bruce Levine | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
David Lewis | NYU (emeritus)
Evelyn Lewis | University of California, Davis, School of Law
Angela Lewis-Maddox, PhD | University of Alabama at Birmingham
R. L’Heureux Lewis-McCoy | New York University
Erica Licht | Harvard University
Natasha Lightfoot | Columbia University
Erika Lin | CUNY Graduate Center
Mark Lincicome | College of the Holy Cross
Amy Lind | University of Cincinnati
Endia Lindo | Texas Christian University
Veronica Lippencott | Hofstra University
George Lipsitz | UC Santa Barbara
Julia Liss | Scripps College
Lindsay Livingston | Bowdoin College
Mariko Lockhart | University of Washington
Stephanie Logan | Springfield College
Tom Looser | NYU
Yndia Lorick-Wilmot | Northeastern University
Carolyn Love | Antioch University
John Wharton Lowe | University of Georgia
Lisa Lowe | Yale University
Joseph Lowndes | University of Oregon
Ashley Lucas | University of Michigan
David Ludden | New York University
David Luebke | University of Oregon
Sharon Luk | Simon Fraser University
Mark Levin | Wm. S. Richardson School of Law, The University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Cynthia Lyerly | Boston College
Alexandra M Deal | CU Boulder
Lisa Macaruso | University of Rhode Island
Patrisia Macias | University of Illinois
Catharine A. MacKinnon | University of Michigan Law; Harvard Law School
Joyce Madancy | Union College
Keith Magee | University College London
Rahsaan Mahadeo | Providence College
Jasmine Mahmoud | University of Washington
Stephen Maizlish | University of Texas (retired)
Minkah Makalani | Johns Hopkins University
Solangel Maldonado | Seton Hall University School of Law
Hui-Ling Malone | University of California, Santa Barbara
Noriko Manabe | Temple University
Brandon J. Manning | Texas Christian University
Paula Manning | Detroit Mercy Law
Jill Manske | Bard College
Hedda Marcus | Nassau Community College
Maddalena Marinari | Gustavus Adolphus College
Rain Marshall, JD | Cal Poly Humboldt
Christopher Martell | University of Massachusetts Boston
Jamal Martin | University of New Mexico
Kahdeidra Martin | Stanford Graduate School of Education
Ernesto Martinez | University of Oregon
Valerie Martinez | Our Lady of the Lake University
Michele Matteini | NYU
Kate Matthews-Bray | William Paterson University
Andrew Mattson | SUNY Old Westbury
Portia Maultsby | Indiana University
Renae Mayes | University of Arizona
Larry Mayo | DePaul University
Kyle Mays | UCLA
Dorrie Mazzone | Diablo Valley College
Dwight McBride | The New School
Timothy McCarthy | Harvard University
Ryan McCarty | University of Michigan
Tifanee McCaskill | University of Maryland, College Park
Nathan McClain | Hampshire College
Paula D. McClain | Duke University
Nicole McConlogue | West Virginia University
Tyler McCreary | Florida State University
Jeffrey McCune | University of Rochester
Simiya McEachin | College of William and Mary
Amy McGinnis | Cal Poly Pomona
Nathan McGovern | University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Jason McGraw | Indiana University
Benjamin McKean | Ohio State University
Maria McKenna | University of Notre Dame
Michelle McKinley | University of Oregon School of Law
Monica McLemore | University of Washington
Monica McLeod | Rider University
John McNay | University of Cincinnati
Krista McQueeney | University of Wisconsin
Teresa Meade | Union College
Robin Means Coleman | Northwestern University
Sarah Medina Camiscoli | Yale University
Brian Meeks | Brown University
Michael Meeropol | Western New England University
Jodi Melamed | Marquette University
Evelyn Melendez | UC Santa Barbara
Nodia Mena | UNC-Greensboro
Alina Mendez | University of Washington Seattle
Carrie Menkel-Meadow | University of California Irvine Law School
Margaret Menninger | Texas State University
Michael Meranze | UCLA
Jessica Miles | Seton Hall University School of Law
Laura Miller | University of Missouri–Saint Louis
Victoria Millet | USC
Michael Minta | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Valerie Mintz | Alfred University
Leah Mirakhor | Yale
Dana Miranda | University of Massachusetts Boston
Elise A. Mitchell | Princeton University
Koritha Mitchell | Ohio State University
Michele Mitchell | New York University
S David Mitchell | University of Missouri School of Law
Michaela Modica | Northeastern University
Rebekah Modrak | University of Michigan
Susan Mody | SUNY Plattsburgh
Danica Moise | University of Central Florida
Michael Mokotoff | University of Pittsburgh
Amelia Moore | University of Rhode Island
Erika Moore | UCF
Maggi Morehouse | Coastal Carolina University
Bethany Moreton | Dartmouth College
Lynda Morgan | Mount Holyoke College
Dr Kim Morrison | Chabot College
Leslie K Morrow | The Ohio State University
Melanie Moses | University of New Mexico
Daniel Mosquera | Union College
Fred Moten | New York University
Sarah Mountz | University at Albany
Hunter Moyler | Boston University
Aurelia Lorena Muerga | The University of Texas at El Paso
Candace Muhammad | University of Illinois
Khalil Gibran Muhammad | Harvard University Kennedy School
Steven Mullaney | University of Michigan
Bill Mullen | Purdue University
Meir Muller | University of South Carolina
Azuka MuMin | The OhIo State University
Yasser Munif | Emerson College
Athena D Mutua | University at Buffalo, School of Law
Fred Myers | New York University
Nadine Naber | UIC
Celia Naylor | Barnard College, Columbia University
Kim Nayyer | Cornell University
Monica Ndounou | Dartmouth College
Mark Anthony Neal | Duke University
Odeana Neal | University of Baltimore School of Law
Abigail Neely | Dartmouth College
Camille Nelson | University of Hawaii, William S. Richardson School of Law
Liline Nelson | Ball State University
Vasuki Nesiah | NYU
David Newbury | Smith College (emeritus)
Katrina Newsom | Tennessee State University
Pamella Newton | VCU
Dr. Donna Nicol | California State University Dominguez Hills
Vivian D Nixon | Columbia University
Mary Nolan | NYU
Donald Nonini | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Kimberly Norwood | Washington University School of Law
Shayla Nunnally | University of Tennessee
Nadia Nurhussein | Johns Hopkins University
Jennifer L. Nye | UMass Amherst
Alice O’Connor | UC Santa Barbara
Kate O’Connor | University of Michigan
Susan Odgers | Northwestern MI College
Amy Offner | University of Pennsylvania
Joyce Ogunrinde | University of Houston
Ikem Stanley Okoye | University of Delaware
Lauren Olsen | University of Wisconsin-Madison
Patricia O’Neill | Molloy University
Adeola Oni-Orisan | UC Davis
Angela Onwuachi-Willig | Boston University School of Law
Valerie Orlando | University of Maryland
Elisabeth Osei-Kwame | Rochester Institute of Technology
Michelle Ouellette | SUNY Plattsburgh
Ianna Hawkins Owen | Boston University
Cristian Padilla | Yale University
Allison Page | Old Dominion University
Shelly Page | Southern Illinois University
A. Naomi Paik | University of Illinois, Chicago
Nell Painter | Princeton
Nick Palazzolo | Central High School of Philadelphia
Camille Pannu | Columbia Law School
Kostis Papadantonakis | Community College of Baltimore County
Melina Pappademos | University of Connecticut
Shanti Parikh | Washington University in St Louis
Rae Paris | University of Washington
Prasannan Parthasarathi | Boston College
Vimala Pasupathi | Hofstra University
Leslie Patrick | Bucknell University (emeritus)
Ewunike Patterson | Cornell University
Mary Pattillo | Northwestern University
Donald Pease | Dartmouth College
Rosemarie Pena | Rutgers
Anthony Pennino | Stevens Institute of Technology
Lisa Penny | Lincoln U
Alaina Perez | University of Michigan
Ivette Perfecto | University of Michigan
Kennetta Perry | Northwestern University
Jean Pfaelzer | University of Delaware
Evelyn Phillips | Central Connecticut State University
Melissa Phruksachart | University of Michigan
Stacy Pies | Gallatin NYU
Jo-Ann Pilardi | Towson University, Prof. Emerita
Fred Pincus | University of Maryland baltimore county
Carolyn Pinedo-Turnovsky | University of Washington
Mark Pittenger | University of Colorado
Maria Jose Plascencia | Yale University
Sam Plasencia | Colby College
Sharolyn Pollard Durodola | University of Nevada Las Vegas
Albert Ponce | Diablo Valley College
Margaret Power | Illinois Institute of Technology
Lisa-Kaye Price | University of South Florida
Melanye Price | Prairie View A&M University
Dennis Prieto | Rutgers Law School
Yopie Prins | University of Michigan
Laura Pulido | University of Oregon
Brian Purnell | Bowdoin College
Dara Purvis | Penn State Law
Jennifer Putzi | William and Mary
H. L. T. Quan | Arizona State University
Elise Quinn | Pennsylvania State University
Therese Quinn | University of Illinois Chicago
Carol Quirke | SUNY Old Westbury
Julia Rabig | Dartmouth College
Marissa Rafael | California State University East Bay
Dana Raigrodski | University of Washington School of Law
Michael Ralph | Howard University
Marco Ramos | Yale University
Vernellia Randall | University of Dayton School of Law
Antonia Randolph | University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Kirby Randolph | University of Dayton School of Law
Claudia Rankine | NYU
Barbara Ransby | University of Illinois at Chicago
Maryani Rasidjan | University of California, San Francisco
Susan Rauchwerk | Lesley University
Victor Ray | The University of Iowa
Chandan Redduy | University of Washington
Ellis Reed | Ball State University
Ellis Reed II | Ball State
Virginia Reinburg | Boston College
Timothy J Reiss | New York University
Max Renner | Molloy University
Stephanie Renteria | University of Michigan
Sonnet Retman | University of Washington
Susan Reverby | Wellesley College
Jennifer Reyes | Northeastern University
Jane Rhodes | University of Illinois
Jethro Rice | University of Sussex
Jeffrey Richardson | University of Delaware
Riche’ Richardson | Cornell University
Catherine Riessman | Boston University
Eve Rips | Chicago-Kent College of Law
Bobby Rivera | St. John’s University
Ashley Robinson | Ball State University
Cheryl Rodriguez | USF
Ileana M. Rodriguez-Silva | University of Washington
David Roediger | University of Kansas
Alexandrea Rogers | University of Delaware
Melvin Rogers | Brown University
Judy Rohrer | Eastern Washington University
Oliver Rollins | University of Washington
Addie Rolnick | UNLV Boyd School of Law
Avital Ronell | NYU
Noliwe Rooks | Brown University
Lois Rosado | State University Of New York
Lilia Raquel Rosas | UT Austin
Tricia Rose | Brown University
Andrew Ross | New York University
Laura Rovner | University of Denver Sturm College of Law
Wesley Ruiz | University of Michigan
Constance Russell | University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Diann Rust-Tierney | Georgetown Racial Justice Institute
Njeri Rutledge | South Texas College of Law Houston
Rebecka Rutledge Fisher | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Naaborko Sackeyfio-Lenoch | Dartmouth College
Shaina Sadai | UCS
Natsu Taylor Saito | Georgia State University (Emerita)
Larry Salomon | San Francisco State University
Edward Sammons | University of Toronto
Jeffrey Sammons | Emeritus NYU
Anthony Sampedro | Sierra College
Sandra Sanchez | Yale University
Crystal Sanders | Emory University
Vetta Sanders Thompson | Washington University in St. Louis
Xiomara Santamarina | University of Michigan
Simone Santiago | University of Chicago
Evangeline Sarda | Boston College
Natalia Sautier | Northeastern University
Pancho Savery | Reed College
Nadia Sawicki | Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Helene Scheck | State University of New York at Albany
Sigrid Schmalzer | University of Massachusetts Amherst
Alicia Schmidt Camacho | Yale University
Michael Schoenfeldt | University of Michigan
Ellen Schrecker | Yeshiva University, (retired)
Mark Schuller | Northern Illinois University
Jennifer Scott | The New School
Sean Scott | California Western School of Law
Jorge Serrano | University of Delaware
Himadhari Sharma | University of California, Santa Barbara
Todd Shaw | University of South Carolina
Matthew Shenoda | Brown University
Susan Shepler | American University
Ann Davis Shields | Washington University Law School
Tanya Shields | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
David Shorter | UCLA
George Shulman | New York University
Shanda Sibley | Temple University
Tim Sieber | University of Massachusetts Boston
Diana Sierra Becerra | University of Massachusetts
Nina Silber | Boston University
Kimberly Simmons | University of South Carolina
Evette Simmons-Reed | Ball State University
Angela Sims | Ball State University
Shelby Sinclair | Princeton University, Dartmouth College
John Victor Singler | New York University
Hannah Sions | James Madison University
Shana Sippy | Centre College
Anita Siraki | York University
Andor Skotnes | Russell Sage College (emeritus)
Christine Slaughter | Boston University
Stephany Slaughter | Alma College
Ronald Slye | Seattle University
Stephanie Smallwood | University of Washington
Calvin John Smiley | Hunter College-CUNY
Bridget Smith | St. John’s University
Sandra Susan Smith | Harvard Kennedy School
Connie So | American Ethnic Studies, University of Washington
Natalie Sokoloff | John Jay College
Karen Sotiropoulos | Cleveland State University
Eve Spangler | Boston College
Bonnie Spanier | University at Albany SUNY
Robyn Spencer-Antoine | Lehman College
Jutta Sperling | Hampshire College
Emily Spieler | Northeastern University
Nicole Spigner | Northwestern University
Carol Anne Spreen | New York University
Jason Stanley | Yale University
Julia Steggerda-Corey | Drake University Law School
David Stein | UCSB
Lynn Stephen | University of Oregon
Krystal Steuer | BGSU
Jeffrey Stewart | University of California
Maya Stovall | California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Dara Strolovitch | Yale University
Deborah Stroman | University of North Carolina
SaraEllen Strongman | University of Michigan
Federico Subervi | Wisconsin
Martin Summers | Boston College
Alicia Swartz | California State University East Bay
Karen Sweeting | University of Rhode Island
Lindsey Swindall | Stevens Institute of Technology
Allison Tait | University of Richmond School of Law
Bernard Tamas | Valdosta State University
Pablo Tanguay | Ohio State University
Rebecca Tarlau | The Pennsylvania State University
Helga Tawil-Souri | NYU
Analisa Taylor | University of Oregon
John Taylor | University of Rhode Island
Jonte (JT) Taylor | Penn State University
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor | Northwestern University
Ula Taylor | University of California, Berkeley
Tedros Teklzhi | SUNY Buffalo Law School
Gregory Tewksbury | Brooklyn College, CUNY
Sherod Thaxton | UCLA
Jeanne Theoharis | Brooklyn College
Madina Thiam | New York University
Alice Thomas | Howard University School of Law
Aravis Thomas | Texas A&M San Antonio
Cathy Thomas | UC Santa Barbara
Griselda Thomas | Kennesaw State University
Mary Thomas | University of Louisville
Najmah Thomas | University of South Carolina Beaufort
Sherri Thomas | University of New Mexico School of Law
Heather Ann Thompson | University of Michigan
Lisa B. Thompson | University of Texas at Austin
Robert Thompson | University of Rhode Island
Sinclair Thomson | New York University
Shatema Threadcraft | Vanderbilt University
I. India Thusi | Indiana University Bloomington Maurer School of Law
Alvin Tillery | Northwestern University
Salamishah Tillet | Rutgers University — Newark
Heidi Tinsman | University of California, Irvine
Kristen Tiscione | Georgetown Law
Joshua Tjaden | Marymount Manhattan College
Elizabeth Todd-Breland | University of Illinois Chicago
Karen Tokarz | Washington U Law School
Rachel Torres | California State University East Bay
Etienne Toussaint | University of South Carolina School of Law
Claudia Tracht | Phoenix College
ToniAnn Trevino | Texas Lutheran University
Jessica Trounstine | UC Merced
Diana Turk | New York University
Robin Turner | Butler University
Jennifer Turpin | University of San Francisco
James Uleman | New York University
Sharon Ullman |Bryn Mawr College
Akinyele Umoja | Georgia State University
Gwen Urey | California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Claire Valderama-Wallace | California State University East Bay
Carmen Valdivia | Macalester College
Miguel Valerio | Washington University in St. Louis
Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy | Napa Valley College
Kevin Van Meter | University of Oregon
Megan VanGorder | Governors State University
Deborah Vargas | Yale University
Britney Vasquez | University of Delaware
Desiree Vega | University of Arizona
Kyle Velte | University of Kansas School of Law
Fiona Vernal | University of Connecticut
Hanétha Vété-Congolol | Bowdoin College
Pamela Voekel | Dartmouth College
Kalindi Vora | Yale University
Michelle Vos | Widener University
Alan Wald | University of Michigan
Cody Walker | University of Michigan
Corey D. B. Walker | Wake Forest University
Thomas Walker | University of Michigan
Danielle Wallace | William Paterson University
Alan Wallach | The College of William and Mary (Emeritus)
Roberta Wallitt | EILC
Roberta Walsh | Governors State University
Elizabeth Walz | University of Michigan
Haitao Wang | University of Rhode Island
Geoff Ward | Washington University in St. Louis
Jazzmyn Ward | University of California Santa Barbara
Charles Warren | University of Massachusetts
Michele Washington | City College of New York CUNY
Neil Wasserman | George Washington University
Ali Watts | University of Utah
Merle Weiner | University of Oregon School of Law
Barbara Weinstein | New York University
Cornel West | Union Theological Seminary
Elizabeth West | Georgia State U
Laura Wexler | Yale University
Kelly Wheeler | Curry College
Ronald Wheeler | Boston University School of Law
Deborah Gray White | Rutgers University
Gillian White | University of Michigan
Mia Charlene White | The New School
Renee White | The New School
Susan Wilczynski | Ball State University
Brian Williams | Mississippi State University
Chad Williams | Brandeis University
Erica Williams | Spelman College
Georgia Williams | University of Oregon
Kahlea Williams | University of Washington
Michael Williams | University of Houston
Ryan Williams | University of San Francisco
Serena M. Williams | Widener University Delaware Law School
Elizabeth Williams Wesley | School District of Philadelphia
Sharon Willis | University of Rochester
Dr. T. Anansi Wilson | Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Folayemi Wilson | College of Arts & Architecture, Penn State
Courtney Wilt | University of Wisconsin at Whitewater
Gretchen Woertendyke | University of South Carolina
Nathan Wood-House | College of the Holy Cross
Dagmawi Woubshet | University of Pennsylvania
AK Wright | Northeastern University
Cecilia Wright | Washington University in St. Louis
Ellen Wu | Indiana University Bloomington
Mary Ann Wynkoop | University of Missouri-Kansas City
Aaron Y | University of Michigan
Kimberly Y | University of Southern Maine
Jasmine Noelle Yarish | University of the District of Columbia
Gabby Yearwood | University of Pittsburgh
M. Remi Yergeau | University of Michigan
Asako Yonan | University of Oregon
Fanica Young | University of Central Florida
Kevin A. Young | UMass Amherst
Patricia Young | Diablo Valley College
Magdalena Zaborowska | University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Queen Meccasia Zabriskie | New College of Florida
Liliana Zaragoza | University of Minnesota Law School
Jay Zarowitz | Muskegon Community College
Chrissie Zavicar | Muskegon Community College
Andreja Zevnik | University of Manchester
Angela Zito | New York University
Rose Zoltek-Jick | Northeastern University School of Law