Open Letter on Fighting “Anti-Woke” Censorship of Intersectionality and Black Feminism


March 8, 2023

Open Letter on Fighting “Anti-Woke” Censorship of Intersectionality and Black Feminism

As over 3000+ academics, artists, advocates, policy-makers, and concerned persons from different parts of the world, we emphatically oppose the attacks being waged on educational curricula in the United States and elsewhere against intersectionality, critical race theory, Black feminism, queer theory, and other frameworks that address structural inequality. We join the thousands of signatories who have opposed censoring critical content in public and higher education. We also agree with the 30 Black LGBTQ organizations that have denounced the “relentless attacks that have led to book banning, curriculum censorship, politically motivated purges of educators, and an exodus of skilled teachers.”

Here we write as concerned individuals in professions ranging from education and research to policy-making, clinical care, and advocacy who have benefited from and continue to use intersectionality and a family of related concepts in our work. In this letter, we express our concerns about the coordinated and dangerous disinformation campaigns that seek to discredit and censor vital tools such as intersectionality and Black feminism. This strategy has surfaced in conjunction with the recent debacle concerning college-level curriculum for high school students in the United States, but has appeared elsewhere as well.

Since the summer of 2020, an emboldened and well-resourced faction in the United States, and increasingly around the globe, has declared war on hard-fought advances in civil and human rights, social justice, and democratic participation. This faction, which includes multiple state legislators and governors, has attacked the democratization of the teaching of U.S. history, attempting to censor concepts that sprang to life out of decades of struggle against racism, sexism, ableism, colonialism, and related forms of domination.

Promoters of this racially extremist agenda have banded together with others across the political spectrum to wage a war against their own invented grievance that they have labeled as “woke-ism.” They have attacked librarians, surveilled and harassed teachers, canceled classes, banned books, and weaponized the law to forbid ideas, frameworks, and viewpoints in the nation’s schools, colleges, and workplaces. Their campaign has not only targeted and demonized antiracist work, but they broadened their attacks to discredit frameworks that Black women and queer people have produced in order to explain, describe, and transform the conditions of their lives.

The consequences of the assault on these ideas are painfully evident in the rollout of the College Board’s Advanced Placement African American Studies (“AP AAS”) curriculum, a college-level course available for high school students in all fifty states. The College Board’s interest in launching the AP AAS curriculum–a proposal that had languished for over a decade — was “reinvigorated” by the multi-generational, multi-racial, and transnational movement sparked by the killing of George Floyd. This “racial reckoning” in the summer of 2020 increased the demand for ways of understanding and defeating systemic racism.

That reckoning also ignited a powerful backlash against the very idea that racial injustice and its intersections with other forms of inequality delimit the opportunities of African descendants and other racially marginalized people. Yet the College Board, a billion-dollar American nonprofit that serves a gatekeeping role in higher education, remained silent when this conservative backlash collided with their stated objectives in launching the course. This silence continued even after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis denounced an early draft of the course as having “no educational value” because it included material pertaining to structural racism, intersectionality, and Black queer studies.

When the College Board finally made public its long-awaited African American Studies course on February 1, students were left with a watered-down curriculum that expunged key lessons, scholarship, and course goals from previous drafts of the course. Contemporary issues such as structural racism, Black Lives Matter, reparations, and prison abolition — issues that resurfaced during 2020’s reckoning with anti-Black racism and increased student demand for African American studies — were reduced or eliminated. Lessons and course goals pertaining to intersectionality, Black queer studies, and Black feminism had been removed entirely or downgraded to untested optional material, subject to state and local censors. Contrary to the College Board’s denial that politics played any role in the course revisions, Dr. Jason Manoharan from the College Board disclosed that he deleted intersectionality — identified as one of four core concepts in the AP AAS curriculum by Black studies scholars — because the term had been “compromised by disingenuous voices, and was thus no longer “effective” having been “drained of its meaning and filled up with political rhetoric.”

In response we ask: drained of meaning for whom? And by what authority does a single individual or institution decide that a term used by people all over the world in their work and day-to-day lives was so valueless as to be legitimately excluded from any classroom, much less one on African American Studies? If all terms can be censored from a college-level curriculum simply because they have been politically contested, then the College Board ought not include “liberalism,” “populism,” “freedom,” “culture,” or even “democracy” in their curricula. When we acquiesce to eliminating words because opponents have tried to redefine or misconstrue their meaning, we allow power politics — rather than the pursuit of knowledge — to dictate the content of our courses.

Contrary to “anti-woke” propaganda and the College Board’s conclusion, intersectionality is a vibrant and organic conceptualization of historical and social dynamics. In its most basic form, intersectionality is a prism that uncovers how structures of subordination often interact, exacerbating the problem-solving challenges faced by those who are multiply marginalized. It has been used and adapted by countless people across the planet to analyze and address many facets of human experience.

Far from being “drained of value,” intersectional frames have been indispensable in the work many of us have done to uncover unwritten histories, to analyze overlooked social problems, and to address current human rights failures. We are just a fraction of the artists, advocates, academics, leaders, and lay people who have incorporated and adapted intersectional ways of seeing social dynamics in our work and in our lives. Among us are Black women fighting against state violence and horrifying rates of maternal and infant mortality in the United States; indigenous communities and peace activists from around the world fighting to end environmental destruction; Dalit women fighting caste violence in India; laborers resisting the gendered dimensions of globalization in South Africa; people of color with disabilities fighting against ableism and racism; migrants, refugees and displaced peoples around the world resisting sexual assaults and harassment at borders and refugee camps; and queer youth of color protesting the censorship of LGBTQ+ and anti-racist books.

Today’s students use intersectionality quite broadly but often draw their references from limited online sources. This should not be their only resource. Their demands to better understand its contours are all the more reason to include a guided study of it in the AP African American Studies curriculum.

In light of the multiple ways that intersectionality continues to matter across multiple boundaries, its foundations in Black women’s experiences, and the demands of today’s students to understand its contours, we find the College Board’s “politicized” decision to remove it from the African American Studies curriculum to be disgraceful and dangerous.

Students of Black history know all too well that the suppression of knowledge and the delegitimizing of Black intellectuals are tried-and-true tools of racial retrenchment and oppression. Punishing literacy, criminalizing “divisive concepts,” and discrediting those who are regarded as dangerous have all been tools of racial domination in the United States and elsewhere. Compliance with today’s “anti-woke” imperatives is likewise grounded in retrenchment — in recovering a mythic past in which the subservient role of women and the rigidity of race, gender, and sexuality is established and secured. Intersectionality, Black feminism, and Black queer studies have been indispensable in resisting the marginalization of women, the reimposition of heteronormative ideals, and the rigidifying of gender roles. While it is thus not surprising that they have been marked for distortion by anti-equity factions, it is disappointing that any educational institution would acquiesce to that distortion.

Unless we fight back and hold accountable those who capitulate to these extremist wars on anti-racist and democratic education, our capacity to sustain and nurture critical knowledge will be diminished. While today, the site of censorship is Black studies, tomorrow it will be another, and another, and another. It will continue to expand until public education is so compromised that it becomes all but impossible to teach critical thinking.

There is too much at stake for us to fail.

The arc of history bends backwards if we allow our conceptual assets to be stripped away. Every time we relinquish valuable insights from those who have come before, we pass on to future generations the burden of reimagining and rebuilding livable futures without the tools that have been fashioned to do that work.

We cannot expect anyone — students or ourselves — to understand problems we are no longer permitted to name or to prepare for a future we cannot imagine. The fight for our ideas, our language, and our history is critical to the fight for our lives. Thus, we demand that the College Board restore critical concepts, scholarship, and frameworks to the African American Studies course, and to resist pending demands from other states to bend to their “anti-woke” orthodoxy.

More broadly, we call on responsible leaders at the College Board, in public education, and beyond to lend their considerable resources to support educators and students whose freedom to teach and to learn is compromised by state-sponsored repression and threats to their very well-being. In this pivotal moment in which illiberal censorship is cresting around the world, where the freedoms to think, to create, to teach, and to learn are at stake, it is a betrayal of democratic values for any responsible leaders to actively participate, to stand by or to capitulate to such destruction. Because we know that attacks on knowledge are fueling threats to freedom, and that repression in one place fuels its spread elsewhere, we call for global resistance to all efforts to destroy the vital tools that help us to imagine and create more equitable and inclusive futures for us all.

Institutional and organizational affiliation listed for identification purposes only and convey no institutional endorsement.


Erik Aas | YW Boston | Brighton, MA

Melissa Abad | Stanford University | Stanford, CA

Erika Abad | N/A | Henderson, NV

Janet Abbate | Virginia Tech | Falls Church, VA

Arya A. | Duke University | Durham, NC

Aden Abbatemarco | University of Connecticut | Mansfield, CT

Margery Abbott | Independent Scholar | Portland, OR

Modesto Abety | The Children's Trust | Miami, FL

Michelle A. McElwaine Abimbola | Boston College | Humarock, MA

Rita Aboghe | One Billion Rising Gabon | Libreville

Barry Abrams | Queens Library | New York, NY

Lucy Abreu | Syneos Health | Windermere, FL

Ibtisam M. Abujad | Marquette University | Milwaukee, WI

Cecile Accilien | Kennesaw State University | Kennesaw, GA

Christina Hsu Accomando | Cal Poly Humboldt | Arcata, CA

Sharon Achinstein | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD

John Adams | Bronzeville Trail Taskforce, Inc. | Chicago, IL

Dede Addy | BELLS Learning | Grand Rapids, MI

Adetola Adewodu | Ade Labs | Virginia Beach, VA

Ellen Adler | The New Press | New York, NY

Jessie Adolph | GSU - Perimeter College | Decatur, GA

Nicky Agate | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, PA

Sessie Agbley | Marquette University | Milwaukee, WI

Astrid Agenjo-Calderon | Pablo de Olavide University | Seville, Spain

Amy Agigian | Suffolk University | Boston, MA

Brian Aguilera | Cornell University | Ithaca, NY

Mullane Ahern | City and County of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

Sanjam Ahluwalia | Northern Arizona University | Flagstaff, AZ

Heather Aidala | N/A | Kyle, TX

Omer Aijazi | University of Victoria | British Columbia

Aren Z. Aizura | University of Minnesota | Minneapolis, MN

Alan Aja | Brooklyn College (CUNY) | Brooklyn, NY

Boluwatife Ajayi | University at Albany | New York, NY

Jola Ajibade | Portland State University | Portland, OR

Nadje Al-Ali | Brown University | Providence, RI

Heather Albanesi | University of Colorado Colorado Springs | Colorado Springs, CO

Robin Albany | NA | Bordentown, NJ

Isabel Constance Albee | Columbia University | New York, NY

Randy Albelda | University of Massachusetts Boston | Boston, MA

Cliff Albright | Black Voters Matter | Atlanta, GA

Marta Alcala | School System | Asheville, NC

Stefanee Alcantar | A New Way of Life | Los Angeles, CA

Sonya M. Aleman | University of Texas at San Antonio | San Antonio, TX

Mike Alewitz | Central CT State University | CT

Lyn Alexander | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Whitby Alexander | North Carolina State University | Kinston, NC

Taifha Alexander | UCLA School of Law | Los Angeles, CA

Leslie M. Alexander | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, NJ

Michelle Alexander | Union Theological Seminary | New York, NY

Anthony V. Alfieri | University of Miami School of Law | Coral Gables, FL

Allegra Alisa Algava | NYC DOE | Brooklyn, NY

Shazia Ali | N/A | Wales

Carolyne Ali-Khan | N/A | Jacksonville, FL

Sabrina Alimahomed-Wilson | California State University Long Beach | Long Beach, CA

Nicole N. Aljoe | Northeastern University | Boston, MA

Phil Alkana | Foxborough Universalist Church | Foxborough, MA

Jacqueline Allain | Duke University | Durham, NC

Yolanda Sherese Vierra Allen | WCCUSD AASAT | El Sobrante, CA

Lori Allen | SOAS University of London | London

Maureen Allwood | John Jay College | New York, NY

Cristina Alonso | Center of Complex Interventions | Boston, MA

Olga Alonso-Villar | Universidade de Vigo | Vigo, Galicia

Shelley Alonso-Marsden | University of New Mexico Health Sciences | Albuquerque

Audrey R. Alvarado | N/A | Eugene, OR

Daniela Alvarez-Vargas | University of California Irvine | Irvine, CA

Arlene Amarante | Lincoln Memorial University | Knoxville, TN

David R. Ambaras | North Carolina State University | Raleigh, NC

Miriam Ambrosino | Stony Brook University | Stony Brook, New York

Kadji Amin | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

Laila Amine | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Madison, WI

Alia Amirali | London School of Economics and Political Science | London, UK

Maryann Amore | Branford Democrats | Branford, CT

Ronald A. Amundson | University of Hawaii at Hilo | Hilo, HI

Emily Anaya | Occidental College | Los Angeles, CA

Larke Anbert | Aarhus University | Copenhagen

Allison Anders | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Rev. Susan Andersen | Great Plains Zen Center | Monroe, WI

Margaret Andersen | University of Delaware | Elkton, MD

Ann Anderson | Moses Brown School Parent Diversity Committee | Providence, RI

Elizabeth Anderson | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Shelley Anderson | TRC | Leiden, the Netherlands

Angela Anderson | University of Kassel | Berlin, Germany

Shaylah Anderson | University of North Dakota | Grand Forks, ND

Daniel Anderson | Independent Consultant | Salem, MA

Amanda Anderson | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

Bonnie Anderson | CUNY | Brooklyn, NY

Denise Anderson | Denise Anderson & Associates, LLC | South Orange, NJ

Janice W. Anderson | SUNY New Paltz | New Paltz, NY

Carol Anderson | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

Joan Andersson | National Lawyers Guild | Berkeley, CA

Kehinde Andrews | Birmingham City University | Birmingham, AL

Nancy Angus | AAUW | Johns Island, SC

Fran Ansley | University of Tennessee | Knoxville, TN

Jeffrey W. Anthony | N/A| Hamilton, NY

Em Anticoli | Mental Health Partnerships | Philadelphia, PA

Carol A Antoniewicz | N/A | Frederick, MD

Louise Antony | University of Massachusetts | Amherst, MA

Laura Apol | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

Sara Appel | Independent Scholar | Portland, OR

Bettina Aptheker | University of California, Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Apurva Apurva | SUNY Oneonta | New York, NY

Ronda Arab | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby, BC

Zehra Arat | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Larissa da Silva Araujo | Geneva Graduate Institute | Geneva, Switzerland

Deborah Archer | NYU School of Law | New York, NY

Janey Archey | Retired social worker | Saint Louis, MO

Paola Ardiles | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby

Elia A.G. Arfini | University of Milan | Milan, Italy

Jocelyn Arild | Sonoma State University | Rohnert Park, CA

Diane Ariza | Southern CT State University | New Haven, CT

Joslyn Armstrong | Lewis and Clark College | Portland, OR

Susan Cliburn Arnold | Cliburn Arnold Counseling | Danville, KY

Terri Arnold-McKenzie | TAM Business Consulting, LLC | Baldwin, NY

Jason Arnone | Rhode Island School of Design | Providence, RI

Anthony Arnove | Haymarket Books | Hopewell, NJ

Anjali Arondekar | University of California | Los Angeles, CA

Guy Aronoff | CalPoly Humboldt | Arcata, CA

Stephen Arons | University of Massachusetts, Amherst | North Hatfield, MA

Alka Arora | California Institute of Integral Studies | Chicago, IL

Alicia Arrizon | University of California, Riverside | Riverside, CA

Juan Arteaga | Stony Brook University | Port Jefferson, NY

Sydney Artson | Cardozo School of Law | Brooklyn, NY

Penelope Asay | CIIS | San Francisco, CA

Rob Silverman Ascher | The University of Iowa | Iowa City, IA

Miriam Aschkenasy | Harvard, Kennedy school | Cambridge, Massachusetts

Michael Ash | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Karen Ashcraft | University of Colorado at Boulder | Boulder

Toivo Asheeke | Georgia State University, Africana Studies | Atlanta, GA

Noriko Aso | UCSC | Santa Cruz, CA

Michitake Aso | University at Albany, SUNY | Albany, NY

Asta | Duke University | Durham, NC

Annabelle Atkin | Purdue University | West Lafayette, IN

E. Taylor Atkins | Northern Illinois University | DeKalb, IL

Stephanie Attar | Borough of Manhattan Community College | New York, NY

Ben Austen | self | Chicago, IL

Sharon Austin | University of Florida | Gainesville

Tamara Celeste Austin | University of California, Irvine | Collingswood, NJ

Evelyn S. Autry | Rutgers University | NJ

Adrianna Aviles | SUNY Buffalo State University | Buffalo, NY

Kathy Awkard | Independent | Silver Spring, MD

Florence Babb | UNC at Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill, NC

Amy Babinec | N/A | Evanston, IL

Paola Bacchetta | UC Berkeley | Berkeley, CA

Beverly K. Bacchus | Nova Southeastern University | Cape Coral, FL

Gabeba Baderoon | University of Cape Town | Cape Town, Western Cape

M. V. Lee Badgett | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Sally E Bahner | Women's Political Salon | Branford

Moya Bailey | Northwestern University | Chicago, IL

C. Bailey-Fakhoury | Associate Professor | Okemos, MI

Maria Lis Baiocchi | Institute of Social Research of Latin America | Buenos Aires, Argentina

Brianna A. Baker | Columbia University | New York, NY

Carrie N. Baker | Smith College | Northampton, NA

Radhika Balakrishnan | Rutgers University | New Brunswick , NJ

Kate Baldwin | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Dara Baldwin | Center for Disability Rights | Newark, NJ

Graham Ball | Legal Aid Society | New York, NY

Simon Balto | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Madison, WI

Steph Ban | independent scholar | Bartlett, IL

Xamuel Bañales | CSU Stanislaus | Turlock, CA

Nina Banks | Bucknell University | Lewisburg, PA

Ingrid Banks | UC Santa Barbara, Department of Black Studies | Santa Barbara, CA

Martha Banks | Retired | Akron, OH

Beth Banks | JB Banks Inc | Newton, MA

Karen Barad | UCSC | Santa Cruz, CA

Lori Baralt | California State University Long Beach | Long Beach, CA

Karin Barbee | Siena Heights University | Adrian, MI

Rosemary Barbera | La Salle University | Philadelphia, PA

Miriam Barcus | SUNY Cortland | Cortland, NY

Drishadwati Bargi | University of Minnesota | Minneapolis, MN

Diana Wright Barlow | Watertown Community for Black Lives | Watertown, MA

Natchee Barnd | Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR

Sharon L. Barnes | University of Toledo | Toledo, OH

Teresa Barnes | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Champaign, IL

Sandra Barnes | N/A | Orange, CA

Adinah Barnett | Osher Map Library & Smith Center for Cartographic Education | Portland, OR

Lori Baron | St. Louis University | St. Louis, MO

Peggy Barrett | Retired | Cambridge, MA

Eileen Barrett | California State University, East Bay | Hayward, CA

Dominique la Barrie | University of Georgia | Lawrenceville, GA

Christine Barrow | Molloy University | Rockville Centre, LI

Cengiz Barskanmaz | Fulda University of Applied Sciences | Germany

Elizabeth Bartlett | University of Minnesota Duluth | Duluth, MN

Dorothy Bartlett-Svehla | None | Mundelein, IL

Aryn Bartley | Lane Community College | Eugene, OR

Scott Alves Barton | University of Notre Dame | South Bend, IN

Hara Bastas | City University of New York | Long Island City, NY

Lopamudra Basu | University of Wisconsin-Stout | Menomonie WI

Abigail Bates | University of California | Elk Grove, CA

Leon E. Bates | N/A | Indianapolis, IN

Sumit Baudh | Emory Law | India

Eleanor Bauer | Stockholm University of the Arts | Stockholm

Greta Bauer | University of Minnesota Medical School | Minneapolis, MN

Nancy Bauer | Tufts University | Medford, MA

Christine Bauhardt | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Berlin, Germany

Jean Beaman | UC Santa Barbara | Goleta, CA

Kamanamaikalani Beamer | University of Hawaii at Manoa | Honolulu, HI

Anjerrika Bean | Howard University | Washington, DC

Tracy P. Beard | University of Massachusetts Boston | Boston, MA

Brittany Beasley | USC | Los Angeles, CA

Herman Beavers | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, PA

Trevor Bechtel | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Clara Beck | University of Washington | Seattle, WA

Michael Becker | Brown University | Providence, RI

Michelle Becker | Teacher | Wildwood, MO

Cecelia Beckwith | Not affiliated | Portland, OR

Kristina L. Bee | University of Michigan | Ypsilanti, MI

Bernadette Beekman | Beekman Law | New York NY

Todd Beer | Lake Forest College | Lake Forest, IL

Nadia Behizadeh | Georgia State University | Atlanta, GA

Candice Belanoff | Boston University School of Public Health | Boston, MA

Christa A. Bell | Independent | Seattle, WA

Jordan Bell | CUNY Graduate Center | New York, NY

Kimberly Bell | Case Western Reserve University and John Carroll University | Cleveland, OH

Priscilla B. Bellairs | N/A | Newburyport, MA

Akil Bello | Fair Test | Bronx, NY

Barbara Bello | University | Milano, Italy

Lois Belosi | None | Auburn, New York, NY

Luz Marquez Benbow | IamNegrx | Troy, NY

Steven W. Bender | Seattle University School of Law | Seattle, WA

Amber Benedict | ASU | Tempe, AZ

Lourdes Beneria | Cornell University | Ithaca, NY

Amber Benge | NA | Saint Louis, MO

Corina Benitz | N/A | Chicago, IL

James Benjamin | University of Arkansas-Fort Smith | Fort Smith, AK

Lisa Benjamin | Lewis & Clark Law School | Portland, OR

Ruha Benjamin | Princeton University | Princeton, NJ

Alyssa Benner | N/A | Brooklyn, NY

Danielle Bennett | Missouri Equity Education Partnership | Fenton, MO

Jeanetta Bennett | Washington State University | Pullman, WA

Trude Bennett | UNC Chapel Hill | Durham, NC

Silvia Benso | RIT CLA Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies Program | Rochester, NY

Krista Benson | Grand Valley State University | Allendale, MI

Emily Bent | Women's & Gender Studies, Pace University | New York, NY

Keisha Bentley-Edwards | Duke University | Durham, NC

Gunseli Berek | University of Utah | Salt Lake City, UT

Susana Berger | USOW | New Orleans, LA

Dan Berger | University of Washington Bothell | Seattle, WA

Samantha Berley | YW Boston | Boston, MA

Nina Berman | Columbia University | New York, NY

Alexandra Bernasek | Colorado State University | Fort Collins, CO

Elyssa Christine Berney | University of Kentucky | Lexington, KY

Celeste-Marie Bernier | University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh, Scotland

Mary Frances Berry | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, PA

Latrica Best | Boston College | Chestnut Hill, MA

Danielle Bestfelt | NSC | Nashville, TN

Annette Bethel | Columbia NOW | Columbia, SC

Magaela Bethune | Loyola Marymount University | Los Angeles, CA

Abha Bhaiya | OBR | Dharamshala, India

Anouska Bhattacharyya | YW Boston | Boston, MA

Simone Bibbs | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

Erica Bigelow | University of Washington | Seattle, WA

Adam Biggs | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, NJ

Nicoletta Billi | One Billion Rising | Italy

Stephanie Birch | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Debarati Biswas | New College of Florida | Sarasota, FL

Terri A. Bitsie | Albuquerque Public Schools | Albuquerque, NM

Dawniell Black | Elk Grove Unified School District | Elk Grove, CA

Jamie Blackman | Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research | Auckland, New Zealand

Keisha Blain | Brown University | Providence, RI

Izzy Blair | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Augustine Blaisdell | A Blaze Imprint | Los Angeles, CA

Essowedeou Blakime | One Billion Rising Togo | Lome, Togo

Katherine Blanton | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Leslie Blatteau | New Haven Federation of Teachers | New Haven, CT

Rich Blint | The New School | New York, NY

Pam Block | Western University | London, England

Jey Blodgett | Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR

Gilda Blueford | Citizens Coalition for Change | Compton, CA

SoulChilde ej BlueSun | The Poppiefield | Seattle, WA

Jane Sujen Bock | Coalition for a Diverse Harvard | New York, NY

Ilana Boin | Shalom Friends Immigration Visiting Group | New York, NY

TJ Boisseau | Purdue University | Lafayette, IN

Zack Boff | Broward DSA | Coral Springs, FL

Sanja Bojanic | University of Rijeka | Rijeka, Croatia

Howard Boksenbaum | None | Barrington, RI

A.Lynn Bolles | University Of Maryland College Park | Mitchellville, MD

Shirley Bomgaars | Empty Nest Art | Port Ludlow, WA

Sandy Bond | N/A | FL

Emily Bonsignore | N/A | Webster, NY

Zenande Booi | Center on Race, Law and Justice (Fordham) | Bronx, NY

Cheriko Boone | George Washington University | Washington, DC

Rebecca Booth-Fox | YW Boston | Arlington, MA

Rada Bori | Center for Women's Studies | Zagreb, Croatia

Eileen Boris | University of California Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara, CA

Mary Borrowman | International Center for Research on Women | Salt Lake City, UT

Jessica Borsellino | Duke University | Durham, NC

Jay Boss | YW Boston | Boston, MA

Darius Bost | University of Illinois at Chicago | Chicago, IL

Marjorie Bostwick | AAPF | Orlando, FL

John-Paul Boudet | NA | Slidell, LA

Lauren Boudet | NA | Slidell, LA

Natalie Bourdon | Mercer University | Macon, GA

Alida Bouris | University of Chicago Social Work, Policy & Practice | Chicago, IL

Gloria Boutte | University of SC | Columbia,SC

Lisa Bowleg | George Washington University & Intersectionality Training Institute | Washington, DC

Saundra Boyd | Houston Community College, Retired | Houston, TX

Daisy Boyd-Berks | Private psychotherapy practice | Providence, RI

Scott Boylen | Decorah Community School District | Waterville, IA

Daisha Brabham | Anti-Racist Teaching & Learning Collective | Meriden, CT

Diana Brace | University of Iowa | Iowa City, IA

Eliza Braden | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Ke'Ana Bradley | NASPA | Grand Prairie, TX

Denise Bradley | Harambee Consulting Group | Berkeley, CA

Cory Bradley | Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis | St. Louis, MO

Habiba Braimah | Brandeis University | Worcester, MA

Krystal Brand | IUPUI | Indianapolis, IN

Jennifer Brant | St John's United for Progress | Saint Augustine, FL

Lundy Braun | Brown University | Cranston, RI

Nancy Braxton | Jampel Nyingpo Ling | Northampton MA

Vicki Breitbart | RHAP | Brooklyn, NY

Cecilia Brenda | One Billion Rising | Nairobi, Kenya

Clardy Brian | Murray State University | Murray, KY

Kristi Brian | University of New Orleans | New Orleans LA

Khiara M. Bridges | UC Berkeley School of Law | Berkeley, CA

Jennifer Brier | UIC | Chicago, IL

Laura Briggs | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Northampton, MA

Britney Brinkman | Point Park University | Pittsburgh, PA

Nichole Brinkmann | Missouri Equity Education Partnership | Wentzville, MO

Josephine Briseno | NA | Carrollton, TX

Michael Brislen | James Madison University | Harrisonburg, VA

Susan J. Brison | Dartmouth College | Hanover, NH

Dennis A Britton | Individual Taxpayer | Vancouver, BC

Akissi Britton | Rutgers University-New Brunswick | Brookly, NY

Emily Brockman | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Madeline Anne Brodt | Oklahoma State University | Stillwater, OK

Paulette Brody | Education | Dallas, TX

Christy Brooks | EducationPlus | Wentzville, MO

English Brooks | Snow College | Ephraim, UT

Jade Brooks | SONG | Durham, NC

Sharyn H. Brooks | Democratic Women's Club -St. John's County | St. Augustine, FL

Mark Broomfield | SUNY Geneseo | Geneseo, NY

Taylor Brough | University of California, San Diego | La Jolla, CA

Lilah Penner Brown | N/A | San Jose, CA

Linda Beatrice Brown | Bennett College | Greensboro, NC

Shan-Estelle Brown | Rollins College | Winter Park, FL

Sarah Brown | Northwestern University Women's Center | Evanston, IL

Allegra Brown | California State University | Los Angeles, CA

Deon Brown | Texas A&M University | College Station, TX

Jordan Brown | Tides Advocacy | Oakland, CA

Elizabeth Brown | University of North Florida | Jacksonville, FL

Zakiya T. Brown | Pivotal Growth Consulting, LLC. | Jefferson City, MO

Richard Brown | Strategic Intersections, LLC | White Plains, NY

Kevin Brown | Indiana University Maurer School of Law | Bloomington, IN

Jamia Brown | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Natalie Bullock Brown | North Carolina State University | Raleigh, NC

Joy Brown | Azusa Pacific University | Azusa, CA

Nadia Elizabeth Brown | Georgetown University | Washington DC

Jamie Browne | Duke University | Durham, NC

Letitia Browne-James | Adler Graduate School | Mt Dora

Michael Brownstein | CUNY | New York, NY

Sarah Jane Brubaker | VCU | Richmond, VA

Dava-Leigh Brush | Missouri Equity Education Partnership | Arnold, MO

Steven Brush | N/A | Arnold, MO

Karl Bryant | SUNY New Paltz | New Paltz, NY

Wanda Bubriski | Women's Political Salon | Branford CT

Casey Buchholz | University of Massachusetts-Amherst | Amherst, MA

Shannon Buckley | University of Guelph | Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Carol L. Buffum | Community Member | Asheville, NC

Shantel Gabrieal Buggs | Florida State University | Tallahassee, FL

Matthew Bui | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Long Bui | UC irvine | Irvine, CA

Barbara Bullard | B-Bullard LLC | Brooklyn, NY

Sam Bullington | Phoenix, Colorado's Trans Community Choir | Boulder, CO

Kelvin Bullock | (working to extend anti-racist education) | Durham, NC

Ronda Taylor Bullock | (working to extend anti-racist education, Inc) | Durham, NC

Simmons Buntin | | Tucson, AZ

Tehama Lopez Bunyasi | George Mason University | Arlington, VA

Melissa Burchard | University of North Carolina Asheville | Asheville, NC

Edelina Burciaga | University of Colorado, Denver | Denver, CO

Adrienne Burke | Individual | Jacksonville, FL

Rufus Burnett | Fordham University | Middletown, NY

Keely Busby | The George Washington University | Washington, D.C.

Stefanie Buscher | Parent - Missouri public schools | Eureka, MO

Tori Bush | Louisiana State University | Baton Rouge, LA

Pam Butler | University of Notre Dame | South Bend, IN

Nola Butler-Byrd | San Diego State University | San Diego, CA

Amelia Buttress | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health | Minneapolis, MN

Barbara Byers | Albuquerque Public Schools | Albuquerque, NM

Stella Bynum | University of Massachusetts Amherst | MA

Leslie Cagan | Social Justice and Peace Movement | New York, NY

Patricia Cahill | Emory University | atlanta, GA

William Caine | N/A | Mount Dora, FL

Bernadette M Calafell | Gonzaga University | Spokane, WA

Kate Caldwell | NA | Philadelphia, PY

Josephine Caldwell-Ryan | Southern Methodist University | Dallas, TX

John Calvert | Simon Fraser University | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Lisa Cambridge-Mitchell | Persist in Joy | Ridgefield, CT

Kim Cameron-Dominguez | Lewis & Clark College | Portland, ON

Ann Cammett | CUNY School of Law | New York, NY

Samantha Campbell | Eastern Michigan University | Ypsilanti, MI

Nadia Campbell | Davidson College | Davidson, NC

Shandra Campbell | none | Los Angeles, CA

Rosemary Candelario | Texas Woman's University | Denton, TX

Mercedes Cannon | Syracuse University | Syracuse NY

Nancy Chi Cantalupo | Wayne State University | Detroit, MI

Lucia Cantero | University of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

Christine Capetola | California State University, Fullerton | Los Angeles, CA

Clay Capra | Duke University | Durham, NC

Devon Carbado | UCLA School of Law | Los Angeles, CA

Hazel Carby | Yale University | New Haven, CT

Valarie Carey | Say Her Name Mothers and Sisters Network | Brooklyn, NY

Jessica Carey-Webb | University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, NM

Brittany Caro | WellSpan Health | Lebanon, PA

Glenda Carpio | Harvard University | Cambridge , MA

Gilbert Carrasco | Willamette University Law School | Huntington Beach, CA

Coleen Carrigan | Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo, CA

Hector Carrillo | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Taylor Carroll | Yale university | Chicago, IL

Smita Carroll | UNM | Albuquerque, NM

Tyler Carson | Rutgers University New Brunswick | East Brunswick, NJ

Grace Carson | Tribal Law and Policy Institute | Los Angeles, CA

John Carson | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Angela M. Carter | University of Minnesota | Minneapolis, MN

Claire Carter | WGSRF | Austin, TX

Shawn Grain Carter | Fashion Institute of Technology | NYC, NY

Angie Carter | Michigan Technological University | Houghton, MI

Cassandra Cartmill | TCU | Fort Worth, TX

Jill Cartwright | N/A | Atlanta, GA

Barbara Caruso | Oxford Citizens for Peace and Justice | Oxford, OH

Cory Cascalheira | New Mexico State University | Las Cruces, NM

Alyssa Casey | Leadership Public Schools Richmond | Berkeley, CA

Anne J. H. Cassia | City College of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

Carrie Castaneda-Sound | Pepperdine University | Malibu, CA

Amandine Catala | UQAM | Montreal, QC

Katanya Cathcart | Koya Partners | Boston, MA

Keith Catone | Center for Youth & Community Leadership in Education, Roger Williams University | Providence, RI

Marissa Caudill | University of North Dakota | Roseville, MN

Andy Caul | Bunker Hill Community College | MA

Noel A. Cazenave | University of Connecticut | Hartford, CT

Christina V. Cedillo | University of Houston-Clear Lake | Houston, TX

Margaret Cerullo | Hampshire College | Amherst, MA

Shella Muzelle Cervantes | City College of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

Simran Chadha | Delhi university | New Delhi, India

Laura Chadwick | Marshfield Clinic / Marshfield Medical Center | Centerville, GA

Paula Chakravartty | NYU | New York, NY

Mrinalini Chakravorty | University of Virginia | Charlottesville, VA

Tresa Chambers | Tenth Muse Enterprises, LLC | Dallas, TX

Robin Chandler | Northeastern University | Boston MA

Eng Chandy | One Billion Rising coordinator | Cambodia

William Chaney | UMass Amherst Economics Department, Center for Popular Economics | Northampton, MA

Beverley Chang | NYC H+H, NAACP, WBWPC | Peekskill, NY

Edmond Chang | Ohio University | Athens, OH

Robert Chang | Seattle University School of Law | Seattle, WA

Jeffrey Chang | AAPI Montclair | Montclair, NJ

Julia Chang | Cornell University | Ithaca, NY

Valeria Sinclair Chapman | Purdue University | West Lafayette, IN

Wendy Chapkis | University of Southern Maine | Portland, MN

Ben Chappell | University of Kansas | Lawrence, KS

Marisa Chappell | Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR

Mahnaz Charania | N/A | Atlanta, GA

Moon Charania | Spelman College | Atlanta, GA

Matthew Charity | City University of New York Law School | Long Island City, NY

Robin Baldwin Charles | N/A | New York City, NY

Mirene Charles | N/A | Las Cruces, NM

Susan Charles | Notre Dame de Namur University | Belmont, CA

Katherine Charron | NC State University | Raleigh, NC

Brinda` Charry | Keene State College | Keene, NH

Indrani Chatterjee | University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX

Neela Chatterjee | City College of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

Karma Chavez | University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX

Rhonda Chavis | Phytolive Community Outreach | Greensboro, NC

Kai Hang Cheang | Portland State University | Portland, ME

Grace Chen | Independent Psychotherapy Practice | San Carlos, CA

Juyin Chen | NSYSU | Richmond, VA

Jian Neo Chen | The Ohio State University | Columbus, OH

Christopher Chen | UC Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

El Chenier | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby, Canada

April Cherry | Cleveland State University | Cleveland, OH

Megan Cherry | North Carolina State University | Raleigh, NC

Jonathan Chimene | MA, American History, University of Chicago | Brooklyn, NY

Karen Chimene | N/A | Brooklyn, NY

Margaret M. Chin | Coalition for a Diverse Harvard | NY, NY

Sumi Cho | DePaul Law (retired) & African American Policy Forum (AAPF) | Chicago, IL

Margaret Chon | Seattle University School of Law | Seattle, WA

Sapna Chopra | California State University Fullerton | Orange, CA

Kimberly Christensen | Sarah Lawrence College | New Rochelle, NY

Wendy M. Christensen | William Paterson University | Wayne, NJ

AJ Christian | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Leah Christiani | University of Tennessee | Knoxville, TN

Alyson Christianson | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Morgan Christie | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD

Andrew Douglas | Morehouse College | Atlanta, GA

Nancy Dowd | University of Florida College of Law | Gainesville, FL

John E. Drabinski | University of Maryland | College Park, MD

Kira Dralle | University of California Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Howard Dratch | The Somerset Foundation | Los Angeles, CA

Laura Dresch | Self | St. Louis, MO

Shahara Drew | Assumption University | Worcester, MA

Qwo-Li Driskill | Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR

Jon Dubin | Rutgers Law School | Newark, NJ

Rachel Dudley | The University of Toledo | Toledo, OH

Patricia Duff | Southern Connecticut State University | New Haven, CT

Stephane Dufoix | University of Paris-Nanterre | Nanterre, France

Kim Dugan | Eastern Connecticut State University | Willimantic, CT

Worokya Duncan | Duncan Educational Consultants | Saint Albans, VT

Alexander Dunker | Harlem Film Center | New York, NY

Jordan Dunn | New School for Social Research | New York, NY

Stephane Dunn | Morehouse | Atlanta, GA

Mariam Durrani | American University | Washington, DC

Troy Duster | U. Of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, CA

Michelle Duster | Columbia College Chicago | Chicago, IL

Ntombizozuko Dyani-Mhango | University of Pretoria | Pretoria, Gauteng

Maurice Dyson | Suffolk University Law School | Boston, MA

Theresa Earenfight | Seattle University | Seattle, WA

Monique Earl-Lewis | Morehouse College | Atlanta, GA

Ashley Easley | N/A | Columbia, MD

Asia Eaton | FIU | Miami, FL

LaToya Eaves | University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Knoxville, TN

Asali DeVan Ecclesiastes | Ashà Cultural Arts Center | New Orleans, LA

Carole Edelsky | ASU | Tucson, AZ

Marilyn Edelstein | Santa Clara University | Santa Clara, CA

Joyce Edwards | Virginia State University | Petersburg, VA

Jesse Edwards | City of Framingham | Framingham, MA

Nicole Edwards | African American Policy Forum | Toronto

Tara Egnatios | UCLA Law | Brooklyn, NY

Mara Einstein | Queens College (CUNY) | Flushing,NY

Alexa Eisenberg | Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan | Detroit, MI

Ellen Eisenman | artist | Newark, DE

Zillah Eisenstein | Ithaca College | Ithaca, NY

Nada Elias-Lambert | TCU | Fort Worth, TX

Madelyn Elizondo | Barnard College | New York, NY

Marta Elliott | University of Nevada, Reno | Reno, NV

Phillip Ellison | Tufts University & Interspace Strategies LLC | New York, NY

Joy Ellison | University of Rhode Island | Warwick

Treva Ellison | S7A | Adel, GA

Deborah Elliston | Binghamton University/SUNY | Binghamton, NY

Diane Elson | University of Essex | Colchester, UK

Mabel Encinas | La Juanas Literary Collective | London, UK

Anaelle Enders | University of Washington | Seattle, WA

Kristin Eno | Teaching Beyond the Square | NY, NY

Joy Enomoto | Hawaii Peace and Justice | Honolulu, HI

Robert Entenmann | St Olaf College | Northfield, MN

Gerald Epstein | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Rebecca Epstein | Georgetown Law Initiative on Gender Justice & Opportunity | Washington, DC

Umut Erel | Open University | UK

Jennifer Erickson | Ball State University | Muncie, IN

Jo Erikson | n/a | Corvallis, OR

Evans Erilus | Bunker Hill Community college | Boston, MA

Rose Ernst | Seattle University (last institution) | Seattle, WA

Keona Katrice Ervin | Bowdoin College | Brunswick, ME

Emily Escobar | Claremont Graduate University | Buena Park, CA

Dionne Espinoza | Cal State LA | Los Angeles, CA

Jennifer Esposito | Georgia State University | Atlanta, GA

Alexandra Oprea, Esq. | Attorney | Kearny, NJ

Charles Barrett Adams, Esquire | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Tracy Ann Essoglou | Hampshire College | NYC, NY

Cynthia Estrada | UCLA | Los Angeles, CA

Betsy Eudey | California State University Stanislaus | Turlock, California

Victor Evans | Seattle University | Seattle, WA

Lucinda C. Evans | Philisa Abafazi Bethu Women Center | Cape Town, South Africa

Karin Evans | College of DuPage | Glen Ellyn, IL

Aysha Evans | LSU Health Sciences | New Orleans, LA

Catherine Evans | Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, PA

Coral J. Evans | N/A| Flagstaff, AZ

Venus Evans-Winters | African American Policy Forum | Peoria, IL

Max Evjen | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

Phyllis Ewen | Brickbottom | Cambridge

Adele Failes-Carpenter | City College of San Francisco | Berkeley, CA

Sheryl Fairchild | Sacramento City College | Sacramento, CA

Alexandra Fairfield | Morro Bay Museum of Natural History | Morro Bay, CA

Michael Fakhri | University of Oregon | Eugene, OR

Joy Brooke Fairfield | Rhodes College | Memphis, TN

Kandace Creel Falcon | Independent Scholar | Erhard, MN

Carissa Falcone | Denison University | Ohio

Laila Farah | Depaul University | Chicago, IL

Nadine Faraj | SVA | New York, NY

Eileen Farbman | Kolibri Foundation | New York City, New York

Lygia Sabbag Fares | John Jay College | New York City, New York

Al-Lateef Farmer | Mercer County Community College | West Windsor, NJ

Ashley Farmer | UT Austin | Austin, TX

Navid Farnia | Wayne State University | Detroit, MI

Steve Farough | Assumption University | Worcester, MA

Brittany Farr | NYU School of Law | New York City, NY

Amy Farrell | Dickinson College | Carlisle PA

Pani Farvid | The New School | New York, NY

Joanna Fashjian | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Eric Fassin | Paris 8 University | Saint-Denis 92

Sarah Faude | YW Boston | Boston, MA

Tara Favors | N/A | South Orange, NJ

Jelani M. Favors | North Carolina A&T State University | Atlanta, GA

Ashlaye Fawbush | ProtestAccess | Westerville, OH

Jean Feerick | John Carroll University | University Hts, OH

Ellen Feingold | Retired | Asheville, NC

Jonathan Feingold | Boston University School of Law | Boston, MA

Nader Fekri | UTdT | Buenos Aires

Max Felker-Kantor | Ball State University | Muncie, IN

Laura Felschow | SUNY Oneonta | Oneonta, NY

Brigit Ferguson | College of Charleston | Charleston, SC

Roderick A. Ferguson | Yale University | New Haven, CT

Mika Fernandez | Lawyers for Good Government | Washington, DC

Nilmini Fernando | Griffith University | Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Myra Marx Ferree | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Madison, WI

Beth A. Ferri | Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY

Elizabeth Ferry | Brandeis University | Waltham, MA

Anastasia Fiandaca | City College of San Francisco and College of Marin | San Francisco, CA

Carlene Fider | Pacific Oaks College | Pasadena, CA

Marcus Fields | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

Deborah M Figart | Stockton University | Philadelphia, PA

Elba Figueroa | Sacred Heart University | Bronx, NY

Heather Reis Fike | Seattle University | Seattle, WA

Aisha Finch | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

Eileen J. Findlay | American University | Washington, DC

Zoe D. Fine | University of South Florida | Tampa, FL

Shakealia Finley | North Carolina State University | Raleigh, NC

Gwendolyn Fish | UC San Diego | San Diego, CA

Rachel Fisher | Rachel Fisher | Maplewood, NJ

Yvonne Fisher | self | Ithaca, NY

Hailey Fisher | SUNY Oneonta | New York, NY

Brandon Fitzgerald | Salaam USA | San Diego, CA

Kevin FitzGerald | MO Equity Education Partnership | St. Peter’s, MO

Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz | University of Iowa | Iowa City IA

Laura Flanders | Curious Communications | New York, NY

Ann Fleck-Henderson | Simmons University | Cambridge, MA

Heather Fleming | African American Policy Forum | Saint Charles, MO

Anamari­a Flores | City University of New York | New York City, NY

Danny Flores | Self | Ardmore, PA

Isabel Flores-Ganley | UCLA School of Law | Los Angeles, CA

Adi Flory | Tulane University, Law Library | New Orleans, LA

Juliet Floyd | Boston University | Boston, MA

Colleen Flynn | n/a | West Orange, NJ

Nancy R Folbre | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Montague, MA

Adam Foley | University of Delaware | Newark, DE

Mary Margaret Fonow | Arizona State University | Tempe, AZ

Flores Forbes | Columbia Law School | New York, NY

Sherri Ford | Nour Counseling and Consulting | Raleigh, NC

Sophia Ford | University of Oregon | Eugene, OR

Gabrielle Foreman | Penn State University | State College, PA

Tyrone Forman | University of Illinois at Chicago | Chicago, IL

Sarah Fortney | FDP | Bartow

Laurence E Foshee | Northeastern State University | Tulsa

Leigh Fought | Le Moyne College | Syracuse, NY

Mary Foulke | St. Mary’s Episcopal Church | New York, NY

Cynthia Fowler | Emmanuel College | West Somerville, MA

Jill Fox | NA | Ada, OK

Aniah Francis | African American Policy Forum | District Heights, MD

Luis Monroy Gomez Franco | University of Massachusetts, Amherst | Amherst, MA

Cynthia Franklin | University of Hawaii | Honolulu, HI

Patrice Franklin | Urban Empowerment & Community Advocacy Group, Inc. | Fort Worth, TX

Meghan Franklin | N/A | Tampa, FL

Kris Franklin | New York Law School | New York, NY

Sekou Franklin | Middle Tennessee State University | Murfreesboro, TN

Ashley Fraser | Brigham Young University | Provo, UT

Rosa Rodriguez Frazier | Riverside City College Department of Dance | Riverside, CA

Jeana Frazzini | Forward Together | Portland, OR

Rachel Fredericks | former professor of philosophy, current independent scholar | Chicago, IL

Andrea Freeman | University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of law | Honolulu, HI

Alex Freeman | Self employed | Hemet, CA

Jon Freeman | Salaam USA | La Mesa,

David Freeman | Hemet Unified School District | Hemet, CA

Julie Freeman | MSJC | Hemet, CA

Elizabeth Freeman | U California, Davis | Davis, CA

Chloe Freeman | UCLA Law School | Sherman Oaks, CA

Regina Freer | Occidental College | Los Angeles, CA

Bryana French | University of St. Thomas | Minneapolis, MN

Rebecca Redwood French | School of Law, SUNY | Buffalo, NY

Marsha Fretwell | Motherread | Asheville, NC

Adrienne Frie | University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh | Oshkosh, WI

Marlene G G Fried | Hampshire College | Somerville, MA

Terri Friedline | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Deb Friedman | none | Easthampton, MA

Kade Friedman | NYU | Brooklyn, NY

Michele Friedner | University of Chicago | Chicago, IL

Sharon Fries-Britt | University of Maryland | College Park, MD

Tanya Froehlich | cCHMC | Cincinnati, OH

Sarah E Fryett | University of Tampa | Tampa, FL

Milton Fuentes | Montclair State University | Montclair, NJ

Cynthia de las Fuentes | Self-employed | Austin, TX

Marisa J Fuentes | Rutgers University | Philadelphia, PA

J. V. Fuqua | Queens College | Flushing NY

Hester Furey | Pranakriya School of Yoga | Atlanta, GA

Andrew Furman | Florida Atlantic University | Boca Raton, FL

Jennifer M. Gomez | Boston University | Boston, MA

Greta Gaard | University of Wisconsin, River Falls | River Falls, WI

Jamillah R. Gabriel | Harvard University | Cambridge, MA

Cege Gacuhi | Gacuhi & Gacuhi’s | Nairobi, Kenya

Amy Gaeta | University of Wisconsin Madison | Madison, WI

Patricia Gagliardi | Southern Connecticut State University | New Haven, CT

Jeannine Gailey | TCU | Fort Worth, TX

Colette Gaiter | University of Delaware | Newark, DE

Eris Gallego | Anaheim Elementary | Anaheim, CA

Louis Gallien | Appalachian State | Boone, NC

Marcia M. Gallo | University of Nevada Las Vegas | New York, NY

Natalia M Galvan | Indiana Latino Democratic Caucus | Bloomington, IN

Liliana M. Garces | University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX

Emma Galofria Garcia | University of Colorado Boulder | Broomfield, CO

Danielle Garcia | UCLA Law | Los Angeles, CA

Jessenia Garcia | National Harm Reduction Coalition | Los Angeles, CA

James Garcia | Cal State Fullerton | Fullerton, CA

Ruben J. Garcia | William S. Boyd School of Law at UNLV | Las Vegas, NV

Joanna Gardner-Huggett | DePaul University | Chicago, IL

Irene Garoes | One Billion Rising Namibia | Namibia

Suzie Garrett | world citizen/reading advocate | Tucson, AZ

Ednie Kaeh Garrison | Cal Poly San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo, CA

Ann Garry | California State University, Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA

Cheryl Gaster | Cheryl Gaster, Human Rights Trainer, Adjudicator | Toronto, Ontario

Shatara Gatlin | Touro University | Brooklyn, NY

Megan Gaydos | Public health worker | Wheat Ridge, CO

April Gayoso | USC & UC Berkeley | San Jose, CA

Joe Gebhardt | Higher education | Jackson, MI

Irene Gedalof | London Metropolitan University | London, UK

Anna Geltzer | University of Notre Dame | Granger, IN

Abosede George | Barnard College, Columbia University | New York City, NY

Eva George | The Ohio State University | Columbus Ohio

Judith Gerson | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, NJ

Joseph Gerteis | University of Minnesota | Minneapolis, Minnesota

Jasmine Getrouw | UNCG | Greensboro, NC

Armagan Gezici | University of West England | Bristol, England

Jayati Ghosh | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Brenda D. Gibson | Wake Forest Univ. School of Law | Wendell, NC

Rosa Beth Gibson | Retired from University of Puget Sound | Steilacoom, WA

Elizabeth Gibson | George Mason University | Fairfax, VA

Christine Gibson | British Institute in Eastern Africa | Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Tyler Gibson | Sonoma State University | Rohnert Park, CA

Diane Gifford-Gonzalez | University of California, Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz

Timothy Gilfoyle | Loyola University Chicago | Chicago, IL

Neha Gill | Apna Ghar, Inc. | Chicago, IL

Katherine Gillen | Texas A&M University, San Antonio | San Antonio, TX

Gabrielle Gilliam | The Oliver Scholars Program, Inc. | New York City, NY

Laura Gillman | Virginia Tech | Blacksburg, VA

Stephanie Gilmore | Formore Editorial Services | Huntsville AL

Craig Gingrich-Philbrook | Southern Illinois University | IL

Samantha Ginzberg | Anti-Racist Teaching and Learning Collective | New Haven, CT

Daniele Girardi | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Linda Girdner | SURJ Annapolis and Anne Arundel County | Gambrills, MD

Maya Gislason | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby, BC

Lisa A Gissendaner | Community Advocate | Canton, OH

Robin Gitelman | Harebrained Schemes | Seattle, WA

Mwangi wa Githinji | University of Massachusetts-Amherst | Amherst, MA

Reaghan Gittin | Arizona State University | Scottsdale, AZ

John Givens | Spelman College | Atlanta, GA

Lila Givens | Teach for Freedom | Stone Mountain, GA

Erica Gividen-Walker | University of Louisville | Louisville, KY

Alana Glaser | St. John’s University | Brooklyn, NY

E. Glass | Professional | Greensboro, NC

Christy Glass | Utah State University | Logan, UT

Cynthia Godsoe | Brooklyn Law School | Brooklyn, NY

Mishuana Goeman | Clarence Center, University at Buffalo | Buffalo, NY

Hal Goetzinger | NYC DOE | Brooklyn, NY

Ayla Goktan | University of Louisville | Louisville, KY

Matthew K. Gold | CUNY Graduate Center | New York, NY

Kelly Goldberg | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Ariel M Goldberg | Parsons, The New School | Ridgewood, NJ

Michael Goldberg | University of Michigan: Ross School of Business | Ann Arbor, MI

Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller | University of Hawai’i at Manoa | Honolulu, HI

Kathryn Benjamin Golden | University of Delaware | Newark, DE

Janet Goldmark | National Institute of the Psychotherapies | New York City, NY

Anya Goldstein | Attorney | Los Angeles, CA

Hailie Goldthorpe | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Amber Gomes | Koya Partners | Bend, OR

Mark Gomez | CSUMB/UCSC | Seaside,CA

Teresa Gomez | Teresa C. Gomez Consulting | Albuquerque, NM

Thalia Gonzalez | University of California College of Law | San Francisco, CA

Melinda Gonzalez | Rutgers University | Bloomfield, NJ

Andres Gonzalez | Tulane University | Los Angeles, CA

John Gonzalez | University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX

Shannon Malone Gonzalez | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill, NC

Juan Carlos Gonzalez | UCSB | Santa Barbara, CA

Patricia Pedroza Gonzalez | Keene State College | Keene, NH

Vernadette Gonzalez | University of Hawai’i at Manoa | Honolulu, HI

Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez | The University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX

Crystal Good | Black By God THE WEST VIRGINIAN | Charleston, WV

Diana Goode | MSW | New York, NY

Michael Goodhart | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh, PA

Susan Goodier | SUNY Oneonta | Oneonta, NY

Deb Goodman | State of California | Oakland, CA

Emmett Goods | University of Rhode Island | Kingston, RI

Jeoffry Gordon | One Eyed Jacks | Santa Cruz, CA

Sarah M Gorman | Sarah Gorman | Springfield, MA

Namita Goswami | Indiana State University | Terre Haute, IN

Alma Gottlieb | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Cranston, RI

Laura Gottlieb | retired public librarian | Madison, WI

Kenneth Gould | City University of New York | Queens , NY

Peggy Gould | Sarah Lawrence College | Bronxville, NY

Jeffrey L. Gould | Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University | Princeton, NJ

Nahir I. Otano Gracia | University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, NM

Garrett Graddy-Lovelace | American University School of International Service | Washington DC

Harlan Joel Gradin | Independent Scholar | Durham, NC

Sandy Grande | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Ulla Grapard | Colgate University | Hamilton, NY

Kei Graves | N/A | Cleveland, OH

Corin Gray | University of Arizona | Tucson, AZ

Erin Gray | University of California, Davis | Oakland, CA

Jonathan Gray | Southern Illinois University | Carbondale, IL

Rehema Gray | None | Los Angeles, CA

Henrique Grazziotin | UMass Amherst | Northampton, MA

Alisha Grech | University of Toronto | Ontario, Canada

Rodney D. Green | Howard University | Washington, DC

Ashley Green | University of South Florida | Tampa, FL

Julii Green | CSPP/Alliant International University | San Diego, CA

Renee Green | Singapore | Jamaica, NY

Vanessa Green | Call BlackLine | San Diego, CA

Lydia Green | | Brooklyn, NY

K. Marshall Green | University of Delaware/ The Brown Boi Project | Oakland, CA

Anthony D. Greene | College of Charleston | Charleston, SC

Michelle Greene | Bates College | Lewiston, ME

Ahmad Greene-Hayes| Harvard University | Cambridge, MA

Jennifer C. Greenfield | University of Denver | Denver, CO

E. Gale Greenlee | Berea College | Berea, KY

Elizabeth Gregory | U Houston | Houston, TX

Sarita McCoy Gregory | Educator and HBCU Advocate | Yorktown, VA

Inderpal Grewal | Yale University | New Haven, CT

Miles Grier | Queens College, CUNY | Jackson Heights, NY

Sara Grigsby | Gunity Worldwide | East Lansing, MI

Laura Grindstaff | University of California | Davis, CA

Lucinda Grinnell | Montgomery College | Rockville, Maryland

Elizabeth Griswold | ACLU | Davis,CA

Paris Griffin | Prescott College | Chicago, IL

Elizabeth Grob | CCNY | New York, NY

Sue Gronewold | Kean University | Union NJ

Melanie Gross | FH Kiel, University of Applied Science | Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Kali Gross | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

Beau Grosscup | CSU Chico | Chico, CA

Samara Grossman | None | Boston MA

Jairus Grove | Dept. Political Science, University of Hawai’i at Manoa | Honolulu, HI

Margaret Groves | Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church | Asheville, NC

Caren Grown | The Brookings Institution | Washington, DC

Patricia Gruben | Simon Fraser University | Vancouver, BC Canada

Kirsten Silva Gruesz | University of California Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Amy Gryder | Missouri Equity Education Partnership | Saint Charles, MO

Patrick Grzanka | The University of Tennessee | Knoxville, TN

Tish Guerin | HBCU | Charlotte, NC

Alexander Lopez Guevara | N/A | Westbury, NY

Cynthia Guggemos | None | Blanchardville, WI

Monique A. Guishard | CUNY Bronx Community College | Bronx, NY

Margaret M. Gullette | Brandeis | Waltham, MA

T. J. Gundling | William Paterson University of NJ | Wayne, NJ

Manisha Gupte | Activist | Pune, India

Margo Gustina | University of New Mexico | Santa Fe, NM

Matthew Guterl | Brown University | Providence, RI

Ricardo Guthrie | Fisk University | Nashville, TN

Nina Guttapalle | N/A | New York, NY

Tam J Guy | University of California Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA

Beverly Guy-Sheftall | Spelman College | Atlanta, GA

Laurie Haag | University of Iowa | Iowa City, IA

Neda Hadjikhani | Silver Dollar Foundation | Montreal, QC

Bonnie Hagerman | University of Virginia | Charlottesville, VA

Steven Hahn | New York University | New York, NY

Faolan Rollosson Halbhuber | N/A | Sammamish, WA

Kaaren Haldeman | Independent Consultant | Durham, NC

Linda Halgunseth | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

Brian D. Haley | SUNY Oneonta | Oneonta, NY

Gordon C. Nagayama Hall | University of Oregon | Eugene. OR

Kim F. Hall | Barnard College — Columbia University | New York City, NY

Miranda Hallett | University of Dayton | Dayton, OH

David Halperin | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Megan Halpern | Michigan State University | Okemosr, MI

Elena Halpert-Schilt | N/A | Clayton l, CS

Jennifer A. Hamilton | Bates College | Lewiston, ME

Henry Hamilton | Personal Capacity | Des Moines, Iowa

Tikia K. Hamilton | Loyola University | Chicago, IL

Carrie Hamilton | London School of Economics | London, England

K Allison Hammer | Vanderbilt University | Nashville, TN

Emily Hammond | The George Washington University | Washington, DC

Evelynn M. Hammonds | Harvard University | Cambridge, MA

Aimi Hamraie | Vanderbilt University | Nashville, TN

Amy Hancox | West Chester University of Pennsylvania | West Chester, PA

Dana Hanley | Studio 312 LLC | AZ

Nikole Hannah-Jones | Howard University | Washington, DC

Jon Hanson | Harvard Law School | Cambridge, MA

Emily Haozous | Pacific Institute For Research And Evaluation PIRE | Santa Fe, NM

Kate Hardesty | University of Rhode Island | Kingston, RI

Rachel Harding | University of Colorado Denver | Denver, CO

Michael Hardt | Duke University | Durham, NC

Candice Hargons | University of Kentucky | Lexington, KY

Mystique Hargrove | N/A | Jacksonville, FL

Lauren Harper | Harper & Co. LLC | Portland, OR

Rachel Harper | Spalding University | Louisville, KY

Leland Harper | Siena Heights University | Adrian, MI

Rebecca Harrington | SUNY Oneonta | Delhi

Madelyn Harris | Boston College | Chestnut Hill, MA

MJ Harris | UC Berkeley | Berkeley, CA

Bryant Harris | Brooklyn College | Brooklyn, NY

Betty Harris | University of Oklahoma, Norman | Norman, OK

Laurel Harris | Rider University | Lawrenceville, NJ

Nicole Harris | Azusa Pacific University | Azusa, CA

Angela Harris | UC Davis School of Law | Davis, CA

Leslie M. Harris | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Luke Harris | Vassar College & AAPF | Poughkeepsie, NY

Cheryl Harris | UCLA School of Law | Los Angeles, CA

Robert L. Harris, Jr. | Cornell University | Ithaca, NY

Faye V Harrison | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Urbana, IL

Maggie A Harrison | City College of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

Trevor Harrison | University of Lethbridge | Lethbridge, Alberta

Carolyn Harshaw | Retired Educator | Little Rock, AR

Julie Hartman-Linck | Highland Community College | Freeport, IL

Heidi Hartmann | American University | Washington, DC

Justin Haruyama | University of British Columbia | Kelowna, Canada

Vanessa de Harven | UMass Amherst | Amherst, MA

Aneatra L Harvey | CSUS | Sacramento, CA

Daina Cheyenne Harvey | College of the Holy Cross | Worcester, IL

Hanan Hashem | William James College | Boston, MA

Sana Hashmi | AAPF | New York, NY

Brandon Haskey-Valerius | University of Missouri | Columbia, MO

Sally Haslanger | MIT | Cambridge, MA

Joseph Hassert | College of Southern Nevada | Las Vegas, NV

Teresa Hatfield | Retired | Tulsa, OK

John Hatle | University of North Florida | Jacksonville FL

Laura Hauck-Vixie | Seattle University | Seattle, WA

Chloe I Hawkey | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD

Skyler Hawkins | Newcastle University | Newcastle, Tyne and Wear

Deborah Hawkins | Temple University | Dover, PA

Endia Hayes | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, NJ

Julie C. Hayes | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Aaisha Haykal | College of Charleston, Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture | Charleston, SC

Marta-Laura Haynes | CUNY | New York City, NY

SarahDawn Haynes | University of Colorado, Boulder | Boulder, CO

Clarissa Hayward | Washington University | Saint Louis MO

Mike Hazelton | Hixson Middle School | St. Louis, MO

Carol Heim | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Vanessa Hein | DePaul University | Chicago, IL

James Heintz | University of Massachusetts, Amherst | Amherst, MA

Hannah Heitz | University of Louisville | Louisville, KY

Anissa Helie | John Jay College, CUNY | New York City, NY

Stefan Helmreich | MIT | Cambridge, England

Clare Hemmings | London School of Economics and Political Science | London, England

Nicole Jamila Hendricks | Holyoke Community College | Holyoke, MA

Alex Henke | Howard University | Washington, DC

Susan Henning | First Presbyterian Church of Libertyville — Elder | Gurnee, IL

Andrea Henthorn | UCLA | Temecula, CA

Susan Herman | NYU Postdoctoral Program | NJ

Barbara Herman | University of California Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA

Laura-Marie Herrmann | University of North Florida | Jax, Fl

Tanya Kateri Hernandez | Fordham University | Bronx, NY

Aurea Hernandez-Webster | St. Luke’s School | New York, NY

Diane Price Herndl | University of South Florida | Tampa, FL

Sue-Ellen Hershman-Tcherepnin | Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice & the Environment | Watertown, MA

Laurie W. Hesed | Shalom Mennonite Church | Newton, KS

Juliet Hess | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

Heather Hewett | SUNY New Paltz | New Paltz. NY

Orlaith Heymann | University of Wisconsin | Oshkosh, WI

Robyn Hill | City Colleges of Chicago | Chicago, IL

Jennifer Hill | APT | Miami, FL

Marc Lamont Hill | Temple University | Philadelphia, PA

Marianne Hill | University Research Center | South Portland, ME

Katherine Hilson | Carthage College | Kenosha, WI

Robert Hipkens | self | New York, NY

Rachel Hiskes | NASW | Hartford, CT

Colani Hlatjwako | One Billion Rising | Eswatini

Alexis Hoag-Fordjour | Brooklyn Law School | New York, NY

Sarah Hoagland | Northeastern Illinois University | Chicago, IL

Gail Hoak | Mt. San Jacinto College | CA

Emily Hobson | University of Nevada Reno | Reno, NV

J Hochman | individual | St. Louis, MO

Saida Hodzic | Cornell University | Ithaca, NY

Linda Hoechst | Missouri Equity Education Partnership | Wildwood, MO

Ingrid Hoffius | NC State University | Raleigh, NC

Steven Hoffler | Southern Connecticut State University | New Haven, CT

Melissa Hofmann | Rider University | Lawrenceville, NJ

Katie Hogan | University of North Carolina, Charlotte | Charlotte, NC

Wesley Hogan | Duke University | Durham, NC

Charlotte Hogg | TCU | Fort Worth, TX

Elizabeth Hohl | Fairfield University | Fairfield CT

Rachel Holdt | MSJC | Encinitas, CA

J. Douglas Hollie | HEART 2 HEART INC | San Francisco, CA

Tiffany Hollis | Coastal Carolina University | Conway, SC

Karyn Hollis | Villanova University | Wynnewood, PA

Sandra Holloway | N/A | Louisville, KY

Candace Holman | First Parish in Waltham, Unitarian Universalist Congregation | Waltham, MA

Tammy L. Holmes | Prairie View A&M University | Houston, TX

Cindy Holmes | University of Victoria | Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Christina Holmes | DePauw | Greencastle, IN

Chamanta Homme | University of Miami | FL

Jon Honea | Emerson College | Boston MA

Caroline Hong | UCLA | Los Angeles, CA

Juliet Hooker | Brown University | Providence, RI

Jala Hooks | Temple University | Philadelphia, PA

Barbara Hopkins | Wright State University | Dayton, OH

Sharon Horne | University of Massachusetts Boston | Boston, MA

Katie Horowitz | Davidson College | Davidson, NC

Susan Horwitz | SAB Dems | St Augustine Beach, FL

LaMonda Horton-Stallings | Georgetown University | Washington DC

Diana Hortsch | Brooklyn Law School | Brooklyn, NY

Daniel Martinez HoSang | Yale University | New Haven, CT

Caroline Hossein | University of Toronto | Toronto, Canada

Emily M.S. Houh | University of Cincinnati College of Law | Cincinnati, OH

Judith Houck | UW Madison | Madison, WI

Khara House | Lived Black Experience CommUnity Project | Flagstaff, AZ

Pam Houston | UC Davis | Davis, CA

Jean Howard | Columbia University | New York City, NY

Sarah Howard | SUNY ESF | Syracuse, NY

Anna Howell | PSU | Portland OR

Candace Howes | Connecticut College | New London, CT

Craig Howes | University of Hawai’i at Manoa | Honolulu, HI

Catherine Hoyser | U of Saint Joseph | Newington, CT

Jo Hsu | University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX

Rebecca Hsu | Howard University | Washington, DC

Nadine Hubbs | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Katie Huber | Rowan University | Glassboro, NJ

Lindsay Perez Huber | California State University, Long Beach | Long Beach, CA

Ada Hubrig | Sam Houston State University | Huntsville, TX

Gabriel Huddleston | TCU | Fort Worth, TX

Linda Hudson | The Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Westport | Westport, CT

Linda K Hughes | TCU | Fort Worth, TX

Sheila Hassell Hughes | Saint Mary’s College of California | Moraga, CA

Kayi Hui-Spears | University of Maryland | Silver Spring, MD

Dawn Hukai | University of Wisconsin-River Falls | River Falls, WI

Rainbo Hultman | University of Iowa | Iowa City, IA

Greg Hummel | SUNY Oneonta | Oneonta, NY

Anneeth Kaur Hundle | University of California, Irvine | Irvine, CA

Tameeka Hunter | Professor | Fayetteville, GA

Mateenah Hunter-Parsonage | South African Human Rights Commission | Johannesburg, South Africa

Noelle Hurd | University of Virginia | Charlottesville, VA

Caroline Hurley | Emerson College | Boston, MA

Sikivu Hutchinson | Black Skeptics Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA

Darren Lenard Hutchinson | Emory University School of Law | Atlanta, GA

Melanie Huynh-Duc | The Early College at Guilford | Jamestown, NC

Zoe Wake Hyde | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

Marianne (Molly) Hyde-Caroom | Blue Haven | Harvard, MA

Judene Hylton | Koya Partners | Houston, TX

Prue Hyman | Victoria University of Wellington | Paekakarik, New Zealand i

Ari-Elmeri Hyvonen | University of Helsinki | Helsinki, Finland

Ivan Iannoli | California College of the Arts | San Francisco, CA

Catalina Iannone | The Ohio State University | Columbus, OH

Fidelia Ibekwe | Aix-Marseille University | Marseille

Omodele Ibitoye | One Billion Rising | Lagos

Fulden Ibrahimhakkioglu | Middle East Technical University | Ankara, Turkey

Areto Imoukhuede | FAMU College of Law | Orlando, FL

Ruth Indeck | URPE | Jersey City, NJ

Elaine Ingulli | Stockton University | Galloway, NJ

Dale Ireland | The Graduate Center, CUNY | New York, NY

Yasmiyn Irizarry | The University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX

Alli Irving | Private Practice | Raleigh, NC

Emily Isaacs | Montclair State University | Montclair, NJ

Zenzele Isoke | Tubman WGSS, University of Maryland | College Park, MD

Deena Isom | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Jean Ispa | University of Missouri | Columbia, MI

Gayle Y. Iwamasa | Psychologist | Lafayette, IN

Kim Coco Iwamoto | Enlightened Energy, LLC | Honolulu, HI

Nalini Iyer | Seattle University | Seattle, WA

Afaf Jabiri | University of East London | London, United Kingdom

Carol Ann B Jackson | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Crystal Jackson | Texas Christian University | Fort Worth, TX

Talisa Jackson | George Mason University | Fairfax, VA

Trina Jackson | Movement Family Farm | Boston, MA

Vanessa Jackson | Healing Circles, Inc. | Atlanta, GA

J’Mauri Jackson | Indiana University | Westerville, OH

Kelly Jackson | Tulane | New Orleans, LA

Sarah J. Jackson | Annenberg School for Communication | Philadelphia, PA

Janine Jackson | Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting | Wilmington, DE

Kristina Jacobsen | University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, NM

Catherine Jacquet | Louisiana State University | Baton Rouge, LA

Riccardo Jaede | LSE | London, UK

Laura Jaffee | Colgate University | Syracuse, NY

Alison Jaggar | University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder, CO

Jody Jahn | University of Colorado | Boulder, CO

Laura Ramos Jaimes | UMass Amherst | Amherst, MA

Jackson Jalisa | UTSA | San Antonio, TX

Stanlie James | Arizona State University | Tempe, AZ

Russell Janis | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

John Janovy, Jr | Retired from University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Lincoln, NE

Christine Japely | Norwalk Community College | Norwalk, CT

Amira Jarmakani | San Diego State University | San Diego, CA

Carmen Alvaro Jarrin | College of the Holy Cross | Worcester, MA

Hanna Jarvinen | UNIARTS Helsinki | Finland

Karen Jarvis-Thorne | UMass Boston | Boston, MA

Joanna Jauchen | George Mason University | Fairfax, VA

Sheryl Jay | N/A | British Columbia, Canada

Honoree Fanonne Jeffers | University of Oklahoma | Norman, OK

Laura Jeffries | Florida State College at Jacksonville | Jacksonville, Fl

Fran Jemmott | Retired | Los Angeles, CA

John Jennings | UCR | Riverside, CA

Gihane Jeremie-Brink | William Paterson University | Wayne, NJ

Terri Jett | Butler University | Indianapolis, IN

Neonu Jewell | Christmas Jewell | Laurel, MD

Dan Jian | Texas Christian University | Fort Worth, TX

Monica A. Jimenez | University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX

Angel Jimenez | Saint Leo University | Tampa, FL

Kirsten Johansen | MSJC, RCC, U of R | Redlands, CA

David Johns | National Black Justice Coalition | Washington, DC

Alexis D Johns | Individual | Silver Spring, MD

Andy Johnson | Bethel University | St. Paul, MN

Benjamin H Johnson | Loyola University Chicago | Chicago, IL

Dawn Johnson | Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY

Divoire Johnson | University of Minnesota | Irving, TX

Finn Johnson | Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR

Teresa Johnson | Missouri Equity Education Partnership | St Louis, MO

Glenna Johnson | LCC | Lansing, MI

Jolyn Johnson | NEUROPLAST Neuroplast B.V. | Elk Grove, CA

Holly Johnson | N/A | Shreveport, LA

Jada Johnson | APS | Decatur, GA

Katherine Johnson | NC State University | Raleigh, NC

Katherine M. Johnson | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Larishia Johnson | UC Davis | Los Angeles, CA

L. B. Johnson | Technologies of Gospel | San Francisco, CA

Lisa Johnson | USC Upstate | Spartanburg, SC

Marcus Johnson | University of Maryland College Park | College Park, MD

Monica J. Johnson | Princeton University | Philadelphia, PA

Nicole Johnson | Harriet Tubman Effect | New York, NY

Veronica Johnson | John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York | New York, NY

Walter Johnson | Harvard University | Cambridge, MA

Dianne Johnson-Feelings | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Bridgett Kathryn Johnson-Pride | Harvard University | Boston, MA

Jenny Johnson-Riley | Fielding Graduate University | Santa Barbara, CA

Kristina Johnson-Yates | IUPUI | Indianapolis, IN

Marjorie Jolles | Roosevelt University | Chicago, IL

Karon Jolna | Ms. Magazine | Los Angeles, CA

Ebony Jones | NCSU History Department | Raleigh, NC

Sandra Jones | BFLT | Sumter, SC

Janine Jones | UNC, Greensboro | Greensboro, NC

Kmea Lm Jones | | Staten Island, NY

Kimberly Jones | Rice University | Houston, TX

Erica Jones | Individual Endorsement | London

Darian Jones | Sankore’ Prep | Atlanta, GA

Shelly Jones | SUNY Delhi | Delhi, NY

Courtney Jones | NA | Tallahassee, FL

Daniel Alexander Jones | CalArts | Valencia, CA

Jovonna Jones | Boston College | Boston, MA

Tonya Jones | N/A | Portland, OR

Lani V Jones | State of New York | Albany, NY

Griffin Jones, DrPH, MPP | Collectively Determined LLC | Arlington, TX

Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers | University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, CA

Greta de Jong | University of Nevada, Reno | Reno, NV

Desiree Joplin | N/A | Castro Valley, CA

Alison O. Jordan | American Public Health Association | New York, NY

George Joseph | Hobart & William Smith Collegex | Geneva, NY

Bettina Judd | University of Washington | Seattle, WA

Michelle Juel | University of Colorado Boulder | Henderson, CO

Michaela Juliano | Montclair State University | Fort Lee, NJ

Moon-Ho Jung | University of Washington | Seattle, WA

Layla Juniel | African American Policy Forum | Reno, NV

Supriya K | University of California Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA

Aminata Kaba | YW Boston | Boston, MA

Khushi Kabir | One Billion Rising | Dhaka, Bangladesh

Alice Kachere | One Billion Rising | Lilongwe, Malawi

Shahin Kachwala | SUNY Oneonta | Oneonta, NY

Alison Kafer | University of Texas | Austin, TX

Jonathan Kahn | Northeastern University | Boston MA

Seth Kahn | West Chester University of Pennsylvania | West Chester, PA

Patricia Ononwiu Kaishian | Bard College | Annandale, NY

Paula Kalakowski | Miami Coral Park Senior High School | Miami, FL

Vidya Kalaramadam | WPUNJ | NJ

Christina Kalel | University of Arizona | Tucson, AZ

Nathan Kalman-Lamb | University of New Brunswick | Fredericton, NB

Olea Kalpana | Belgrade Lesbian Community | Belgrade, Serbia

Nayia Kamenou | University of Cyprus | Nicosia, Cypress

Jen Kamish | Rochester Institute of Technology | Rochester, NY

Isaac Kamola | Trinity College | Hartford, CT

Hye-Kyung S. Kang | Seattle University | Seattle, WA

Ying-Chao Kao | Virginia Commonwealth University | Richmond, VA

Kaiakahinalii Kaopua | University of Hawaii | Honolulu, HI

Aneela Kaplan | Red Hat | Montverde, FL

Madge Kaplan | Playwright | Cambridge, MA

Priya Kapoor | Portland State University | Portland, OR

Persis Karim | San Francisco State University | San Francisco, CA

Kasia Karolak | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Maryam Kashani | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Chicago, IL

Biljana Kasic | Centre for Women’s Studies | Zagreb, Croatia

Renee Kasinsky | UMass Lowell Emerita | Lowell, MA

Barret Katuna | Sociologists for Women in Society | South Glastonbury, CT

S Andrew Katz | The Prusik Group | South Orange, NJ

Shelley Katz | SFSU | San Anselmo, CA

Gayle Kaufman | Davidson College | Davidson, NC

Stephanie Kaye | UCSF | San Francisco, CA

Christine Keating | University of Washington | Seattle, WA

Nancy Keeler | Independent | Cambridge, MA

Sophie Keel | Public School | Rosendale, NY

Julie Keiffer-Lewis | De Anza College | Cupertino, CA

Arlene Keizer | Pratt Institute | Brooklyn, NY

Jean Keller | College of St. Benedict | St. Joseph, MN

Jennifer Kelley | College of DuPage | Glen Ellyn, IL

Robin D.G. Kelley | UCLA | Los Angeles, CA

Jazmyne Kellogg | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Urbana, IL

Jenny Kelly | UCSC | Aptos, CA

Lydia Kelow-Bennett | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Amber Kelsie | University of Colorado, Boulder | Denver, CO

Diane Kemker | Southern University Law Center, DePaul University College of Law | North Hollywood, CA

Kirsten Kemmerer | SUNY Oneonta | Oneonta, NY

Tyler Kemp-Benedict | Watertown Community for Black Lives | Watertown, MA

Mollie Kemp | DCS | Dexter, MI

Ibram X. Kendi | Boston University | Boston, MA

Karen Kendrick | Albertus Magnus College | New Haven, CT

Ann Kennedy | U Maine Augusta | Bangor, ME

Elizabeth Kennedy | Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR

Sean Kenney | University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder, CO

Jessica L. Kenty-Drane | Southern Connecticut State University | New Haven, CT

Ryan Kernan | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, NJ

Margaret Kerr | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Madison, WI

Emma Kervel | New College | Sarasota, Fl

Jason Keydel | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Linda Keyes | Pratt Institute | South Orange, NJ

Cristina Khan | Stony Brook University | Stony Brook, NY

Farida Khan | University of Colorado Colorado Springs | Colorado Springs, CO

Carolyn Anita Kidd | N/A | Flagstaff

Anne Kiefer | Finger Lakes Justice Partnership | Penn Yan, NY

John Killeen | DataWorks NC | Durham, NC

Nami Kim | Spelman College | Atlanta, GA

Yeeun Kim | Arizona State University | Temp, AZ

Hyungshin Kim | Korea University | Seoul, South Korea

Dorothy Kim | Brandeis University | Waltham, MA

Taewon Kim | University of Houston | Houston, TX

Gayle Kimball | CSUC | Chico, CA

Anna Kimura | University of California, Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA

Stacie King | Indiana University | Bloomington, IN

Lisa King | University of Tennessee | Knoxville, TN

Mary King | Portland State University | Portland, OR

Shannon King | Fairfield University | Fairfield, CT

Phillip King | Office of African American Affairs | Albuquerque NM

Brooks Kirchgassner | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Lorna Kirkham | N/A | St Augustine, FL

Beth Friedman Kirk | Self | Bloomington, IN

Sally Kitch | Arizona State University | Tempe, AZ

Kathryn Klein | University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | Oshkosh, WI

Sue Klein | Feminist Majority Foundation | Arlington, TX

Naomi Klein | University of British Columbia | BC, Canada

Kim Klomparens | N/A | Jacksonville, FL

Anna Klosowska | Miami University | Oxford, OH

Jennifer Kling | University of Colorado, Colorado Springs | Colorado Springs, CO

Tonya Kneff-Chang | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Rachel Knight | Teachers College | New York, NY

Susan Knight | Not currently affiliated | Cambridge, MA

Quoran Knights | University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati, Oh

Robert Knott | N/A | Pensacola, FL

Jennifer Knust | Duke University | Durham, NC

Ece Kocabicak | The Open University | Milton Keynes, UK

Jennifer Kocher | West County Community Action Network | St. Louis, MO

Janet Koenig | institution Free | New York, NY

Larry Koenigsberg | Air-Weigh | Eugene, Oregon

Anne Koellhoffer | n/a | Philadelphia, PA

Andrew Kohen | Harrisonburg City School Board | Harrisonburg, VA

Ellen Kohl | St. Mary’s College of Maryland | St. Mary’s City, MD

Ebru Kongar | Dickinson College | Carlisle, PA

Catherine Koning | FranklinPierce University | Rindge NH

Amanda Konradi | Loyola University Maryland | Baltimore, MD

Jeanne Koopman | Boston University | Boston MA

Heather Kopelson | University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa, AL

Hilary Kornblith | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Kavitha Koshy | California State University | Long Beach, CA

Manja Dimitra Kotsas | CAU Kiel | Schleswig-Holstein

Rebecca Kotz | SCSU Women’s Center | St. Cloud, MN

Kelly Rae Kraemer | College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University | St. Joseph, MN

Steven Kranowski | Shelter Alternatives, Inc. | Blacksburg

Amy Krauss | University of California, Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Pamela Krayenbuhl | University of Washington Tacoma | Tacoma, WA

Kavita Krishna | Educator | Albuquerque, IN

Lori Kronser | Showing Up For Racial Justice Annapolis and Anne Arundel County | Bowie, MD

Shannon Krueger | Dickinson High School | ND

Timothy Kuhn | University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder CO

Barton Kunstler | Self | Sherborn, MA

Edith Kuiper | State University of New York (SUNY) | High Falls, NY

Chenjerai Kumanyika | New York University | New York, NY

Rushaan Kumar | Colorado College | Colorado

Bhavik kumar | CERCL-FP | Houston, TX

Meagan Kunitzer | UNL | Lincoln, NE

Lorna Kurdi | Campaign for Our Shared Future | St Louis, MO

Kazuko Kurosaki | One Billion Rising Austria | Vienna, Austria

Naa Oyo A. Kwate | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | New Brunswick, NJ

Christopher Kwok | CUNY Hunter | New York, NY

Sharon Kyle | LA Progressive | Los Angeles, CA

Amy Kim Kyremes-Parks | Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church | Asheville,NC

Eleonore Lepinard | Universite de Lausanne | Switzerland

Julia Labovsky | N/A | Rockville, MD

Celia Lacayo | UCLA | Los Angeles, CA

Brianna Ladd | University of Maryland, College Park | College Park, MD

Gloria Ladson-Billings | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Madison, WI

Melissa E. Bennett Lafond | Springfield Public Schools | Chicopee, MA

Cristina Lafont | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Liam Oliver Lair | West Chester University | West Chester, PA

Steven Lam | CalArts | Los Angeles, CA

Jacqueline Lambiase | TCU | Fort Worth, TX

Machienvee Lammey | University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, NM

Sami Lamont | OUSD | Oakland, CA

Kyrie Lampert | N/A | Fort Collins, CO

Jordan Landry | University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | Oshkosh, WI

Phyllis Lane | N/A | DuPont, WA

Sonja Lanehart | University of Arizona | Tucson, AZ

Mary Lang | Unaffiliated | New York, NY

T. Lang | Spelman College | Atlanta, GA

Helen Langa | American University | Washington, DC

Alex C. Lange | Colorado State University | Fort Collins, CO

Regina Langhout | UC Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Orlando Lara | Ethnic Studies Network of Texas | San Juan, TX

Carla Laroche | Washington & Lee University School of Law | Lexington, VA

Jessica Larson | The Graduate Center, CUNY | New York, New York

Lauren Latterell | University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, California

Jacob Lau | California State University, Northridge | Northridge, CA

Meghan Lauer | Southern Connecticut State University | New Haven, CT

Inga N Laurent | Gonzaga University School of Law | Spokane, WA

Melissa F. Lavin | SUNY Oneonta | Altamont, NY

Anna Lawrence | Fairfield University | Fairfield, CT

Charles R. Lawrence III | University of Hawaii, Manoa | Honolulu, HI

Jodie Lawston | CSU San Marcos | San Marcos, CA

Corby Lawton | Democrat | San Rafael, CA

Kiese Laymon | Rice University | Houston, TX

Carlyle Leach | Haxy Ventures | New York

Kimberlyn Leary | Harvard | Cambridge MA

Seanna C Leath | Washington University in St. Louis | St. Louis, Missouri

Anjeanette LeBoeuf | Saint Louis University | St. Louis, MO

Marisol LeBron | University of California, Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

B. Andi Lee | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Champaign, IL

Tamara L Lee | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, NJ

Clara Lee | University of Colorado Boulder | CO

Soonhee Lee | Stevenson Unviersity | Stevenson, MD

Ann-Gee Lee | UAFS | Fort Smith, TX

Jean Lee | Western Washington University | Bellingham, WA

Saeyun D. Lee | N/A | Wayland, MA

Lindsey Lee | UCLA | New Orleans, LA

Cynthia Lee | The George Washington University | Washington, DC

RY Lee | University of Washington | WA

Cynthia Lee | UC Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Matt Lee | Northeastern | Brookline, MA

Dakota Leget | University of Florida | Gainesville, FL

Kari Lehman | Chicago public schools | Chicago, IL

Anne Leighton | Institute of Lesbian Studies | Sequim, WA

Steve Leikin | San Francisco State University | San Francisco, CA

Melinda Lemke | University at Buffalo | Buffalo, NY

Dorothy Lenard | NA | Bloomington, IN

Helen Lenskyj | University of Toronto | Toronto, Canada

Adriane Lentz-Smith | Duke University | Durham, NC

Jerrel Leonard | ULCCYP | Charlotte, NC

Paola Leon | GVSU | Grand Rapids, MI

Stephen Lerner | Kalmanovitz Initiative, Georgetown University | Washington, DC

Justin Leroy | Duke University | Durham, NC

Mel Lesch | University of Kentucky | Lexington, KY

Johanna Lessinger | John Jay College, CUNY | New York NY

Ariel Leutheusser | The Graduate Center at the City University of New York | Brooklyn, NY

Ronald F Levant | University of Akron | Akron, OH

Lisa Levenstein | UNC Greensboro | Chapel Hill, NC

Marina Levina | University of Memphis | Memphis, TN

Joseph Levine | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

LaTaSha Levy | University of Washington | Seattle, WA

Bruce Levy | Southern Methodist University | Dallas, TX

Brandi Lewis | Pennsylvania State University | State College, PA

S. Lewis | Self | Bellevue, WA

Karen Lewis | Radcliffe ’62 | South Portland, ME

Ellen Lewis | Ethos of Engagement Consulting | San Francisco, CA

Tammy Lewis | CUNY | NY, NY

Terri Lewis | Volunteer | Butte, MT

Valda G Lewis | LGBT Legacy Project | Cleveland, OH

Jioni Lewis | University of Maryland, College Park | College Park, MD

Amanda Lewis | University of Illinois at Chicago | Chicago, IL

Janaka Lewis | University of North Carolina at Charlotte | Kannapolis, NC

David Levering Lewis | NYU | New York City, NY

Heidi R. Lewis | Colorado College | Colorado Springs, CO

R. L’Heureux Lewis-McCoy | New York University | New York, NY

Danke Li | Fairfield University | Fairfield, CT

Rita Liberti | California State University, East Bay | Hayward, CA

Erica Licht | Harvard University | Cambridge, MA

Alex Lichtenstein | Indiana University | Bloomington, IN

Yehudit Lieberman | N/A | CA

Jennifer L Lieberman | University of North Florida | Jacksonville, Florida

Wanda Katja Liebermann | University of Oklahoma | Norman, OK

Alison Lietzenmayer | ODU | Norfolk VA

Caroline Light | Harvard | Belmont, MA

Ellen Lin | private practice | San Jose, CA

Shirley Lin | Brooklyn Law School | Brooklyn, NY

Yi-Chun Tricia Tricia Lin | Southern Connecticut State University | New Haven, CT

Anamary Maqueira Linares | University of Massachusetts | Amherst, MA

Mark Lincicome | College of the Holy Cross | Worcester, MA

Anna E. Lindner | Wayne State University | Warren, MI

Rochelle Lindsay | Harvard Kennedy School | Cambridge, MA

Rachel Lindsey | Saint Louis University | St. Louis, MO

Michele Linton | The Eye-Bank | New York, NY

Anthony Lioi | The Juilliard School | Montclair, NJ

Roger Lippman | Balkan Witness | Seattle, WA

George Lipsitz | University of California, Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara, CA

Julia Liss | Scripps College | Claremont, CA

Kim Little | Ohio University | Athens, OH

Peter Little | Rhode Island College | Providence, RI

Lindsay Livingston | Bowdoin College | Brunswick

Amy Livingston | University of Minnesota | Minneapolis, MN

Kate Livingston | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Alex Lockwood | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | Carbondale, IL

Heidi Lockwood | Southern Connecticut State University | New Haven, CT

Tami Forte Logan | Faith 4 Justice Asheville | Asheville, NC

Aimee Loiselle | Central Connecticut State University | New Britain, CT

Emily T Loker | University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder, CO

Tamura Lomax | The Feminist Wire | Richmond, VA

Jacqueline Flint Long | Loyola University Chicago | Chicago, IL

Gina Marie Longo | Virginia Commonwealth University | Richmond, VA

Barbara Loomis | San Francisco State University | San Francisco, CA

Zebrina Looney | 4089-B NAACP President | Wentzville, MO

Donald Looney | St Charles County Democratic Central Committee | Wentzville, MO

Christopher Lopez | N/A | Pequannock, NJ

Lorraine Lopez-Janove | SUNY Cortland | Cortland, NY

Nicole Lopez-Jantzen | CUNY: Borough of Manhattan CC | New York, NY

Raymundo Lopez | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

Nancy Lopez | UNM | Albuquerque, NM

Marsha Lopez | VDAY | Guatemala

Gina Loring | AAPF | Los Angeles, CA

Alexis Lothian | University of Maryland | College Park, MD

Jennifer Loring | Union Institute and University | Philadelphia, PA

Linda Loubert | Morgan State University | Baltimore, MD

Mykayla Louie | Sonoma State University | Rohnert Park, CA

Jennifer Loukissas | N/A | Kensington, MD

Kristin Lovelace-Ross | Private individual | Ithaca, NY

Tim Lowery | N/A| Seattle,WA

Joe Lowndes | University of Oregon | Eugene, OR

Joseph Lowndes | University of Oregon | Eugene, OR

Flora Lu | UC Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Judy Lubin | Center for Urban and Racial Equity | Washington, DC

Ashley Lucas | University of Michigan at Ann Arbor | Ann Arbor, MI

Gianna Lucic | SUNY Oneonta | Oneonta, NY

Felicia Lueker |Missouri Equity Education Partnership | Saint Louis, MO

Keridwen Luis | Brandeis University WGS | Waltham, MA

Sharon Luk | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby, BC

Teri Lukin | Allies for Racial Equity | Croton On Hudson, NY

Tania Luma | Loyola Chicago School of Law | Chicago, IL

Coral Lumbley | Macalester College | MN

Stephanie Lumbra | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Karen Lundeen | N/A | Brooklyn, NY

Ricardo Lundi | Upstate Medical University | Syracuse, NY

Ralph H. Lutts | Virginia Tech | Meadows of Dan, VA

Helma Lutz | Goethe University Frankfurt | Frankfurt, Germany

Kelly Lutz | N/A | Arvada, CO

Nicole Lynch | Koya Partners | Boston, MA

Saundra Lynn | Wisconsin Virtual Academy | McFarland, WI

J. Vanessa Lyon | N/A | Bennington,VT

Juliana Lytle | Walden Uniy | Jacksonville, FL

Leni M | SMCCD | CA

Willow Katz, M.S. | Haiti Action Committee, End Solitary Santa Cruz County | Santa Cruz, CA

Catherine Ma | City University of New York | Staten Island, NY

Roberto Monico | Cal Poly Humboldt | Arcata, CA

Avelaka Macarro | University of Washington | Seattle

Nicole M Maccalla | University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) — Los Angeles, CA

Christopher Macdonald-Dennis | Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts | North Adams, MA

Howard Machtinger | Retired | Durham, NC

Willie Mack | Stony brook — SUNY | Brooklyn, NY

Dr April Mack | Saint Louis University | Saint Louis, MO

Catharine A. MacKinnon | University of Michigan & Harvard Law School | Cambridge, MA

Tomas Macsoaty | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Barcelona, Spain

Sasha Mader | University of Wisconsin, La Crosse — La Crosse, WI

Leslie Madsen | Boise State University | Boise, ID

Alex Madva | Cal Poly Pomona | Pomona, CA

Jessica Magnani | St. Petersburg College | Seminole, FL

Emily Maguire | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Rahsaan Mahadeo | Providence College | Providence RI

Ruth Maher | William Paterson University | Wayne, NJ

Isata Mahoi | One Billion Rising | Freetown, Sierra Leone

Jurgen von Mahs | The New School | Philadelphia, PA

Cai Mains | Columbia University | New York, NY

Merry Maisel | UCSD | San Diego, CA

Stephen Maizlish | University of Texas Arlington | Arlington, TA

Neepa Majumdar | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh, PA

Minkah Makalani | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD

M. Shadee Malaklou | Berea College | Berea, KY

Pedro A. Malavet | University of Levin Florida College of Law | Gainesville, FL

Anna Malavisi | Western Connecticut State University | Danbury, CT

Solangel Maldonado | Seton Hall University School of Law | Newark, NJ

AnaMarcela Maldonado | Washingtonville | Washingtonville, NY

Dominique Malebranche | Pepperdine University | Culver City, CA

Sarah S. Malino | Guilford College | Greensboro, NC

Kendra Malone | N/A | Amherst, MA

Larissa Malone | University of Southern Maine | Portland, ME

Heather Malveaux | African American Policy Forum | New Orleans, LA

Keith J Man | Communities for Restorative Justice | Concord, MA

Valerie Mann | Brown County | Green Bay, WI

Angela R Mann | University of North Florida | Jacksonville, FL

Keri Manning | St. Ambrose University | Davenport, IA

Paula Manning | University of Detroit Mercy | Detroit, MI

Marika Manos | OCDE | Costa Mesa, CA

Mitra Mansour | Arts Umbrella | Vancouver, BC

Giovanna Marafon | Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro

DiPaolo Marc | Southwestern Oklahoma State University | Weatherford, OK

Kyra March | Dumbarton Oaks and National Gallery of Art | Washington, DC

Jen Marchbank | Simon Fraser University | Surrey

Maddalena Marinari | Gustavus Adolphus College | St. Peter, MN

Rebecca Mark | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, NJ

Stacy Markel | Wayne State University | Detroit, MI

Elisha Marr | Calvin University | Grand Rapids, MI

Silvia Marsans-Sakly | Fairfield University | Fairfield, CT

Lorraine Marsh | The New School for Social Research | New York, NY

Keith Marshall | U. Of Iowa | Iowa City, IA

Nancy Marshall | Wellesley College | Roslindale, MA

Stefanie Martinez-Fuentes | Arizona State University | Tempe, AZ

David G. Martinez | University of South Carolina | Irmo, SC

Diana Martinez | University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, NM

Michael E Martell | Bard College | Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

Christie Martin | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Molly Martin | University of Indianapolis | Indianapolis, IN

Candace Martin | N/A | Brooklyn, NY

Carla Martin | Harvard University | Cambridge, MA

Kahdeidra Martin | Stanford Graduate School of Education | Palo Alto, CA

Alberto Martinez | University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TA

Stu Marvel | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

Colette St. Mary | University of Florida | Alexandria, VA

Michelle Marzullo | California Institute of Integral Studies | San Francisco, CA

Sandor Mozes | retired | Budapest, Hungary

Myles Mason | University of Colorado | Boulder, CO

Corinne Mason | Mount Royal University | Calgary, Canada

Patrick L. Mason | University of Massachusetts, Department of Economics | Amherst, MA

Laura Mason | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD

Jessica Lowell Mason | University at Buffalo | Buffalo, NY

Qrescent Mali Mason | Haverford College | Haverford, PA

Thomas Masterson | Levy Economics Institute of Bard College | Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

Margareta Matache | Harvard | Boston, MA

Carter Mathes | Rutgers university | East Orange, NJ

Channing J. Mathews | University of Virginia | Charlottesville, VA

Meg Mathieson | Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland Valley | Boiling Springs, PA

Libakiso Matlho | Women and Law in Southern Africa- | Lesotho, South Africa

Peter Matlon | Cornell University | Plymouth, NY

Jordanna Matlon | American University | Washington, DC

Rhiannon Maton | SUNY Cortland | Cortland, NY

Janice Matsumura | Simon Fraser University | Vancouver

Elizabeth Mattison | Hampshire College | Amherst, MA

Henry Maxfield | SDUSD | San Diego, CA

Kimberly Maxwell | Missouri Equity Education Partnership | St Louis, MO

Vivian May | Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY

Bettina Mayer | UUCHV | Croton, NY

Sarah Mazouz | Sociologist, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) | Paris, France

Dorrie Mazzone | DVC | Spokane, WA

Leslie McCall | The Graduate Center, City University of New York | New York, NY

Heather McCambly | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh, PA

Jessica McCann | N/A| NY

Shirley M McCarthy | Yale | Branford, CT

Mary McCarthy | Retired | Brighton MA

Harry McCarthy | Jesus College, University of Cambridge | Cambridge, MA

Timothy Patrick McCarthy | Harvard University | Cambridge, MA

Joseph A. McCartin | Georgetown University | Washington, DC

Paula D. McClain | Duke University | Durham, NC

Kenneth A McClane | Cornell University | Ithaca, NY

Traci McClellan-Sorell | N/A | Wagoner, OK

Kathryn McCord | UC | Cincinnati, OH

Brian McCloud | 635 Community Health Collective | San Diego, CA

Emma McClure | Saint Mary’s University | Halifax, NS

Rachael Mooney McCoy | YW Boston | Boston, MA

Ann McCoy | N/A | Houston, TX

Austin McCoy | West Virginia University | Morgantown, WV

Jill McCracken | University of South Florida | St. Petersburg, FL

Chelsea McCracken | SUNY Oneonta | Oneonta, NY

Lance McCready | University of Toronto | Toronto, ON

Laurie McCubbin | University of Louisville | Louisville, KY

Kate McCullough | Cornell University | Ithaca, NY

Jennifer McCurdy | MSU | MI

Alexis McCurn | California State University, Dominguez Hills | Carson, CA

Sharon Alexa McDorman | University of Maryland, College Park | Silver Spring, MD

Sean McDougle | Fiserv | Neversink, NY

Jacqueline McGee | Lyceum Kennedy French English School | New York

Cameron McGill | Washington State University | Pullman, WA

Alicia McGill | North Carolina State University | Raleigh, NC

Dan McGinnis | The Children’s Trust | Abington

Patricia McGowan | Independent Contractor | Richmond, VA

Jason McGraw | Indiana University | Bloomington, IN

Shannon McGregor | University of North Carolina | Chapel Hill, NC

Annie McGrew | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Northampton, MA

Danielle L. McGuire | University of Utah | Salt Lake City, UT

Kristen Abatsis McHenry | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth | N. Dartmouth MA

Nancy McHugh | University of Dayton | Dayton, OH

Kim McKeage | Southern Connecticut State University | New Haven, CT

Monique McKenney | School District of Philadelphia | Philadelphia, PA

Caleb McKinley-Portee | SIU Carbondale | Carbondale IL

Jack McKivigan | IUPUI | Indianapolis, IN

Arlene McLaren | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby, BC

Kimberly McLarin | Emerson College | Boston, MA

Stuart McLean | University of Minnesota | Minneapolis, MA

Elisabeth McMahon | Tulane University | New Orleans, MA

Fiona MacPhail | University of Northern British Columbia | Prince George, BC

Lena McQuade | Sonoma State University | Rohnert Park, CA

Jeanette McVicker | SUNY Fredonia | Fredonia, NY

Ellen McWhirter | University of Oregon | Eugene, OR

Ladelle McWhorter | University of Richmond | Richmond, VA

Sally McWilliams | Professor | Portland, OR

Jennifer R McZier | NBSE, Inc. | Washington, DC

Daniella Medina | UMass Amherst | Amherst, MA

M Isabel Medina | Loyola University New Orleans College of Law | New Orleans, LA

Alfredo Medina Jr | Bennington College | Bennington, VT

Antonio Medrano | Berkeley Contra Costa County | San Pablo, CA

Laura Meek | University of British Columbia | Kelowna, BC

Joie Meier | Indiana University | Bloomington, IN

Robert Mejia | A New Way of Life Reentry Project | Los Angeles, CA

Jodi Melamed | Marquette University | Milwaukee WI

Landin Mello | California Connections Academy | Fresno, CA

Ariana Melton | We Are R.I.S.E. Inc | Los Angeles, CA

Nodia Mena | University of North Carolina at Greensboro | Greensboro, NC

Jennifer Mencarini | Fox Rothschild LLP | Greensboro, NC

Montserrat Mendez | The MozzleStead Company | Harrison, NJ

Alicia Mendez | Rutgers University School of Social Work | Yucca Valley, CA

Sylvia Mendoza | UTSA | San Antonio, TX

Alessandra Mezzadri | SOAS | London, U.K.

Annie Menzel | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Madison, WI

Michael Meranze | UCLA | Santa Monica, CA

Julie Mercado | Boise State University | Boise, ID

Elliot Mercer | University of Chicago | Chicago, IL

Owen Mercier | Purdue University | West Lafayette, IN

Anita Mercier | The Juilliard School | New York, NY

Ashton Merck | N/A | Durham, NC

Christopher Merk | New Haven Public Schools | New Haven, CT

Paul Messersmith-Glavin | National University of Natural Medicine | Portland, OR

M. Theresa Solis Metz | University of Missouri | Columbia, MO

Judy Meuth | Washington State University | Pullman, WA

Linou Meyer | University of Arts Berlin | Berlin

Marya Meyer | One Billion Rising | Miami, FL

Kimberli Meyer | N/A | Cranston, RI

Katie Meyer | Washington University in St. Louis School of Law | Saint Louis, WA

Ellen Meyerson | N/A | Silver Spring, MD

Sally Ashton MFA | SJSU | Los Gatos, CA

Yusef Mgeni | Yusef Mgeni and Associates | Saint Paul, MN

John Michael | University of Rochester | Rochester New York

Megan Michalak | York University | Toronto, ON

Sage Mikkelsen | Texas Woman’s University | Denton, TX

Lilian Milanes | William Paterson University | Wayne, NJ

Zebulon Miletsky | Stony Brook University | Brooklyn, NY

Candace Miller | UNC-Charlotte | Charlotte, NC

Taylor Miller | University of Illinois at Chicago | Chicago, IL

Basanti Miller | University of Minnesota — Twin Cities | Minneapolis, MN

Michelle Hughes Miller | University of South Florida | Clearwater, FL

Lynne Miller | University of Southern Maine | Portland, ME

Wendy Miller | Self | Byrnes Mill, MO

Leah Milne | University of Indianapolis | Indianapolis, IN

Uma Millner | Lesley University | Cambridge, MA

Jessica Millward | University of CAlifornia Irvine | Irvine, CA

Rev. Brandee Jasmine Mimitzraiem | Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice | Washington, DC

Willow Mindich | Stony Brook University | Stony Brook, NY

Dr. Laura P. Minero | Yolotl Libre Therapy, Training and Consulting | Los Angeles, CA

Gwendolyn Mink | Scholar and Author | Washington, DC

Kevin Minofu | CISPS (Columbia) / AAPF | Johannesburg, South Africa

Sarah Miracle | OKTEP | Ada, OK

Joya Misra | University of Massachusetts, Amherst | Amherst, MA

Nicole Misra | na | St. Louis, MO

Jasmine Mitchell | SUNY Old Westbury | New York, NY

Karen Mitchell | University of Northern Iowa | Waterloo, IA

Kathleen Mitchell | Smart Realty | Baltimore, MD

Amanda Mitchell | University of Louisville | Louisville, KY

S David Mitchell | University of Missouri, School of Law | Columbia, MO

Christine Mitchell | HMS Center for Bioethics | Jamaica Plain

Pat Mitchell | N/A | Atlanta, GA

Michele Mitchell | New York University | New York, NY

Shawntae Mitchum | University of Southern California | Los Angeles, CA

Ronald Mize | Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR

Gorana Mlinarevic | N/A| Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Yajun Mo | Boston College | Boston, MA

Joel Modiri | University of Pretoria | Pretoria, South Africa

Kathryn Moeller | University of Cambridge | Cambridge, MA

Chandra Talpade Mohanty | Syracuse University | New York, NY

Jonathan Mohr | University of Maryland | College Park, MD

K. Mohrman | University of Colorado Denver | Denver, CO

Danica T Moise | University of Central Florida | Orlando, FL

Marika Moisseeff | CNRS | Paris, France

Stacey Mokotoff | DNC | Palm Beach FL

Debra Mollen | Texas Woman’s University | Lewisville, TX

Bianca Mona | St Francis College | Brooklyn, NY

Aurelien Mondon | University of Bath | Bath, UK

Lisa Monroe | Teachers College / Columbia University | New Haven, CT

Maria Monras-Sender | Retired | PA

Jovita Montes | GABRIELA | Quezon City, Philippines

Etelvina Mahal Montes | Yale University | South Pasadena, CA

Margaret Montoya | University of New Mexico Schools of Law & Medicine | Albuquerque, NM

Paton Moody | UCLA School of Law | Los Angeles, CA

Shirley Moody-Turner | Penn State University | University Park, PA

Anton Moore | Cornell University | Ithaca, NY

Katherine Moore | Arcadia University | Glenside, PA

Opal Moore | Retired from Spelman College | Atlanta, GA

Shirley Moore | Bray Temple CME | East St. Louis, Il.

Olivia Moorehead-Slaughter | BU School of Medicine Campus/The Park School | Milton, MA

Katherine Moos | UMass Amherst | Amherst, MA

Manijeh Moradian | Barnard College, Columbia University | New York, NY

Stephanie Morales | YW Boston | Boston, MA

Renee Morehand | Old Redford Academy High School | Detroit, MI

Aileen Moreton-Robinson | University of Queensland | Brisbane, Australia

Onyx Sloan Morgan | UBC Okanagan | Kelowna, Canada

Jana Morgan | University of Tennessee | Knoxville, TN

Matt Morgan | Concrete Computing | Penn Valley, PA

Lynda Morgan | Mount Holyoke College | South Hadley, MA

Aldon Morris | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Jennifer Morris | N/A | FL

Leara Morris | self | Atlanta, GA

Hale Morrissette | Dream Defenders | Pensacola, FL

Kelly Morrison | University of Tennessee | Knoxville, TN

Jeremy Morrison | DRRSD | Attleboro, MA

Daniel Morrison | Abilene Christian University | Abilene, TX

Jill Morrison | Georgetown University Law Center | Washington, DC

Melanie S. Morrison | Allies for Change | Okemos, MI

Megan Morrissey | University of North Texas | Denton, TX

Kathleen Morley | Fresno Pacific University | Mountain House, CA

Lisa Morrow | N/A | Ypsilanti, MI

Jason Morse | University of Washington | Bothell, WA

Sybil Mosely | I.A.T.S.E. | Los Angeles, CA

Mary Beth Moser | Independent Scholar | Vashon Island, WA

Ryan Moser | Corporation For Supportive Housing | Jersey City, NJ

Wynne Moskop | Saint Louis University | St. Louis, MO

Della Mosley | Blafemme Healing | Durham, NC

Sydnie L. Mosley | Sydnie L. Mosley Dances. | New York, NY

Shaun Mosley | N/A | Atlanta, GA

Becky Moss | MSLA | MA

Danielle Moss | Oliver Scholars | New York, NY

Veronique Mottier | Jesus College Cambridge & University of Lausanne | Cambridge/Lausanne

Liz Mount | Flagler College | St. Augustine, FL

Guy Emerson Mount | Wake Forest University | Winston-Salem, NC

Cara Moyer-Duncan | Emerson College | Boston, MA

Dorottya Mozes | University of Debrecen | Debrecen, Hungary

Quinten Foster, MS | MHARI | Newport, RI

Pablo Muchnik | Emerson College | Boston, MA

Kimberly Muhammad | Public Schools | South Orange, NJ

Khalil Gibran Muhammad | Harvard University | Cambridge, MA

Kamila Muhammad | Alphawood Foundation | Chicago, IL

Hassan Mujtaba | University of Massachusetts | Amherst, MA

Avanti Mukherjee | SUNY Cortland | Cortland, NY

Amy Mullin | University of Toronto | Toronto, Ontario

Gregory Mundy | Rose Mary’s Pralines, LLC | Warren, RI

Sucharita Sinha Mukherjee | College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University | Saint Joseph, NY

Sameena Mulla | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

Meir Muller | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Sika Dagbovie Mullins | Florida Atlantic University | Boca Raton, FL

Yasser Munif | Emerson college | Boston, MA

Caleb Munro | Youth Celebrate Diversity | Denver, CO

Kathy Munzer | Institute of Lesbian Studies | Chicago, IL

Zein Murib | Fordham University | New York, NY

Rose Murphy | Hill Regional Career High School | New Haven, CT

George D Musgrove | UMBC | Washington, DC

Jennifer Musial | New Jersey City University Women’s and Gender Studies | Mount Holly, NJ

Amber Musser | CUNY Graduate Center | New York, NY

Ellen Mutari | Stockton University | Philadelphia, PA

Magda Muter | London School of Economics and Political Science | London, United Kingdom

Mariama Myers | Virgosim, LLC | Bellflower, CA

Amrita Chakrabarti Myers | Indiana University-Bloomington | Bloomington, IN

JoAnne Myers | Marist College | Poughkeepsie, NY

Clarissa Myrick-Harris | Morehouse College | Atlanta, GA

Premilla Nadasen | Barnard college | New York, NY

Mechthild Nagel | SUNY Cortland | Cortland, NY

Paula Naggi | Mt. San Jacinto College, Menifee Valley Campus | Menifee, CA

Andres Naime | Un billion de pie México | Mexico

Nadine Nakamura | Alliant International University | San Diego, CA

Ra’Shaun Nalls | Harvard Chan School of Public Health | Boston, MA

Sangeeta Nambiar | One Billion Rising | Singapore

Charlesy Nance, MS, CP | Corporation For Supportive Housing | Boca Raton, FL

Nancy Naples | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Regina Napolitano | Oakland School for the Arts | Oakland, CA

Laurie Naranch | Siena College | Loudonville, NY

Pavithra Narayanan | Washington State University | Vancouver, Canada

Jennifer Nash | Duke University | Durham, NC

Balmurli Natrajan | William Paterson University of New Jersey | Wayne, NJ

Marie-Cecile Naves | RIS Avec Director of the Gender and Geopolitics Observatory | Paris, France

Celia Naylor | Barnard College, Columbia University | New York, NY

Chris Naylor | N/A | Deerfield, FL

Siskanna Naynaha | California State University, Dominguez Hills | Carson, CA

N. Nadia Ncube | African American Policy Forum | Aberdeen, Scotland

Leonce Ndikumana | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Elana Needle | New York University | New York City, NY

Megan Neely | Copenhagen Business School | Frederiksberg, Copenhagen

Tua Nefer | BHCC | Cambridge, MA

Garrett Neiman | Rich White Men Organizing Campaign | Boston, MA

Julie Nelson | University of Massachusetts Boston | Boston, MA

Deandrea Nelson | CSUDH | CA

Kristin Nelson | Washington & Jefferson College | Washington, PA

Katherine Nelson | University of North Dakota | Grand Forks, ND

Laura Nelson | UC Berkeley | Berkeley, CA

Shermena Nelson | African American Policy Forum | New York, NY

John Nemec | University of Virginia | Charlottesville, VA

Gary Nemeth | Alma College | Alma. MI

Eleonore Neufeld | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Helen Neville | University of Illinois | Urbana-Champaign, IL

Stacey Newman | ProgressWomen | Saint Louis, MO

Laura Newman | N/A | Astoria, DC

Vickie Newton | TheVillageCelebration | Bearden, AR

Duc Hien Nguyen | University of Massachusetts — Amherst | Amherst, MA

Tina Nguyen | YW Boston | Boston. MA

An Nguyen | School District of Philadelphia | Philadelphia, PA

Xuan-Vu Nguyen | N/A | Chicago, IL

Mame-Fatou Niang | Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, PA

Abigail Nicolas | University of Maryland | College Park, MD

Heidi Nicholls | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD

Lisa H. Nicholson | University of Louisville School of Law | Louisville, KY

Jody Nicholson | University of North Florida | Jacksonville, FL

Betsy Nies | University of North Florida, Department of English | Jacksonville, FL

Mahina Nightsage | St Louis Gender Critical Alliance | St. Louis, MO

Ankita Nikalje | University of Wisconsin Milwaukee | Milwaukee, WI

Richard Nisa | Fairleigh Dickinson University | Philadelphia, PA

Gina Nisbeth | 9th & Clinton | Annapolis, MD

Dara Nix-Stevenson | Since Combahee Educational Consulting | Greensboro, NC

Donna Nixon | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill, NC

Susan Nobel | Unaffiliated | New York, NY

Lynne Noble | retired | Asheville, NC

Cindy Noe | City of Detroit | Detroit, Michigan

Laura Noe | SCSU | Branford, CT

B. Noite | N/A | Richmond, VA

Molly Nolan | NYU | Brooklyn, NY

Noelle Nolan-Rider | Mississippi Rising Coalition | Ocean Springs, MS

Christopher Noran | YW Boston | Boston, MA

Malcolm Nordley | Stonehill College ’73 | Chatham, MA

Kimberly Norwood | Washington University School of Law | St. Louis, MO

Alexandra Novitskaya | Indiana University | Bloomington, IN

Julie Novkov | University at Albany, SUNY | Albany, NY

Lydia Nunez | Gulf Coast Adapt | Seabrook, TX

Shayla C. Nunnally | University of Tennessee | Knoxville, TN

Isis Nusair | Denison University | Columbus, OH

Kathleen Nutter | N/A | Wilmington, VT

Rochelle Fortier Nwadibia | Attorney at Law | Daly City, CA

Richard O’Hara | N/A | West Orange, NJ

Brendan O’Kelly | University of Oregon | Eugene, OR

Edinna Obaseki | Sonoma State | Oakland

Franklin Obeng-Odoom | University of Helsinki | Helsinki, Finland

Milo Woolf Obourn | SUNY Brockport | Rochester, NY

Pamela O’brien | University of Warwick | Coventry, Warwickshire, UK

Priscilla Ocen | Loyola Marymount University | Los Angeles, CA

Omedi Ochieng | University of Colorado | Boulder, CO

Melissa Ochoa | Saint Louis University | St. Louis, MO

Sonny Marion Ock | | Towson, MD

Claire O’Connor | N/A | Minneapolis, MN

Omobonike Odegbami | Hamilton College | Oriskany, NY

Wendy Ogata | None | Roy, UT

Jeffrey Ogbar | University of Connecticut | Hartford

Dani Oh | FAU | Coconut Creek, FL

Carmel Ohman | Brandeis University | Boston, MA

Tema Jon Okun | Teach. Equity. Now. | Chapel Hill, NC

Jocelyn Olcott | Duke University | Durham, NC

Franklin Oliver | University HS | IN

Margarita Olivera | IE/UFRJ | Rio de Janeiro

Katie Oliviero | Dickinson College Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department | Carlisle, PA

Gina Olson | Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, University of Chicago | Chicago, IL

Thomas Olszewski | People Inc. | Depew, NY

Jacqueline Oluwole | Higher Educational Learning | New York, NY

Gregory E. O’Malley | University of California, Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Matthew Omelsky | University of Rochester | Rochester, NY

Jeffrey St Omer | N/A | St Louis, MO

Ronald ONeal | N/A | Elgin,IL

Tiffany O’Neal | N/A | Fredericksburg, VA

Angela Onwuachi-Willig | Boston University School of Law | Boston, MA

Phyll Opoku-Gyimah | UK Black Pride & Kaleidoscope Trust | London

Linda Oppenheim | Not in Our Town Princeton | Princeton, NJ

Romy Opperman | New School for Social Research | New York, NY

Tracy E Ore | St. Cloud State University | Saint Cloud, MN

Melek Ortabasi | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby, Canada

Paul Ortiz | University of Florida | Gainesville, FL

Vilma Ortiz | UCLA | CA

Johanna Ortner | University of Connecticut | Stamford, CT

Thera van Osch | OQ Consulting BV | Netherlands

Shaianne Osterreich | Ithaca College| Ithaca, NY

Jeff Ostler | University of Oregon | Eugene, OR

Joan Ostrove | Macalester College | Saint Paul MN

David Osworth | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Hailey Otis | Bates College | Lewiston, ME

Imani Owens | Rutgers | New Brunswick, NJ

Wendy Owens | City College of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

Brian Owsley | UNT Dallas College of Law | Dallas, TX

Cecilia Oyediran | Cornell University | New York, NY

Osa Oyegun | NA | Silver Spring, MD

Rupal Oza | Hunter College | New York, NY

Jessica Pabon | SUNY New Paltz | New Paltz, NY

Christine Pae | Denison University | Granville, OH

Judith Page | UF | Gainesville, FL

John Bryan. Page | University of Miami | Coral Gables,

Allison Page | Old Dominion University | Philadelphia, PA

A. Naomi Paik | n/a | Chicago, IL

Archana Palaniappan | N/A | Portland, ME

Nick Palazzolo | Central High School of Philadelphia | Philadelphia, PA

Lenore Palladino | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Elizabeth Palmer | University of Maryland, Baltimore County | Los Angeles, CA

Diana Pan | CUNY — Brooklyn College | Brooklyn, NY

Melina Pappademos | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Yvette Pappoe | University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law | Washington, DC

Christine Pardo | Cuny LaGuardia Community College | Queens, NY

Derek Pardue | Aarhus University | Aarhus, Denmark

Kenyora Parham | End Rape On Campus | Washington, DC

Django Paris | University of Washington | Seattle, WA

Rae Paris | University of Washington | Seattle, WA

Christine Park | NYU Steinhardt | New York, NY

Jeannie Park | Coalition for a Diverse Harvard | New York, NY

Kathy Parker | FILIA | London, England

Lois McCullen Parr | Justice Leaders Collaborative LLC | Albion, MI

Kylie Parrotta | Cal Poly | San Luis Obispo, CA

Cheryl Parsons | Carlisle Area School District | Carlisle, PA

Kate Parsons | Webster University | St Louis, MO

Prasannan Parthasarathi | Boston College | Chestnut Hill, MA

Ty Partridge | Wayne State University | Detroit, MI

Dina Passman | University of the District of Columbia | Washington, DC

Leigh Patel | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh, PA

Geeta H Patel | University of Virginia | Charlottesville

Pamela Paternoster | N/A | Cambridge, MA

David Paternotte | Université libre de Bruxelles | Belgium

Chloe Pathe | Editions Anamosa | Paris

Lyana Patrick | Simon Fraser University | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Patricia Patterson | Bucket List Travel Options | Savannah, GA

Elizabeth Patton | Harvard Kennedy School | Cambridge, MA

Mark Paul | Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers | New Brunswick, NJ

Elizabeth Paulin | La Salle University | Philadelphia, PA

John Payne | University of Miami | Miami, FL

Elizabeth Payne | University of Maine | Orono ME

Andrea Payne | DiversityWerks LLC | Plainview, NY

Bethany Peabody | N/A | Saint Petersburg, FL

Tiffany Peacock | Florida International University | Miami, FL

Tish A. Pearlman | Out of Bounds public radio show | Ithaca, NY

Savannah Leigh Pearlman | Indiana University Bloomington | Bloomington, IN

M Pease | University of Maryland, College Park | College Park, MD

Elise Pechter | N/A | Boston MA

RaShelle Peck | Borough of Manhattan Community Coll | NYC, NY

Gary Peller | Georgetown University Law Center | Washington, D.C.

Michael Pena | Washington Education Association | Federal Way, WA

Yulissa Penaloza | Sociology | Davis, CA

Constance Penley | University of California, Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara, CA

Janet Penn | N/A | Watertown, MA

Kristin Penner | Coalition for a Diverse Harvard and AAPF | San Jose, CA

Susan Peppers-Bates | Stetson University | Deland, FL

Laura Peralta-Schulte | Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice | Washington, DC

Rachel Perera | Brookings Institution | Washington, DC

Camilo Perez-Bustillo | National Lawyers Guild San Francisco Bay Area Chapter | San Francisco, CA

Loreen Peritz | Brooklyn Law School | Brooklyn, NY

Deborah Perkins-Kalama | CNA | Albany, CA

Rachel Permut | N/A | Houston, TX

Diane Perpich | Clemson University | Clemson, SC

Rachel Pereira | Rockwood Racial Equity and AntiRacism Leadership | Ellisville, MO

Kristin Perrone | Ball State University | Muncie, IN

Anthony J. Perry | Republic Bank and Trust Co. | Louisville, KY

Mary Kelly Persyn | Persyn Law & Policy | San Francisco, CA

Khary S Pestaina | Miami Dade County Public Schools | Miami, FL

Rosalind Petchesky | Hunter College & the Graduate Center, CUNY | New York City, NY

Charles F. Peterson | Oberlin College | Oberlin, OH

Dannel Petgrave | The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center | Columbus, OH

Sandra Harbert Petrulionis | Penn State University | Altoona

Emma Pettit | University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, NM

Miriam Petty | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Phaedra C. Pezzullo | University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder, CO

Carla A. Pfeffer | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

Arlene Plevin | Olympic College | Seattle, WA

Kavita Philip | University of British Columbia | Vancouver

Taylor Phillips | Harvard University | Cambridge, MA

Liz Phipps-Soeiro | Boston Public Schools | Cambridge, MA

Roxane Pickens | New York University | New York, NY

Adrienne Pickett | University of Illinois | Champaign, IL

Leslie Pierce | NC State University | Durham, NC

Audrey Pierson | Institute of International Education | New York, NY

Tomar Pierson-Brown | University of Pittsburgh School of Law | Pittsburgh, PA

R. Pikser | SAG-AFTRA, Actors Equity Association | New York

Rupa Pillai | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, PA

Fred L Pincus | University of Maryland Baltimore County | Baltimore, MD

Evelyn Pinkerton | Simon Fraser University | Vancouver, British Columbia

Karen Pinto | University of Colorado Boulder | ID

Spencer Piston | Boston University | Boston, MA

Anne Pitcher | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Edward Pittman | Consultant | Poughkeepsie NY

Andrea Plaid | N/A | Detroit, MI

Gaelle Planchenault | Simon Fraser University | Vancouver

Spencer Platt | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Harriet M Plehn | Radcliffe ’62 | Worthington, OH

Ania Plomien | Gender Studies, LSE | London, England

Karyn Poblocki | Indivisible +Wa | Everett, WA

Janelle Poe | City University of New York Graduate Center | New York, NY

Taylor Poindexter | Black Code Collective | Arlington, VA

Emlyn Polatty | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Robert Pollin | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst

Mica Pollock | UC San Diego | San Diego, CA

OiYan Poon | University of Maryland | College Park, MD

Mariam Popal | University of Bayreuth | Bayreuth, Germany

Kamau Pope | Duke University | Durham, NC

Allison Porta | N/A | Pelham, NY

Eric Porter | UC Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Sonya Posmentier | New York University | New York, NY

Anne Potjans | HU Berlin | Berlin, Germany

Hillary Potter | University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder, CO

Donna L. Potts | Washington State University | Pullman, WA

Gwendolyn D. Pough | Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY

Sara Pound | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Mick Powell | University of Connecticut | Stamford, CT

Nicole Powell | UCLA Law | Los Angeles, CA

Cedric Merlin Powell | Howard University School of Law | Washington, DC

Marilyn Power | Sarah Lawrence College | Bronxville, NY

Margaret MacDonald Power | Illinois Institute of Technology | Chicago, IL

Manjula Pradeep | National Council of Women Leaders | Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Bhanu Pratap | DHRDNET | Maharashtra, India

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein | University of New Hampshire | Durham, NH

Heather Munro Prescott | Central Connecticut State University | New Britain, CT

Bre Pressey | Southern Scholars initiative, Inc. | New York, NY

Project DROC | Anti-racist | Toronto, Canada

Lucie Prewitt | American University | Washington, DC

Richard Price | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Margaret Price | The Ohio State University | Columbus, OH

Laurie Princiotto | University of Arizona | Tucson, AZ

Jasbir Puar | Rutgers University | New York, NY

Rohini Puri-Bose | Pacific University | Hillsboro, OR

Rukimani PV | Duke University | Durham, NC

Jean L. Pyle | University of Massachusetts Lowell | Lowell, MA

H. L. T. Quan | Arizona State University | Phoenix, AZ

Sarah Quinn | Yale University | New Haven, Connecticut

Stephanie Quiring | Indiana University | Indianapolis, IN

RJ Quirk | National Taiwan University | Denver, CO

Peter Rachleff | East Side Freedom Library | St. Paul, MN

Jennifer Radtke | LIU | Brooklyn, NY

Samara Ragaven | University of Johannesburg | Johannesburg, South Africa

Vijay Raghavan | Brooklyn Law School | Brooklyn, NY

Nasrin Rahimieh | University of California, Irvine | Irvine, CA

Eve Raimon | University of Southern Maine | Portland, ME

Sushil Raj | Wildlife Conservation Society | New York, New York

Dalila Ali Rajah | The Black Queer Joy movement | Los Angeles, CA

Shoba Sharad Rajgopal | Westfield State University | Westfield, MA

Sue Rall | Indiana University | Bloomington, IN

Nomfundo Ramalekana | University of Cape Town | Cape Town, South Africa

Yuridia Ramãrez | University of Illinois | Champaign, IL

Patricia Rametta | Private Citizen | Santa Rosa, CA

Drucilla Ramey | Golden Gate University School of Law | San Francisco, CA

Milagros Ramirez | University | Bronx, NY

Magie Ramirez | Simon Fraser University | Vancouver, BC Canada

Jaya Ramji-Nogales | Temple Law School | Philadelphia, PA

Smita Ramnarain | University of Rhode Island | East Greenwich, NY

Lisa Ramos | San Antonio College | San Antonio, TX

Natalia Ramos | UCLA | Los Angeles, CA

Vernellia R Randall | The University of Dayton School of Law | Orlando, OH

Margaret Randall | Independent writer | Albuquerque, NM

Antonia Randolph | University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill, NC

Malini Ranganathan | American University | Washington, DC

Hailey Rankel | SUNY Oneonta | Oneonta, NY

Barbara Ransby | University of Illinois at Chicago | Chicago, IL

Smriti Rao | Assumption University | Needham, MA

Dena Rapley | FutureGood | Ann Arbor, MI

R. J. Rapoza | Le Moyne College | Syracuse, NY

Paige Rasmussen | N/A | Alexandria, VA

Sarah J. Ray | Cal Poly Humboldt | Arcata,CA

Victor Ray | The University of Iowa | Iowa City, IA

Michael Read | UUFSA | St. Augustine, FL

Tangela Blakely Reavis | Saint Mary’s College of California | San Leandro, CA

Kim Redding | Educator | Lake Park, GA

Marcus Rediker | Professor | Pittsburgh, PA

Conor Tomas Reed | City University of New York | Brooklyn, NY

Amber Reed | Spelman College | Atlanta, GA

Jennifer Reed | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Lisbon, OH

Amber Reed | Teach Asian American Stories | Montclair, NJ

Susan Reed | Bucknell University | Lewisburg, PA

Jaleesa Reed | Cornell University | Ithaca, NY

Jennifer Reed | CSU Long Beach | Long Beach, CA

Emma Rees | Institute of Gender Studies, University of Chester | Chester, UK

Vance Reese | Brevard College | Brevard, NC

Tazalika M. te Reh | IU Internationale Hochschule | Cologne, Germany

Lamarise Reid | N/A | Richmond, VA

Ryan Reid | Jacksonville Public Library | Jacksonville, FL

Adiah Reid | Indivior | Richmond, VA

Virginia Reinburg | Boston College | Chestnut Hill, MA

Beth Reingold | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

Marina Reis | UCLA | Los Angeles, CA

Alicia Remolde | Montclair State University | Montclair, NJ

Megan E. Renner, MA | Heart-Head-Hands Consulting & Coaching | Chicago, IL

Hannah Resseger | Southside Elementary | Providence, RI

Susan Reverby | Wellesley College | Wellesley, MA

Amanda Reyes | CNM | Albuquerque, NM

Victoria Reyes | University of California Riverside | Riverside, CA

Alicia Reyes-Barrientez | Texas A&M-San Antonio | San Antonio, TX

Amy Reynolds | University at Buffalo | Buffalo, NY

Milton Reynolds | Milton Reynolds, Consulting | San Leandro, CA

Daniel Reznick | Foundation For The | Big Sur, CA

Jordan Reznick | Getty Research Institute | Los Angeles, CA

Jane Rhodes | University of Illinois Chicago | Chicago, IL

Margaret L Rhodes | UMass/Boston | Boston, MA

Ana Milena Ribero | Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR

Jesse C Ribot | American University School Of International Service | Washington, DC

Matthew Rice | Columbia High School | Maplewood, NJ

Madeline Richard | N/A | Dallas, TX

Geralyn Richard | Independent Consultant | Dallas, TX

Fredrick Richards | Dark & Brothers | Glendale, AZ

Bonnie Richardson | N/A | Chicago, IL

Judy Richardson | SNCC Veteran | Silver Spring, MD

Kristina Richardson | University of Virginia | Charlottesville, VA

Elaine Richardson | The Ohio State University | Blacklick, OH

Beth Richie | University of Illinois at Chicago | Chicago, IL

Juanita Ricks | University of Washington | Seattle WA

Cecilia Ridgeway | Stanford University | Stanford, CA

Frances J Riemer | Women’s and Gender Studies, Northern Arizona University | Flagstaff, AZ

Robert Riga | Gainesville (FL) Public Schools | Gainesville FL

Shauna M Rigaud | George Mason University | Dorchester, MA

Norman Riley | University of Essex | Colchester, Essex, UK

Claudia Rinaldi | Lasell University | Newton, MA

Shannon Risk | Niagara university | Lewiston, NY

Tania Rispoli | Duke University | Durham, NC

Ariana Rivens | University of virginia | Charlottesville, VA

Amelia Rivera | NC State University | Raleigh, NC

Kathleen Rivera | Shotgun Players | Berkeley, CA

Lisa Rivera | University of Massachusetts, Boston | Boston, MA

Eileen Rivera | N/A | Winter Springs, FL

Luisa Rizzitelli | One Billion Rising Revolution | Milan, Italy

Ruth Ro | AAPI Montclair | Montclair, NJ

Mary Roaf | California State University-Stanislaus | Turlock, CA

Jenna Roberson | MOEEP | Wentzville, MO

Maria C Roberts | Women Organizing for Wilmington | Wilmington, NC

Sarah Robert | University at Buffalo, Graduate School of Education | Buffalo, NY

Rita Roberts | Scripps College | Claremont, CA

Dorothy Roberts | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, PA

Ashley Robinson | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Ashley Robinson | Ball State University | Charles Town, MA

Nedra R Robinson | Simpson Housing Services | Minneapolis, MN

Sekani Robinson | Cal Poly Pomona | Los Angeles, CA

Mary Kathryn Robinson | Fox Serving Pie Productions | Austin, TX

Elise Robinson | University of Georgia | Athens, GA

Russell Robinson | University of California Berkeley | Berkeley, CA

Raquel Robinson | Raquel Robinson | San Diego, CA

Stephane Robolin | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, NJ

Sam Rocha | University of British Columbia | Vancouver, Canada

Judith Rodenbeck | University of California, Riverside | Los Angeles, CA

Yana Rodgers | Rutgers University | Piscataway, NJ

Patricia Rodney | Walter Rodney Foundation | Atlanta, GA

Laura Rodriguez | Portland state university | Portland, OR

Sonia Rodriguez | N/A | Cumming, GA

Eugenia Rodriguez | Pacific Oaks College | Pasadena, CA

Madison Rodriguez Fernandini | Miami-Dade County Public Schools | Miami, FL

David R. Roediger | University of Kansas | Lawrence, KS

Lisa Rofel | University of California, Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Bailey Rogers | Missouri Equity Education Partnership| Saint Louis, MO

Ariel Rogers | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Dana Rognlie | Wabash College | Crawfordsville, IN

Judy Rohrer | Eastern Washington University | Cheney, WA

Emilia Roig | Center for Intersectional Justice | Berlin

L. Kaifa Roland | Clemson University | Clemson, SC

James Haywood Rolling, Jr. | Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY

Jackie Rollins | League of Women Voters| Asheville, NC

Jennifer Roman | SURJ3A | Odenton, MD

Kyle Romano | The Art Of Shaving | Clermont, FL

Christina Rome | N/A | Mitchellville, MD

Jacqueline Romeo | Emerson College | Boston, MA

Mary Romero | Arizona State University | Tempe, AZ

Mercy Romero | Sonoma State University | Rohnert Park, CA

Fabian Romero | Washington State University | Seattle, WA

Avital Ronell | NYU | New York, US

Noliwe Rooks | Brown University | Providence, RI

Lois Rosado | Retired from SUNY | Greenbelt, MD

Susan Rose | Dickinson College | Carlisle, PA

Ellen Rosen | Women’s Studies Research Center | Brookline, MA

Deborah Rosenfelt | Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, University of Maryland | University Park, MD

Elizabeth Rosenthal | NHLAA | New Haven, CT

Penny Rosenwasser | City College of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

Isabel Ros-Lopez | “Las Juanas” literary collective of Hispano-American women | London, England

Holly Schneider Ross | NW St Johns County United for Progress | St Johns, FL

Loretta Ross | Smith College | Northampton, MA

Kelly Ross | Rider University | Lawrenceville, NJ

Rosetta Ross | Spelman College | Atlanta, Georgia

Joseph Rotella | Watertown Citizens for Black Lives | Watertown, MA

Maria Antonia Oliver Rotger | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Barcelona, Spain

Heidi Roth | Srlf | Rohnert Park, CA

Jennifer Rothchild | University of Minnesota, Morris | Morris, MN

Ariella Rotramel | Connecticut College | New London, CT

Nicole le Roux | Umass Amherst | Amherst, MA

Caren Rovics | 7E | Brooklyn

Jill Rowland | Alliance for Children’s Rights | Lakewood, NJ

Sarah B. Rowley | DePauw University | Greencastle, IN

Em Roy | Parent | Orlando

Christopher Rozeville | ARISE High School | Richmond, CA

Jonah Rubin | Knox College | Galesburg, IL

Sarah Rubin | Ohio University | Cleveland, OH

Jennifer Rubino | Southern Connecticut State University | New Haven, CT

Simon Ruchti | West Chester University of PA | West Chester, PA

Mark Rudd | Central New Mexico Community College | Albuquerque, NM

Sarah RudeWalker | Spelman College | Atlanta, GA

Dennis Rudnick | Missouri State University | Springfield, MO

Beverly Rudolph | Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools | Chapel Hill

Lex Runciman | Linfield University | Portland, Oregon

Theresa Runstedtler | American University | Washington, DC

Anne Runyan | University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati, OH

Susan M Russell | SFU (retired) | Canada

Camisha Russell | University of Oregon | Eugene, OR

Anne Russell | Princeton University | St Augustine, FL

Kelsey Rust | N/A | Spokane

Njeri Rutledge | South Texas College of Law Houston | Houston, TX

Emily Rutter | BSU | Indianapolis, IN

Kanchana N Ruwanpura | University of Gothenburg | Sweden

Erica Ryan | Rider University | Lawrenceville, NJ

Kim Rybacki | Dutchess Community College | Poughkeepsie, NY

Abby Saavedra | Arizona State University | Phoenix, AZ

Leticia Sabsay | LSE London School of Economics | London, United Kingdom

Jennifer Sacco | Quinnipiac University | Hamden, CT

Molly Sackler | N/A | Oak Park, IL

Isabel Sadurni | Isabel Sadurni Productions | Brooklyn, NY

Deborah Sagner | Solidaire | Philadelphia

Amina Saher | Cameroon Muslim Women Association | Douala, Cameroon

Natsu Taylor Saito | Georgia State University | Atlanta, GA

John Saksa | Southern CT State University | Shelton

Kayode Salandy | University of Massachusetts — Amherst | Amherst, MA

Rebecca L. Salawdeh | Salawdeh Law Office, LLC | Wauwatosa

Melinda Salazar | The Truth Telling Project | STL, Mo

Julia Salcedo | Zinn Education Project | Ogden, Utah

Katherine Saldarriaga | Freelance | Sunnyside, NY

Zakia Salime | Rutgers | Highland Park, NJ

Fernando Salinas-Quiroz | Tufts University | Medford, MA

Tracey Salisbury | California State University, Bakersfield | Bakersfield, CA

Sarah W Salter | New England Law, Boston | Boston, MA

Leslie Salzinger | University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, CA

Charmika Samaradiwakera-Wijesundara | University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg | South Africa

Catherine Sameh | University of California, Irvine | Irvine, CA

Edward Sammons | University of Toronto | Toronto, Canada

Freda Gelene Sampson | Freda G Sampson LLC | Detroit, MI

Adam Sanchez | Central High School | Philadelphia, PA

Lorenzo Sanchez | Michigan state | Okemos, MI

Kathryn Sanchez | Georgian Court University | Lakewood, NJ

Nick Sanders | Michigan State University | Lansing, MI

Catherine Sanders | MCD Global Health | Thorndike, ME

Barbara Sanders | Truckee Meadows Community College | Reno, NV

Stephanie Sanders | Indiana University, Dept of Gender Studies | Bloomington, IN

Claire Sanders | TCU Dept. of History | Fort Worth, TX

Olga Sanmiguel-Valderrama | University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati, OH

Ruth Santer | Ruth Santer Design | Davis, CA

Mara Santilli | Yale University | New Haven, CN

Adrianna Santos | A&M-SA | San Antonio, CA

Sunday De Los Santos | CU Boulder | Boulder, CO

Saul Sarabia | Solidarity Consulting | Los Angeles, CA

Natalie Saragosa-Harris | University of California Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA

Jonathan Satlow | Philadelphia school district | Philadelphia, PA

Brianna Aloisio Savage | YW Boston | Boston, MA

Kirsten West Savali | Urban One/iOne Digital | Houston, TX

Pancho Savery | Reed College | Portland, OR

Mali Devi Sawariya | Aditi Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi | New Delhi, India

Susan Saxe | N/A | Philadelphia, PA

Beth Schaefer | Koya Partners | Boston, MA

Virginia Schein | Gettysburg College | Wyndmoor, PA

G Schmiedeke | PROMO | St. Louis, MO

Beth Schachter | Beth Schachter Consulting | New York, NY

George Schafer | Drexel University | Philadelphia, PA

Kai Schaffer | bennington college | Bennington, VT

Sami Schalk | University of Wisconsin Madison | Madison WI

Patricia Schechter | Portland State University | Portland, OR

Lisa Schejola | One Billion Rising | Madrid

Allison Scherer | Concerned Person | Glenview, Illinois

Susan Scheuble-Isip | Scheuble-Isip | Thousand Oaks, CA

Melissa Schieble | Hunter College | New York, NY

Kristen Schilt | University of Chicago | Chicago, IL

Mimi Schippers | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Greg Schisla | Individual | Murphy, NC

Jenne Schmidt | Colorado State University | Fort Collins, CO

Hans Schmidt | Spartanburg School District 5 | Duncan, SC

Anthony Schmiedeler | University of Missouri-Columbia | Columbia, MO

Garrison Schmitt | Loyola University Maryland | Baltimore, MD

Elizabeth Schneider | Brooklyn Law School | Brooklyn, NY

Matthias Schneider | University of Potsdam | Berlin, Germany

Martha Schoolman | Florida International University | Miami, FL

Juliet Schor | Boston College | Newton, MA

Heike Schotten | University of Massachusetts Boston | Boston, MA

Abbe Schriber | University of South Carolina | Columbia, MO

Barbara Schulman | RAR | Brooklyn, NY

Raymonda Schwartz | Crestview | New York, NY

Jan Schwartz | Arizona Association of Environmental Educators | Tucson, AZ

Anat Schwartz | University of California Irvine | Irvine, CA

Lisa Schwartzman | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

Corinne Schwarz | Oklahoma State University | Stillwater, OK

Christina Schwenkel | University of California Riverside | Riverside, CA

Marian Sciachitano | Washington State University/Program in WGSS | Pullman, WA

Desney Scoby | GOLES | New York, NY

Lisa Scott | University of Florida | Gainesville, FL

Darlene Scott | N/A | Richmond, VA

Jennifer Scott | The New School | New York, NY

Charity Scott | The Ohio State | Columbus, OH

Randi Elfrida Scott-McLaughlin II. | Teachers College Columbia University | New York, NY

Judith A.M. Scully | Stetson University College of Law | Gulfport, FL

Pamela Scully | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

Ester Scutaro | Teacher | Rye Brook, NY

Elizabeth Seale | SUNY Oneonta | Oneonta, NY

Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz | Teachers College, Columbia University | New York, NY

Myra Seaman | College of Charleston | Charleston, SC

Eleanor Seaton | Arizona State University | Chandler AZ

Sarita See | University of California Riverside | Riverside, CA

Ina Seethaler | Coastal Carolina University | Conway, SC

Jennifer Sell | Showing Up for Racial Justice Annapolis and Anne Arundel County | Severna Park, MD

Ingrid Semaan | University of Connecticut | CT

Nyasha Gloria Sengayi | Source International | Harare, Zimbabwe

Gunja SenGupta | Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York | Brooklyn, NY

Angie Sessoms | Koya Partners | Nashville, TN

Theresa A. Severance | Eastern Connecticut State University Alumni Association Inc | Willimantic, CT

Malinda Seymore | Texas A&M University School of Law | Fort Worth, TX

Andrew Shaffer | Individual | Seattle, WA

Niyati Shah | Independent | Washington, DC

Priya Shah | California State University, Fullerton | Yorba Linda, CA

Nausheen Shah | Wayne State University | Detroit, MI

Vidya Shah | York University | Toronto, ON, Canada

Shanna Shaked | UCLA | Los Angeles, CA

Thandekile Shange | CTP Consulting Services | Brooklyn, NY

Nisha Shanmugaraj | Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, PA

Susan Shapiro | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Chicago, IL

Gary Shapiro | University of Richmond | Richmond, VA

Michael Shapiro | University Of Hawai’i, Manoa | Honolulu, HI

Nina Shaw | Del Shaw | Los Angeles, CA

Jess Shaykett | Hennepin County | Minneapolis, MN

Stephen Sheehi | William & Mary | Williamsburg, VA

Natalie Shellenberger | Texas Christian University | Fort Worth, TX

Mia Shem | Rainbow Community School | Asheville, NC

Kate Shem | Parent of school-aged white children | Asheville, NC

Janice Sheringham | AC Van Der Spek & JF Sheringham P/L | Bendigo, Victoria, Australia

Falguni A Sheth | Emory | Atlanta, GA

Roslyne Shiao | Teach Asian American Stories, AAPI Montclair | Montclair, NJ

Tanya L Shields | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill, NC

Ann Shields | Washington University Law School | St. Louis, MI

Matt Shin | West Virginia University | Morgantown, WV

Roozbeh Shirazi | University of Minnesota — Twin Cities | Minneapolis, MN

Jaimie Shires | None | Jacksonville, FL

Evie Shockley | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, NJ

Raka Shome | Villanova university | Villanova, PA

Sue Shon | Emily Carr University of Art + Design | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Marcia Mount Shoop | Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church | Asheville, NC

Debra Shirley | AAPF mother of Michelle Shirley | San Diego, CA

Susan Short | Brown University | Providence, RI

Ta Shaunda Shumpert | RJB Properties, Inc. | Chicago, IL

Brian Shuve-Wilson | Harvey Mudd College | Claremont, CA

Shanda Sibley | Temple University | Philadelphia, PA

Dina Mahnaz Siddiqi | New York University | New York, NY

Shereen Siddiqui | Santiago Canyon College | Orange, CA

Stephanie Sieburth | Duke University | Durham, NC

Jean M. Sieper | City College San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

Diana Sierra | University of Massachusetts | Northampton MA

Therese Signaigo | U of Massachusetts, alum. | Somerville, MA

Nina Silber | Boston University | Boston, MA

Angela Silva | University of Illinois at Chicago | Chicago, Il

Noenoe Silva | University of Hawaii | Honolulu, HI

Leonardo da Silveira | Harvard Kennedy School | Cambridge, MA

Khadijah Silver | Lawyers for Good Government | Brooklyn, NY

Sue Silverman | Brooklyn Law School | Brooklyn, NY

Kathy Silvey | Santiago Canyon College | Orange, CA

Caroline Simard | Stanford | Palo Alto, CA

Nicole Simek | Whitman College | Walla Walla, WA

Kimberly Simmons | Feminist Activism Workshop | Portland

Deirdre Simmons | University of Connecticut | Stamford, CT

Aishah Shahidah Simmons | Independent | Washington, DC

Sherri Simmons-Horton | University of New Hampshire | Durham, NH

Samantha Simon | The Northwest School | Seattle, WA

Leslie Simon | City College of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

Rachel Simon | Pace University | Pleasantville, NY

Bruce Simon | SUNY Fredonia | Hamburg, NY

Dubravka Simonovic | Former UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women | Zagreb, Croatia

Anika Simpson | Morgan State University | Baltimore, MD

Meredith Sinclair | Southern Connecticut State University | New Haven, CT

Jennifer Sinek | Georgetown Univ. | Steamboat Springs, CO

Balbir K Singh | Concordia University | Montreal, Canada

Taveeshi Singh | Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY

Rashmee Singh | University of Waterloo | Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Nirvikar Singh | University of California, Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Mona Sinha | Equality Now | New York, NY

Hannah Sions | James Madison University | Harrisonburg, VA

Tiffany Siouris | N/A | West Sacramento, CA

LeeAnne Sipe | University of New Orleans | New Orleans, LA

Anita Siraki | York University | Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Dr. J. Skelton | University of Regina | Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Jamie Skerski | University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder, CO

Michael Sladek | University of Oklahoma | Norman, OK

Stephen E. Slaner | Northern Essex Community College | Boston, MA

Sandra Slater | College of Charleston | Charleston, SC

Stephany Slaughter | Alma College | Alma, MI

Randy Slaughter | Wesleyan University | New York, NY

Benjamin Slightom | Yale University | New Haven, CT

Sarah Small | University of Utah | Salt Lake City, UT

Corena Smith | Marquette University | Milwaukee, WI

Julie Smith | Teachers College Columbia University | New York, NY

Nathan Grant Smith | University of Houston | Houston, TX

Robert S. Smith | Marquette University | Milwaukee, WI

Sandra Smith | Harvard Kennedy School | Cambridge, MA

Lily Smith | Individual | San Diego, CA

Renea Smith | None | Charlotte, NC

Jason Smith | CCSD | Las Vegas, NV

Bridget Smith | St. John’s University | New York, NY

Christine Smith | University of Wisconsin-Green Bay | Green Bay, WI

Essence Smith | Trinity College | Boston, MA

Monica M. Smith | Augustana College | Rock Island, IL

Tamika Curry Smith | N/A | Atlanta, GA

Audra Smith | Ladue School District | St. Louis, MO

Kem Smith | Ferguson Florissant School District | Florissant, MO

Deondra Smith | Stevenson University | Owings Mills, MD

Leah Sneider | Montgomery College | Kensington, MD

Marilyn Sneiderman | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, NJ

Dani Soibelman | University of Colorado, Boulder | Boulder, CO

Naomi Friedman Sokuler | Bar Ilan University | Ramat Gan, Israel

CK Snyder | University of Louisville | Louisville, KY

Swabhiman Society | Swabhiman Society | Haryana, India

Sabrina Sojourner | Sabrina Sojourner, LLC | Rockville

Howard Solomon | Solomon Wealth Solutions, LLC | Parsippany, NJ

Jacob Soule | Drew University | Madison, NJ

Veronica Sousa | None | Baltimore, MD

Jini Rae Sparkman | Holderness School | Plymouth, NH

DeAnza Spaulding | Renew Therapy Seattle | Seattle, WA

Suzette L. Speight | University of Akron | Akron, OH

Ayanna D. Spencer | UConn | Storrs, CT

Robyn Spencer-Antoine | Lehman College | Bronx, NY

Frederick Sperounis | University of Massachusetts | Newton Highlands, MA

Tina Spies | Gender & Diversity Studies, University of Kiel | Kiel, Germany

Ashley Spillane | Impactual | Bonita Springs, FL

Kathy Spillar | Ms. magazine | Los Angeles, CA

Adiaha Spinks-Franklin | Baylor College of Medicine | Houston, TX

Leah Sprain | University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder, CO

Priyanka Srivastava | OVDQYN | Amherst, MA

Marcus Stallworth | Clergy | Cobbs Creek, PA

Devona Stalnaker-Shofner | Antioch University New England | Keene, NH

Jason Stanley | Yale University | New Haven, CT

Wanda Stansbury | DC Department of Small and Local Business Development | Washington, DC

Amanda Starbuck | The Sunrise Project | San Francisco, CA

Alvin Starks | Open Society Foundations | New York, NY

Tracy Staten | Soul Journey Coaching | Columbia, MO

Lucía Stavig | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, PY

Rachel Stein | Siena College (emeritus) | Loudonville, NY

Melissa Stein | University of Kentucky | Lexington, KY

Gloria Steinem | Writer, activist, organizer | New York, NY

Mariah Stember | Hamilton College | Clinton, NY

Elizabeth Stephens | University of California | Santa Cruz, CA

Margaret Stetz | University of Delaware | Newark, DE

Tashidia Steverson | HCC | Chicago, IL

Mary Lynn Stewart | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Heather Stewart | Antiracists In Enfield | Ithaca, NY

Carlin Stewart | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Taylor Stoermer | Johns Hopkins University | East Greenwich, RI

Patricia Stokes | Ohio University | Athens, OH

Debra Stoleroff | Twinfield Union School | Plainfield, VT

Paul Stoller | West Chester University | Wilmington, NC

Shari Stone-Mediatore | Ohio Wesleyan University | Delaware, OH

Kathryn Storm | Marquette University | Milwaukee, WI

Ann Strahm | CSU Stanislaus | Turlock, CA

Bilinda Straight | Western Michigan University | Kalamazoo, MI

Joseph Stramondo | San Diego State University | San Diego, CA

Susan Strasser | University of Delaware | Newark, DE

Madeleine Straubel | UNC Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill, NC

Terrell Strayhorn | Do Good Work Consulting | VUU Center for the Study of HBCUs | Richmond, VA

Janka Striffler | Tamera | Portugal

Dara Strolovitch | Yale University | Hamden, CT

Kim Strong | Green Street UMC | Winston-Salem, NC

Michelle Strongfields | IAMM Science Education Group | Philadelphia, PA

Noah Strote | North Carolina State University | Raleigh, NC

Nibs Stroupe | Presbytery of Greater Atlanta | Decatur, GA

Ajantha Subramanian | Harvard University | Cambridge, MA

Jennifer Suchland | The Ohio State University | Columbus, OH

Leenu Sugathan | George Washington University | Washington, DC

Michele Suina | N/A | NM

Caitlin Sulley | UT Austin | Austin, TX

Zohreh T Sullivan | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Champaign, IL

LaTonya Summers | Jacksonville University | Jacksonville, FL

Martin Summers | Boston College | Chestnut Hill, MA

Taylor Sumpter | University of Miami | Miami, FL

Kishorekumar Suryaprakash | University of Massachusetts, Amherst | Northampton, MA

Ken Susman | Missouri Equity Education Partnership | Saint Louis, MO

Shavaun Sutton | Northeastern University | Boston, MA

Jaden Fields & Amita Swadhin | Mirror Memoirs | Los Angeles, CA

Judith D Swain | University of Washington | Seattle

Susan Celia Swan | V-Day | San Francisco, CA

Amanda Swarr | University of Washington | Seattle, WA

Emily Sweatt | African American Policy Forum | Temecula, CA

Joshua K. Swensen | University of Texas, San Antonio | San Antonio, TX

Jaimee Swift | Black Women Radicals / School for Black Feminist Politics | Washington, D.C.

Lamont Swittenberg | N/A | Maplewood, NJ

Nicole Swope | Property Appraiser | FL

Dawn N Tafari | Greensboro Kwanzaa Collective | Greensboro, NC

Renee Tajima-Pena | UCLA | Los Angeles, CA

Sola Takahashi | WestEd | Oakland, CA

Jes Takla | Pacific Lutheran University | Tacoma, WA

Christine Talbot | University of Northern Colorado | Greeley, CO

Adelaida Tamayo | Brown University | Providence, RI

David S. Tanenhaus | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Las Vegas, NV

Rebecca Tannenbaum | Yale University | New Haven, CT

Hazel Tanner | None | Minneapolis, MN

Christie Tarman | Wild Hawk Tutoring | Solvang, CA

Kathleen Tarr | Getting Played Symposium on Equity in the Entertainment Industry & Awards | Oakland, CA

Debbie Tasioudis | NYCDOE | New York, NY

Ralph E Tavares | DSG | Tiverton, RI

Emaan Tawfiq-Salim | N/A | CA

Rachel Tay | Duke | Durham, NC

Terrill Taylor | University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX

Bryan C Taylor | University of Colorado-Boulder | Lafayette, CO

Paul Taylor | Vanderbilt University | Nashville, TN

Allyson Mellberg Taylor | James Madison University | Harrisonburg, VA

Kimberly L Taylor | N/A | Middleburg, FL

Ayanna Taylor | NYU | New York, NY

Caitlin Taylor | La Salle University | Cheltenham, PA

M. Yvonne Taylor | The University of Texas at Austin | Houston, TX

Denton Taylor | private reader and thinker | Hollywood, FL

Keelyn Taylor | University of Florida | Gainesville, FL

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Shiela Tebia-bonifacio | GABRIELA Hong Kong | Hong Kong

M Tedesco | 2nd floor projects | San Francisco, CA

Chloe Telle | Missouri Equity Education Partnership | Hillsboro, MO

Daniel Telle | Missouri Equity Educational Partnership | Hillsboro, MO

Michelle Tenam-Zemach | Drop The Knowledge | Minot, ND

J. Tennen | NA | New Jersey, USA

Angela Tennison | Leaders Coaching Institute | Charlotte, NC

David Tenorio | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh, PY

Danielle Teplica | parent | Westport, CT

Rishona Teres | Women’s Health NP | Winter Park, FL

Jennifer C Terry | University of California, Irvine | Irvine, CA

Nino Testa | Texas Christian University | Fort Worth, Texas

Seema Thakker | Global Center for Gender Equality | Los Angeles, CA

Rita Thapa | Tewa | Nepal

Stanley Thangaraj | Stonehill | MA

Nell Tharpe | Philadelphia University | East Boothbay, ME

Pamela Thoma | Washington State University | Pullman, WA

Chris Thomas | The Defensive Line | Coppell, TX

Jazell Thomas | Hazelwood School District | Florissant, MO

Matt Thomas | Duke University | Durham, NC

Robin Byler Thomas | UA | Tucson, AZ

Taylor Thomas | ISBE | Chicago, IL

Riley Thomas | NWSA | Binghamton, NY

Ursula Thomas | Georgia State University | Clarkston, GA

Mary Thomas | The Ohio State University | Columbus, OH

Cathy Thomas | University of California-Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara, CA

Ann F. Thomas | New York Law School | New York, NY

Paul Thomas | Furman University | Greenville, SC

Victoria Thomas | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Dr. A Frank Thompson | University of Northern Iowa | Cedar Falls, Iowa

Kim Thompson | Benicia High | Benicia, CA

Carmen Thompson | PSU | Portland, ON

Marion Thompson | JAVA | Jacksonville, FL

Vetta Sanders Thompson | Brown School, Washington University in St. louis | St. Louis, MO

Heather Ann Thompson | The University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Robert Thompson | University of Rhode Island | Rhode Island, RI

Nick Thorkelson | Fort Point Theatre Channel | Provincetown, MA

Cory Thorne | Memorial University of Newfoundland | St. John’s, NL, Canada

Ariana Thorpe | The African American Policy Forum | Savannah, GA

Thomas Thurston | Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance and Abolition, Yale | New Haven, CT

Idia Thurston | Texas A&M University | Cypress, TX

Leyana Thurston | Southern Connecticut State University (Women’s and Gender Studies M.A. former graduate student) | CT

Mara Casey Tieken | Bates College | Lewiston, ME

Janie Tijerina | N/A | New Orleans, LA

Scheherazade Tillet | A Long Walk Home | Chicago, IL

Salamishah Tillet | Rutgers University — Newark | Newark, NJ

Heidi Tinsman | University of California, Irvine | Irvine, CA

Diane Tober | University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa, AL

Lauren Todd | University of Connecticut | Stamford, CT

Karen Tokarz | Washington University School of Law | St. Louis, MO

Shantez Tolbut | BSE | Union City, NJ

Casimiro U Tolentino | AAAJ-SoCal | Los Angeles, CA

Nancy D. Tolson | University of South Carolina | Columbia, SC

Sophi Tomasulo | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Nancy Tomes | Stony Brook University | Stony Brook, NY

Kelleen Toohey | Simon Fraser University | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Jeanette Toomer | Drama, Discovery & Learning, LLC | New York, NY

Fereshteh Toosi | Florida International University | Miami, FL

Jada Benn Torres | Vanderbilt University | Nashville, TN

William W. Towns | Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Valerie Traina | ValWritesGrants | San Diego, CA

Massaran Traore | Alliance pour la Recherche et le Developpement Integre | Mali

Ann Trapsso | Public School Teacher | Bridgeport, CT

Fasaha Traylor | author | Philadelphia, PA

Lisa Treadway-Kurtz | Abington Friends School | Jenkintown, PA

A. Travers | Simon Fraser University | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Afia Walking Tree | Spirit Drumz | CA

Red Vaughan Tremmel | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Aili Tripp | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Madison, WI

Sarah Trocchio | Rider University | Lawrenceville, NJ

Donna Troka | Emory University | Atlanta, GA

Joan Tronto | University of Minnesota | New York, NY

Ochgerel Tsedenbal | Beautiful Hearts Against Sexual Violence | Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Amen Tsegai | University of Washington | Seattle, WA

Yen-Jung Tseng | University at Albany, SUNY | NY

M Belinda Tucker | University of California, Los Angeles | Oak Park, CA

Heather Tucker | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Ericka Tucker | Marquette University | Milwaukee, WI

Alyosxa Tudor | Centre for Gender Studies, SOAS | London, United Kingdom

Sheila R. Tully | San Francisco State University | San Francisco, CA

Emma Tumilty | University of Texas Medical Branch | Galveston, TX

Charlene Tung | Sonoma State University | Rohnert Park, CA

Heather Turcotte | Crime and Justice Studies, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth | Dartmouth, MA

Eboni Marshall Turman | Yale | New Haven, CT

Bill Turner | NA | Dallas, TX

Justin Turner | CUNY | New York, NY

Cherie Ann Turpin | University of the District of Columbia | Washington, DC

Tara Tuttle | University of Kentucky | Lexington, KY

France Winddance Twine | University of California, Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara, CA

Stephanie Tyler | U of C | Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Deniz Ugur | Charitable Organisation | London, United Kingdom

Robert Ulin | Rochester Institute of Technology | Rochester, NY

Akinyele Umoja | Georgia State University | Atlanta, GA

Pheroze Unwalla | University of British Columbia | Vancouver, BC

Julia Uren | Stone Bridge School | Napa, CA

Sharon Utakis | Bronx Community College, CUNY | Bronx, NY

Jamie Utphall | Ohio State | Columbus, OH

Chisato Uyeki | Mt. San Antonio College | Claremont, CA

V (formerly Eve Ensler) | Playwright, V-Day & One Billion Rising | New York, NY

Purnima Valdez | Duke | Durham, NC

Alex van Biema | AAPF | New York, NY

Hendrik Van den Berg | University of Nebraska | Lincoln, NE

Jacky vanLeeuwen | None | Watertown, MA

Karen vanMeenen | Rochester Institute of Technology | Rochester, NY

Irene Vasquez | University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, NM

Debra Vaughan | Bates Group LLC | Portland, OR

Cecilia Vaughn-Guy | University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | Champaign, IL

Sylvie Vaught | Get Lit | Los Angeles, CA

Seneca Vaught | Kennesaw State University | Kennesaw, GA

Arianna Velez | NJ | Jersey City, NJ

CJ Venable | Kent State University | Kent, OH

Meenakshi Verma-Agrawal | Simmons University | Boston, MA

Marianne Vesey | citizen | Newburyport, MA

Elizabeth Victor | William Paterson University | Wayne, NJ

Kara Viesca | University of Nebraska | Lincoln, NE

Anuradha Vikram | UCLA | Los Angeles, CA

Cassandra St. Vil | Amateka College Preparatory Public Charter School | Washington, DC

Bianca Villalobos | The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley | Edinburg, TX

Lori Villarosa | Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity | Silver Spring, MD

Anthony Villarreal | Monterey Peninsula College | Santa Cruz, CA

Nicholas de Villiers | United Faculty of Florida-University of North Florida | Jacksonville, FL

Jessica Vinas-Nelson | Arizona State University | Tempe, AZ

Valeire Voorheis | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Christina Vortia | Moorland-Spingarn Research Center | Washington, DC

Julia Ann Voss | Santa Clara University | San Jose, CA

Wendy Waczek | Public Schools of the Tarrytowns | Sleepy Hollow, NY

Chloe Wade | Sonoma State University | Rohnert Park, CA

Lisa Wade | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Isabelle Wahlmann | Flagler College | St. Augustine, FL

Joe Wainio | San Diego Unified School District | San Diego, CA

Alan Wald | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, Michigan

Kelly Walker | Marquette University | Milwaukee, WI

Corey D. B. Walker | Wake Forest University | Winston-Salem, NC

Rebecca Walker | Various | Los Angeles, CA

Maurice Wallace | Rutgers University | New Brunswick, NJ

Kristen Wallace | University of Denver | Lakewood, CO

Danielle Wallace | William Paterson University | Wayne, NJ

Cynthia Wallace | N/a | Bellevue, KY

Erik Wallenberg | New College of Florida | Sarasota, FL

Lisl Walsh | Beloit College | Beloit, WI

Denise Marie Walsh | University of Virginia | Charlottesville, VA

Alison Walsh | University of Florida | Gainesville, FL

Kimberly Walters | California State University, Long Beach | Long Beach, CA

Wendy Walters | Emerson College | Boston, MA

Lin-Fan Wang | CERCL-FP, CENTRS Health | Philadelphia, PA

Hadassah Ward | University of Colorado, Boulder | Boulder, CO

Gregory Ward | Northwestern University | Evanston, IL

Triana K. Wardani | SERUNI | Jakarta, Indonesia

Teresa Wash | Bishop Arts Theatre Center | Dallas, TX

Stephen Washburn | Transitional Pastor, United Church of Christ | Marshfield, MA

Margaret Werner Washburne | University of New Mexico/ STEM Boomerang, LLC | Albuquerque, NM

Adriana Waterston | Horowitz research | New Rochelle, NY

Alisse Waterston | City University of New York, John Jay College | New York, NY

Ouida Watson | Raleigh Organizing Against Racism | Raleigh, NC

Anne Weaver | Lesley University | Cambridge, MA

Vesla Weaver | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD

Katie Webber | Roanoke College | Roanoke, VA

Nancy Wechsler | Our Revolution Cambridge, Boston Workers Circle, Jewish Voice for Peace | Cambridge, MA

Nadine Wedderburn | SUNY Empire State College | Schenectady, NY

Melinda Weekes-Laidlow | Weekes In Advance Enterprises | Atlanta, GA

Paula Lawrence Wehmiller | Trinity Episcopal Church | Swarthmore, PA

Melissa Weiner | College of the Holy Cross | Worcester, MA

Dana Weinke | St. Cloud State University Women’s Center | St. Cloud, MN

Jack Weinstein | Retired | Fremont, CA

Jeffrey Weinstock | Central Michigan University | My Pleasant, MI

Margot Weiss | Wesleyan University | Middletown, CT

Kris De Welde | College of Charleston | Charleston, SC

Marcia L. Narine Weldon | University of Miami School of Law | Miami, FL

Lamont Wells | Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities | Chicago, IL

Laura Wells | teacher | Falls Church, VA

Linda Wells | Mass General Hospital | Boston, MA

Joel Wendland-Liu | Grand Valley State University | Kentwood, MI

Mat Wenzel | Texas Christian University | Fort Worth, TX

Jurema Werneck | Brazilian activist and researcher | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Elizabeth Williams Wesley | Central High School | Philadelphia, PA

Cornel West | Union Theological Seminary | New York, NY

Traci C. West | Drew Theological School | Madison, NJ

Courtney Parker West | Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis | Madison, NJ

Jordan Shelby West | Jordan Shelby West LLC; The George Washington University | Washington, DC

Hannah Westbrook | independent artist | Oakland, CA

Adrianna Wheelock | N/A | Concord, MA

Cord Whitaker | Wellesley College | Wellesley, MA

Kaylina White | University of Central Florida | Los Angeles, CA

Kristin White | Elementary School | Spartanburg, SC

Ayoola White | N/A | North Arlington, NJ

Lucie White | Harvard Law School | Cambridge, MA

Anna Martine Whitehead | School of the Art Institute of Chicago | Chicago, IL

Karsonya Wise Whitehead | National Women’s Studies Association | Baltimore, MD

Tamika White-Holmes | NCC | Philadelphia, PA

Laura Whitehorn | Release Aging People in Prison/RAPP | New York, NY

Jason Whitesel | Illinois State University | Normal, IL

Sharon Whitfield | Rider University | Lawrenceville, NJ

Valene Whittaker | N/A | Washington, DC

Jeannette Wicks-Lim | Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst | Amherst, MA

Robert Widell | University of Rhode Island | Kingston, RI

Kirsten Widner | University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Knoxville, TN

Mary Wigzell | Individual | Hastings

JeffriAnne Wilder | University of Colorado Boulder | Macedonia, OH

Heather Wildrick-Holman | Na | Fishers, IN

Colleen Wilford | none | Montpelier, VT

Ellen Willett | None | Evanston, IL

Cathleen Willging | Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation | Albuquerque, NM

Robert B. Williams | Guilford College | Greensboro, NC

Kim D Hester Williams | Sonoma State University | American Canyon, CA

Moira Williams | independent artist/organizer | New York, NY

Michael Williams | Coalition for a Diverse Harvard | Brooklyn, NY

Faye Williams | MAMA’s CLUB | Gainesville, TN

Erika Williams | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Greg Williams | Marie Fielder Center for Democracy, Leadership, and Education | Kingsport, Tennessee

Gyasmine George Williams | Cal Poly Pomona | Pomona, CA

Tiffany Williams | Tennessee State University | Nashville, TN

Kimberly Williams | Mount Royal University | Calgary, Canada

Jennifer Williams | Howard University | Washington, DC

Chiquita S Williams | SUNY Empire State College | Bronx, NY

Zuri Williams | SDCCD | San Diego, CA

Juanice Williams | University of Central Missouri | Warrensburg, MS

Jamillah Williams | Widener University | Middletown, DE

Peter Williams | Medgar Evers College | Brooklyn, NY

Elizabeth W. Williams | University of Kentucky | Lexington, KY

Annette Williams | California Institute of Integral Studies | San Francisco, CA

Erica Williams | Spelman College | Atlanta, GA

Aislinn Williams | University of Iowa | Iowa City, IO

Judith Williams | Furman University | Greenville, SC

Daniel Willis | G & W Ap | Boston, MA

Jessi Willis | Eastern Washington University | Cheney, WA

Derek Wilmott | University of Toledo | Toledo, OH

Bianca D.M. Wilson | UCLA | Los Angeles, CA

Lauren Wilson | MO Equity Education Support Group | St. Louis, MO

Lisa Wilson | N/A | Triad, NC

Dina Wilson | Santa Rosa Junior College | San Francisco, CA

Karen Wilson | University of Hawaii at Manoa | Captain Cook, HI

Monique Wilson | Director of One Billion Rising | Manila, Philippines

Howard Winant | University of California | Santa Barbara, CA

Caylee Windmiller | MO Equity Education Support Group | Saint Peters, MO

Jennifer Wingate | St. Francis College | Brooklyn, NY

Jacob Winkler | None | Madison, WI

Shannon Winnubst | Ohio State University | Columbus, OH

Barbara Winslow | Brooklyn College / CUNY | Brooklyn , NY

Kyra Witt | MO Equity Education Support Group | Wildwood, MO

Kasahun Woldemariam | Spelman College | Atlanta

Karen Anne Wolf | Samuel Merritt University | Lewisburg, PA / Oakland, CA

Maggie Wong | School of the Art Institute Chicago | Chicago, IL

Gerald Wood | Northern Arizona University | Flagstaff, AZ

Anjuliet Woodruffe | University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati, OH

Wendy Ann Woods | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor, MI

Ronald C Woods, J.D. | Eastern Michigan University | Ann Arbor, MI

Lauren Emily Woolbright | Alma College | Alma, MI

Patrice Wright | University of Virginia | Charlottesville, VA

Ellen Wu | Indiana University Bloomington | Bloomington IN

Cynthia Wu | Indiana University | Bloomington, IN

Helena Wulfg | Stockholm University | Stockholm

Gail E. Wyatt | Semel Institute, UCLA | Los Angeles, CA

Kristin Wylie | James Madison University | Harrisonburg, VA

Colleen Wynn | University of Indianapolis | Indianapolis, IN

Brenda Wyss | Wheaton College MA | Norton, MA

Shae X | Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. | New York, NY

Beatriz Zebadua Yanez | N/A | Mexico City, Mexico

Sharon Yam | University of Kentucky | Lexington, KY

Jyun-Jie Yang | UC Davis Sociology Department | Davis, CA

Dilara Yarbrough | San Francisco State University | San Francisco, CA

Jasmine Noelle Yarish | University of the District of Columbia | Washington, DC

Gabby Yearwood | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh, PA

Ingrid Yeh | The Garden of Hope Foundation | Taiwan

Joyce Yeh | National Fong Hwa University | Shoufeng, Taiwan

Le Nguyen Huu Yen | Fulbright University Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Cecile F Yezou | University of Massachusetts — Amherst | Dallas, TX

Katie Yoast | None | Cameron Park, CA

Victoria Kirby York | National Black Justice Coalition | Fort Washington, MD

Tiffany Rose York | Watertown Community For Black Lives | Watertown, MA

Gay Young | American University | Washington, DC

Ezra Young | Cornell Law School | Ithaca, NY

Kevin A. Young | UMass Amherst | Amherst, MA

Emily Younger | YWCA Boston | Boston, MA

Leo Yu | Southern Methodist University | Dallas, Texas

Stephanie Yu | University of California, Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA

Bernardita Yunis | University of Colorado Boulder | Colorado Springs, CO

Queen Meccasia Zabriskie | New College of Florida | Sarasota, FL

Julia Jordan Zachery | Wake Forest University | Winston Salem, NC

Michelle Zacks | Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale University | New Haven, CT

Ellen Zaltzberg | Retired | Brooklyn, NY

Analia Zamora-DeHart | MiraCosta College | Oceanside, CA

Paola Zamperini | Northwestern University | Chicago, IL

Sherry Zane | University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

Nancie Zane | Praxis Consulting Group & Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine | Philadelphia, PA

Liliana Zaragoza | University of Minnesota Law School | Minneapolis, MI

Dubravka Zarkov | retired, Erasmus University Rotterdam | Belgrade, Serbia

Amina Zarrugh | Texas Christian University | Fort Worth, TX

Patricia Zavella | University of California Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz, CA

Julia Zay | The Evergreen State College | Olympia, WA

Veronica Zebadua-Yanez | University of Maryland | College Park, MD

Anna Zeemont | SUNY Buffalo State | Buffalo, NY

Ronda Zelezny-Green | BRK Ujima | Seffner

Praise Zenenga | University of Arizona | Tucson, AZ

Lucas Vargas Zeppetello | Harvard University | MA

Heidi A. Zetzer | University of California | Santa Barbara, CA

Robin Zheng | University of Glasgow | Glasgow , Scotland

Katie Zhou | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Cambridge, MA

Starry Zhu | Middlesex School | Concord, MA

Ewa Ziarek | University at Buffalo | Buffalo, NY

Anna Ziering | Oglethorpe University | Atlanta, GA

Catherine Zimmer | Unc Chapel Hill | Chapel Hill, NC

Sarah Zimmerman | N/A | Buffalo Creek, WV

Laine Zizka | University of Colorado, Boulder | Boulder, CO

David A. Zonderman | NC State University | Raleigh, NC

Alyssa Zucker | University of Florida | Gainesville, FL

