5 Inspiring Quotes That Have Impacted The Way I See Life

Anderson Matias
4 min readOct 20, 2017


Photo by Eric Didier on Unsplash

*Original article on andersonmatias.co

When it comes to articles, tons of lists and how-to’s are published and read by a lot of people every single day. Their usefulness is clearly there, to the ones that know how to cross-reference a couple of them and take what relates the most to your own life. In my case, instead of just stating what is best for others, I’d like to take the chance to mention some of the most powerful quotes that have been impacting me personally and professionally and that you may find inspiring as well.

Here goes a list of 5 of the most inspiring quotes that describe how I think:

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.” — Henry Ford

  • It has to do with vouching for oneself, being your first and fiercest defender and to develop self-awareness. I strongly believe that having confidence in oneself and that no matter the problem, no matter the difficulty, we have the tools to overcome anything, is crucial to accomplishing whatever we decide to pursue. If you do not trust your own capacity to address your issues and reach your dreams, who will?

“Everything you can imagine is real.” — Pablo Picasso

  • I’ve talked quite a bit about it in “The power of the mind: with imagination, success comes twice”. I believe this mindset brings us the capacity of reshaping ourselves and creating real value to the world around us, by bringing to the table new ways to do and see things. The moment you imagine it is the moment you start to work on it.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible” — Tony Robbins

  • If we don’t know what we want, every direction would be the right and the wrong one, the good and the bad one at the same time. We abdicate the control of our lives and let someone or something else do it for you. We become blind spectators of a boring movie. We start to see and get clarity when we take responsibility for every aspect of our life when we do the exercise of constantly reflect about what are the next steps. How do you see yourself in 1, 2, 5, 10 years? Being goal-driven is a very good way to start figuring it out.

“Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.” — Steve Jobs

  • Humans live in community. Although we often run big chunks of our life by ourselves, it is through collaboration that we reach the highest places in everything. This is especially true for business. The more interdependent, the better. It is much more learning, growth, and opportunities to build and enhance bridges between people. Teamwork is never about “me”, it’s about “we”.

“A day without laughter is a day wasted” — Charlie Chaplin

  • Joy. Joy is the ultimate fuel to positivity. Humor and a positive approach lead to emotional resilience. It helps us to avoid judging people. If you are having a great time during your day, you are focusing on the right things. One doesn’t have to do things “just because”, we should embrace the endeavors we decide to pursue in such a way that we feel it is worth it. You get to decide which color tones to paint your life’s wall, so smile more, find more and more reasons to laugh and nurture a positive impact to yourself and the ones around you. Life’s good!
Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash

Of course, there are much more quotes worth mentioning and that also have an influence on how to deal with several different aspects of life. The main message is: there are a lot of people saying and sharing meaningful things all the time, since the beginning of our existence. Learn through others’ words how to build your own way to assimilate the world and contribute! Few things are more rewarding than adding value and making a difference. You got this power!

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Anderson Matias

Anderson Matias — Project Manager | Music, Business, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Enthusiast. linkedin.com/in/anderson-matias-pmp