Casual Sex: Highway To Mental Illness

The 21st century is all about teenagers doing stuff that will make them feel good for a very short amount of time. Let’s see how these things affect our brains in the long run.

Akshay Yadav
4 min readOct 18, 2022
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

We are living in a world where the definition of freedom is decided by every individual on their own.

You are not allowed to tell anyone what’s bad for them or what’s good because you are not in their shoes.

This is a very bullshit ideology.

Education is the solution to every problem.

If parents or teachers can teach these kids what’s bad for them, and what’s good.

And not only tell them but make them realize how it can affect their life in the future, it will make a huge difference.

50% of teenagers waste their life in activities like doing drugs and other harmful activities.

But one of the most dangerous of them from a spiritual perspective is casual sex.

“Read more about spiritual importance from here.”

Casual Sex: The Guilty Pleasure

The relationship these days are fueled by sex and lust.

Young boys and girls become aware of their sexual needs and indulge in bad habits like pornography and masturbation.

When someone gets into a relationship the first thing, they move very quickly towards is sex.

Sex is not the way to a healthy relationship. Yes, it plays a very important role in living a good relationship, but it’s different from a needy relationship.

Most of these kids don’t even care about a happy and healthy lifestyle.

All they want is pleasure, and they make a deal.

A deal of just having sex and living casually after that.

They don’t care about their spiritual and mental health. They don’t know a thing about sex.

What Happens in our Brain When We have Casual Sex:

Research shows most of those men and women who indulge in casual sex are those who just broke up and want to move on from the previous relationship.

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

What kind of stupid reason is this?

They think having sex with some stranger or friend will help them move on quicker, but they don’t even realize that a relationship is a game of emotions.

Humans are emotional beings and there is nothing that can make you stop feeling about something.

When we have sex with someone while orgasm our brain releases oxytocin also known as the “love hormone”.

This creates an image of the person we had sex with as our lover.

When someone keeps having casual sex on regular basis, he/she might not be able to live in a happy long-term relationship.

Because their brain has already identified many persons as their lovers and thus having casual sex develops a feeling for each other.

For men oxytocin works differently, it becomes hard to leave the person behind whom they just have sex with.

The moment when their body touches while orgasm, it creates a sensation of feeling loved.

When this feeling turns out to be fake, our brain’s sexual hormones starts functioning in an unusual way which is of course not healthy in the long run.

Modernity Plays an Important Role in Casual Sex

Western culture is spreading like a deadly mental virus, it is allowing people to justify such stupid acts in the name of living life.

People these days find fancy terms to justify their dumb actions.

These people become unable to raise a good family.

Acts like casual hookups also result in sexual crimes such as rape and sexual harassment.

If you chose to have casual sex with a friend of yours, then your friendship won’t be the same.

It will make everything awkward.

Modern ideas like Friends with benefits, casual sex, one-night stand are nothing but guilty pleasures of this generation.

They won’t be able to focus easily.

How To Stay Away From Casual Sex

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

I know, it’s hard to neglect the opportunity of having sex with someone you just met.

The sudden rush of emotions and sensations is tempting that you can’t resist.

Always keep in mind that if you can’t say no, then you will lose and it won’t be the loss of something that you can regain easily.

You will pay in the long run, and it won’t be easy to recover.

If you want to get involved in a physical relationship, then go for a longer one.

Don’t just ask for sex, it will improve your life in many aspects.

If you are a girl then you should definitely avoid activities like casual sex.

Because moving on is harder for girls once they are involved in serious relationships, and sex plays an important role in that.

Final Words

Don’t be a modern person who do anything for pleasure and teach your kid to do the same.

Become a responsible parent and teach your child.

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