Backend-frontend parallel development: OpenApi

Akshit Jain
Apr 26, 2022


This blog is part of series: Itchy guy and his quest for Zen

We will look at:

  • Problem
    - Weakly typed api contract sharing with no comments
    - Frontend waits for backend to complete api development
    - Manual writing of request/response models and api methods in calling services
  • Define Api contracts before starting development
  • Viewing Api contract on different tools(web, vscode)
  • Auto generate server interface and client code with:
    - cli
    - gradle build script
  • Publish as client library for use by calling services

Define and view contract

View on web:

Ide Integration:

# if you just want to preview apis and models: 
code --install-extension Arjun.swagger-viewer
code /path/to/greeting_api.yml
# cmd+shift+p -> `Preview Swagger`. A preview window will open on side with similar view as webapp # For editing and code auto-completion
code --install-extension 42Crunch.vscode-openapi

Demo Code



