Itchy guy and his quest for Zen

Akshit Jain
1 min readApr 24, 2022


I am a person, who gets irritated very quickly. Every new day, there is a new “itch” and for every new one, I go on a quest looking for a solution, so that the same itch doesn’t bothers me again.

To be more literal, I joined a company called Dealshare. This is an e-commerce company, where I was assigned a feature in which “customers can return the orders that were placed from an app”. Till now, I had worked on offline systems, which were not customer facing and concurrent latency was not so much of problem. So, for assigned task, I entered into the world of apis, microservices, etc. I encountered some boring problems and interesting solutions in this world. In this blog post series, I try to share these solutions, hoping that it might help someone who is a fresher like me, to these online systems.

Posts in this series:

