Are Cheap Swords for Sale Dangerous to Use?

Alan Max
3 min readApr 25, 2019


Whenever we read something is cheap, we think the worst of it. The same can be observed with cheap swords available in the market nowadays. As we all know, including the blades labeled inexpensive, most real and decorative swords for sale are being offered at high prices. So, you can say a blade being sold at low price doesn’t make a bad quality item. However, using a cheap sword for fighting purposes can lead to disastrous outcomes, so you must never use them for anything other than using it for office or home decor.

If you go through you will find all decorative and real swords for sale at cheap prices. Why? Because the platform has been in the wholesaling business for almost ten years now and it offers all its knives and swords at extremely low wholesale prices that can make any enthusiast order dozens of blades without worrying about the money they have got!

Can Cheap Swords Be Dangerous?

Anyways, let’s say that most cheap swords for sale are quite good and not dangerous, until unless you do something reckless while wielding it. Read the following to know more about the situation under which buying cheap wholesale swords can prove dangerous when:

Used for Actual Fighting: Decorative swords are cheap as they are made from stainless steel for displaying purposes and they can be dangerous to fight with — so they are nothing like the real swords that are forged and heat treated in order to make them durable and fully able to withstand punishment of getting stricken with another blade.

Used for Practicing: Similarly, when cheap swords for sale are used for practicing it can become a really big problem, as its stainless steel blade is still quite sharp and can easily give you a major wound that can lead to grave consequences.

Utilized for Cutting Up Hard Materials: As I have said, you can only get cool swords under a hundred dollars or so because they are made from stainless steel, like your kitchen knife. Thus, if you get a little too rough with it, you can end up separating its handle from the blade that could go flying off into any direction at any moment. I think that could be quite dangerous, don’t you?

Considered A Toy: One of the biggest mistake, people can make, is assuming that cheap replica swords are nothing but toys. However, in most cases they have really sharp blades, which in a hand of child can be extremely dangerous — to themselves and the people around them.

Carried Carelessly: Now, what can anyone say when adults carry cheap fantasy swords while cosplaying their favorite characters. People can do things you cannot imagine especially when they are not being themselves. Cosplaying is one such thing! So, cheap fantasy swords for sale can be dangerous to others when the one wielding it doesn’t know what he/she is doing. With its sharp blade any soft bodied thing can be cut open, so you must not carry it carelessly.

Real Swords Will Always Be Quite Expensive

Now on the other hand, you know that due to high level techniques of forging and making real swords for sale, one cannot find inexpensive blades in that category. However, you can still find a katana samurai sword amounting only a $1000 instead of $6000. So, among real katana swords, a product costing a thousand bucks is cheaper still.

Lastly, I hope now you have got some sense of what can be considered as cheap swords for sale and how can they be dangerous to people wielding them or just strutting around them.

Read More: Medieval Swords - You Have Never Seen Before



Alan Max

I’m Alan Max working as Writer/Marketer at Knife Import. We are the wholesale distributor of knives and swords. Real brass knuckles available at