Alephium partners with Cetacean Capital

Lausanne, Switzerland, April 12th, 2022 — Alephium, an innovative Layer 1 blockchain announces Cetacean Capital as a new strategic partner, a huge win for Alephium’s ecosystem.

3 min readApr 12, 2022

- Traduction Française (Community translated)
- Tradução portuguesa (Community translated)

« After months of efforts to launch the mainnet last November and following our first listing on top-10 exchange in January, we are proud and humbled to welcome Cetacean Capital as a strategic partner to join in on our mission to build the DeFi infrastructure of tomorrow. » commented Cheng Wang, Founder and Core Developer of Alephium.

Alephium is the first operational Layer 1 sharded blockchain scaling and improving on Bitcoin core technologies, Proof of Work & UTXO. It delivers a highly performant, secure DeFi & dApps platform with enhanced energy efficiency.

Built around the philosophy of the POD power as a coordination mechanism for its whale members, Cetacean Capital is a new kind of capital vehicle, structured as a DAO, valuing decentralization and a libertarian outlook above all else.

A special Partner for a special Project

« Cetacean Capital is a decisive, hard-working, passion-driven partner, providing much more than money with an extensive network of companies and skills across the crypto and DeFi world. Its connections inside and outside the crypto ecosystem, will be particularly beneficial to Alephium’s growth into the scalable DeFi blockchain of reference.» said Maud Simon, COO of Alephium.

Its unique mix of diverse skills and long time in crypto, completely peer-to-peer organization and exceptionally entrepreneurial mindset makes it a very special partner. The long-term commitment it’s taking with Alephium will allow the project to leverage Cetacean's connection to the Terra ecosystem, its heavy marketing chops and its institutional credibility.

Raj, speaking for Cetacean Capital said: “Cetacean Capital is ecstatic to be invested in the vision of such an innovative project. We are very much looking forward to helping projects build, grow & inspire on the first layer one energy-efficient sharded blockchain! The crypto space is evolving, and we are honored to have front row seats to the show! ».

More to come

Cetacean Capital is the first of our partners announced in the latest strategic sale round. Alephium is hard at work, every day, building infrastructure and tooling to increase Alephium’s utility for its community developers, miners, full node operators and users.

“Right now, we’d love to see more developers checking out Alephium and start creating DApps for the new and highly innovative blockchain. With such an experienced and dedicated team, we see huge potential for growth and once developers start to realize how easy it is to get into Alephium’s ecosystem we expect the ball to roll even faster. We have plans to announce a Hackathon to promote development once the SDK is released, stay tuned for that.” says Josh, member of the Cetacean Capital fund.

To learn more about Alephium, get in touch on Discord or Telegram, contribute on GitHub, follow us on Twitter or read us on Medium! Or discover Alephium in 5’!




Scalable for devs. Secure for users. Decentralized for all.