Leman Network Upgrade Activation on March 30th!

Full Node v2.0.0 released; All nodes need to update before activation

3 min readMar 17, 2023

After over one year of building and testing the new features, Alephium is excited to announce that the Leman Network Upgrade is scheduled for 10:00 AM GMT on March 30th, 2023. With the enhanced dev tools offering, the blockchain will be better prepared to support a growing ecosystem building on top of Alephium.

Actions to be taken

Full Nodes

With the release of the latest Full Node v2.0.0, everything is set to activate the Leman Network Upgrade, and network participants need to check if they have everything ready.

After the activation timestamp, full nodes with a version under v2.0.0 will not sync with the network.

Full Node run locally

Users running a full node locally must update their software to v2.0.0. If also running an explorer backend, it is mandatory to upgrade to the latest version


Users running a full node locally must update their software to v2.0.0.

External Full Node

Dappnode: There is nothing to do for users using Dappnode with auto-update options checked. If not, the user must go to the Alephium package and click the upgrade/update button.

Flux: No action is required from users using Flux.

Services providers

The latest Full Node v2.0.0 and Explorer Backend 1.13.1 (if necessary) must be installed for service providers such as exchanges and wallet providers. The ones running dockers must use the latest docker image with the matched version of the full node and explorer backend.

Download the latest version of the Full Node (v2.0.0) here:

🔗 https://github.com/alephium/alephium/releases/latest

Download the latest version of the Explorer Backend (v1.13.1) here:

🔗 https://github.com/alephium/explorer-backend/releases/latest

All impacted users are encouraged to update their nodes before the activation timestamp to ensure uninterrupted access to the Alephium blockchain.


Desktop Wallet

The Leman-ready desktop wallet version is the v1.5.3. All users must upgrade to this new version to take advantage of the features of the Leman Network Upgrade.

If your Desktop Wallet prompts a message asking you to upgrade to the latest version, please follow its instructions. Alternatively, you can download the latest version of the Desktop Wallet directly here:

🔗 https://github.com/alephium/desktop-wallet/releases/latest

Browser Extension Wallet

The browser extension wallet is ready for the Leman Network Upgrade.

Download the latest version of the browser extension wallet here:

🔗 Google Chrome store.

🔗 Firefox Store.

Leman Network Upgrade Enhancements


The Leman Network Upgrade includes new features at the language (Ralph) and Virtual Machine (Alphred) level, which will aid developers in creating complex dApps more easily.


The Leman Upgrade clears the way for Alephium Bridge deployment, connecting Alephium and other blockchains. It will enable seamless interaction and interoperability between our ecosystem and other blockchains, starting with Ethereum.

Developer Experience & SDK

The Leman Upgrade has new Virtual Machine instructions and built-in functions. The “Sub-contract” concept and new built-in functions for debugging, asserting, logging, migrating existing contracts, burning tokens, etc., to improve the dApp development experience.

New Node/Explorer APIs, web3 library, and wallets (through WalletConnect & browser extension) will help reduce the required software development cycle to build dApps on Alephium.

If you need assistance, you are welcome to reach out in the community channels on Discord, Telegram. And follow @alephium on Twitter to stay up-to-date.




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