Installing Strategy Crafter

Alex Edelstein
3 min readMay 18, 2018


This information is only relevant for participants in the Salesforce Next Best Action pilot program.

Learn more about Strategy Crafter

1) Org must be capable of running Lightning Components, which means that My Domain must be configured AND deployed.
2) Org must have the Next Best Action permission enabled, which is done via closed pilot application to the product manager.

1) Start by installing the latest version.

This is now a managed package. Note that the package often generates this warning “The installation is taking too long.”, but that’s normal. The email announcing successful completion will be sent to the email address associated with the current User.

2) Assign the Strategy Crafter PermissionSet

Installation will add a Permission Set called “stratcraft”. Go into Permission Sets, click Manage Assignments, and assign this permission set to the profile you’re using (probably System Administrator). This will cause Strategy Crafter to show up in the list of object types in the App Launcher.

(If it doesn’t, you may need to go to the Profile you’re using, locate the Tab Settings, and change the value for Strategy Crafter from Tab Hidden to Default On)

3) Launch Strategy Crafter from the App Launcher

You should get this Remote Site error message:

2) Add a Remote Site Setting
a) Copy the org root out of the error message, as shown in the black box above. As a reminder, you need to have My Domain full configured and deployed for this to work.

b) Go to “Remote Site Settings” in Setup
c)Add a new Remote Site Setting, pasting in the org root into Remote Site URL. Make sure the Remote Site is Active.

Here’s how it should look:

Note that the Remote Site URL doesn’t quite match the actual URL in the example above. Getting this URL right is tricky. That’s why pulling it from the actual error message works best.

Try to reload the Strategy Crafter. It should load without the Remote Site error. You’re fully installed.

Next: Try the Tutorial


My StrategyCrafter only loads part way, like this:

Answer: this usually means you don’t have your org set up properly for lightning components. Make sure your My Domain is configured AND deployed.

It loads up, but as soon as I try to save or load a strategy, I get an error
This usually means that the Remote Site Setting isn’t properly configured. See above.

I get one of these error messages:

This means your org is not enabled for NBA. You need to have joined the pilot and submitted an org Id for enablement. For more information on the pilot contact your Salesforce representative.

I get this error message:

Switch to Lightning Experience.

