Strategy Crafter: Introduction

Alex Edelstein
2 min readMay 18, 2018


Strategy Crafter is a lightweight graphical tool for editing and managing Recommendation Strategies for Einstein Next Best Action. It is not an official Salesforce application. It was built by some members of the community. The real Strategy Builder will be delivered as part of later releases of Einstein Next Best Action. In the meantime, though, the Crafter can simplify the work to build and maintain Strategies.

Understanding the Strategy Pipeline

The Strategy is a new Salesforce element that lies at the heart of creating great recommendations. Information about Strategies is available in the official Salesforce pilot documentation, so these tool docs will assume you know about them.

Automatic Saving
Changes to strategies are automatically saved in the background and all strategies are implicitly ‘Active’ just like all changes to Salesforce records immediately take effect. There is no automatic versioning (as there is in Lightning Flow). You may want to use the Duplicate Strategy menu items to create copies. There’s also When you click Save in the Crafter, it deploys an XML metadata version of the current strategy to your org, overwriting any version that’s there.

Export and Import
Under the covers, the main purpose of this tool is to help you generate the complex XML documents that drive Salesforce. You can export and import these easily from the menu.



Using Strategy Crafter

After installing, you should find a Strategy Crafter tab in the App Launcher. Select it to load the Strategy Crafter.

Loading a Strategy
When you first install, you will probably not have any saved Strategies, so you should either create a New one from scratch or use the Import from XML menu item to paste an existing one in as XML. Some sample xml files in 214 XML format are located in the pilot docs.

Activating/Publishing a Strategy
Saving a Strategy deploys and activates it. Once you save a Strategy you should be able to configure the Next Best Action lightning component by providing the name of the Strategy, and it should start to produce Propositions.

Source Code

The source to this utility is published here, and contributions are welcome.

Learn More: Tutorial 1

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