Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
1 min readJan 4, 2024


Two things are circular: language and chapters in the book. The rest is straight:
1) quantum fluctuations are / is time
2) more often fluctuations are / is faster time
3) less often fluctuations are / is time dilation
4) gravity does not cause time dilation
5) matter/mass alters time dilation (not causes):
5.1) “mass” is “wobbling charges” (protons, electrons, etc. — result of Dr. Vivian Robinson);
5.2) wobbling charges increase electric permittivity of space (electric capacitance of space)- Dr. Feynman’s result;
5.3) increase in electric permittivity/capacitance of space causes time dilation — by Dr. Feynman & Dr. Robinson;
6) time dilation causes gravity — by Dr. Einstein;
7) gravity is difference in push between faster and slower quantum fluctuation (my result) — that is Newton’s Gravitational Agent;
10) about bending light = light refraction = Snell’s law = this is purely quantum effect too (though proven geometrically in high school).
There are videos explaining why refraction is quantum, for example,
20) there are massless cases for time dilation as well:
20.1) naturally time is uneven, runs slower or faster somewhere/everywhere sometime/always;
20.2) Absolute Time = time running at the same speed everywhere and always = was Newton’s abstraction / approximation: he invented math for gravity, but acknowledged not understanding reason/agent for it;
20.3) check this link on how differences in time flow — time dilation — induced matter in initially matter-less Universe: Universe originated from nothing but space and time;
20.4) with Absolute/not variable time, there would be no matter produced, the Universe would be empty.

