5 min readApr 14, 2023


The Bible story of Sex, Drugs & Witchcraft!

Mandrake root — Science Museum London

This story is a follow up from my story;

But first, some definitions:

Benny Trippin = is when a person takes so much Antihistamine/Cough Syrup (eg; Benadryl) that they begin to hallucinate.

Mandrake = is the plant Mandragora or more specifically the root of the Mandragora plant. Mandrake contains Tropane Alkaloids, Scopolamine, Hyoscyamine, Atropine and Mandragorine. It’s classed as a Deleriant Hallucinogen.

If a (stupid) person went off use and overdosed on Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) it too would begin acting as a Deleriant Hallucinogen. They be trippin!…Colloquially known as Benny Trippin.

WARNING: Benny Trippin is dangerous and can be fatal! It causes seizures, psychosis and coma. It’s especially hard on the heart. This article is for comedic entertainment only and is in NO WAY an endorsement of this moronic practice.

DON’T DO DRUGS! & if that’s not enough for you, Benny Trippin can cause you to stop pissing and shitting!

And so, let’s get back on track:


The Bible story of Sex, Drugs & Witchcraft!

I’ll attempt to answer 4 questions in this article:

  1. Did the Bible patriarch Jacob take Mandragora?
  2. Did he take it knowingly or was he Roofied?
  3. Did he take so much that he began Trippin?
  4. Did anyone else in the Bible go Benny Trippin?

Did the Bible patriarch Jacob take Mandragora?

Well it’s Bible readin’ time y’all:

Genesis 30:1–17: This bloke named Jacob aka Israel, roots 4 women and has a bunch of nippers. (Lorko’s Aussie Translation)

Or if you prefer something a bit more lamestream:

Genesis 30:14–17: During wheat harvest, Reuben went out into the fields and found some mandrake plants, which he brought to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, “Please give me some of your son’s mandrakes” but she said to her, “Wasn’t it enough that you took away my husband? Will you take my son’s mandrakes too?” “Very well,” Rachel said, “he can sleep with you tonight in return for your son’s mandrakes.” So when Jacob came in from the fields that evening, Leah went out to meet him. “You must sleep with me,” she said. “I have hired you with my son’s mandrakes.” So he slept with her that night. God listened to Leah, and she became pregnant and bore Jacob a fifth son. Then Leah said, “God has rewarded me for giving my servant to my husband.” So she named him Issachar. (New International Version)

Did he take it knowingly or was he roofied?

Option 1: Rachel slipped Jacob a Mickey.

Put yourself in this position, the missus slips a deliriant hallucinogen into your dinner, how do you react? Personally I think I’d lay back, close my eyes and go for a trip until I dozed off. Not the result Rachel was looking for.

Option 2: Jacob and Rachel part-tay!

If the missus tells me what’s going on, then I take a quick trip to the wash-house, hit the Axe body spray, get into the sack, nude and with half a bar.

Option 3: Jacob freaks out!

Rachel doesn’t tell Jacob what she’s up to, after all she is one, sneaky, bitch… for the Bible tells me so!

Jacob begins trippin and has no idea why. Seems to me it’s unlikely sex would be the end result of that little scheme.

Now folks, I’m writing from experience here, I’ve been roofied, you can read about it here:


So my guess is that Jacob knew what was going on and went with it.

Did he take so much that he began Trippin?

I dunno, but Jacob has seen and done some trippy things.

He once laid down on the ground and used a rock for his pillow?? Then he has a dream about a ladder going up to Heaven and peoples various going up and down said ladder.

Another time he stripped bark from off of some sticks and put those sticks over the goats watering troughs whenever the goats were having a root. Jacob claimed this is how he got the pelt markings he was after.

Finally, Jacob claims he had a wrestling match with God, not only that but Jacob claims he was winning the fracas until God cheated.

Like I say, I dunno, you’ll have to decide for yourselves on this one.

Did anyone else in the Bible go Benny Trippin?

Well maybe the love god himself, King Solomon, had a go.

If Solomon was alive and living in Australia today he would undoubtedly be given the nickname “Shagger”

When it comes to all things in the boudoir, Shagger puts even Brigham Young to shame, Briggsy only had a mere 56 brides but good ol’ Shagger had 700 wives and 300 concubines…if my maths is right (and I think it is) that’s 1000… 1000 sheila’s… What the fuck were you thinking Solomon?

Song of Shagger 7:13 There the mandrakes give off their fragrance, and the finest fruits are at our door, new delights as well as old, which I have saved for you, my lover. (New Living Translation)

So…there’s that. Looks like ol’ Shagger got on the gear, took some Drakes, went for a Benny Trip. Well seems to have worked for him, 1000 different birds…Maybe I should get me some of that Mandrake stuff…ken oath!

Anywho…Did Jacob go Benny Trippin? That’s the question, there’s some circumstantial evidence that he did but I guess the Bible doesn’t actually fess-up, you’ll just have to draw your own conclusions.

I think he did! He must of abibed, because there’s no other use for mandrake.

Did he take it knowingly? We can’t tell for sure but I think…Yes, yes he did!

Did he go trippin… I dunno, but if you have half a glass of Fosters you’ll have alcohol in your system and you’ll be having some mild effects, but if you drink a carton you’ll be pissed, blotto, newted! So Jacob has had an unspecified amount of Tropane Alkaloids, Scopolamine, Hyoscyamine, Atropine and Mandragorine, therefore he has to be under their power to some unknown degree. Put it this way, he would of failed a company piss test!

So… that’s a yes,


Now go tell that Bible story to your kids!

I love yous all





I've transitioned from Jet-setting Evangelist to stay at home satanist. I'm a recovering nihilist writing about my experiences re church, cults & life!