Publish Angular Library documentation created with Nx using TravisCI and GitHub Pages

Alfredo Perez
4 min readDec 22, 2018


This is the second part for a series of posts that will help you to create an Angular 7 publishable library using Nrwl Nx Angular Extensions.

This article covers the following things:

  • Setup of GitHub pages
  • Setup of Travis CI
  • Extra — Install compodoc to enhance documentation

Here are the links for all the parts of this series:

Part 1. Creating an Angular library with Nrwl Nx

Part 2. Publish Angular Library documentation created with Nx using TravisCI and GitHub Pages

Part 3. Publish Angular Library created with Nx to NPM

Part 4. Generating Changelog file for an Angular library

Setup GitHub Pages

Let's start by enabling GitHub Pages on the library repository.

Go to your repository under GitHub and in the setting pages you will find a section to configure the GitHub

Make sure to use the gh-pages branch and ‘Enforce HTTPS’ as you can see below:

Set up Travis

  1. Add a .travis.yml file to the root of your project with the following configuration:
// .travis.ymllanguage: node_js
- '9'
dist: trusty
sudo: required
- master
- npm install -g @angular/cli
- ng build --prod --base-href
provider: pages
skip_cleanup: true
github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
local_dir: dist/apps/documentation/
branch: master

Let me go briefly on what this file is doing.

To build the application on Travis CI it needs to have the Angular CLI and that’s accomplished with this:

// .travis.yml
- npm install -g @angular/cli

After this, it will execute the build command from the CLI, but setting the href to where it should be deployed using the name of the repository. In my case, I am deploying the repository under ‘ngx-datacontext’

// .travis.yml
- ng build --prod --base-href

2. Push file to Github repository, because Travis CI will need it while deploying.

3. Create an account at, link it to your GitHub account and enable it for the library repository.

3. Add a Github token to deploy from Travis to the Github pages. To do this, first, modify the deploy section on the travis.yml to include a variable for the token.

// .travis.yml
provider: pages
skip_cleanup: true
github_token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
local_dir: dist/apps/documentation/
branch: master

4. Create a Github personal access token following the instruction from:

5. Add the token to the settings under Travis CI

Try Out Travis CI and Github Pages!

This is all that is needed to enable the deployment to Github Pages using Travis CI.

Travis will trigger a deployment everytime a commit gets pushed to the library repository and the documentation website will be hosted under Github Pages.

— EXTRA — Add Compodoc documentation

As an extra, I want to go through the process of adding compodoc to enhance the Angular library documentation.

  1. Install compodoc
yarn add @compodoc/compodoc

2. Add scripts to execute compodoc at the package.json

Note: The path is to the tsconfig from the library used to generate documentation

// package.json
"build:doc": "./node_modules/.bin/compodoc
-p libs/core/tsconfig.lib.json
--theme Readthedocs
-d dist/apps/documentation/compodoc ",
"serve:doc": "./node_modules/.bin/compodoc
-p libs/core/tsconfig.lib.json
--theme Readthedocs
-d dist/apps/documentation/compodoc

3. Add a link to the compodoc index.html

<a href="compodoc/index.html" target="_blank">

4. Add the script to .travis.yml configuration

// .travis.yml
- ng build --prod --base-href
- npm run build:doc

Try it out!

Here is an example of Github page deployed with Travis:

