Core Developer with Phore Blockchain Explains in Details the Difference Between Ethereum and Phore’s Sharding Solutions and More

Kingsley Alo
5 min readSep 22, 2019


Phore Blockchain has been making a lot of effort to see that there is an improvement on the current blockchain we have today, the project prides itself on creating all of these from scratch. This has provided a solution that takes a minute fraction of the effort and computational resources.

The Phore Sharding architecture is designed to process millions of transactions in a second, the team members have been working tirelessly to see that they finally get them to their desired result as Synapse (which is also known as the Sharding architecture) is now technically fully functional. Today Julian Meyer, a core Developer with Phore Blockchain will be explaining to us in details everything we need to know about this development and the journey so far. Feel free to ask anything you want in the comment section below.

Question 1: Can we know your name and in what capacity do you function with Phore?

Hi! I’m Julian Meyer and I’m the lead developer for Phore. I work mainly on the core code including the current blockchain-based on Dash/PIVX/Bitcoin written in C++ and the new blockchain written from scratch based on Go. I also help out where I can with the marketplace.

Question 2: What is your background in the world of cryptocurrency like and how would you say your time has been as a member of the team so far?

I got into crypto at the beginning of 2017 not really understanding how it works at all. I started working on Ethereum smart contracts and soon I wanted to audit smart contracts that did not have posted source code. So, I wrote a disassembler and (broken) decompiler for the EVM which allows users to plug in compiled solidity code and get a basic idea of the structure of the code. You could then understand how certain functionality of the smart contract works even if you don’t have the original source code. Vitalik Buterin noticed my project and donated to the project (~21 ETH if I remember right). I then decided to invest in Phore because I thought I could trade (I can’t) and since I was still learning blockchain I asked the founder if I could help code for Phore. He said yes and I started looking at the Phore code and working on new features. My first big feature was integrating SegWit into Phore which hadn’t been done before for a PoS coin. I also worked on the marketplace and built out infrastructure to make that work. Finally, I realized the Bitcoin-based coins are going to fall far behind in terms of tech to things like Ethereum 2.0, so I started focusing on how to integrate great ideas from Ethereum 2.0 faster in Phore and how to make Phore the best coin for every possible use case. I started Synapse in October last year (2018) and I’ve been working on it ever since.

A theoretical representation of the speed the Sharding architecture enables in Sharp contrast with other coins

Question 3: I know you developers have a way with technical terms…. lol….. But How would you explain to a layman what Sharding Architecture means and how it works for Phore?

Instead of having every single person verify every single transaction, we’re making only 1% of people verify 1% of transactions. By selecting the committee of 1% randomly, we can achieve almost the same security and do only 1% of the work. This means that we can process 100x more transactions because each transaction takes 99% less work to validate.

Question 4: The market place as it is has been up and running for a while now, was the Sharding solution implemented to its creation in any way?

Phore has a very clear vision for the future. We want to build a scalable network before we try to achieve mass adoption. Other cryptocurrencies were on the path to mass adoption but were obviously stopped due to high transaction fees and low throughput. Bitcoin at one point had a $30 fee to send transactions. Bitcoin Cash has the right idea of increasing network scalability, but they do so by sacrificing decentralization (making every node validate more transactions). We’ll achieve the decentralization of Bitcoin with the scalability of Bitcoin Cash. Sharding is designed to facilitate mass adoption of things like the marketplace.

Question 5: In your opinion, what makes this technology (Sharding Architecture) stand out?

We can process orders of magnitude more transactions more securely, democratically, and faster. PIVX recently found a bug in their PoS code which wouldn’t exist in our new system. We’re centering the protocol around governance and community voting. If we had 100 shards (a low estimate), we could process 100x more transactions than PIVX/Bitcoin/Dash/Ethereum/any other coin.

Question 6: Again in simple terms what is the difference between Phore’s Sharding solution and Ethereum’s Sharding solution In Eth2.0

Our protocol is more democratic. Ethereum has a set process that runs on either shard. Instead, we are allowing holders to vote on the process that runs on our shard. If holders want the network to verify private transactions instead on certain shards, they can vote on that. Almost everything except the core consensus algorithm is votable on our platform.

Question 7: Kudos the hard technically the team has put in so far there has been some excitement within the community as Synapse is now technically fully functional. Could you shed more light on what synapse means?

Synapse is the (tentative) name of Phore’s sharding technology. Synapse is fully functional in that we have shards executing actual code and it is now possible to send money through Synapse. Everything is ready now. We need to work on several features including peer-to-peer communication and disk storage, but all of the pieces are in place now.

Thank you very much for your time Julian, have a nice day.

For more information about Phore blockchain, the following links are at your disposal.










Kingsley Alo

A Blockchain writer and digital marketer who realised that being an enthusiast aint enough; Aspiring Blockchain programmer who ❤️ design and construction