7.1) User feedback and Testing
In this weeks task I have posted my app on slack channel for user feedback and testing I does not receive lot more bugs to fix some of them were like this
In this review ashutosh saying that
1.“could not post article. It says content is required”
This happened to him because I have applied angular form validation in article adding screen so that no one can post empty article. I have set minimum length of title to be 10 letters and 50 letters content and category must be choosed by user. Untill these conditions are not met post button remains inactive. So this happened to him because he has not fulfilled these client side validation conditions for posting article.
2. like button is not working: I have tested my app before exposing local it worked fine I was not able to understand why like button was not working for ashutosh. Same time my other friends signed up they were able to perform all functionalities. I have no idea why this happened to him. Sorry ashutosh but functionality working correctly.
3.There is no button to submit comments: This is because I have used
<div ng-show="dep.showCommentBox">
<textarea class="form-control" rows="3" placeholder="What's in your mind ?" ng-model="dep.comment_content" ng-keypress="$event.keyCode === 13 && dep.postComment(info.article_id)"></textarea>
Which is a keypress event in angular which gets triggered when Enter key is pressed so for submitting a comment you just have to press Enter key.
4. Getting login even after login so how to logout : yes this was a bug which was not working. So to remove this I have used variable in controller and ng-show to achieve this functionality like this
<li ng-controller="AuthController" ng-show="auth.logoutButton">
<a href="#" ng-click="auth.logout()">Logout</a>
<li ng-controller="AuthController" ng-show="auth.loginButton">
<a href="#login">Login</a>
Thanks ashutosh for pointing out this bug.
aman_sonkar’s feedback