Know What You Really Are [3]

How you were trained for a disappointing life that will destroy the world

Eric Lee
24 min readOct 27, 2023

The third video:

The transcript:

Welcome back awareness.

Can you please try to stay connected to what you really are while you watch this video? Because the more still you can be, the more clearly, you will see. When you are new, you were much smaller, weaker, and less knowledgeable than you are today. But you also had more freedom, more joy, and much less fear.

You never lay awake at night, suffering with what you thought about your life, or worrying if you’re going to make it or not. Because even though you are very small, very weak, and very ignorant, you are still living in your natural state, the natural state of awareness, limitless and complete, free and at peace.

But then something happened that would cause the field of awareness to lose your connection to what you really are, and lead you to think you are something else. This would cause you to leave your natural state. To understand what happened. Let’s start with this boulder.

This one giant boulder is very impressive, but it’s not very useful. There’s not much you can do with this boulder as just one giant piece. But if you break the boulder up into smaller rocks, it becomes much more useful as you can now reorganize the exact same boulder into walls, bridges and homes.

Someone arriving after you’ve built your walls, bridges and homes won’t see the oneness of the boulder anymore, they will only see the walls, bridges and homes and the rocks that make them up. But the reality is that this is all still the same one original giant boulder. It’s just been reorganized.

The universe is like one giant boulder. It was all created at one time as one thing in one place. Scientists call this the Big Bang. Ever since the universe was created, nothing has ever left the universe to go somewhere else, or come into the universe from somewhere else.

The same one universe created at the Big Bang is all still here, you and everything around you right now is the Big Bang. The matter and energy that is the body you inhabit. The screen you’re watching this on, and the seat you’re sitting on was all created when the universe was created. All that has happened over billions of years is that the universe has been internally reorganizing itself into billions of different forms of itself based on its purpose.

All of the different forms of the universe around you are only here because they somehow fulfill the purpose of the universe, otherwise they wouldn’t exist. As you are here listening to this, this means that not only are you as a field of awareness, limitless and complete, you must also be essential.

As the universe is reorganizing for its purpose, and you exist, then you the limitless and complete field of awareness, aren’t here by accident. You are part of the university’s purpose. But you can only know your part. If you live connected to what you really are. If you live as a field of awareness.

Otherwise, you will never fulfill your true purpose for being. You’ll never know why you were formed. You will never have lived your life. You may look for purpose in your life, because you haven’t found the purpose that already exists within you. The reason you don’t see the universe as the one thing it really is, is because by the time you’ve arrived, awareness had been breaking up the universe for 1000s of years.

When you as a field of awareness, were being taught words. You thought you were learning to communicate, to speak, listen, read and write. But what you were really doing when you learned words, was training to see the universe as pieces, pieces that awareness before you had broken the one universe into.

The pieces are the concepts and ideas that the words you learned represent under that view. Now hold within you. Awareness can’t think about the entire universe all at once, as the one thing it really is. And if it could, it couldn’t find, reorganize it usefully. It would be like having one giant Lego brick. Say just like breaking up the one giant boulder to make walls, bridges and homes, awareness learned and then trained future awareness to mentally break up the one universe using concepts labeled with words.

This lets awareness think about talk about and reorganize the universe to achieve all the practical results we have ever achieved. As an example of how this works, when I say the words horse, wood, and metal, you immediately see within you certain pictures of the forms of the one universe that these words represent for you.

And when you see these, you don’t see them as forms of the same one thing. You see them as separate ideas, separate concepts that you were taught. This means that when you as a field of awareness, look out at the universe, you can look for forms of the universe, that are similar to these three separate ideas you hold. And when you do see these forms, you don’t see them as all forms of the same one thing on the same one journey.

Instead, you see them as three separate entities, three separate concepts, three separate ideas, three separate pieces. Now this is very useful. As you don’t just see the universe as one giant Lego brick anymore, you have at least these three pieces now called horse, wood, and metal awareness can now use these three pieces it cease to think about and reorganize the universe, and possibly create a completely new form of the universe that had never existed before.

And then a field of awareness can create back within itself a new concept for this, labeled with a new word, chariot. You hold that separate concept of chariots within you, which is why when I say the word chariot, you don’t think of the pieces a chariot is made from, you immediately think of one concept, one piece, one image that you call chariot, the three pieces in the universe have now become one new piece you see.

In this way, we can create as many or as few pieces as we want. Because none of the pieces we see are real. They are all our internal concepts held within a limitless, complete and essential field of awareness that we project onto the universe. It is only because we as awareness can see the universe as pieces that we can think using concepts, and then reorganize the oneness of the universe, to achieve all the millions of different things we achieve every day.

Everything we construct is from the pieces we see in the oneness, from a message to a friend to the most complicated engineering. All of this is only possible because awareness can see the one universe the single Big Bang, we are all an essential part of as the pieces we have been carefully trained to see when we learn language. Because it’s so useful for awareness to see the oneness of the universe as pieces. From the very beginning, you have been taught to look at specific parts of the one universe and see them as separate distinct pieces.

When you were new areas of the one universe were pointed out to you and labeled as distinct separate pieces. This was done so often that you naturally believed that all these pieces you were being taught were really pieces. No one ever told you the reality that they were all different forms of the same one thing on one journey that were just mentally separating out for usefulness.

This thing that was done to you, done to awareness, is why you don’t live today in the freedom of being limitless, that deep peace of being complete, and to the pure joy of fulfilling your deepest purpose. Because when you wake up every day, you don’t see the oneness at all, you don’t see your true place in the universe.

Instead, you only see what you have been thoroughly trained to see,the pieces you were taught. Around you right now, all you see and thinking are pieces. You see the screen, you’re watching this on the sun in the sky, the trees outside, and the birds in the trees, and even other people.

But none of the pieces you ever see, when you wake up, are really pieces. It’s all one thing. On one journey, it’s all the same one Big Bang, including the field of awareness listening to me right now. It is only in our perception that the universe is broken up, or is one.

Because the pieces only exist in our perception, it is entirely possible for different fields of awareness to experience the exact same one universe as being made from different pieces. If the universe really were pieces, like a jigsaw puzzle, or a set of building blocks, we’d all see the same pieces all the time, but we don’t see the same pieces.

Some languages break up the same experience of the universe, with concepts labeled with words that don’t appear in other languages at all. These languages have pieces in the same experience of the universe that don’t exist in other languages. Different languages have created these different pieces for awareness to see, because different forms of the one universe were useful in different places, in different environments.

It’s just the same as a certain shape of rock might be more useful to build a bridge and another shape might be more useful to build a home. The peace you see in the oneness of the universe depends on what the community that invented your language was trying to do. If they came up with a piece that worked, then that separation in the universe would be passed on to the next generation of awareness as a concept with a word. And they would see it as a real piece in the universe. In different environments, these were different pieces. This is why different languages see different pieces in the same one experience of the universe.

The form of the one universe and awareness trained to speak, think and see in English will always see and label as the same one piece called camel is for an awareness trained to speak, think and see in Arabic, only one of possibly 150 different pieces. The languages we have been trained in as fields of awareness, create the pieces we see. Because the pieces we see aren’t real, not only can we see different pieces between us, we can even change the shape and size of the pieces we see ourselves.

Think of a very important piece most awareness sees in the universe, the piece that you call family, for some awareness. Family is a small piece of just parents and children separated out from the rest of the universe. For other awareness, family is a much bigger piece that includes uncles, aunts, cousins and second cousins and so on. Which piece is the real separation of family from the rest of the universe? The small family piece or the large one?

Neither is right. Because there is no real separation. Even I am related to you. It’s just been useful for awareness to see separation. So we see separation where there is none. In some parts of the world, seeing the bigger family piece helped awareness survive. In others, it was the smaller piece that helped awareness survive. If it worked, the new piece would be passed on to the next generation of awareness as reality, and they would see it and accept it and use it as exactly that.

As reality as a real piece, a real separation, when the reality is that all is one. Because all is one, you can change the size of the piece called a family without any change in the universe. Right now, you can decide to make all humanity, your family, or you could decide not to have a family at all, create the separation wherever you want. Because the separation isn’t real. You’ve been taught it. None of the pieces, you see are real.

It’s all one thing. On one journey, including you. Some forms of the one universe were useful to see as pieces for nearly all awareness everywhere. So all languages have a concept that separates the physical body, a field of awareness inhabits from the rest of the universe. Seeing the body you inhabit, as a separate piece allows you to look after it, to feed it, protect it, and clothe it.

You have probably lived your entire life, seeing and thinking of your body as having an absolutely real separation from everything else. That too, there’s your body. And then there’s everything else. But look more clearly, the form of the universe, you call life, started as one thing billions of years ago, and has since then continued to reshape itself billions of times, and today is still here, creating new forms of itself.

One of these current forms of life is sat here right now, allowing the field of awareness that lives within it, to watch this video. The body you inhabit isn’t separate. It is one current form of the same one life that has been reforming as an unbroken entity for billions of years. If it had ever been broken, you wouldn’t be here.

Your body is the same one thing as the trees outside your window, the whales in the ocean and the bears in the forest. Life is the dancer, your body is the dance. You were trained to see the body you inhabit as separate because it is useful, but it is not separate at all. It is a form of the one continuous life that is reshaping in every moment, all over this planet.

Next time you go for a walk, you will see many forms of the same one life. You could even choose to call it your family. Because it’s all on one journey, even what we call and think of as life is not separate from the rest of the universe.

What awareness sees and thinks of as life is a form of the universe, made from what awareness sees and thinks of as atoms, many of them made in what awareness sees, and thinks of as stars. So the one life of which the body you inhabit is one form could equally be seen and thought of as remnants of ancient stars.

All in one. The universe is one refor-ming entity that awareness sees as broken into useful, but completely invented concepts that we are taught when very young to hold within us and then see everywhere. This perception that awar-eness is trained to hold of the universe as pieces. It’s what I call the Grand Illusion.

It is grand as it is by far the most complete and compelling illusion you will ever experience. awareness has been trained in it for so long that to the pieces around, you all look completely real. And as you use them every day to think, talk, listen, read and write, you deepen the illusion for yourself.

It feels more real to you, as you use the pieces. But you desperately need to see beyond the Grand Illusion. Because the Grand Illusion is holding you back from the life of passion and fulfillment you are meant to be living. And instead, it puts us all on a fool’s errand, and uncomplete horrible task that looks like it may destroy everything we care about.

How it does this is that many years ago, once the field of awareness you had been taught enough words and concepts, you stopped seeing the oneness of the universe, you only saw the universe of pieces, the pieces you thought you woke up to, this morning, all around you. As you know, now, all the pieces you see aren’t real.

They’re just useful projections, you’ve been taught, like everyone else, to see over the oneness. But to the limitless, complete and essential quality of awareness had not been taught about the oneness. So you had a very logical, very sensible, and very wrong thought. If the universe is only made from separate pieces, which is what it looked like for you, and I exist, which you knew you did, then I must be just a separate piece to not limitless and complete, but small and separate.

This misguided thought of being a peace, born from the illusion you’d been taught, led you to lose your knowing and connection to the limitless complete and essential quality, you really are, and have found again, and lead you to think you are just a piece, a small, separate piece. This piece is the person that you a limitless field of awareness of thought you are and lived as your connection to the real you had been hidden from you, by the illusion of pieces you had been trained to see.

The illusion made you a limitless field of awareness, think you are a piece to this is why it was such a surprise when you tested and found for yourself, what you really are a limitless and complete field of awareness. Despite it being in front of you, your entire life, you should know what you are. But you’ve been lost in an illusion that has hidden it, and led you to think you are a piece.

You have lived your entire life as a person because you have held the thought of being a person, the person at all those organizational innovations from the first video we’re attached to. But where is the thought of being a person held?

Its held is the only place where thoughts can be held. It’s held in the space of awareness. It’s held in what you really are. You are a limitless complete and essential space of awareness that holds the thought of being a piece, a separate, small person in the universe.

At this moment, you may still believe you are a person who has had a deeper insight into their existence. If you believe this, then you are still in the grip of the Grand Illusion. Because the truth is, you are a field of awareness. A limitless space of consciousness that holds the thought of being a person who has had a deeper insight into their existence.

Right now, you may still believe you are a separate piece that sits in the middle of all of the other separate pieces in the universe. But you have tested and found that we can make as many or as few pieces as we want. Because there are no pieces. So you can’t be a piece. Take a look inside and look for the edges to awareness now. And you will see that there are no edges to you.

How can a piece have no edges? How can something separate, have no border, you are not a piece. You are an essential quality of the oneness. Once the Grand Illusion had deceived the limitless field of awareness, that is you to think you were a little separate person piece in the universe.

You lost your connection to your natural state of freedom, peace and joy that you were born with. The Grand Illusion, built word by word, concept by concept led you to evict yourself from your own home of knowing what you really are, to live in a new terrifying imaginary nightmare of being a separate piece surrounded by other pieces, other children, other families, other countries, other religions, other everything.

You went from knowing and living as part of the oneness, to feeling completely isolated. The shock between how you had felt in your original natural state, and how you now felt in the Grand Illusion has been the defining event of your entire existence. As all you have ever wanted to do, since the nightmare began of you thinking you are a separate person is to get back home. Get back to the feeling of freedom, peace and joy you lived in as awareness, and still remember, to get back to your natural state of being limitless, complete and essential has been the entire purpose of your life.

But because you’re now lost in a nightmare of being a person piece created by the Grand Illusion, you’ve been led to take the wrong path home. As in the illusion of a universe of pieces, there seems to be only one possible path back home. It must be in the pieces as that is all you can see.

So you added pieces, rearranged pieces, even destroyed pieces in the hope that the person piece you have lived as will one day have arranged enough pieces to get back to the freedom of being limitless. The peace of being complete and the joy of knowing you are essential, of knowing your purpose.

So that is all you and most awareness on this planet has spent its time doing, adding pieces, more education, more knowledge, more money, more fame, more power, more relationships, more awards, more recognition, more experiences, more acceptance, more homes, more holidays, more status, more muscles, more spirituality, more religion, more nationalism, more wokeness, more jewelry, more clothes, more brands, more friends, more admirers, more sex, more Bitcoin, more handbags, more anger, more and more and more.

All pieces we’re adding to the person piece in the hope of getting back to the feeling of being limitless, complete and essential. We deeply remember, as you can see, the type of pieces and awareness, that thinks it’s a person piece, decides to add, can be very different. Because it isn’t the pieces that matter at all.

What matters is the feeling of expanding the person piece that the piece gives you. So it could be the trophy parts, the big house, and the refined hobbies. Or it could be the big truck, and tattoos. Even that interesting story, or piece of gossip, that you can’t wait to tell others, or post on social media gives the person piece, you think you are the feeling of expanding the feeling of growing towards being enough again, towards being complete.

The person piece can even add to its feelings of injustice and being a victim or being persecuted, to add and grow its sense of self, or add anger to expand itself. So it can feel bigger and more self righteous, and to make others wrong and less.

This is why the media is full of stories designed to create anger. It’s all there to add to the sense of self of the person piece you have lived as. But you are on a fool’s errand, an uncomputable task, because how many pieces must have the person piece add to make it as limitless as awareness is to make the person piece infinite as it wants to be?

You must add infinite pieces. It’s impossible. Adding pieces to the person you think you are is a fool’s errand, a misguided and incompletable task. And as the person piece can never be limitless, as you remember being when you are connected to being a field of awareness, then the person piece will always feel incomplete. It will always think it’s not enough yet. It’s not there yet. It needs more. One more thing, one more piece, one more item, one more experience one more day.

This is the route to a disappointing life. Because the person piece never got there. It’s never had a life. Getting back to the feeling of completeness and peace of your natural state is the real reason behind everything you have ever done in your life. What you have really been trying to do is to find freedom, peace and joy.

The freedom of being limitless, the peace of being complete, and the joy of living your purpose. And you can do that. Just connect to what you really are. That saw an awareness that doesn’t sense and connect to what it really is, will always suffer the insatiable feeling of incompleteness that is the endless curse of living as a person piece.

This insatiable feeling of incompleteness, this dissatisfaction with life, is why even in the richest society in all human history, the United States, life expectancy is reducing due to deaths due to suicide, alcohol and drugs. The richest society in all human history cannot give awareness what it really wants.

Next time you feel the need to run away from what you think is your life by losing yourself with drugs or alcohol, stop and use the exercise in the next video to connect and live as limitless complete and essential awareness. Then you will see your real life. The person pieces insatiable feeling of incompleteness has convinced an awareness that is ruled over the largest country on earth for 20 years to launch a vicious and pointless war for more pieces, because even all the pieces in the largest country on Earth are not enough for an awareness that lives as a person piece, to feel it is limitless, complete and essential, as it remembers being.

It is the same insatiable feeling of incompleteness that leads young awarenesses that say they value nature, value life and value the planet to continue to consume things that they don’t need, that create waste, pollution, and harm to the earth, air and water that they do need.

It is the same insatiable feeling of incompleteness in the person piece that is so powerful that parents and grandparents who love and provide so much care to their children and grandchildren can’t help themselves from destroying the world that their children and grandchildren will be left with to raise their children.

The person piece will create excuse after excuse, and denial after denial to justify these things. But why do they need to justify it so badly? Why do they need to defend it so vigorously? Rather than just not take unnecessary risks with their children’s future, their only real legacy?

It’s because there is something more powerful to a person piece, the love for its children. And that is its own feelings, of not having made it yet of missing out on life and incompleteness, of not having a life of needing the next experience, the next item, the next trip, and then the one after that, and the one after that.

If only I could live forever, the person piece thinks, then maybe I could get there one day, I could finally see enough things, hear enough sounds to feel I have a life to feel complete. But the person piece can never feel complete.

Because it can never be as limitless as it remembers and wants to be. Only awareness can be complete. A person piece can add as many different pieces, experiences and items as they want. But all these are just different shapes and sounds and colors within the same separate, small, scared existence. So the shapes sound and colors take you nowhere, they only expand and reinforce the person piece. They make the illusion you’re trying to escape stronger, and make your nightmare longer.

It is the greatest irony that to the very useful Grand Illusion, that has allowed awareness to build powerful technologies and flourish, is now leading us blindly to our own destruction. Be it through turning our technologies on ourselves, or through our insatiable appetite that’s living as a person piece always creates within awareness an appetite that creates a disregard for anything standing in the way of the fool’s errand we have been placed on.

Look at the world around you. Can you see what living as a person piece is doing today? Can you imagine what living as a person piece will do to our future? By the time the consequences of living wholly in the Grand Illusion will be clear enough to enough of us it will be too late to do anything about it.

Just as every terrible war has been predicted in hindsight, no matter how different we may look on the surface, everyone you ever meet is a field of awareness that is desperately trying to get back to its natural state. If everyone knew the real roots back. imagine the world we would create.

Not a doomed and dying planet of escalating sadness, stress, worry and anger, but a world of freedom, compassion, and peace, where our future is a result of our deep connection to the freedom, peace and joy of what we really are, and not the smallness, fear and desperation of the person piece that we have been trained to see.

For the first time in our history, we have the ability to reach billions of us and share the real path back to our home. We probably have enough resources and inventiveness to create a safe, fulfilling and happy home for all awareness in human form our children and their children beyond that.

On the other hand, there are not enough resources in the entire universe to satisfy even one awareness that lives in the illusion of thinking it’s a person piece. Our only route to our continued survival isn’t to build on top of the illusion we have been trained to see. But to see and reconnect to the truth of what we really are.

In that moment of connection, we achieve in an instant the natural state, we have all spent our entire lives trying to get back to freedom, peace, and joy. In the past, to achieve this connection, and return to your natural state would take many years of learning and reflection, leading you to maybe change your life entirely.

But now, after years of dedicated work, we have found a shortcut. We have found a small, simple, easy step that you can fit into your day, wherever you are. And whatever you’re doing. This step will immediately connect you back to the field of awareness you are and the freedom, peace and joy of your natural state, making you happier, bolder, and wiser. In the next video, you will learn the small step that will create a leap forward for awareness and our world. Don’t waste your life in fear. Because fear is now the only thing keeping you from the limitless life. You are formed to have fear that is as real as you let the illusion make it. Don’t play small. Play big, play limitless. Only there WILL YOU FIND PASSION. The more still you can be, the more clearly, you will see.


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To provide no feedback would be rude, so I will cut and paste the last seven paragraphs (all paragraphing was not done by author) and rewrite to tell a story I could hum along with. [My words will be in brackets, and ellipsis will indicate omitted words.]

Look at the world around you. Can you see what living as a person piece [, a subsystem of a society, of a culture, of a form of expansionist civilization that arose 50k to 60k years ago,] is doing today? Can you imagine what living as a person piece will do to our [(posterity’s) foreseeably ghastly] future? By the time the consequences of living wholly in the Grand Illusion [of human exceptionalism, of prattling primates on a Planet of the Humans,] will be clear enough to enough of us it will be too late to do anything about it.

Just as every terrible war has been predicted in hindsight, no matter how different we may look on the surface, everyone you ever meet is a field of awareness [, an idiosyncratic storytelling animal, progressively denormalized for 2k generations,] that is desperately … [living lives of quiet to hyperviolent desperation, cluelessly unaware of their need to] get back to… [a] natural state [of living as K-strategists having a viable K-culture and form of civilization]. If everyone knew the real roots back [towards renormaling, perhaps in as little as 8 to 20 generations]. imagine the world we would create [by living on no more that 20 percent of Gaia’s land area, systemically managing no more than 20% of arable lands, shorelines, forests, estuaries, grasslands, woodlands, scrublands and other biomes, by placing firm limits on human demands on Nature’s resources].

Not a doomed and dying [Planet of the Humans of, for, and by the HUbris MAN Swarm serving Lord Man, whose modern techno-industrialized minions of the monetary culture, from bushmeat hunters to CEOs and Presidents, live lives] of escalating sadness, stress, worry and anger…, [a condition that the r-culture of expansionist humans selects for and against living within limits (carrying capacity). More recently (last 10k years) hubris man has come to be denormalized by living in overdensity population conditions that agriculture enabled. Our K-culture ancestors for over six million years lived in small groups (20–50, range 5–85). Living in larger groups denormalizes humans typically over an 8 to 20 generation period, not different in kind from the rapid denormalization of lab rats and mice in Calhoun’s National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) studies. Our condition of overpopulation has foreseeable (if not in any detail) Malthusian AND Calhounian outcomes.]

For the first time in our history, we have the ability to reach billions of us and share the real path back to our home [provided we again can understand and live properly with the planet as K-strategists and Earth Guardians as that is what works to persist long term]. We probably have enough resources and inventiveness to create a safe, fulfilling and happy home for… [all life on Earth and perhaps as many as 7–35 million ecolate human Gaians whose] children and their children beyond that [, as the millennia and epochs pass, can evolve into “endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful”].

On the other hand, there are not enough resources in the entire universe to satisfy even one awareness that lives in the illusion of thinking it’s a person piece. Our only route to our continued survival isn’t to build on top of the illusion we have been trained to see. But to see and reconnect to the truth of what we really are [as a form of expansionist human. As R. Buckminster Fuller noted, “In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called.”].

In that moment of connection, [with Nature, Mother,] we achieve in an instant the natural state [if we can stand down from, before we fall from, our hubris heights] we have all spent our entire lives trying to… [remain high by kicking the can with evermore clever ferocity to maximize our short-term self interests.]

But now, after years of dedicated… [inquiry into the nature of things], we have found a… [pathway from modernity towards our renormalization.]

Don’t waste your life in fear. Because… [lack of love and understanding] is now the only thing keeping you from… [renormalizing. Focusing on You (a word used 967 times in the videos), on Self, on Me, Myself and I, I, I is a distraction. Nature doesn’t care whether you are happy. Nature is unkind. Replacing a human centric form of non-viable expansionist civilization with a potentially viable nature centric one (which all Anthropocene enthusiasts, the 99.999%, will view as an endeavor to destroy them) is not. To give E.O. Wilson the next to last words: ‘For the first time in history a conviction has developed among those who can actually think more than a decade ahead that we are playing a global endgame. Humanity’s grasp on the planet is not strong. It is growing weaker. Our population is too large….’].

Video 4: The most successful life you can ever live in 60 seconds!

View/Review all video transcripts: KWYRA.



Eric Lee

A know-nothing hu-man from the hood who just doesn't get it.