MHEM Updates

The Medium article “Join the Modern Human Extinction Movement (MHEM)” both announced the presence of MHEM and is the last story to be posted to the MHEM Medium Publication page

Eric Lee
MHEM: Modern Human Extinction Movement
2 min readMar 16, 2024


Posts related to modern humans, of perhaps historical interest, are on the MHEM Medium Publication page which is closed, will not change, so to check for new offerings, bookmark this page. The MHEM Facebook page is designed to be a landing page for the public. This page exists to both limit posts on the main page and contain links to post Feb. 2024 content whether on Medium or elsewhere. A website mirrors the Medium Publication, but allows for files to be hosted for sharing. For MHEM discussion apart from Facebook, there is a site. Anyone wanting to add to MHEM offerings needs to share a link for consideration.

To do your duty to declare that you are a Modern human, there are wearables to consider.

New Offerings

(in descending chronological order)

  1. UN Climate Chief: We Have ‘Two Years to Save the World’ From Climate Crisis
  2. Modern Human Extinction Is the Condition That Will Come Anyway
  3. The Bifurcation Cometh
  4. Overshoot Debt Rhymes with Extinction Debt
  5. Why We Need to Become Like Trees
  6. Are We Modern Humans Evolvable?
  7. A Species’ Got to Know Its Limitations
  8. “The Future I Want” — Srinivas Narayanan
  9. Telling the Truth About Our Future
  10. AI Solves Nuclear Fusion Puzzle for Near-Limitless Clean Energy
  11. Providing Decent Living with Minimum Energy for Modern Humans
  12. Another Scientists’ Warning: Remove the Barriers to Contraception Access, for Health of Women and the Planet
    by Jan Greguš and John Guillebaud, 2023
  13. Doing Something About Biodiversity Loss: In 50k years we’ve gone from extinction as usual to a 1000x faster loss — will we reverse the trend by 2030?

