If you've ever been alive

Amanda Bonella
2 min readSep 12, 2017


If you’ve ever been alive then you’ll get this! I have been listening recently to Louise Hay, thanks to your post Caroline MacGillivray.

She talks a lot about doing affirmations, which I’ve heard a lot about (over the many centuries I’ve been alive) but never practised. I liked her so much though that I thought hey, let’s do this! Her recommendation for newbies, like me, is to start with a simple “I approve of myself”, and I’m not going to lie, it made me a bit sad at how nice that felt.

It made me sad because it resonated. One would think after all these many years with oneself, that at the very least, one would approve. But I guess I didn’t, on the deepest level.

So I’ve been practising this for the last few days. Then today, as I was walking up the very dreamy path to my home, lined with flowers and plants and a lifetime of my sweet landlady cultivating beauty, a butterfly found me. White and sincere, she danced the path I walked, never leaving my side. Suddenly I thought, she doesn’t wonder if she’s good enough does she? She doesn’t need an affirmation to know she is worthy. It made me realize how much wasted, even harmful, time we spend thinking we are not enough.

Being told we are not enough, thinking we will never be enough, from the cradle to the grave! We carry a personal and collective burden of not being enough. I appreciated so much her white fluttery wings and the moments she spent reminding me how beautiful nature is and that I too, am nature and just as deserving of dancing through life with a knowing that I am enough. In natures eyes I am as beautiful as this pristine butterfly.


AMAZING! I feel this an important update to my butterfly story https://medium.com/@a…/have-you-ever-been-alive-517952935fe9

Turns out the most beautiful butterfly was a criminal!!! I watched as her younger ones munched away at the leaves of the beautiful flowers…LET THAT be a lesson to us all! You just never know what is possible, where once there was a monster, in striped prison black and white, eating away at the leaves of beauty, now…there is a butterfly!

