How to Stake With Amforc on Polkadot via Direct Nomination

Amforc AG
2 min readJan 24, 2023


If you're moving from an exchange to self-custody or your tokens are not locked in staking already, then we recommend joining via Nomination Pools. If you're already staking and would like to add Amforc validators to your nominations then follow this guide.

As of now you need to have more than 270 DOT to be eligible for rewards via direct nominations.

This guide assumes that the user already owns a Polkadot address, and is already staking via direct nomination. Otherwise, we recommend joining via Nomination Pools.

Let’s Nominate!

Step 1 — Visit

Visit the Actions section of polkadot.js directly by following the link below:

On your existing bond select Set nominees.

Step 2 — Set nominees

Filter for Amforc.

Click on the candidate accounts so that they appear on the right side under nominated accounts.

Click on Nominate in the bottom right corner.

Sign and Submit the transaction.

Once the green checkbox shows up, you have successfully nominated to Amforc.

