Flatiron School Final Project Day 6— rclone, React/Redux, & Rails

Amos Shin
2 min readMay 1, 2019


After hours upon hours of thinking about my issue, I came upon a revelation. I’ve been going about the issue the wrong way. In essence, I’ve been trying to defend the North by killing all the wights, when instead I should be focusing on the Night King (yes, I did just watch the third episode of GoT). I’ve been trying to upload a photo to AWS after it takes an image through Python, when I should be syncing my photos folder with AWS instead. Seems so obvious now. In order to accomplish this, I found a few resources to help me, mainly rclone. I’ve been having issues with getting it to work though. I get a failed to configure token and request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided error with AWS (it’s a token error, which means it’s my key id and secret key id. But they’re correct. Also regions are the same on my AWS with my rclone. So not entirely sure why it’s giving me an error). I’ve been searching for answers everywhere so hopefully I’ll find the answer soon enough.

In the meantime, I’ve started my backend and frontend for the web app portion of this project. It’s amazing how much I remember once I get in the groove. It was tough getting started though. I completely forgot how to even create a new React project (short term memory loss ftw!). Once I opened the project and started to code, it’s amazing how everything just came to me. It felt like a superpower actually. I’m a coding master — a guru (not really, I have no idea what I’m doing). Honestly after a week of struggling with learning a new language and interfacing with what seemed like a computer my great-grandparents would’ve used (yeah, the Pi Zero is that slow), it was extremely refreshing to code like a normal person again (honestly though, what is ‘normal’? Normalcy is a social construct).

Todo for tomorrow

Get rclone working. Once this is done, complete the Rails backend for my webapp. If all I do tomorrow is get rclone to work, I’d be a happy little sponge.

See Day 5 — Why…

See Day 7 — It’s Alive!!

