Flatiron School Final Project Day 7 — It’s Alive!!

Amos Shin
2 min readMay 1, 2019


Einstein discovered the Theory of Relativity. Ghandi paved the way for a peaceful India. Bill Gates created Microsoft. These are all great accomplishments by even greater people. On this day, I conquered AWS and published my images to their S3 server.

Oh how magnificent this feels. This marks the end of the Raspberry Pi portion of my project. Now, the web app section kicks in, and compared to what I went through dealing with Python and multiple uncooperative programs, this feels like a breeze.

Web App Structure

So in terms of my web app, the backend will have four models — Users, Posts, Comments, and Likes. A User will have many Comments, and Comments will have many Likes. Posts will also have many Comments, and Users will also have many Likes.

User -< Comments >- Post
Comments -< Likes

So that will be the basis of my backend (Ruby on Rails)

My frontend will be in React/Redux, with the major pages being Home / About, Project, Signup/Login. Each post in Project will have the option for a user to leave a comment or upvote/downvote. The home/about section will have a summary of what the project is all about.

I’ve started on the backend portion, so hopefully I can flush it out by the end of the week. By next week, I hope to be working on the frontend and styling.

Todo for tomorrow

Get at least half the backend finished. Possibly start on the frontend to see if data is persisting to the database.

See Day 6 — rclone, React/Redux, & Rails

See Day 8 — Show me the S3!!

