

4 stories

A calico cat and a white cat lying on a bed atop a green blanket.
A young woman facing out two other women in a business meeting.
Young woman with smudged mascara as if she’s been crying, holding a white card with a smile drawn on it over her mouth.

3 stories

Young woman with smudged mascara as if she’s been crying, holding a white card with a smile drawn on it over her mouth.
Young white man in a tan suit screaming into a white phone.
Shooting star over a pink sunset on a still body of water with a small human figure sitting in a boat to the lower left of the photo.

12 stories

Young woman with smudged mascara as if she’s been crying, holding a white card with a smile drawn on it over her mouth.
Young white man in a tan suit screaming into a white phone.
Two small birds sitting atop branches of a tree in winter.

2 stories

An open storybook with words lighting up and lifting off the page.